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57474967 No.57474967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>i'm a digital nomad in SOUTHEAST ASIA
>i'm da based /biz/ alpha

>> No.57474984
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>> No.57475013
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Sounds indeed like something a jew would say.

>> No.57475030

>The natives grind shit into my food and laugh but I think they were totally cool with me coming here

>> No.57475070
File: 33 KB, 357x498, pepe-apu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to live abroad because they have cool trains and lower taxes
>everyone thinks its because I want to fuck ladyboys

>> No.57475081

All in in flexbot or you a fag


>> No.57475088
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>want to live abroad because I want to fuck ladyboys
>everyone thinks its because they have cool trains and lower taxes

>> No.57475096
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sad life we live

>captcha TAX8

>> No.57475097

based anons living their best life

>> No.57475120

Good for you not sure why you are blogging here tho...

>> No.57475127

I live in vietnam and honestly its fucking based. Ive been here for 5 years. the downside though is that most single guys are weird incel types, manchildren, creeps, or losers. You can just tell the sexpats by looking at their faces. Very few well adjusted normal people. Ive made one friend who isnt vietnamese in 5 years because I just cant relate to anyone. Im asian though and dont understand why white people move to asian countries, I chose vietnam because I wanted to blend in with the locals and not stand out like a sore thumb.

>> No.57475150
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I love chudposting so much bros

>> No.57475154

>I live in vietnam and honestly its fucking based.
>Im asian though and dont understand why white people move to asian countries
so youre saying it sucks

>> No.57475160

Yeah that's the worry with Southeast Asia. Basically you have two options in asia as an expat:
>low-cost developing city where every white person is a sexpat
>high-energy le city of the future that are wildly expensive and just as developed (if not more so) as the first world and a 1 bedroom flat costs $8500 usd/mo

There's going to be a TON of alpha in finding the next city in the world that will become that singapore/hk/dubai/etc. Not sure where that will be but whomever invests there will be very wealthy in a few decades.

>> No.57475173


>> No.57475188

Living the dream, bro. How much do you spend per month? Do you think $1.5 million is enough for a 31 yo to retire in SE Asia?

>> No.57475196

depends on where and your lifestyle.
1.5m would get you a 200sqft flat on the outskirts of hong kong but could get you a mansion in penang

>> No.57475212
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>in reality wants to fuck ladybois on cool trains

>> No.57475217
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15m is a ton of money in sea you can get a really nice place in a big city like bangkok or singapore for 300k-400k you can get a mansion in a place like penang for even cheaper the real question is how much you want to spend on housing and how much you want to spend on hookers with 15m you can either have a shitload of hookers or live in a really nice apartment

>> No.57475222

As someone who lives and does business in SEA, I genuinely believe Malaysia is leading the pack amongst the developing countries (not counting Singapore). Doing business in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, or the Philippines is an absolute nightmare. 3 out of 4 of them don't speak English, and Filipinos are terrible when it comes to cheap skilled labor. Malaysia is the ideal place for this. English is widely spoken, they are highly educated (by asian standards), and they have great laws for foreigners doing business there. This is why most businesses operate out of Singapore or Malaysia in the region. Specifically KL and Penang are the two fastest growing areas. Also to top it off, foreigners can actually own land in Malaysia and it has comparable (and sometimes cheaper) prices then Thailand or Vietnam.

>> No.57475234
File: 1.75 MB, 1024x1024, LtXMUDsbig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 million dollars you will be rolling in hookers in singapore my guy you know i'm a digital nomad too right that's why they call me shilli shillington chief ai shiller over at ncm we know how to live life to the fullest 15m is definitely enough man i've done it my only question is why you wanna spend so much on housing you should have a shitload of hookers instead it's like you don't get the concept of happiness bro

>> No.57475305

what's the website to find escorts in the region? how much they charge?

>> No.57475312

Tinder. Price depends on your skin color.

>> No.57475313

>singapore for 300k-400k
Not if you're retiring. Deals that low only exist for resale HDBs, and you'll need to be PR (and married to a PR or SC) to qualify for that kind of deal.

Go check Propertyguru and try to find a 1 bed condo for under 1m. Also landed property is off-limits unless you're SC.

Very easy to find a deal like that, just know the QOL is much lower. I'd much rather be in a KL or Penang personally

>> No.57475342

I look like this and say this

>> No.57475344

>I genuinely believe Malaysia is leading the pack amongst the developing countries (not counting Singapore).
Completely agree. Much more civilized, the english is better, foreigners can buy landed property (rare in SEA). Permanent Residency is pretty easy with MM2H. Local wages are still quite low despite having a pretty well-educated local workforce.

It seems like what SG was like 30-40 years ago. You can still find DISGUSTING slums within spitting distance of KLCC, but I kind of see that as an opportunity. Means there is still a long way to appreciate, whereas a place like Singapore or HK may have hit their ceiling.