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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57477074 No.57477074 [Reply] [Original]

How do I turn 200k into 8 million?

>> No.57477116

Impossible in One race.

>> No.57477197

You won't do it. But I'll still tell you. Bonk 100K and WIF 100K. You'll probably over shoot to 20 million

>> No.57477208

shitcoins and leverage
just dont marry your bags anon
>t. in a low six to eight to high six figure unhappy marriage with bags

>> No.57477211
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ps i have a huge cock

>> No.57477225

why do you think bonk and wif are good picks?

>> No.57477239

they both pumped so much already, wouldn't it be risky to buy in now?

>> No.57477260


Anon needs your exit liquidity

>> No.57477284

make 7.8 million.

>> No.57477308
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Post more comfy room aesthetics

>> No.57477322

by putting it all on solana when btc drops to 32-34k

>> No.57477321

How do you live in that tiny cuckbox?

>> No.57477336

>so.y wars

>> No.57477348

you don't. crypto is too late for high liquidity returns unless you're already wealthy enough to spray and pray.

>> No.57477357

>no nature
>big souless diverse city
>Liberal controlled
>shit gun laws
>no animals
>no privacy outside your tiny box
>get mugged by niggers outside
>Everything 3x as expensive
>high taxes
>filled with entitled trust fund roasties who want to be social media influencers riding the cock carousel

You couldn't pay me to live in that concrete jungle

>> No.57477368
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>> No.57477387
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bruh ur so right crypto is literally dead just look at sol it's down like 25% or something crazy

>> No.57477393

No way this works. Would need to go in much lower sol memes

>> No.57477402

based anon, keep your morals and values no matter how much this shitty world knocks you down

>> No.57477408

when do you think that will be?

>> No.57477430
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lmao bro imagine even buying sol its going down all the time that coin is dead for real i don't know why people even want to buy it any more its like a scam or something the devs don't even care about it i would rather put my money in something better like doge

>> No.57477437

>posts pic of a fucking souless nightmare.
no wonder you're still a virgin.

>> No.57477441

sol is good, just unlikely to do more than 5x imo

>> No.57477521

You should consider putting at least 5 figures of that into KNS on Arbitrum. The fundamentals are insane. Looking at 50x this cycle. Nice lil dip at the moment too anon

>> No.57477969

Extremely comfy. Let me guess - you need "more"?

>> No.57478013

So comfy. I hope I'll own this kind of room before my 30, but for that my parents would have to die, so probably not gonna happen.
I would add some dumbbells and pullup bar and it would be a literal heaven for me

>> No.57478077

in around a month

>> No.57478114

are you buying anything else on the sol ecosystem? like bonk, wif, myro, silly etc?

>> No.57478145

this looks like a dorm room
a comfy dorm room
but still a dorm room
putting computer and tv side by side seems off. There's better ways to arrange it.

>> No.57478394

>Guys be living like this and see no issue

>> No.57478414

>see no issue
Because there is none.

>> No.57478459

Go back to /pol/, chud.

>> No.57478561

Rooms for the living dead.

>> No.57478586

Build a $200k blowjob machine and charge 8million guys $1 to use it

>> No.57478602
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>> No.57478656

>I said to her, "Jeez you got a big pussy. Jeez you got a big pussy."
>She said, "Why did you say that twice?" I said, "I didn't."
See, 'cuz of the echo.

>> No.57478665

A simple x40. buy a shitcoin and hodl

>> No.57478678

do you npcs ever get tired of being so fuckin miserable and afraid of everything all the time?

>> No.57478739


>> No.57478791

lmao at these seething urbanites
Better get back to that HUSTLE and BUSTLE before you're due back at Mr. Shecklesteins office

>> No.57478896

let me guess, this lifestyle is not good enough? you want more? you are missing meaning in your life?

>> No.57478912

>T. Guy who bought shib at 20 billion

>> No.57479348

Shitty, cheap furniture
Shit decor, shit color
Shitty, cheap furniture
Shit, tasteless cheap art, shit color

>> No.57479380
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>Impossible in One race
>Literally possible with jew peter
you people don't know how to crypto

>> No.57479411

I'm sure you love the crime rates and dystopian setting but I don't. Eat shit and die, faggot.

>> No.57479502



>> No.57479523

That's a huge pocket pussy. That dude must have a giant cock

>> No.57479530

Not with that much money; except its money you're willing to loose. Will take my chances with low caps of solid platforms and better if you can catch them on presale

>> No.57480027

Sell cocaine, worked for the CIA.

>> No.57480040

wait about 40 years

>> No.57480044

you have the taste of a normie so you will probably make it if you just go with your gut and buy whatever

>> No.57480047


>> No.57480108

Open a mine in Afghanistan. You either lose it all, die, or get filthy rich.

>> No.57480277

Do you know of any presales ongoing? Not memes now, longterm holds.

>> No.57480468

I haven't really paid attention to presales in recent times because of previous repeated bad experiences but I'm hearing one of the startups under Alliance block, NuklaiData will have their TGE in a couple of weeks. The seed round was sold out in a matter of seconds; gives you an idea of how much attention it has gathered already.

>> No.57480529
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>big city
Death to city dwellers

>> No.57480816

You don't even sound confident saying this. I bet only you and your faggot dog hold bags of this token.

>> No.57480827



>> No.57480883

This sounds really new. How long has it been in the works?

>> No.57480897
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Add piss disposal and dumb waiter and I will invest

>> No.57480924

multiply by 40

>> No.57480973

Around Q4 last year. That's how far back I can trace rumours and publications about it. The platform isn't even live yet; just a beta version on Avalanche atm

>> No.57481667
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>> No.57481701


There is a reason it's cock blocked on this site.

>> No.57482665


>> No.57483049

Not sure about high-risk meme coins, but low-cap altcoins like DUA from Brillion could be promising for better gains during the bullrun. Their V1 smart wallet with banking integration is already live, with more features in the pipeline.

>> No.57483758

hi incel!

>> No.57483788

Another obvious scam. Buying QANX and TIA will be the easiest way to bag huge profit with QR and Modular blockchain gradually making waves.

>> No.57483830

you are in the exact right place to learn how to do the inverse

>> No.57483863
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>> No.57484016

>I live in the Parisian Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor.

>> No.57484919

Buy Supra at TGE and hodl till next BTC ath

>> No.57484989

KNS and HOKK classic unironically. One for fundamentals one for memes. You can't go wrong with these two. But have to wait eoy
HOKK was shiba rival and they are reviving it. It got 800m mcap before. They build new website and everything and whales seems to be holding not dumping anything.
KNS is backed by serious devs. They will register the company and get on cex soon. You don't wanna miss that. DYOR

>> No.57485007

you don't

>> No.57485012

I've made most of my bucks with launches. Great ROI if you pick the right ones.
NAI in 2 weeks. No need to thank

>> No.57485023

It looks very cozy though. Whats the problem?
I am assuming there is an equally good bathroom and kitchen as well as some place for storage
Only issue is that the bed is too tiny to have a girl in there too

>> No.57485060

zoomers can't even photoshop anymore

>> No.57485194
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The currency of Tau.net

>> No.57485704

Hope that's not your place anon because you just doxxed yourself if it is

>> No.57485746

I know that building and street outside your window,

>> No.57485932

How by 2029? Chainlink?

>> No.57486223

Grab a low cap gem—XTP at the current price. It's set for an easy x20 when the bullrun hits, and the upcoming US launch for Tap is major news.

>> No.57486276


>> No.57486323

comfy as fuck living space desu

>> No.57487185


>> No.57487289
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If PEAQ launches this Q1, keep an eye out. Can't guarantee your 200k will skyrocket to 8 million, but the potential is there. DePIN is the next big thing.

>> No.57487737

Wait for options trading to go live on $IBIT. Put $200k into at-the-money calls going out to September 2025. Sell them in June 2025.

Easy money.

>> No.57487782

Invest the 200k in condoms and let 1 million niggers enjoy your bussy for 10USD each.

>> No.57487809

>Muh hustle and bustle city
>Muh $2500 apartment pod
>Muh generic wall art
>Muh ikea furniture
>Muh generic sci-fi computer backgrounds
>Muh Appfel products
>Muh cosy wosy blanky
>Muh funko pop collection

Lol, lmao.