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57493392 No.57493392 [Reply] [Original]

Wagecucking is such a miserable existence

Monday Thru Friday
>Wake up and shower/get dressed
>Go to work
>Eat migrowavable frozen goyslop for lunch at the office because I don’t have the energy to meal prep or make a sandwich
>drive home
>cook dinner
>check shitcoin prices
>go to sleep

I don’t get to do all my laundry until Friday nights or sometimes Saturdays. Saturdays are usually for finally relaxing then Sundays is for cleaning and errands. I make time for the gym maybe 2-3 times a week

>> No.57493398

Okay then sell all your belongings and move to Africa to work in a lithium mine then.

Fucking zoomers like yourself have no idea how good you have it.

If you were born 100 years ago you had to fight in not one but two fucking world wars.

>> No.57493399

Make big dinners that give you nice leftovers for lunch

>> No.57493408

>t. Boomer who cruised through life at the absolute apex of western easy mode

>> No.57493419

Boomers did all that because they had motivation. They had countries to care about and virgin 18 year old brides. I have neither

>> No.57493505

hang in there brother, use every spare moment to meditate/reflect/act on creating meaning in your life however you can

don't let the flame die out

>> No.57493531

Keep going anon, most people are in the same boat as you. This ride eventually ends for everyone.

>> No.57493823

at least you're not on weekends too

>> No.57493854

Just as companies strive to continue growing and increasing profits, the individual should strive to making a better world for everyone and not simply accept their lot in life or the current system.

>> No.57494464

good luck getting that to happen en masse

>> No.57494681

Fucking hate waging, even now i can't really enjoy the weekend because Monday is right around the corner.

>> No.57494717

based hopium slinger

>> No.57494729

>Work 6 months in McDonalds
>Save all the Money
>Sit 6 months on beach in Philipines and breed local beauties

Your problem is want to try hard to achieve something in the West when West is dead. If you don't have 8/9 19 old gf sucking your dick it's pointless goyexistence so why try hard ? All your hard work will make more taxes for pejeets and niggers

>> No.57494741
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I'm an unemployable millionaire. Mom keeps telling me to get a job, I say nope.

>> No.57494908
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>Wagecucking is such a miserable existence
It's literally the curse of original sin.

>> No.57494970

At least they had wives back then which makes it better alone.
>noooo ((((dont complain)))) about your slavery, look there are somewhere people in "worse slavery" (they are not they have wifes and children)

>> No.57495014

if you have gf/wife/kids and/or Bitcoins its okay.

>> No.57495040

>muh pussy

>> No.57495050

Workout some and stop fapping every day

>> No.57495074
File: 51 KB, 1004x1235, IMG_20231212_213809_381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shutup you faggot nigger boomer

>> No.57495084

this is what happens when you listen to women

>> No.57495097

as long as there is some money to be saved I cope with some uncertain future where I can spend it on travel, business, family...
But right now waging I don't even find the time for consooooming anything else than the daily necessities

>> No.57495131
File: 1.78 MB, 2208x2736, Schizo Graveyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww you smelling good for shekelstein?

>> No.57495143

Neetdom is worse unless you spend too much being a rentcuck.

>> No.57495226

Releasing everyday makes anxiety/depression worse, so try reducing to 1-2 a week instead of everyday. Nofap is bs, but it has hormonal benefits to do it less.

>> No.57495239

Yes it's horrible, but the alternative is being broke and sponging off your family who will hate you for it.

>> No.57495262

Why don't you have a wife, anon? Maybe the problem is you.

>> No.57496776

Actually most service members only fought in one war. It was very rare to get veterans from one war to fight in another war. WW2 vets in Korean War was a special case as they didn’t know it would escalate even then the numbers absolutely dwarf in comparison to WW2 mobilization numbers.

TLDR; kill yourself you fucking boomer fuck

>> No.57496844

This. You don't need much money to make it in the Philippines. I already have 4 babies with 4 different Filipino women, each on a different island.

Whenever I fly back to flip land I set my tinder and online dating profile as "bareback with creampie ONLY", and message anybody who matches with me "Let me cum inside of you". It takes like 30 minutes of swiping to find a fuckable date for that night.

Flip women are the sluttiest, most cum addicted, willing single mothers on the planet earth. They live to be bred, and the opportunity to have a white baby fucked into them is like a dream come true.

I get them into the bed, make them come, and get them to agree to bear my child before I nut inside of them. I have never had any of them ever get mad at me for coming inside, since that is the entire premise of our hookup. That they will walk away with a creampie from a white man.

You may not believe me, and you definitely won't believe this next part: I have even had several woman promise to meet me on the days they are ovulating, with their fertility cycle schedule all planned out and everything. Because they WANT to get pregnant by a white foreigner. I have even had an older white guy with a filipino wife message me and ask me to breed her, since he had a vasectomy and she was pestering him for a child. I did it.

The Philippines is a shithole, but for a white man who wants to COLONIZE brown asian cunt, it is the holy land and paradise.

>> No.57497217

Kill yourself troll

>> No.57497387

Nice pasta

>> No.57498471

make sure to have kids to pass on the suffering! thanks for playing!

>> No.57498516

>he thinks having a wife will improve his life rather than make him want to commit suicide from years of nagging