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57487293 No.57487293 [Reply] [Original]

It's fucking over isn't it... I couldn't even last to 35

>> No.57487308

hair should be the last of your worries when you have money as it can be easily fixed with a nice transplant in Turkey
unironically take care of your libido it drops like dead flies after 30

>> No.57487373

how the fuck do i do that?

t. 25 year old coomer. i EXIST to coom. if i lost the ability to coom i would spiral into fucking depression.

>> No.57487405

If you love something let it go

>> No.57487428

Your libido does not just magically drop, you have to have outside forces impact it. I’m 31 and I’m just as horny as when I was 21. This is FUD. This whole thread is

>> No.57487430

its hard to let something that's been so integral to my life go.

>> No.57487441

Lift weights.

>> No.57487449

It's not too late to start microneedling

>> No.57487458

feel like a lot of the "libido dropping" is just cause women your age get ugly and gross

>> No.57487478

just get on finasteride. i was a neet who caught my receding hairline too late because i never groomed myself or looked in the mirror but it stopped once i got on fin. my balls ached like a mf for about a month when i first started taking it tho

>> No.57487483

>unironically take care of your libido it drops like dead flies after 30
absolute bullshit.
I'm 38 and I have the test levels of a teenager


>> No.57487502

why does it suck? i dream of being Master Roshi levels of horny when i'm an old fuck. looking at girls asses who are young enough to be my grand daughters. they think i'm a creepy old perverted freak, and it just makes my wrinkly old dick even harder.

>> No.57487503

“Your age”? What’re you fucking 15? You’re making us sound old af. Some older women are hot (see cougars/milfs) but you should always be going younger if we’re talking strictly sexual pursuits

>> No.57487512

What’s the point of that if they never willingly give it up to you though?

>> No.57487554

I don't intend on ever losing my virginity anyway, so i don't expect them to give it up. as long as i can perv on them without getting in trouble (i.e, complementing their appearance, gazing, and even financially backing them in exchange for letting me squeeze their tits and ass a couple of times)

the hunt is more exciting than getting the goods itself. if they just threw themselves at me, it wouldn't make me as hard.

>> No.57487562

Because I spend time chasing women when I could be doing stuff that's way more useful.

>> No.57487584

True, but chasing women is fun, and one of the few things that'll make you feel young. the fact that you're 38 and have teen levels of labido is admirable.

>> No.57487602
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>True, but chasing women is fun
For a normie extrovert like you maybe. As an introvert I hate everything about the chase and courting process. There is nothing fun or exciting about it for me.

>> No.57487657

i'm an introvert, though. i look for shy quiet girls like myself. if they sound bitchy, then obviously that's a turn off. stop chasing bitches.

>> No.57487938

First of all, is this entire post satire?
Second of all
>even financially backing them in exchange
I was with you until this. Sex is about sexuality. Money destroys sexuality. Reducing lust and horniness to a transaction is a no-no. Stop giving women money. Money is evil enough as it is, now you simps want to destroy sexuality too? We live in hell.

>> No.57487957

The chase is fun sometimes, but other times, or I should say pretty much most of the time, women are insufferable, terrible people who don’t make for good conversation let alone good people, and the tunnel vision on grabbing tits and ass doesn’t help that. I absolutely feel for the 38yo anon

>> No.57488237

you don't have to give them money directly. just buy them drinks, take them out to dinner, or take them to that concert/convention they've always wanted to go to, but didn't have the money. now you're treating yourself, and just bringing them along.
People in general can be insufferable, but there are sweet kind hearted girls out there. i've met my fair share. they were so damn sweet i felt bad for wanting to perv on them. I've had girls buy ME shit, and i didn't even know how to feel about that.

>> No.57488291

>stop eating dead animal products and processed shit
>hair immediately begins growing back


>> No.57488558

What the fuck is a webcam?
Also, Sildenafil.

>> No.57488618

Dead animal products? You mean meat? Because I’ve seen vegans, and they are not what I’d call healthy looking, let alone have full heads of hair

>> No.57488638

>just buy them drinks, take them out to dinner, or take them to that concert/convention they've always wanted to go to, but didn't have the money. now you're treating yourself, and just bringing them along.
Absolute cuck. Women shouldn’t be “tricked” into dating/sleeping with you by gifts and offerings. You should make them want you with either looks, charisma, personality, intelligence, or any combination thereof. Ideally you should not be spending a single cent on a woman until you’ve been seeing them exclusively for a long time and you want to get them something like a birthday gift

>> No.57488673

Use toppik dumbass
Simple as

>> No.57488759

I don't want a girlfriend. so, if they actually "wanted" me romantically, that'd be a problem. id actually have to commit to them, and the fucking around would have to stop.

also, you say you shouldn't "trick" women, but Charisma/Intelligence is commonly used to trick people anyway. are you taking a moral stance on this or do you just have a problem with money being thrown into the equation? either way, it sounds like she's going to be tricked. especially when she finds out i don't want to commit to her and she just poured her heart out to me and let me squeeze her boobies for nothing.

>> No.57488867

I've always looked way better on Webcam than I do in person. Irl I'm fat and balding. On Webcam, I look much more muscular and my hair looks more filled in. I'm afraid to meet people from other teams irl because of it

>> No.57488933

Just gotta rub your urine on your head to stimulate follicles for hair re-growth. Not only that but rubbing your urine into your hair releases pheromones where chicks will subconsciously want your small cock.

>> No.57488940

I never said anything about bitchy, projecting much? Also you're not an introvert.

>> No.57489042

>you're not an introvert.
You say that online, until you actually meet me in person and realize how dead silent it would be if you didn't carry the conversation.

>> No.57489203

I’m 42 and dating/talking to 4-5 chicks 19-25. All but one are babes and she’s a 6. And one is a super adorable blond hippie chick. Just went on a cross country trip about a month ago with one. Gave me road head and as we were passing a trucker I stayed level with him until he noticed and got the blowhorn honk from him.

I’m not a Chad either… I’m 5’8 but still look 23

>> No.57489233

>meanwhile, back in reality...


>> No.57489266

That guy is GAY, not eating meat turns you HOMO

>> No.57489602
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25 here, started to go bald and white hair at 23. went balls deep and just shaved it all off. granted i let go im chubby and i waste my time on videogames (blocklords fucking slaps) AND i wear a beanie almost all the time nowadays but i still feel happier than being constantly uncomfortable over my hair. embrace the baldie calling op stop being a femboy.

>> No.57489794

i'm 38 and i coom more today than i used to when i was 25
people ruin their health with shit life habits then complain when their libido goes down. it's not so much old age killing their desire, as it was youth hiding the effect of their retarded lifestyle

>> No.57489941

How do you meet them?

>> No.57490006

>wears hat the entire time to hide his vegan norwood

>> No.57490425

I only have a problem with money being thrown into the equation because money is fake and gay and needs to go

>> No.57490453

Why are you on this board, commie?

>> No.57490464


>coping intensifies

>> No.57490468

Yes but our vulnerable chudfriends fall for it unfortunately.

>> No.57490961

That's bullshit, I'm turning 38 this year and I still get morning wood. I even got a spontaneous boner in public a few days ago when I saw a leggy young woman in a short skirt and stripper heels.

>> No.57491016
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>That's bullshit, I'm turning 38 this year and I still get morning wood. I even got a spontaneous boner in public a few days ago when I saw a leggy young woman in a short skirt and stripper heels.

>> No.57491177

Dont wait till the last minute. You can save yourself if you put money into it. Or accept your balding genes

>> No.57491208

>unironically take care of your libido it drops like dead flies after 30
Only if you're 20 years deep in to a lifelong porn addiction.

>> No.57491640

All fields

>> No.57491695

How are you going to post that picture, call him a femboy, AND tell him to embrace being bald like you are some Chad when you are the guy who wears a beanie everywhere? I’m honestly curious where you get off thinking you are in a position to act like that.

>> No.57491718

Shave it.
It's time.

>> No.57491735

>libido dropping

You’re probably fat or have a shit diet. If you stay healthy, eat well and take a few core supplements daily, you should be getting boners on the daily. If you can’t get hard just by remembering you past sexual experiences you’re low test and an NPC

>> No.57492055

he really let himself go

>> No.57492090

I wish my libido would magically drop. My dick has been nothing but trouble my whole life.

>> No.57492111

I’m your age and am not too far off from looking like prince Charles

>> No.57492116

is that the pedo or the n word lover

>> No.57492123

I'm 34 and cum like twice a day, though it's getting harder and harder
t. furfag

>> No.57492247

You mean nigger lover? Why don't you just say nigger, nigger?

>> No.57492488

Neither id be happy with either of their hairs

>n word lover

>> No.57493658

he won't

>> No.57494261


>> No.57494797

when i was 28 i noticed receding thinning. i experimented with liposomal topical dutasteride and minox. then i quit that as its horrible trash chemicals. I heard about massages helping, there's anecdotal proofs around the internet but it needs some digging. now I do 5 minutes of head massage in the evening. not even every day and it has halted my hairloss and even new thick hairs are popping up. i also added microneedling, these seem to sprout new hairs and then the massaging makes no hair fall out anymore.

sometimes i even skip 4 days. but at th start of the massage you have to do extra. after your scalp environment is changed because of massage and microneedling you can slow down the massages.

>> No.57494805

forgot to say i did chemical experimenting for a year or two. then quit then didn't do anything for a year and now i've been doing massage + microneedling (it has to bleed) for about two years and my hair is better then 3 years ago.

i do about one microneedling session per month. you have to wait some weeks for the healing to occur. the microneedling actually builds new bloodvessels and sends nootrients and repair agents to the regeon, these new blood vessels and repair agents then make dormant hair follicles produce hair again. a hair follicle never actually "dies" it juss stops producing hair. it goes to sleep. you can awaken it, even years after becoming completely bald.

t. researched a lot for almost a year. did chemical experiments even.

>> No.57494810

T. better hair at now 34 then at 30.

>> No.57494931

You guys suck
I'm 38, still have all my nice long hair. Starting to turn grey. Married, have a son, have had much sex with many girls through my younger life. I feel good

>> No.57494954

> have a son
actually is something in the list of things you mentioned.
> sex with many girls
is pointless if you aren't making a baby sir.

>> No.57496222

What? What’re you autistic? Sometimes sex is just sex. Actualy, for most people around the world, most of the time, sex is just sex. There’s a such thing as contraceptives. Stop being a moralfag/christcuck/whatever

>> No.57496361

Get on finasteride. It works. I've been using fin for the past 3 years and it stopped the balding, no side effects either surprisingly.

>> No.57496369

Just pay for a transplant

The only reason people are so insecure over going bald is that every prominent media figure of the last 20 years has had a hair transplant and makes regular guys feel like they're genetically lacking or something.

>> No.57496515

Men go bald you fucking retard. You sound like a little kid who is terrified of his first boner.

>> No.57497125


>> No.57497203

isn't that messing with your sex drive

>> No.57497261

hasn't had an effect on my sex drive, still as horny as I ever was. hasn't effected my boner strength either

>> No.57497274

Having the money to avoid living outside of a trailer park is what makes a man

>> No.57497360

My hairline started receding when I was 25.

I just shaved it and grew a goatee.

>> No.57497371
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>be 130 years old
>dab on balding zoomers

>> No.57497381
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>My hairline started receding when I was 25.

>I just shaved it and grew a goatee

>> No.57497423

> unironically take care of your libido it drops like dead flies after 30
how, bro? I'm not in the mood to chase women ever since I turned 30 anymore. Waste of time, and I'm not horny enough which is concerning, I used to think of sex 5 times a day. How to fix, saar?

>> No.57497428

35 here. No libido drop and I don’t really exercise or eat well. This is bait.

>> No.57497430

youre just the evil version of the real you

>> No.57497440

Not the bald with a beard

>> No.57497459
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Based and futurama pilled

>> No.57498372

>literally a former alcoholic and chain smoker
>drug abuse since the age of 15
>hairline still as perfect as it was when I was 13

I'm really thankful for this. Literally every single one of the dudes/friends my age are already bald or have been for years. The only thing I have is a few white hairs here and there, but that's nothing really.

>> No.57498740

go to the gym, get a buzz cut, wear nice hats