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File: 3.90 MB, 406x720, Apple-vision-pro-celebration-2024-02-03_17-32-18-Fw58eThAPmgDHlInKyOXMAEm7IbTCARcPQfcODQqScMmgS2SLJKAUvZx40SMicPGmE34AIsmGZtFCNZWE2NfT6RdUM9CXsg11HshjpKFCOjsMeksIUMeW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57497225 No.57497225 [Reply] [Original]


Fuck I've never been so hyped for this company! Tell me ONE good reason why I shouldn't buy $100,000 worth of naked out of money calls RIGHT MEOW

>> No.57497296
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Some things never change.

>> No.57497367
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fake ass shit
fake ass shit

<real life-changing joy

>> No.57497556

What is possibly different here? Why is >>57497296 >>57497225 considered cringe, but the same millennials will cream over >>57497367 ?

>> No.57497586

because you don't have 100k and if you did you wouldn't dare to buy those calls

>> No.57497654

I heard Ryan Cohen is heavily invested in Apple, what does he know? Maybe it’s the next squeeze play?

>> No.57497782
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literally Genuine v FakePRBullshit
it admittedly doesnt help much that the product is overpriced retarded trash, even on the Apple Scale

>> No.57497813

Throwing your net worth into apple calls is easy. Holding onto them longer than a few days is the hard part.

>> No.57498438

>DEI employees
holy shit the times have changed

>> No.57499615

im buying up puts on monday :D

>> No.57499778

Lighting your money on fire. So many better uses of capital right now than shorting one of the most successful companies of all time right after a successful product launch in the middle of a tech bull market.

>> No.57499788

Cuz getting FUN for the same amount will yield 10x and not 2x at best

>> No.57499796
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>> No.57499813

i was just about to buy a basic iPad, i look them up and they are still selling the same model from 2+ years ago, at the same price... da fuk?

then i looked up those M2 iPad Airs, they are the same price as 6 months ago, even though M3 exists now.

>> No.57499827

I'll never understand people who choose to bet against billions of price insensitive inflows from etfs and pension funds instead of simply looking for dips to long. Probably serial overtraders who feel the need to be in an open position at all times.

>> No.57499831
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>Tell me ONE good reason
fragile junk product

>> No.57500480

All whites.
Take me back...

>> No.57500490

All very planned btw.

>> No.57500517

not that I care but that was a throw, not a drop

>> No.57500634

>asian man in the black and white wide stripes

>> No.57501808
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Lmao what a dork

>> No.57501831
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>> No.57501918

What's the cops argument here?
>You can't wear glasses while driving
Literally just power tripping retards

>> No.57501922

Distracted driving. No peripheral vision.

>> No.57501927

nigger this is even worse than texting

>> No.57502559

Actually this is even safer. You have your whole vision plus even more helpful information.

>> No.57502587

>gme in filename
Fellow holder, RC will make us rich. If he decides to buy AAPL he can do so through RC Ventures LLC and the cash holdings of GameStop Corp.

>> No.57503330

Based cop, itoddlers BTFO

>> No.57503383

Ah another “Apple is trash” edgy faggot who is too poor to afford Apple products. Faggots like you have existed at least since 2007 when there was somewhat of an argument that using an apple offered compatibility issues.

If you’re in 2024 and not using an apple computer you’re either poor or an ultra l337 h4x0r using some 2010 thinkpad running templeOS. Odds are, you’re just a poorfag.

>> No.57503736


You can get a ticket in the more conservative states. I once was pulled over for wearing a full mask

>> No.57503985

It does strap to your body in case you still can't be careful with delicate things in adulthood

>> No.57504139

>wearing a mask
>in a car
I hope he kneeled on your faggot neck

>> No.57505455

lmfao u a fucking genius

>> No.57505573

How do you call that pattern? Behemoths on a schizo frenzy?

>> No.57506096

Anyone have the walmart meeting with everyone cheering?

>> No.57506115

someone needs to shoop him doing things
>scanning passerbys
>switch to nintendogs
>walk virtual dog
>walk complete [---]100%
>hack into mainframe
>scale up image of bodacious butt

>> No.57507728

My iPad is invaluable. I use it for almost everything. But, Apple has really fallen behind on their actual computers. Adobe got smart and now you can do anything on a nice gaming PC that you can do on Apple’s dumb computers for about 1/3 of the price. I’ve looked into that new headset and it is TRASH. The only great use for it is watching movies. The price is absurd. But the most damning quality, I think, for general normie consumers is YOU LOOK FUCKING RETARDED WEARING IT. People see the iPad pro and go “Ooooh” or they see somebody with those airpods in their ears and they go “Aaaah” but that headset looks RETARDED and people who buy them can’t show off their hot shit gear while out in public. That headset is going to bomb HARD.

>> No.57507752

I forgot to add how hopelessly USELESS the headset is if you’re trying to get work done. With a computer you type and mouse. With a pad you type, tap, etc. With the headset you wear your arms out flailing about and it takes much longer to do things. It is TRASH.

>> No.57507895
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I hate you fruitniggers

>> No.57508372
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Uhh you're going to need to be more specific, I've got like half a dozen of those

>> No.57508382
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>> No.57508592

Why are people so retarded. You can literally connect a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse to it. And just have a massive screen. It’s honestly based. Stop lying and or being retarded and not knowing the product.

>> No.57509340

I made money shorting them over New Years. They've been pretty flat and if there isn't any growth their share price is going down.
Their engineering is obviously struggling to even maintain the OSes they've released. It's not a good company and their about to start a Copeland 2.0.
Synthetic puts with OTM calls are cheaper and you can have way more flexible time horizons.

>> No.57509377

lmao pic

>> No.57509521

How is this a good thing? The base functionality of the unit, one of their primary selling points, is terrible. I don’t need a mouse for my iPad. The goggles are supposed to be largely independent (unless you want to game with a controller, or use earbuds.) A mouse requires a flat surface, i.e. sitting at a desk. When you’re lounging on your couch, or commuting, you don’t want to be fooling with a mouse. Save for the gaming demo this thing touts that you use it with eye motion or using your hands. It gets exhausting, quickly, holding your arms in the air. There’s a lot of repetitive motion as well that I cannot help but wonder screams repetitive use injuries down the road with carpal or cupital tunnel.

But again, what is going to tank this thing is how sheer fucking retarded somebody looks wearing it. People like to be “seen” with their hot new shit. These goggles are cumbersome, clunky, and play hell with your peripheral vision. Google glass did none of these things.

The handful of knuckleheads who do buy this thing are going to be moaning a few months out and the media is going to start writing “Vision Pro” injury pieces. This device is going to be a laughing stock and in ten years you’ll be seeing “Remember Vision Pro? Lol” stories likening them to lawn darts.

>> No.57509575

>how sheer fucking retarded somebody looks wearing it.
I don't mind looking retarded if I get something for it but you can't run OSX apps on it despite it being a Macintosh with extra peripherals.

>> No.57510925

That’s cool I’m glad your proud to be a retard. A lot of people laughed at the iPhone and said only retarded faggots would buy a device without a dedicated physical keyboard. This isn’t the device that everyone will have in 5-10 years but it is the one that gets the ball rolling.

Go buy some blackberry stock.

>> No.57511006


>> No.57511066

Imagine being so retarded that you can see the potential of a first gen product that already at least starts to do things people have wanted since the space age. And complaining that you can’t type 300 words a minute without a keyboard while lying down on a couch THATS NOT WHAT ITS FOR. Even in 30 years that would never happen without a neural link to think the words onto the page.


>> No.57511086

There’s no real point in continuing the argument. When Google glass came out people balked at the price. Vision Pro costs more than double. We live in a debt culture buuut the demographic that would be most interested in this have credit cards with limits of $3,000 or less. Yes there are payment plans buuut the key problem with this thing is a negative 15 on a scale of 1-10 on the coolness factor and the lack of being able to realistically parade it around in public. There is a handful of people who will buy it for gaming or home entertainment but when there’s no additional justification to purchase it as useful for productivity that limits even that demographic. You’ll see it tank and know that I was right.

>> No.57511131

I agree there’s no point arguing with a retarded zoomer. The iPhone was almost much more expensive then most flip phones. Tons of analysts said even if it caught on with blackberry business power users it wasn’t the kind of thing everyone would have due to price.

You are retard and about as blind as a bat. The video I posted isn’t even remotely similar to Google Glasses which couldn’t even do one of the functions shown there. Google Glass

>> No.57511188

Was a early early concept for what is shaping up today. Literally more then 10 years early and the tech wasn’t ready. Microsoft made an iPhone like prototype device about 10 years before the iPhone as well.

Something Vision Pro ish will be the future of mobile computing it’s not question the only question is how long until it reaches critical mass.

Will they replace iPhones entirely and have a SIM card inside? Probably eventually but for now will be tethered.

Will the eventually replace a weaker MacBook like the air? Probably eventually but not for closer to 10 years.

There is no reason to own other devices once this technology moves forward.

The price will go down and iPhone Pros already cost $2000 off payment plans. Some cost almost $3000 leaf bucks and people still buy them. They will get Vision V3 down to that price point I’m sure and get everyone on payment plans.

The use cases as more applications are developed will be endless. Everything a phone or computer can do plus more AR applications. I just linked you a video that showed several niche but helpful AR applications that exist right now in the gen 1 version of this concept.

>> No.57513136

I agree that the concept is a glimpse into the future, and a step towards it. But this is like coming out with the first commercially-available flying car, it costs $600,000, it’s a Weinermobile with a propeller on top, and you have to constantly pedal to make it fly. Is it a flying car? Sure. But you wouldn’t want to be caught dead with one.

>> No.57513190

You’re not getting it and that’s fine. You can be left behind. I’m not going to beg you to make money. This isn’t the proof of concept that’s what you don’t understand. Google Glass maybe was. This is it. The product is here. It will continue to be refined over the next 10-15 years with more people jumping on board with each revision it will get smaller lighter cheaper and do more things until we arrive in 15 years to the point were the majority (more then 50% at least) of people own this or a product by competitor with similar functions ie Samsung, Microsoft, Google etc. This is it. The product is here. This is the 2007 iPhone moment. Buy shares or get left behind but stop being retarded.

>> No.57513333

>30 years
How about 3 years ago. This was available in 2020 now it’s dank for the price of a small car.

>> No.57513515

I'm losing faith in america

>> No.57513567

ipod had a form factor reduction of 3x to 5x compared to other music players and was cheap enough that every high school kid could get one

iphone gave the power of a computer at someones fingertips at a fraction of the cost

this is the complete opposite of what made apple what it is today

>> No.57513709

So the price of an actually useful setup is closer to $5k and not at all portable (avp + mbp.)
And all you get is a big screen. At that price you can buy a serious threadripper machine and ten high quality monitors.

>> No.57513792

Watch some videos idiot.

As it continues to evolve gets lighter more comfortable to wear slimmer and with more upgrades it will be able to replace plenty of other items thereby lowering the cost to you. It can replace a large tv in your home already. I’m assuming in the future if your whole family is wearing one staring at the wall you can sync up the windows so everyone is looking at the same things around the home.



>> No.57513847

Honestly I could see this being nice on airplanes where you could watch shows or movies on a "big screen" or do work without the passenger next to you peeking at what you're doing.

>> No.57513888

>As it continues to evolve
Go fuck yourself. They said the same thing about the iPhone for the past 15 years and it's still a shitty toy. I'm not falling for that again. If they wanted it to do that they would include terminal.app on day one and iterate on the GUI. They did not because they do not want that.

>> No.57513916
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Nigga you can't even right click. Hahahaha. Your mouse is just one big button. You gonna get carpal tunnel because your shit is shaped like a ufo.

>> No.57513936

Hahaha “smart phones are a shitty toy” even if you do believe that personally the entire planet disagrees with you dumbass. The entire internet changed after the release of the smartphone. Entire new industries worth billions or trillions of dollars rose from the ether due to the smartphone. Billions of new people using the internet because of the smartphone. Need I reminder you were ARE ON BIZ a BOARD which is for DISCUSSING if businesses are worth INVESTING in or not.

Why the fuck would your personal (and retarded) opinion that the biggest revolution in computing since the computer (the smartphone) is a toy matter at all? Your opinions are worthless dog shit business wise.

>> No.57514028

>The entire internet changed after the release of the smartphone
For the worse.
>DISCUSSING if businesses are worth INVESTING in or not.
The facepod is the cybertruck of apple. Both will be the top signals we look at when rembering the great tech bubble crash. I'd buy both and time capsule them if I could. Yeara from now they'll be icons of failure for these two giants and highly sought after collectors items.

>> No.57515335

Fuck, I laughed

>> No.57515357

>the entire planet disagrees with you
Everyone else is starting to catch on too.
Also yeah the entire internet got fucked up. We had IM figured out and Apple managed to singlehandedly destroy it.

>> No.57515388

I'm gonna be honest, this actually looks pretty cool.

>> No.57515443
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It's all becoming real. Eventually this tech is just going to be embedded into our eyes and everything will be seamless