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57477231 No.57477231 [Reply] [Original]

why didnt twitter stop working after 71% of its employees were fired?

>> No.57477252

You know why.

>> No.57477554

i dont

>> No.57477580

Elon fired the HR roasties and other make work email jobs. Look for the picture of him with the staff right after he took over, it was entirely devs. And since they're no longer publicly traded they don't have to do diversity hires either.

>> No.57477648

yes but 71%


>> No.57477659

Women are the unapologetically lowest form of unaccountability you can find. She’s seething because she likes him and he was proper and said what his intentions are. He wasn’t rude and sounds like someone who is chill to hang out with. Now she gets to blame it on racism rather than accept that he isn’t interested in the first place. And for some reason it makes her seethe even more that he seems genuine and very easy to talk to.

If a man made a TikTok like that everyone would clown on him and call him a pussy. No doubt “Wah Wah Wah why can’t I get pusssyyyyy?”

>> No.57477686

Yes. All of them were useless.

>> No.57477692

Its just a website that consist of a handful pages.
Just need some people to get advertisers and some data center wagies.

>> No.57477704

imagine a world where women had mostly stayed out of the workplace and america had never passed the immigration act of 1965. just imagine.

>> No.57477709

Cope. He assumed she'd like an Indian man. Very autistic and low key racist way of saying, "you're not my type, sorry". I miss the days when men were upfront and honest about their feelings and intentions.

>> No.57477718

>Hey, I have an Indian friend who'd I'd love to set you up with!
Ignoring the aneurysm the jeet who wrote this had, yikes.

>> No.57477758
File: 300 KB, 1024x1024, zLx7RMsC3Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an indian friend i would love to set you up with he's got an eight inch cock and a huge brain

>> No.57477799

women are not needed outside of baby making

>> No.57477813

You could extrapolate that percentage out to any large company and you'd get the same result.

>> No.57477839

america would be 90% white and people would have big families

>> No.57477840

they could've probably done way more but wanted redundancy still
.t one of the productive tech wagies
DEI so bad you have no idea
we need free money to go away instantly but it cant or our system would implode, which it already is

>> No.57477938

>we need free money to go away instantly but it cant or our system would implode,

>> No.57477970


>> No.57478009

Kek remember when everyone said that twitter would fail because of the lay-offs and it's working exactly as before.

>> No.57478039

>why didnt twitter stop working after 71% of its employees were fired?
It practically did. Constantly broke down and were buggy for months afterwards and still not back to baseline reliability. Invaded by spam. Mostly irrelevant garbage on my feed now. RIP Twitter, I weep for the loss.

>> No.57478080

Pareto principle

>> No.57478083

It did stop working. It wasn't really working well before they got fired, but that sealed the deal.

oh, you think twitter's job was to provide a free online platform to millions of people? You poor tard. They wanted to make money, and firing most of the staff got them further from that goal, not closer.

>> No.57478107

go back faggot

>> No.57478129

>I weep for the loss.
kys redditfag

>> No.57478130


it literally works fine now retards

>> No.57478147

>it literally works fine now retards
so does 4chan
neither one makes money

>> No.57478165
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, yA9H0QFogP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're absolutely right i have a huge cock

>> No.57478172

irrelevant to the question of the thread.

>> No.57478206

the question was retarded

those employees weren't primarily keeping the site technically functional. Most of them were employed trying to make the site profitable and failing.

the purpose of the site isn't just to exist for the user's pleasure, it is to make money. And it's even more broken than it was before in that regard.

>> No.57478356

Because those entitled code monkeys weren’t needed

>> No.57478454

>those employees weren't primarily keeping the site technically functional.
why the hell would you need 71% of the company doing this for a simple website.

> And it's even more broken than it was before in that regard.

no its not you fucking retard. you clearly dont even use the site

>> No.57478475

I wouldn't say that. It's still far worse than it was before Musk. But I guess it doesn't literally break every other day anymore.

>> No.57478526

If she wasn’t his type he wouldn’t have swiped right. Unless he’s actually autistic and swipes right on every girl in existence. Why is it racist to think Indians only fuck Indians? It’s usually their culture to only marry those inside their race

>> No.57478702

>If she wasn’t his type he wouldn’t have swiped right.
he swiped right to hook up his indian bro retard

>> No.57478759
File: 118 KB, 220x220, cat-scared.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can't stop because of colonialism and racism.

>> No.57478771

I can smell this post.

>> No.57478929

you're sexist and racist. be better

>> No.57479370

>has an Indian friend
>interacts with Indian women

>> No.57479412

Haha come on man I'm here to gamble money not remember the hellscape

>> No.57479950

They had a literal elevator woman. Cmon man this was just bloat.

>> No.57479981

Law of Pareto
20% of the people produce 80% of the value.
He could have fired 9% more but may had difficulty to identify those remaining percents and didn't want to fire the useful 20% in them.

This also means 80% of the people are parasites to the remaining 20%...

>> No.57479993

what the fuck do we even do here. When's my paychecl from 4chan coming?

>> No.57480042
File: 30 KB, 705x582, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it literally works fine now retards
Yeah it's working great!

Users up 5%
Revenue DOWN 23%

They're literally making less money.
The very definition of working worse than before.

Whether the UI is operational or not is a very short-sighted understanding of whether Twitter is "working."
Twitter exists to make money. If it's not making money, it's not working.
If it's making less money, it's not working as well as before.

>> No.57480063

Tech companies were all bloated with redundant employees and ESG diversity hires.

They used cheap money to growth instead of focusing on making money. They overhired and overpaid as a consequence of systemic demand for employees.

most of the jobs were just daycare for adults.

There is no reason for a 15 year old website like twitter to have 7k employees just like there is no reason for videogame studios to have 3k employees working on the same game for 7 years.

What we are seeing now is companies waking up to the realization that most of their employees are useless and they can exist with a fraction of them and make more money.

>> No.57480124

man that white dude is bro, he is thinking of hooking up his indian freind.
This dumb pajeeta is ass mad at not getting what she wanted. Honestly back before the interent days, freinds used to set up each other all the time, and it wasn't as cutthroat as nowadays.
I fucking hate zoomie fake nice/wholesome facade that these fagg0ts have. Even progressive fucks are openly racist and discriminatory against everyone, except for their pet negros.

>> No.57480159

It's impossible to convince 4chan users that they're bad for business. Despite them getting banned from profitable sites, they can't fathom the idea that society doesn't want their money if it means hearing their opinions.