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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 1200x739, 1699978039618265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57465288 No.57465288 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>57452554

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.57465295

I warned you about Chris

>> No.57465327
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>> No.57465343

I made a wish for New Year's Eve. For Larsen, Garlinghouse, and Schwartz to go to jail.

>> No.57465351

Remember that you fell for the fake news. It was someones major account which got hacked not the ripple itself.

Always check the facts which these adhd zoomers spread!

>> No.57465362
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>> No.57465406

Imagine being so uncomfortable with your holdings that you literally have to cope like that. Xrp offers nothing of value.

>> No.57465415
File: 203 KB, 1766x1348, Screenshot_20240201_005055_TabTrader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was this green spike related to the "hack" and the ripple bots kicked into ludicrous speed to dump the price back to normal because it wasn't one of their own 100 million dumps?

This is sus AF. Also explore the possibilities beyond a hack as Larson claims...

1) Larson tried to market dump a metric fuckton and it set off alarm bells

2) Ripple market dumping 100 million all in a single YEET because they gotta make payroll and can't do the normal OTC

3) push for some regulations

4) Founders pay a fine

Options pls lads..

>> No.57465418

Just heard that Chris Larsen showed up to the foodbank in his porsche because of the hack

>> No.57465430






I'm starting to think that bots have XRP fair value pegged to be some fixed ratio to BTC or ETH or something like that.

>> No.57465440
File: 2 KB, 148x47, 623457652735276234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right in your face

>> No.57465549

that WAS the bottom bros.. charts indicate up only and AMM literally 2 weeks

>> No.57465563

Your boss didn't reply to your email with the new fud did he.
Maybe call him this time.
Thanks mate keep up the excellent work.

>> No.57465660

>bagholders FUDDING

I hold the GigaChadFolio©®™
>physical silver
Elohim cultists HATE HIM!

And to the rest of you.


>> No.57465698

>physical silver
XRP is my biggest holding.
Gold and Silver are are equal second with a few other coins.
Fuck all monero but I mine it with a few extra cores that I have.

>> No.57465707

I see lots of XRP bagholder regret. New ATH incoming?

>> No.57465721

He stopped at the foodbank before he had to return the Porsche to the dealership

>> No.57465741

Great job champ, you're very good at this. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.57465750

Do you understand now?
That is "luck."
They lose.
We win.
It's over.
We're just going through the motions now.
Credit where credit is due.
Or evil
Nothing more
Nothing less


All glory belongs to God.


>> No.57465876
File: 10 KB, 882x162, uytyrhyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so zoomer that you won't remember when you could had 100,000 XRP for 280$
you were playing minecraft afer school while real men bought XRP back in 2014-

go buy anus meme coins fucking newfag.

one of the best performer in the top 10 since 2014-

>> No.57465935

Lmao this guy is gonna be the designated
Dab on the retards XRP rapper
In 432hz he says, no less

Hinman got deposed
This was all a show
They want you out fo sho
Now they been exposed
On your last day, going out the door


SEC getting paid in ether
BTC hella slow, do some research
I don't wanna be your crypto teacher


>> No.57465943

I understand enough that I know I'm on the right track, I'm just sitting back comfy until it happens.

>> No.57466023
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>Xrp offers nothing of value.
XRP offers fast payments and super low fees. I work with coders from Russia, and I can't pay them using a credit card anymore, so I pay them in crypto. They were shocked when they received their money in seconds with almost nonexistent fees because they're used to BTC or ETH.

>> No.57466034

Based and even, redpilled.

>> No.57466079

>AMM is going live
>X about to announce XRP integration
>"oh no a big le hacking!!!!"
this psyop has no effect on me

>> No.57466147

It's just luck bro, you got lucky, its the banksters coin, you're with the WEF, you weren't lucky you're evil! OK maybe you're not evil, OK maybe BTC and ETH aren't the "save humanity from the elohim cultists" coin. OK maybe XRP isn't the le ebil bankster coin

OK, you weren't lucky.
Lead us please.

You got it.
Now we'll never lose.


>> No.57466258
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>kek everything pumping but this shitcoin is dumping
You will never make it bagholding this globohomo shitcoin. I remember the losers here who wanted to buy their parents a home with their "gains" a few years ago. Your boomer goys are dying while kikes are making trillions every day. Fucking losers I hope you die a painful death for shilling this dumb globohomo shitcoin for all these years.

>> No.57466331
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another 1 billion in escrow gets unlocked tomorrow...

>> No.57466629

>validators leaving XRPL
>Navin Gupta leaving ripple
>Chris Larsen wallets "hacked"
we're getting close

>> No.57466639

Close to fucking 0 arrrgggg

>> No.57466808

100 threads without mentioning Chris once and then put out nowhere in the last thread he's mentioned , ASTROSURFED EVEN, and BOOM hacked? What the fuck?

>> No.57466817

and then PUFF out of nowhere in the last thread* FUCK what am I even saying now

>> No.57466860

Is this troo?

>> No.57466910

read the thread, retard

>> No.57467437

Guys there are rumors someone at xrp got hacked

Be careful

>> No.57467596
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>> No.57467634

Damage control

Price is dumping

>> No.57467670
File: 171 KB, 1434x1258, bithomphackerz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Activated by Ripple

>> No.57467760

So activated and managed are the same thing?

>> No.57467785

There was no hack

It is escrow dump

Fuck newfags

>> No.57467888

activated just means which wallet sent the first transaction that covered the reserve

>> No.57467933

I know, I'm just chatting to the bot because I'm bored.
Also checked

>> No.57468054

>ripple dumps hundreds of millions in December
>literally record levels of dumping
>nobody says nothing except butthurt holders (me)
>wallets get hacked
>both Larsen and Brad step in to damage control
>iT iS eScRoW dUmP nEwFaGs

>> No.57468095

Inside job, as usual.

>> No.57468214
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>> No.57468275

Hey Ripple, get your shit together. Quit fucking around in your multi million dollar mansions and Porches.

>> No.57468434

Is it true? Ripple got hacked??

Fud or what? Wtf are they doing? Shake out or is it literally over this time?

>> No.57468474

Thread Theme:


>> No.57468580

Not to alarm anyone but its $0.5089 right now

>> No.57468591

>Fomc was a nothingburger

>> No.57468802

No rate cuts until April, that was the summary of the whole FOMC

>> No.57468828

That's just a mislabel by Bithomp. The correct label is Chris Larsen, not Ripple.

>> No.57469035

Tax season is a good timing for such occurrences.

>> No.57469410

Guys guys guys!!!! This is le final shake out !!! (There's a shake out every month for the past 4 years) were so close guys guys guys!!!! I'm finna be heckin richhharoooooo we gonna be kaaangsss n shiiieeet

>> No.57469412

at least my grid bots are eating good today

>> No.57469490

Maybe we were never meant to make it :(

>> No.57469575

do you really think that chris larsen would be so retarded to misplace his private keys?

get ready because they have activated the final shake out protocol, the SEC lawsuit fud will look like nothing compared to what is coming.

believe what you want.

>> No.57469589

We're going to 0 anyhow

I'll probably ride it to zero anyways, but let's be honest, there's little hope left for XRP

>> No.57469715

When I packed my XX,XXX bag of XRP back in 2020, I knew one of two outcomes would occur: either I would never have to work again within a decade or I would still be in the same position I am now. The cost was about 5 grand. It's still worth it to me, but I must admit that it is getting more and more difficult to shrug off the latter. Still, I'm not selling until $5+ and even then only about 10% of my stack.

>> No.57469878
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, 1696156020219787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this.

>> No.57469902

XRPL devs that are anti-ripple did the hacking in retaliation for AMM and clawback passing

>> No.57470176

I don't, that's pure cope and a narrative made out of nowhere. Think about it, the "shake out" propaganda was made here and here only and being spread by paid posters, literally sage and forget about this shit thread. Just like 589. hurdur but that's the stock CON and nostra damus optimus vostra prime hurdur.

>> No.57470231

>paid posters
literal retard
paid posters a meme

>> No.57470416

either XRP's a scam designed for 0,001% of the population or it's a great investment for those who are early

>> No.57470578

In the midst of darkness the light of GOD shines brightest
During difficult times we must reflect on the lives of the saints, brothers

>> No.57470592

ya the people who got in early (pre17) and caught the ath pump def made a great investment

>> No.57470595

Just 2 more weeks until we get AMM bros

>> No.57470621
File: 267 KB, 2556x1179, IMG_0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello schizo frens.
Frenly reminder that this is a good price to buy XRP at.
XRP price is below the 200 EMA on the weekly timeframe and XRP price is trending up on the 20/50/100 W EMA.
Meaning, you will have a higher chance of making money in the long run.

>> No.57470701

If the thief already tried to offramp the XRP via Centralized KYC exchanges then his Identity should be known.

>> No.57470713
File: 40 KB, 570x570, IMG_4257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on…

>> No.57471257

Today's attack on Chris Larsen's XPR stash should demonstrate that any further non-compliance with the demands of people running the show will end with total loss on part of Brad Gralinghouse and David Schwartz.
WEF and DAVOS will be irrelevant within a decade, and the ones pushing for CBDC and the world order it serves will be sidelined in favor of a new global arrangement.
If those two strike a settlement deal in the near future, they can still salvage something out of the mess they put themselves into.

>> No.57471311

I appreciate your sequential digits
now check'em

>> No.57471328

Chris's main wallet rGhR13XyM43WdDaSMznHd5rZ4cJatybvEg

This is not an exchange wallet, it was a cold storage wallet. Any exchange wallet will have a destination tag associated with it and this wallet does not. Any wallet without a destination tag signifies that its a cold storage wallet.

>> No.57471400

destination tags are only for transactions. wallets don't have a destination tag
now I DEMAND you check my digits at ONCE

>> No.57471411

do iiitttttt

>> No.57471418

Every single exchange wallet has a destination tag linked to it. Yes you have to use destination tags to make a transaction. Because you are telling the destination of that transaction going to the exchange.

Your basically sending into the exchanges wallet address and your money is tied into the destination tag.

>> No.57471428

Shut the fuck up you arrogant condescending asshole.
Imagine trying to shit on someone for not being born at an earlier date, so they could have bought xrp sooner.
As if anyone has control over when they are born.
Who gives a flying shit if xrp is one of the best performers since 2014.
That only matters if you actually bought it back then.
If you're one of the very few that bought back in 2014, good for you.
But its completely unrealistic of you to shit on everyone that bought after then.
In summary, go fuck yourself.

>> No.57471430

Look for example if you send XRP to uphold right now you are sending it to the exchanges wallet address. And its tied to your account with the destination tag. Same thing Vice Versa. When you take XRP out of uphold it comes from the Exchanges wallet.

You do not have your own address at the Exchange. You have a destination tag.

>> No.57471435

yes faggot but the destination tag doesn't belong to the wallet
you can have a cold storage wallet accept destination tags, and send to destination tags
you are doing everything except CHECKING THESE DIGITS

>> No.57471447

Every single person who sends XRP to uphold sends it to the same exact wallet address. The only difference is the destination tag. Unique wallet addresses do not exist in exchanges for your crypto.

>> No.57471464

>you can have a cold storage wallet accept destination tags
You clearly dont know what your talking about.

No cold storage wallet has a destination tag. Only exchanges do.

>> No.57471501

>Unique wallet addresses do not exist in exchanges for your crypto.
bitcoin doesn't have destination tags. tell me, how do you transfer your bitcoin to an exchange? do they give you a unique address to deposit to?

dear god are you a bot programmed to annoy people?
for the last time, wallets don't have destination tags, transactions do.

>> No.57471502 [DELETED] 

Hey guys
So, um… I hate niggers :)

>> No.57471510

Bitcoin self custody wallet dont have destination tags. But ever exchange wallet does dummy.

If you send bitcoin to an exchange without a destination tag you lose it.

>> No.57471533

Send some bitcoin to an exchange address right now without a destination tag and watch what happens dumbass.

You need the Destination tag to make it go to your account. Otherwise it goes right into the exchanges main wallet.

>> No.57471548
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I am not being paid to post this

>> No.57471557

send xrp with a destination tag to a cold wallet and watch what happens
it goes to the same exact place, the destination tag just tells the exchange "associate the xrp with this specific account", it doesnt create a seperate wallet with an independant balance in it
it's like you have a bucket full of rocks, but you paint the rocks to tell who they belong to
the rocks are still all in the same bucket

>> No.57471566
File: 529 KB, 900x900, 1684850488612576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will check those digits

>> No.57471567

Even Sauce Walka?

>> No.57471593

Even XRP holders

>> No.57471612

A Cold Wallet is not an exchange, if you send with a destination tag its not used. The funds just go to the wallet address.

>> No.57471627

If you send crypto to an exchange without a destination tag your crypto is mixed in with all the rest of the exchanges crypto and they wont know its yours.

>> No.57471640
File: 787 KB, 794x789, vallesan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exchange has to give you a new btc deposit address before you can send funds
they generate thousands of a new addresses each day

>The funds just go to the wallet address.
they ALWAYS go to the wallet address, it's just that the exchange uses the destination tag to credit your account (just as you pointed out)
but cold storage has nothing to do with destination addresses

and I will check yours
but don't forget about this one >>57471400 or this one >>57471411 ;)

>> No.57471714

>exchange has to give you a new btc deposit address before you can send funds
>they generate thousands of a new addresses each day

Wrong again, they use one wallet and they identify your funds with destination tags.

>> No.57471727

You can always Identify Self Custody wallets because they dont use destination tags when funds are sent to them.

>> No.57471782

I sold.

>> No.57471930

There is no difference between an xrpl account for cold storage and one for an exchange
they use the exact same mechanisms

>> No.57471946

Ok go send your XRP to an exchange without a destination tag if you believe that. HAHAHA

>> No.57471964

Are you pretending to be retarded?
If I out unpainted rocks in the community bucket no one will know they're my rocks
This doesn't change anything about the nature of the bucket itself

>> No.57471967

So many of you fools are gonna screw yourself when you try to sell. You dont understand the most basic fundamentals.

>> No.57471978

Yea the Exchange does use the same wallet mechanisms for their wallet, but not for the other layers of the exchange for your wallet.

>> No.57471982

it's a bot farming replies, just ignore

>> No.57471986


>> No.57472337

Fuck this shit.

>> No.57472349

>too low to feel good
>not low enough to want to buy more
demoralization status: unwavering

>> No.57472644

So Larsen is going to be getting back “a significant amount” of what was stolen
This was staged
Alllllll part of the show, boys….alllll part of the show

>> No.57472782
File: 203 KB, 841x732, media_GFD3w_pbEAAzcK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep buying and never sell. the elite like jed want you out of this extremely valuable asset.

>> No.57472791

Shit up baggie faggot with you constant crying

>> No.57472799

>waaahhhhh they’re dumping on us
>doesn’t sell
>waaahhhhh rich guy has nice house
>keeps holding his bags
kys cuck

>> No.57472819
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>> No.57472823

>n-no you

>> No.57472833

>wwaaaahhhhhhhh the eeeeessssscrrroooowwwww

>> No.57472834
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>> No.57473040

>"ill buy my parents a home"
>dream diary entries about homesteading
>trust the plan unironic q anon posting
>muh court case
>muh clarity
the xsg poorfag zoo is the most entertaining part of this shithole at least

>> No.57473104


>> No.57473107


>> No.57473124

So one of the ex ripple workers got his account hacked?

This must be fud, is it fake?

>> No.57473133


>> No.57473163

If I had fiat I would buy but i already bought everything

>> No.57473173

>url ends with AU (Gold value?)
>February 14
>Exactly 14 days


>> No.57473237
File: 335 KB, 3148x1797, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the bottom? (NFA, DYOR, Investing in cryptocurrency can be extremely risky, always consult with a financial expert before making any investment decisions. Your money can lose it's value!)

>> No.57473247

What do you mean?

>> No.57473276

Does price only move up from here? Or go lower

>> No.57473278

I was referring to your other post

>> No.57473283
File: 13 KB, 548x431, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one

>> No.57473287

Not my problem

>> No.57473288

But it is mine now, please tell me

>> No.57473289

>all glory belongs to God
>Elohim cultists hate him
whatever did you mean by this, that is Same God in both
furthermore why would your own flock / congregation hate you?

>> No.57473290

I was referring to your other post

>> No.57473300


>> No.57473332

i cant believe people thought larsens wallet was muh hackors broooo

>> No.57473334

Neeewwww cake pleaseeeee

>> No.57473337

God, as in the creator God.
Elohim in the bible = not that
Now look at all the old civilizations
They all have some stuff about advanced tech
Surely, this is NOT aliens, surely
Surely, also, the warnings of cyclical
Cataclysmic events from these old civilizations
Means nothing, of course, there definitely isn't
A timer on our world and we can totally sure
That we aren't being basically farmer by aliens
Yup, no, all wrong
Christ is king
The earth is flat
Aliens aren't real
And nukes don't exist

>> No.57473340

>Christ is king
You can neither prove or disprove god, so discussions is useless (Look up being agnostic)

>The earth is flat

Honestly what do you gain by posting this over and over?

Is it just shitposting?

>Aliens aren't real
Statistically very improbable

>> No.57473345

not all usage of the word elohim are to the plural definition; context is required

>> No.57473379

That was all sarcastic....
Jesus =/= God
Absolutely the highest tier of dunning kruger midwit normalfag reddit retard here
Your brain is actually fried probably
Fried from psyops on the web
You're getting all your wires crossed lol
My condolences anon
It's terminal
I'm sorry
No, I'm tired of arguing. Denounce the Talmud/Torah now and wish death upon those who have betrayed humanity.

Also, dgaf, goodbye, have shit to do.

>> No.57473392

I remember an anon in XSG saying that xrp would never again be under $0.50 a few weeks ago.
And once we're above $0.50, they'll make the exact same prediction.
That's the advantage of an anonymous image board, you can make predictions that turn out to be wrong, and then just keep making new predictions.
No one knows it was you, so you're credibility never gets tarnished.

>> No.57473412

>The absolute sperg that thinks the most simple of facts are conspiracy theories that is constantly losing his shit every single day for the past weeks is telling others their brain is fried


>> No.57473432

I just love XRP, the easiest short ever as the devs are on your side. A veritable money printer.

>> No.57473435

This is probably the last time you can ever buy XRP at $0.49

>> No.57473465

what in the fuck am i reading?
nobody is arguing here you dumb pleb, we're establishing a basis of facts; the context of the useage of the word elohim varies depending on context, go look up the strongs concordance of the word if you don't believe me


>> No.57473485
File: 62 KB, 868x754, GFGbmYJWoAAKmdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just withdrew another 2000 XRP from exchange to hardware wallet.

>> No.57473497

Barrqn is not feeling himself lately, but im not longer gonna take his side. He should get the medical help he needs, im worried about him but I will not let him harm others in his path.

Based, this is probably the last time you see XRP at $0.49

>> No.57473509

That's why 1000 of them were freshly bought.

>> No.57473533

I will no longer accept people spreading dangerous misinformation or are posting weird conspiracy theories.

It can literally be proven the earth isn't flat.

And nukes aren't real? I'm sure the people in Japan would agree with you on that.... NOT!

And regarding aliens.... due to the vastness of our universe, the chances that we are alone are extremely small. Practicly impossible. Look up "kurzgesagt" on youtube, he has alot of videos about this subject. Or just look into "The Fermi Paradox".

As of religion... well discussing with people that blindly follow a 2000 year old book is kindof a lost cause, so i'm not even gonna try that.

I think this is just a /pol/ raid, they always spread dangerous misinformation, denying the holocaust, denying the effectiveness about vaccinations.

They are so edgy and anti establishment! Science is fake!!!! We are so contrarian!!!

It's just tiresome. Grow up you guys.

>> No.57473563
File: 2.17 MB, 368x640, 1577701346151.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think this is just a /pol/ raid, they always spread dangerous misinformation, denying the holocaust, denying the effectiveness about vaccinations.
ngl, you had me in the first half.

>> No.57473564

Its still just mentlly unstable spammy typing to himself jumping IP's get help man this is not healthy just rotting away infront of the computer talking to yourself all day seriously get help

>> No.57473574

>If you aren't a total fucking retard like me you must be baiting hahaha right guys?!?!?! Am I cool and edgy like the rest of 4chan xDDD

so boring

I only use 1 id in this thread

>> No.57473598
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>lacks comprehension skills
not surprised

>> No.57473608

Just get some new material or fuck off to your containment board

>> No.57473620

This is it, im selling this and buying PBUTT Token

>> No.57473626
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>Just get some new material
What material?

>> No.57473631

Guys back on topic now

>We are almost back at $0.50

I hope you slurped!

>> No.57473641

BTC+ETH are well past their sell-by date but nobody wants to admit that so line goes up for now.

>> No.57473649

Just use Arbitrum

>> No.57473650

That's called first mover advantage.

Tbh XRP isn't the only crypto anymore that can send value fast and cheap. Literally every other crypto but BTC and ETH can also do this.

>> No.57473663
File: 26 KB, 493x372, Screenshot from 2024-02-01 20-23-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I love how you can change the topic but no one else is allowed.

>> No.57473672

Yeah I practically run this place so

>> No.57473683
File: 7 KB, 225x225, greenwojaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$0.50 waiting room

>> No.57473690

Technically sure, but Ripple has been putting in the most off-chain work for mass white market adoption except for maybe Avalanche, which seems focused on selling blockchain services rather than bulk liquidity. It's the same reason I hold and use Monero, XMR is the standard of black and gray markets.

>> No.57473696

I dont have a use case for Monero because I don't do anything illegal.

>> No.57473744

So what is the current meme date guys?

>> No.57473814

Your funeral

>> No.57473871

Is it also gonna be in two weeks?

>tfw I am now immortal

>> No.57473895

I'm sure you do. Most people break a few laws everyday.

>> No.57473918

There's a difference between using monero to buy drugs or cp or driving 5 miles over the speed limit on an empty clear road

>> No.57473955

Correct, but have a privacy coins doesn't mean you need to do illegal stuff with it. Hiding your purchases from your partner for presents is different from hiding purchases from the government.

>> No.57473963

Sorry not all of us have a second wife.

>> No.57473996
File: 228 KB, 693x415, Screenshot from 2024-02-01 12-55-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally some good fucking FUD

>> No.57474047

You sound like Warren, it not unusual for people to surprise their partners with presents, the fact you went straight for second wife is a little concerning.

>> No.57474203
File: 236 KB, 1080x990, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember they will hate anything they can't control.

>> No.57474452

This here >>57466023

I know for retards and wagies it's hard to wrap your head around. But I do real business and real INTL TX.
Every tx I make has 3% drained from it. XRP saves me quite literally $70,000/y from what I'm currently forced to use.

>> No.57474457

Pro Tip for retards.
Chris Larsen is not no our side and that's why he left. He's not making more money helping destroy XRP.
Won't work.

>> No.57474542

You could use any other crypto too.

>> No.57474583

>Can't even break $0.50

it is so over right now I cant even like i'm all like what the heck

>> No.57474808

holy shit there is now a 5 minute wait before you can make a thread what the fuck is this shit

>> No.57474837
File: 242 KB, 842x511, IMG_3529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chris Larsen is not no our side and that's why he left
Left what?

>> No.57475106

Left these nutts

>> No.57475140

Im beginning to think this may have fact been a scam. Who would have thought strangers on the internet lied to me! May as well ride it to zero tho

>> No.57475237
File: 12 KB, 440x302, good morning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning bros

>> No.57475356

Just a reminder that Wietse Wind sucks. He has no business model, complains constantly.

XRP validators will be run by banks, not smartphone "developers" that need financial assistance to clown the NFT marketplace.

>> No.57475372

Yeah, but it doesn't have the same decentralization. Other networks literally aren't suitable for international payments. Aside from maybe XLM.

>> No.57475391

Isn't he one of the xahau scamcoin faggots?

>> No.57475435

Like which ones? Let's just walk this out. Bitcoin and Ethereum are slow and greedy. Solana? Broke how many times? What financial institution would meet its fiduciary obligations putting your money in a computer system that broke that frequently?

Algo? Well it's changing its protocol. It will take years to gain the kind of reputation that XRP does with their new protocol... how long to get soc-2 certification???

HBAR? The mother ship of centralized tokens. What country would pass off financial sovereignty to a conglomerate of foreign companies?


Keep going down the list. Any block chain that added smart contracts will have to sacrifice and centralize in some fashion to still compete with Ripples speed. These sacrifices are vulnerabilities to foreign powers weighing the benefits or risks of a new currency system.

Ripple was designed like Neustar was for the phone industry. A decentralized network with a for profit company to kind of answer the phones for all the parties that needed to come together in a neutral way, but that couldn't trust each other. When the phone industry needed a way to trade phone numbers back and forth between companies that hated each other... this was how they did it. A decentralized network, a for profit company wedded to its development and maintenance.

>> No.57475444

He LOVES the Xahau hooks bs. Yes. That is all part of his "vision" for the XRP ecosystem.

>> No.57475451

Nexa comes closest but it's still PoW with longer settlement finality. XRP's speed is a key advantage.

>> No.57475478

PoW will ultimately be taxed out of existence for climate change... and AI. AI is the next great energy hog. Countries will ration energy to breath life into AI. AI will consume PoW.

>> No.57475489

>Wietse Wind sucks
Nigga created the XUMM wallet, which is great and the ONLY XRP wallet. Instead of showering him and the team with money, Ripple acts like greedy jews while simultaneously dumping on our heads hundreds of millions. I don't get into the Xahau drama, but let's be real; they do deserve recognition and money from Ripple. He also always replies on twitter if you have questions regarding XRPL.

>> No.57475514

XRP/Ripple as it was originally intended, will create a level playing field for banks and institutions... this has massive implications for world peace.

If you wanted a retail token... Tha's XLM!!! The Xumm wallet was something he took upon himself to come up with. It has been nice for retail, because it gave us a way to store our XRP. That doesn't give him a right to shoot the project in the foot.

he is literally getting in the way of world peace, and is too autistic to realize is. He is convinced he is a programming guru that knows better.

>> No.57475543

>Christ is king
>The earth is flat
>Aliens aren't real
>And nukes don't exist
quite possibly the most true collection of words ever assembled

>> No.57475550

He complains because he has no business model. He is a narcissist that demands everyone support his computing hobby.

>> No.57475573

The nicest thing I can say about Wietse Wind is that he belonged in XLM from the beginning. It has the smart contracts and governance structure he is looking for. He picked the wrong block chain and now wants to remake XRP into something he likes.

>> No.57475577

BTC and other old PoW chains have too many watts per transaction per second. Newer code bases like (current) Monero, Kaspa, and Nexa are more efficient and thus easier to scale up with solar farms or what have you. That means you never get wild imbalances between mcap and cost of hash rate like you do with BTC.

>> No.57475597

> this has massive implications for world peace
You mean new world order?
>That doesn't give him a right to shoot the project in the foot.
I don't want to defend him or anything because I don't care. But what did he do exactly? Create some shitty Xahau network? Yeah, so what? You must understand that Ripple is dumping billions on us, suppressing the price. Ripple has all the resources; they can do whatever they want. If he was a real threat, Ripple has all the means to deal with that threat because they have unlimited resources, thanks to DUMPING ON US.
>he is literally getting in the way of world peace, and is too autistic to realize is
Yeah, bruh, I think you just described yourself.

>> No.57475605

Yep, instead of copying the open-source XRPL and building his own chain with all the bells and whistles he wants, he instead opts to hijack the established infrastructure of XRPL.

>> No.57475623

The idea of burning energy to mint a currency is beyond retarded. The elites know this. It only appeals to juvenile libertarians and people that don't understand finance.

PoW is the incarnation of Glaziers fallacy in digital form. It is quite literally the super villain from the Disney movie Ferngully.

Any energy you can dump into one of these miserable bag of farts, could be used to compute new antibiotics, look for novel chemicals, etc... there are so many uses for computing power that don't evaporate into nothing.

Go break a window and mint a token. That's how much sense any of that makes.

(captcha is 4atp... I am a mitochondria)

>> No.57475662

It's not about you sweetie.

and yes. never before in history have companies been able to operate across borders in this fashion. you don't need to trust a foreign power the same way you used to, in order to do business with them. this has massive implications.

Think of what happens to businesses between two hostile powers? They are more likely to do business, more likely to forge relations that would prevent those countries from going to war. The more we globalize business, the less likely we are to kill each other.

Even if Ripple dumps are affecting the price, I don't care. Are you not smart enough to see that is the only buying opportunity retail was supposed to have?!?!?!

>> No.57475670

Yes god forbid someone develops anything on this 13 year ghost chain

>> No.57475695

No disruptive tech worth the name has come from a publicly traded company since the 1970s, because incumbents keep killing their competition via short selling.

>> No.57475702

What does "develop" mean to someone like you?

>> No.57475721

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but when the AMM comes online, the XRPL will become its own DEX. Is that correct?

>> No.57475729
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>> No.57475736

already has its own DEX, the ledger will also have AMMs (potentially for all pairs), that will also be directly integrated with the DEX. So if you put an order on the DEX, and the AMM is within the range, it will fill it with the AMM. XRP was the first chain with a DEX.

>> No.57475743

It already has one. The XRPL was the first DEX

>> No.57475825

We should just start a gofundme to get him OFF the xrp ecosystem and into his own blockchain. It would be worth it to never hear from him about XRP again.

>> No.57475837

We are currently below $0.50

>> No.57475839

and I mean that as a joke. please nobody ever give him money again.

>> No.57475858

When the tyranny increases, doing the right thing for yourself and family will become illegal.

If you are forced to get a jab, how will you or the elites pay someone off? With a CBDC or XRP? No. What if gold/silver is not allowed to be used as money still? Will you just go get the jab?

GigaChadFolio©®™ for a reason.

>> No.57475892

Illegal gardening will be a thing in the near future

>> No.57475898

Ah yes im gonna buy expired dog food to feed my family

and when im at the criminals they will be like

>please scan this QR code to pay with monero

>> No.57476044

there was a guy on twitter for a while claiming that his firm was working with Switzerland to give their CBDC monero like properties... because they thought their citizens had a right to privacy. It doesn't all have to be evil.

>> No.57476188

what is your actual involvement with math or science?

I have absolutely no respect for people that uses the term "conspiracy theorist" to describe someone else. Human history is an unending series of conspiracies. Someone that doesn't believe conspiracies exist, is someone that is devoid of knowledge.

We are managed with roughly the same blueprint the Assyrians used. We even have a substitute king in power. You'd better glad there are people conspiring to keep the population in check. Humans are too stupid to do anything without guidance. We have been tamed for our own good by forces most cannot comprehend.

Wikileaks didn't confirm the existence of extraterrestrial aliens. It specifically called them interdimensional.

>> No.57476217

*for someone that uses

god damn typos.

>> No.57476246

So it lowers the "skill floor" for users who don't want to fiddle with things like a DEX.

>> No.57476273

I don't see it affecting skill level at all or for that to be its end game. AMMs provide liquidity in a token service. Because of the way they operate, the prices reflect the relative ratios of their holdings as opposed to their real world value. This provides a place for people that need liqudity to access it, maybe for a purchase, or maybe for aribtrage. AMMs have the effect of compressing the volatility in a market while extracting money from it for the people that backed it. Over time this could stabilize the price of XRP... and any other asset pair that existed on the XRP ledger. This has VAST implications. This could stabilize way more than just XRP. I don't think anybody is prepared to even think about how far reaching the implications of a world wide amm for all tokenized assets is....

>> No.57476284

*implications are

holy shit. i'm gonna break something. fucking god damn grammar mistakes

>> No.57476296

I'm done. Fuck this. Fucking covid melted my brain. After xrp hits, im escrowing the balance for my family and offing myself.

>> No.57476372


>> No.57476411
File: 72 KB, 860x573, Max-Headroom_072922-830760c0c0924f8fadcf2f7b18a457b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything and everything can and will be tokenized on the xrpl. Including stocks, bonds, other cryptocurrencies, commodities, precious metals, Pokémon cards, oranges, orange tree contracts, and more.
They will all be traded against each other in a digital version of the ancient Greek agora that exists on the xrpl amm dex
This turns xrp into the defacto 'reserve currency' on the xrpl

I guess the question is how much do you trust the xrpl?

I think it's gonna be wild

>> No.57476774

so you're telling me that this is the lowest XRP has been in a year, while everything else has done a bull trap pump, FUD is at all time highs, master jeet of Ripple has abandoned ship, and you're not buying more?

>> No.57476788

What about SPELL and MIM on the Abracadabra Chain. They used to have staking of SSpell and all sorts of wild shit I never figured out how to use leveraging other cryptos and whatnot. They just locked me out one day with all my SSpell still in their system at around 26% APY. Yes, I am low-IQ so give me a break.

>> No.57476857

Left any semblance of actual participation.
Figureheads and people get set in do nothing positions all the time and often times are only hanging around to serve another agenda.
Working for Ripple doesn't mean he's on Ripple's side.

>> No.57476858

Probably not.
Expired dog food? You didn't get it.
Just buy the GigaChadFolio©®™ and shut up normie.
It's so hilarious how stupid people and smart people get along and understand things better than midwit normies, God did such an excellent job with creation, it's a wonder to me how some people cannot have reverence even for just the construct itself.
Oh wait, nvm
They're normies.

>> No.57476874

Just a reminder that XSG and real developers have been attacked constantly through these threads and the people doing so (removing him from OP and such) literally put FLR bullshit in the OP and try to get you to trade off XRP for FLR.

You guys haven't realized yet...to schizos, you give off OBVIOUS PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR and we catch on immediately.

>> No.57476903

>working for Ripple
Chris Larsen is one of the founders, he doesn't "work for" Ripple, retard
>on our side
naive, thinking ANYONE is on your/our/anyone's side, but their own

>> No.57476917

You are way behind if you don't understand what I'm saying.
Exactly, so maybe you should look at the news headline and think...MAYBE THAT'S NOT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.
kek normie faggot headline reader

>> No.57476952

try harder to be "le schizo" faggot
I don't even know or care what headline you're talking about
you're speaking about Larsen like he's a Ripple wage, while also whining about how people need to be "on our side" like some naive libertarian
won't read your reply

>> No.57477008

Yeah look at how bad FLR is doing compared to XRP
XRP is totally making sick gains unlike FLR.

>> No.57477023
File: 745 KB, 1200x630, 3 csc amigos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads this guaranteed

>> No.57477149

XRP was mooning once too.
So you are saying it’s on the level of CSC?
Not making it look great.

>> No.57477159

Also, it's funny how you project but also reveal yourself entirely.

I'm the guy that posts that Ripple is the worst thing that ever happened to the XRPL.

You then assumed that mean "our" side. Which assumes and incredible amount.
You are either very stupid or bad at what you are doing (which also means probably stupid).

I've never picked a side and only want to provide safe haven for my family and piss on Satan.
So...try reading and/or not acting like a paid shill.

>> No.57477168


>> No.57477169

I think when they were talking about moving to Angola that was the best solution bud.
This sort of pilpul combined with that ID is NOT a good look.

>> No.57477181

No one can possibly believe that. You at the VERY LEAST looked at my ID.
What's the point of obvious lies.

The ONLY way someone even somewhat will believe you is if you don't respond to this post AND leave the thread and don't continue on.

FAGGOT. Prove me wrong. Don't reply at all and vacate the thread.
No one believes for a second you are still here and responded to me but didn't read it.

>> No.57477199

did not read

>> No.57477324

Hahaha is AMM should it pass literally going live on valentines day?

>> No.57477413
File: 16 KB, 270x270, OIG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an important news update.

I realized the ROG Ally is going to be exactly what I need and no longer do I need to wait to purchase the Switch 2 (TBA 2024)

>> No.57477575
File: 73 KB, 1258x725, IMG_3530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hahaha is AMM should it pass literally going live on valentines day?
You can’t make this stuff up

>> No.57477632
File: 76 KB, 750x752, IMG_3442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Left any semblance of actual participation.
He is executive chairman, or are you some kind of insider who knows who does what? You have your sources inside? Or you’re pulling things out of your ass just to seem knowledgeable? You know shit, stop acting like you do.

>> No.57477666

son of a bitch...

>> No.57477693

fuck off that aint real

>> No.57477694

its allllll coming together, boys
its allllllll coming together

>> No.57477726

it is though

>> No.57477743
File: 29 KB, 474x376, 1699314532941135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP will be worth $37500 and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.57477769
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>> No.57477800

Hey guys i'm back

See we are almost at $0.51 again oooooooooooooooooo

>> No.57477819

fudders in complete shambles, wrecks of themselves
the riddles have broken them
love to see it

>> No.57477823

Out of curiosity, how long was the AMM amendment sitting with 2 votes remaining? Then it just gets the needed 2 at such an -ahem- auspicious time?

>> No.57477827


>> No.57477831

>14 written inside of a little heart.jpg
>reveals the truth in your path

>> No.57477844
File: 73 KB, 574x750, frogcute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys this is the first valentines day in like forever that I have a gf.

What should I do?

>> No.57477859

>not XRP/ripple/crypto related
fuck off

>> No.57477882

>check price


>> No.57477889

Last time I checked 2 days ago, there were 4 votes left. Wietse tweeted that he would test the new version and vote for AMM after 1.5 weeks. Then, all of a sudden, everyone started voting at once.

>> No.57477918

How do I profit of the first time i've ever had a gf during valentines day and what should I do? Considering I have enough money left after investing in crypto/xrp.

>> No.57477920

>that timing
i hate to say it, but

>> No.57477925
File: 433 KB, 517x686, shutitdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What financial system do you think they use?

>> No.57477927
File: 132 KB, 1338x540, fugger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ryan Fugger (one of the original Ripple founders) part of the House of Fugger, an old Germanic banking family
I've also heard that Wieste Wind has familial ties to European royalty

>> No.57477928

Stellar Telepathy

>> No.57477957

You focus too much on the tinniest fluctuations of upward price movement.
Upward price movement that is downward price movement, when you expand the chart.
Any potential gains are quickly erased by dumping and crabbing.
Your frequent use of OOOOOOO; "xrp will never be below $x.xx ever again"; and uplifting green Wojacks loose all meaning.
Save that stuff for when we are actually mooning.
Like at the very minimum, a 20% increase on the 24 hour chart.
But you are most likely being sarcastic.
Repeating the same "jokes" over and over again.
Jokes that only you find funny.

>> No.57477971

Buy her chocolate.
Then eat it in front of her.

>> No.57477977

Thank you for your feedback/criticism, it is important to me.

I will do my best to OOOOOO or AAAAAAA less frequently.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions, i'm still trying to be nice.

>> No.57477990

I thought maybe take her to dinner or something chocolate i also buy normally but not too much i dont want her to get fat

>> No.57477998

>writes "looses" instead of "loses"
opinion straight into the trash

>> No.57478012

Hey man nobody is perfect

>> No.57478021

The heart wasn’t on the original picture posted, sorry goys

>> No.57478045

>Doesn't use a comma.
>Doesn't use a period.
This opinion, as well, is going directly into the waste receptacle.

>> No.57478055

Dude you are a bit too much here, be careful because that's my job

>> No.57478065

yes it was

>> No.57478076
File: 73 KB, 1624x1088, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's happening (small ooo, nothing too fancy)

>> No.57478089
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>> No.57478093

>Over time this could stabilize the price of XRP... and any other asset pair that existed on the XRP ledger.

Isn't this a bad thing then?
XRP's price right now is dogshit.
Why would we want AMMs to stabilize xrp's current price?
Wouldn't it be better if AMMs got implemented AFTER xrp moons to some really high price?
Could AMMs help prevent xrp from ever mooning?

>> No.57478095
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>> No.57478127

>5 years ago

>> No.57478179

That's the point, genius. Foreshadowing tends to occur before the event actual happens.

>> No.57478277

The cartoon bear is a meme and nothing ever came true

>> No.57478330

>14 written inside of a little heart.jpg

>> No.57478341

You're welcome.
I appreciate your effort to improve.

>> No.57478442

Fair enough, you proved me wrong. I can’t believe I saw that photo 5 years ago, however I really don’t remember the heart. Thanks anon.

>> No.57478455 [DELETED] 

Welp... over 275 posts already

I guess that means it's time for a new bake xD


Migrate lads!

*Flies away*

>> No.57478462 [DELETED] 

aw fuck i forgot the thing wait

>> No.57478473

Welp... over 275 posts already

Time for a new bake xD


Migrate lads!

*Flies away*

>> No.57478545

buying XRP is like going long VIX futures. it usually ends badly

>> No.57478725

Give her flowers and chocolates. Its cliché and played out but they dont care, they love that shit and they will always love that shit. And if they don't love that shit, they will appreciate that shit

>> No.57480395

Name the last thing Chris Larsen did.

>> No.57480801
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>> No.57481366

It would create a new reason to hold it, a brand new value proposition. XRP will moon and it will never see another -90% dump ever again, it will hold its value high and on top of that whatever it is that will make it moon will also be the reason it won’t dump. I think everyone knows the only thing that will make it pump is institutional adoption.