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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57469588 No.57469588 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you guys who grew up dirt poor managed to get rich? If so how did you do it? Can you do anything to increase your luck?

>> No.57469605

>Can you do anything to increase your luck?
Pray harder. During dumps, remember Psalm 23.

>> No.57469624
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Get a high paying job then invest. Otherwise just scam people like the shitskin you are.

>> No.57469646

Don’t have black or brown skin… simple as.

>> No.57469658
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>BTC longing
>shorting shitty biz alts
>real estate

these wagies want everything for free ffs

>> No.57469686

All you had to do was buy gamestop and amc during the pandemic. Making it this cycle could not have been easier.

>> No.57469787

That's a fucking dream, aint happening on daily bases

>> No.57469790


>> No.57469828
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You'd be doing that for cents unless you got a big starting point.
>BTC longing
Yeah genius it aint rocket science
>shorting shitty biz alts
>real estate

>> No.57469858

turning 20 into 20k is just one world conflict away

>> No.57469869

you could buy guns and sell those to ukranians.

>> No.57470073
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>BTC longing
You are poor as fuck and I can tell.

>> No.57470076

did you feel identified buddy?

>> No.57470078

I'm white and I've been struggling for two years now. Why do companies not want to hire an attractive white man with decent experience in his field?

>> No.57470085

bitcoin and crypto as a whole is a mockery to god and his intended life experience. its the industrial revolution on steroids.

>> No.57470089

>He thinks everyone is as poor as he is
>Doesn't do real state
Anon I don't think you specifically are going to make it to be perfectly honest. I'm sorry.

>> No.57470097
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but you guise told me diversity hires were very real ese...

>> No.57470099

Cause you're white, might need to fake some kind of mental disorder to be part of a minority and get part of the quota

>> No.57470110

>To increase your luck
Secure a wfh waggie like it's your life goal. If it pays decent even better. Live like a piece of shit saving everything and being as frugal as possible for one or two years, save everything you can, dont spend a single stinking cent. THEN you can play the crapto game, which is the fastest way of making it. And also the fastest way at losing it all. So good luck.

>> No.57470119
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i think the blocklords devs are just teasing lrds as a sick joke to get their faggot players interested and grinding and buying their shitty nft heroes without any real intent of releasing the token in the first place. why would they when their nft trade is so lucrative?

>> No.57470125

God shat us out into the world like turds left to our luck. Retard

>> No.57470136

>he's STILL sidelined
>he thinks we are going lower
>he doesn't know

>> No.57470414

>THEN you can play the crapto game, which is the fastest way of making it. And also the fastest way at losing it all.
I'm actually at this stage. Got the wfh job and saved up $110k. How can I play the crypto game? just buy small cap /biz/ coins or find my own through solana or avax ecosystem etc?