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File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, 107158742-16697775801669777578-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57482624 No.57482624 [Reply] [Original]

Get fucked, Linkies. And just remember, you deserve it for shitting up the board for 5 years straight when even Dogcoin performed better than your shitcoin.

>> No.57482657
File: 2.68 MB, 320x240, 5675674745745754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just buy more and shit up the board even more

>> No.57482677
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>> No.57482688

Absolutely beyond belief based and shitting up the board pilled.

>> No.57483094
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, 1000002291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting up the board
>meanwhile the board looks like pic related every single day
fudcucks project

>> No.57483130

This is pretty much implying that king shitcoin will no longer gain any value until Link does

>> No.57483318
File: 113 KB, 775x849, 1706853360125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is pretty funny
>xrp pumps 100% in a day : like 10 threads
>link pumps 10%: 50 link threads are made and every bagholder is euphoric already picking out their lambos colors

My conclusion is that Linkies perform so bad most of the time that they become euphoric over every tiny pump, meanwhile the average shitcoin degens dont even blink an eye at a 10% pump, they're used to pumping +500% in an hour

>> No.57483369

Anything in the top 15 that pumps 15% in a day is a pretty big deal. For link though I can’t remember it happening except a handful of times. The sad part is that everyone knows it will always be short lived. A no brainer to short btc and link right now

>> No.57483402
File: 148 KB, 365x332, 1703170138778886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck was the last time XRP did a +100% daily??

>> No.57483434

During the SEC news when they were fighting in court about whether or not it's a security

>> No.57483489

tbf I agree with you about the Link posting, piece of shit coin pumps 10% in a day and they all start pissing their pants. Sad, really.

>> No.57483555

just look how fat this fucker is

>> No.57483757

You'd be too if your stack wasn't 3 figures worth of crypto, you stupid third worlder kek

>> No.57483804

gotta love when the fuddies out themselves as poor. imagine having such a small portfolio that a 10% increase doesn't feel amazing.

>> No.57483881

3200 LINK holder here, this pump does nothing to me
desu I probably won't feel a thing until we hit 100k sats, regardless of fiat prices
so yeah, speak for yourself next time

>> No.57483904

>3200 LINK holder here, this pump does nothing to me
no shit why would it I get that amount a year from staking lmao

>> No.57484041

you get 3200 LINK per year from a 4.32% apy and a staking limit of 10k?
sure thing buddy
and here I thought that 3 suicide stacks would be enough
silly me

>> No.57484050

>staking limit of 10k?
alright you're just trolling I get it

>> No.57484066

if anyone is trolling here that's you
>3200 LINK per year from staking rewards

>> No.57484092

>3200/0.0432 =~ 75k LINK or about 5 full staking wallets

Kek 3rd world subhumans, really

>> No.57484387

My lambo is going to be dark blue

>> No.57485219

XRP and LINK are old school. AZERO, TRIAS, INJ and QANX are the new lambos.

>> No.57485242

Someones jealous that their coconut didn't come with a lime.

>> No.57486415

If the market takes another massive dip, I can still bag XTP and BAT at the discounted price. It's a juicy opportunity for me.

>> No.57486431

Fucking surreal I have 16k LINk and it just wild seeing people here bragging about 3k stacks…

>> No.57486456

imagine locking up $1.32 million in order to earn $50k per year
the absolute state of greedy shitcoiners

>> No.57486510

ESLs. IP hopping and ID switching. Watch 95 more IDs be added as they desperately shill their jeet shitcoin kek

>> No.57486617

I'd love to be there to witness the look on your face once you finally have the epiphany that you were wrong all this time.

>> No.57486677

No Linkers are FUCKED. Every leg up I play a guitar solo. Eat my shit Fuddies

>> No.57486788

And here they come

>> No.57486821

hello paypig subsidizer, enjoy my 1pbtid, you are so right it's all just a big conspiarcy!

>> No.57486833

I was here when bitcoin was free. Suck it up

>> No.57486866


Hey jeet fudders guess what?

I'm up a quarter million mother fucking dollars in the past day and a half.

>> No.57486937
File: 901 KB, 650x861, sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 7.30am somewhere in california
> an alarm goes off in a messy room
> a morbidly obese russian looking man rolls around in bed letting off a thunderous fart
> he checks his phone, turns off the alarm and scrolls his notifications
> he has a price alert, LINK is at $17
> he suddenly sits up, huge rolls of flab layer under his sagging man boos. his massive weight causing the entire bed frame to groan and shake
> he quickly pulls a disgusting food stained macbook up from the floor where it lies next to discarded mcdonalds food packaging
> he opens up binance, goes to link/usdt market sell tab, sets 250m link and hits sell
> he lets out another huge fart and rolls back into bed

>> No.57486977

>you deserve it for shitting up the board for 5 years straight when even Dogcoin performed better than your shitcoin.

if you bought dogecoin exactly 5 years ago and link exactly 5 years ago you would get about a 42x with dogecoin and about a 49x with chainlink. AND link has way more use cases and a higher potential value (imo dogecoin is currently overvalued and link is currently undervalued)

so you can count this as 1x BTFO fuddie. hopefully you neck yourself in front of a link chart when the singularity happens.

>> No.57487120

Unfathomably keyed

>> No.57487166

I wish, I started buying in 2017 and I still don't have enough

>> No.57487179

kek, so do I my delusional bagholding friend

>> No.57487221

HwBEN back with his quick ID switching. IP switching and server matching quickly evading IP bans like a boss. What new and exciting adventures will the esl do next? Stay tuned and find out kek

>> No.57487235

if you got bitcoin when it was free you wouldn’t be posting here kek
esl BTFO’d once again

>> No.57487256

>HwBEN back with his quick ID switching
lmao actually I am the Hwben from back in the days, are you the schizo who thought I was id hopping?