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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57483851 No.57483851 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57483866

Capitalism has proven to not work whereas countries that incorporate Socialism have the highest quality of life on earth

>> No.57483887
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It's just Redditors. Ignore them. They feed on anger like Khorne.

>> No.57483907

Last cancer patient i witnessed without functioning legs was left sleeping in a wheelchair because there where not enough beds in my wholesome socialized yuropoor country. I already saw a lot of success from our superior socialist system.

>> No.57484042
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first post worst post.

kys atheist loser

>> No.57484084

There is no contradiction. Marxism assumes self interest. A Marxist can aquire money and has no obligation to give it to anyone. It is not a moral philosophy but a material one. It is in my interest to vote for Trump on the expectation my taxes will be lower. Appeals to hypocrisy are not valid arguments and are logical fallacies.
Self refuting meme.

>> No.57484100
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Read a fucking book, retard.

>> No.57484110
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They're ITT

>> No.57484135

how's 9th grade?

Idiot detected. He said communist, not marxist (huge midwit filter btw. Anybody unironically marxist is either in high school or just delusional with no life experience and compensating for being a piece of shit). Also, what the fuck are you smoking?
>i'm a marxist/communist but i don't want to give away my privately-owned wealth
So you admit your system is fucking stupid and isn't in people's best interests. fucking retard. read actual philosophy (i.e., not the jew marx)

>> No.57484138


guess your healtcare plan is god

>> No.57484145
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there are cunnies too

>> No.57484285

I almost forgot marxist and coherence is like water and oil. I hope your friends execute you at sight.

>> No.57484319

not a communist but not a lover of crapitalism either, but this is the system I live in, so I want money so I dont have to work until I die. sinple really.

>> No.57484426

Name one country that exists outside of the capitalist system

>> No.57484469

nice bait disgusting fat retard

>don't wanna work

so what? you think you should live at the expense of others? we ain't your lack-of-testosterone father to pay all your expenses while you are browsing beoble all day like a fucking loser

>> No.57484949

I dont care retard, go back to r.eddit

I do work, because I want money. acting hard on 4chan doesn't make you high T, more likely the opposite. little boy

>> No.57484965

>look inside
>social democracy
fuck you, revisionist.

>> No.57485234

Yes, I need to privatize your funds so it becomes ours.
For a brighter future comrade!

>> No.57485249
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There is no equality. Why should entrepreneurs, innovators, investors floruish in your dogshit socialistic crap of economy? Land of possibilities is not for everyone.
I think that countries with them will be always ahead of everyone else, while yuropoors would get behind but caring about people.
That is why yuropoors are constantly behind USA as well as chinks.
Assraping taxes and regulations has its effects.

>> No.57485264

I'm a commie when I don't have money and the most free market capitalist on market when I do

simple as