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57468832 No.57468832 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is fractional reserve banking not considered a form of fraud punishable with prison time?

>> No.57468854 [DELETED] 


>> No.57468865 [DELETED] 


>> No.57468870

why would it be?

>> No.57468876 [DELETED] 


>> No.57468878 [DELETED] 


Came here to post this.

>> No.57468884

Nigga you're lending out money that you don't own, it's defrauding the borrower

>> No.57468885 [DELETED] 


>> No.57468902

Cool it with the anti semitism buddy

>> No.57469120


>> No.57469350

Because otherwise the entire banking system wouldn't work. Banks giving out loans is how newly printed money enters circulation. It all runs on debt.
Make of this information what you will. Some will tell you that it is a necessary evil to make a first world country run the things that it is supposed to, whereas others long for the days of the past when the dollar was linked to gold and money coudn't infinitely be printed.

I hope your question has been answered.

>> No.57469497


We don't have fractional reserve banking.

>> No.57469514
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Read this book and also read Murray Rothbard

>The Mystery of Banking
>What Has Government Done to our Money?
>The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar

>> No.57469542 [DELETED] 

I'm a little late but
It's the Jews and their tricks

>> No.57469562 [DELETED] 

because retards NPCs hate the nazis that tried to save them from Jewish enslavement and think that getting rid of banking elites is evil because the holahoax

>> No.57469641

no? the borrower now has a debt, if they don't pay it back then the bank acquires whatever they bought with the debt
>days of the past when the dollar was linked to gold and money coudn't infinitely be printed.
there has never been a civilization that has failed to debase its currency
the nazi economy was keynesian

>> No.57469650

50% of gold’s use case is with vanity purchases like jewelry. Copper, silver, and even wheat performed better over 20 years. Schiff only allocates 5% of his portfolio to gold while he keeps the rest in stocks. Gold is not considered an investment. Aluminum was far more valuable than gold until they learned to refine it.

>> No.57469652

Whats a fractional reserve anyways im kinda retarded lol.

>> No.57469664
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Have a (You) for the effort

>> No.57469668

I wish I could chokeslam every boomer dumbass that responds this way.

>> No.57469675


Because it's legal and how banks make new currency

>> No.57469680 [DELETED] 


>> No.57469683 [DELETED] 

not sure if this has been said yet, but

>> No.57469689

>Schiff only allocates 5% of his portfolio to gold while he keeps the rest in stocks.

Doubt Schiff is heavy in equities. He is wealthy enough to be in hedge funds

>> No.57469833

Most hedge funds can’t best the S&P, what edge do they have?

>> No.57469853


Banks can loan out 10 times the amount of actual money they hold or some shit. The most jewish shit ever.

>> No.57469916 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57469918

you wish you could because you have flimsy little baby wrists and can't even do a pullup lmao

>> No.57470072

Because banks tell you how they work.

>> No.57470095

Average IQ of nubiz on display

>> No.57470728

Because good goys use guns to kill other goys who say its fraud.

>> No.57471810

because business ventures a theoretically easier to finance when banks can lend out more than they have

>> No.57471886
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Why is putting sheep in a field and fencing them in and taking their wool and killing them if you want not punishable with prison time?

>> No.57472051
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>> No.57472080 [DELETED] 

Show nose
Fractional reserve banking is theft through inflation
No private business should have the ability to create money from nothing

>> No.57472095

Based rothbardian

>> No.57472108

9 people out of 10 were born to be slaves. Once you understand that it will make things easier for you to swallow. What we need to fight for is to liberate the 1 out of 10 lad who knows he's getting kiked.

>> No.57472132

It’s because it makes the line go up and keeps the industries the politicians care about flush with capital

>> No.57472159

>if they don't pay it back then the bank acquires whatever they bought with the debt
Wouldn't it be a shame if that asset turned out to be quite worthless

>> No.57472185
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Learn some fucking macroeconomics you dumb nigger. The point of banks/credit institutions is to lend the savings of households to businesses that produce services/goods that get consumed by households and no workplaces for households. No banks = no savings = no investments = no services/goods = no economy. You dumb mongoloids wouldn’t even pass macroeconomics 101 exam if you even had 6 months to prepare

>> No.57472226 [DELETED] 

>No banks = no savings

People can save gold you colossal faggot.

Jesus Christ seriously go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit.

I hope a pitbull eats your first born.

>> No.57472252

>People can save gold you colossal faggot.

Learn what ‘savings’ mean in the context of neoclassic economics you mongoloid tranny faggot. Hope your mother, wife and daughter gets raped by a pack of aids infested niggers.

>> No.57472253

>repeats Jewish propaganda
show your nose too bitch

>> No.57472262

I swear some of you are so stupid you don’t even realize how your being fucked or by who

>> No.57472280

Banks currently have a 0 % reserve requirement. They can lend all they want to with no savings involved.


>> No.57472282

>Learn what ‘savings’ mean in the context of blah blah blah

I have a better idea we take you and all the other usurers and launch you into the sun.

Lending money and then having it exist in two places is fraud and should absolutely be illegal.

It's mathematically impossible to pay back all the debts, it's creating inflation, its making real saving actually impossible, and it's feeding financial parasites.

>> No.57472321

>just give your money to the bank for them to play with
lmao what a joke

>> No.57472340 [DELETED] 


>> No.57472343

please dont post antisemitic threads

>> No.57472356 [DELETED] 

> defending the system that allows for welfare which allows for unlimited niggers and mexican immigrants
Kys kike, stop raping children.

>> No.57472368 [DELETED] 

Because without it how would jamal feed his 10 nigger children?

>> No.57472383

binance is the best bank the world has ever created so far, they dont fractional reserve but they make enough from your fees to venture into their own speculative investments. miraculously it was created in a free market underneath the jewish purview in this modern era which seems like an impossible feat but b**mers werent yet concious of what a cryptocurrency was, its been falling off and regulations literally prefer if you were dead thats the logical end game for them because youre safer dead than alive which makes sense to them

>> No.57472391

Haha you moron. Imagine paying to go to school where they teach you bullshit and then you go around being wrong and poor forever. Idiot lmao.

Banks don't lend savings, they create debts.

Your picture is a mess. What it boils down to is households' work and consumption is organised in a way that they are leached mercilessly by the government and financial sector.

>> No.57472645
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Because it benefits the parasitic oligarchs, it was a crime punishable by DEATH in renaissance Italy. Monetary expansion is wholly unnecessary for the health of the economy, it's only necessary to secure risk free returns for the parasitic oligarchs, for what is created when new money is created other than a new fraudulent claim on existing resources?

Money literally flows, monetary expansion causes money to flow almost exactly like electricity, it flows into low impedance (liquid) assets just as electrons flow into low resistance, or water flows into unobstructed channels. The wage/productivity divergence e.g. is caused by this phenomenon, as labor is an exceptionally illiquid/high impedance asset. The same pattern is seen in other illiquid assets like housing, notice that high-end housing has seen a SHARPER decline (factored for money stock) than low-end housing, which is to be expected as high-end property is even less liquid than normie SFH. In contrast, low impedance (liquid) assets such as gold or equities move in lockstep with monetary expansion, in effect, monetary expansion is a parasitic transfer of resources from the whole of the economy to asset holders.

>> No.57472656

>No private business should have the ability to create money from nothing
so you're anti-blockchain and anti free banking? wtf

>> No.57472669 [DELETED] 
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no national socialism was a producer economy of real value that benefitted everyone

>> No.57472675

>No private business should have the ability to create money from nothing
It will benefit everyone in this thread to understand this subject, so let me show you.
First, all money is "created from nothing", as money is an entirely man-made construct. Of course, that's just as broken of a system as it sounds, so in the real world, even though money still has to be created from nothing, it usually created along side a real world asset, or real world wealth, so the money is actually representing something real, which limits inflation of money.
If we made money from nothing that represented only real wealth that already existed, we could never create new wealth.
When you are lent money for starting a business, the money that is created represents the future wealth and value that your business contributes to the economy.
So we didn't "make money from nothing" we made money from your promise to create a valuable business to better society.
If you fail in your promise the bank gets the money plus interest back, if you succeed in your promise, you make profit and make society better.

>> No.57472682

nazi germany was an international pump and dump and tens of millions of white europeans were the bagholders after liquidity dried up

>> No.57472695

Dullard. Jewelry is Store of Value demand same as bullion, elsewise solid gold jewelry wouldn't have a market as tungsten filled gold is functionally identical. Second, aluminum was expensive not valuable, as it could only be produced via sodium reduction of aluminum salts and sodium was incredibly expensive to produce at the time

>> No.57472702

Thank you Tod that was very educational.

>> No.57472728 [DELETED] 
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>if we can't parasite off the productive the world will collapse!

>> No.57472760

>If we made money from nothing that represented only real wealth that already existed, we could never create new wealth.
False. Wealth is not Money, fixing the unit of account in no way limits production, by fixing the unit of account it's real terms value can free float with demand for the unit.

>> No.57472773

>because retards NPCs hate the nazis that tried to save them from Jewish enslavemen

And in return he would make all of Europe Germanic.

One evil for another. No thanks

>> No.57472776

If you don't create money to lend to new businesses then no one will ever have enough money to create new businesses.
Fractional reserve banking is far more pro-proletariat than fixed units of account because if the unit of account was fixed, then only bougies and wealthy barons would have the cash required to start new businesses.

The goal of a free society is not to be a worker, or live in a workers paradise, the goal is to be a business owner and sole proprietor of a small business. Like the deus ex video game meme that in 1900 90% of people were self employed, but then the economy was altered by conspirators so now only 5% are self employed.

>> No.57472785

See here's where we get into it. Fractional reserve banking is not quite what constitutes fraud. They have to produce money within the agreed upon limits when asked. Unfortunately, you do realize that the limits are quite gone. They have gradually collapsed over time. There were a bunch of people who actually worked really hard to make certain that the system was robust. Their efforts only began to collapse over time.

Now here's the problem. Fractional reserve banking's problem is insolvency. Or more importantly, it's insolvency over a rate of decay. Do follow me?

>> No.57472802


Hedge funds can get away with stuff you and I cannot afford to get away with

That's edge

>> No.57472807

Hedge funds aren't in the business of beating the market though. They're in the business of risk management and using other peoples money.

>> No.57472813

>Because good goys use guns to kill other goys who say its fraud

I also watched Ghaddafi get sodomized to death screaming "what the fucl did I do to you?!"

>> No.57472825

>binance is the best bank the world has ever created so far

I stored some byc there but don't lie, binance could be seized by the PRC any second.

>> No.57472840

>Fractional reserve banking is far more pro-proletariat than fixed units of account because if the unit of account was fixed, then only bougies and wealthy barons would have the cash required to start new businesses.
A unit does not require a fractional bank. Dollar is a word from a foreign language for "coin." Yuan also means coin. To coin is to "circle a bar/square," which is to create a "unit" of. Dollar now just means "arbitrary unit." This does not require fractional reserve banking.

>The goal of a free society is not to be a worker, or live in a workers paradise, the goal is to be a business owner and sole proprietor of a small business.

In modern economy, yes. That doesn't help your point in favor of fractional reserve

>> No.57472844

the stream of self custody into crypto centralized exchange custody is too fluid for that to matter. you could just keep 10% of your net worth in centralized exchanges if you want

>> No.57472849

>They have to produce money within the agreed upon limits when asked.

If new money is what is lent, who "deserves the new money?" Whoever QUALIFIES for a loan, according to FICO!?!? According to the BANK? ACCORDING TO WHO?

>> No.57472850

Due to your peculiar esoteric explanation of the etymology of the world dollar as a non-response to my arguments, I don't think you are arguing in good faith, that or you aren't educated enough on the topic to have a coherent conversation about it.

>> No.57472857

>world dollar
*word* "dollar"

>> No.57472860

>insolvency over a rate of decay. Do follow me?

Well inflation is asymptotic toward zero.

>> No.57472913

I look suspiciously at the number that would dare to approach zero in this ecosphere.

>> No.57472931


Listen, it wasn't esoteric nigger. I said SVLs don't depend on fractional reserves. You couldn't grasp what I fucking said.

>> No.57472958

>If you don't create money to lend to new businesses then no one will ever have enough money to create new businesses
Do you even think through what you type? What is created when new money is created? Monetary expansion is always parasitic, for nothing is created when new money is created other than a new fraudulent claim on existing resources.

>> No.57473225

>you could just keep 10% of your net worth in centralized exchanges if you want

Binance is a centralized entity, which was my point. Store your coins where you wish, but only self custody coins are insured by mathematics.

>> No.57473235

>Monetary expansion is always parasitic, for nothing is created when new money is created other than a new fraudulent claim on existing resources

Unless the money itself is PROOF OF WORK

>> No.57473376
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>> No.57474053

itt: muzzies

>> No.57474087
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We should start a movement that sweeps the whole world. One that begins right here on biz.
Let’s end fractional reserve banking.

>> No.57474256

Simply because it is under the supervision of the scammy government. Don't freaking wait till crypto payment solution providers such as Tap Fintech and Swissborg take over the space and keep doing the right damn thing.

>> No.57474283

>>you could just keep 10% of your net worth in centralized exchanges if you want
>Binance is a centralized entity, which was my point. Store your coins where you wish, but only self custody coins are insured by mathematics.

Tap in to Binance and the likes of cryptocom. They need serious competitors.

>> No.57474316

>banking and economy considered something entirely fictional as there no longer is any concept of scarcity involved and things like inflation can reach levels that turn an entire country completely in ruins
>regulations and laws in specific countries manage a system reasonable enough to manage these things and keep their currency and in turn economy strong
>I'm supposed to think that despite the fact that these things are entirely fictional and made up, that there's anything even remotely shocking about the fact that they sometimes do things that could be considered a detriment to people
Do you people see the problem I'm having with understanding this issue? I'm not even saying that I'm not going to try and understand what it means, but honestly, I don't really think it means anything.

>> No.57474323

Thats even worse, the bank gets an asset actual worth a dime for money pulled out of thin air

>> No.57474337
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>"stimulates" the economy
>inflates assets prices more than wages
>people with assets get richer
>poor people get poorer
>wealth disparity gets worse over time

heh, nothing personell

>> No.57474345

wealth disparity is also further accelerated by how rich people and companies know how to play the game and leverage up like crazy when rates are low, which poor people don't

>> No.57474376

>country decides to print more money because it logically would make people wealthier as there's more of it in circulation
>inflation happens and their currency becomes worth absolutely nothing, prices go up and the amount of money in circulation means jack shit anymore as the value of commodities remain the same regardless of the value of their currency
>country decides to not print as much money and regulate it properly
>less money in circulation, currency is worth more, wealth disparity becomes more prevalent, benefits those who already had capital, earning is more difficult causing inequality, doesn't affect the economy negatively despite purchasing power not going up and remaining more or less the same throughout
Sounds like printing more money to give out to poor people is a bad idea, but at the same time, regulating it to levels too high could also be a problem.

>> No.57474478

Enlight me then, nigger.

>> No.57474512

>>wealth disparity gets worse over time
I thought wages readjust to inflation?

>> No.57475037


>> No.57475059

Have you seen any salary rise?
The euro is worth half its purchasing power and salaries have actually dropped in the last 20 years in my country

>> No.57475075

Someone's been paying attention

>> No.57475079

Because we are a banking/merchant republic.

>> No.57475094 [DELETED] 

>t. living in hyperinflation
Fuck keynesians


>> No.57475107

cus the good guys lost ww2

>> No.57476083
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>more money makes people wealthier
"Number bigger so economy more better!" is keynesian nonsense.
>fixed money supply benefits those who already had capital
False. See:>>57472645 new money will always flow into assets that are easier for it to flow into, monetary expansion always and only benefits low impedance asset holders at the expense of high impedance asset holders (labor being exceptionally high impedance)

False. This is fundamental to monetary expansion, a "work-hour" dollar is better than pure fiat only in that monetary expansion is constrained to the expansion of work hours, but the effects on assets will be EXACTLY the same as a pure fiat with the same expansion. You can't get something for nothing, you can't actually borrow from the future, monetary expansion is always parasitic.

>> No.57476100


Thank you. I'm not reading through this whole thread. But, I'm glad I got 1 (You).

>> No.57476182

>fractional reserve banking
It's basically counterfeiting.
If I created money on a printing press in my basement and lent it around town I'd get arrested.
However banks get the blessing of the financial high priests, I don't.
That's the only diffrence.
It's like the kosher food scam.
In reality it works by a company hiring or in reality bribing a well known rabbi to visit the food plant, mumble a few words from the Talmud, and give it the OK.
You get the blessing from the rabbi?
You're kosher.
You have no money to pay a bribe? You don't get the blessing

>> No.57477885

Mark two. What reserve? 0.00%.

>> No.57477892

It should be

>> No.57477893 [DELETED] 


>> No.57477919
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in fact i have like an enormous penis

>> No.57479685

And who decides your salary? Blaming the banks is just pure cope/propaganda.

>> No.57479718

Grow up, dude. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Israel stopping terrorists for us. Get a job man.

>> No.57479781


>> No.57479900 [DELETED] 

tranny jannies are now deleting anything critical of jews now?

>> No.57480578

kek, jewish jannies confirmed

>> No.57480777

To save you some time, why don't you just say that you hate Jews? It's not like we forced you to have that fractional reserve system. If you are so fucking stupid that you go along with it, then you fucking deserve it and more.

>> No.57480796

hasn't been fractional for a few years

>> No.57482015

It should be.
And all central banking
. Funny the requirement for reserves has been 0 for years now. It’s not even fractional

>> No.57482022

You’re braindead or a shill

>> No.57482335

You are confusing banking with fractional banking. You can issue a loan against an asset, thus releasing that assets value to participate in economic activity rather than be locked away.
The jewery started when people started using existing loans as assets and issuing loans against that as well. This is where money is created out of thin air and pure greed, the value of the initial asset (think, an apple) remains the same yet now there is twice as much money in circulation as the value of that real asset.
This results in inflation of course, then very high risk of collapse. Debt backed by debt will result in collapse at economic shocks but banks know that the entire ponzi scheme will collapse with them and the Gov will have to save them from the consequences of their own risk.
Also in most cases, the money you deposit is the "assets" used to create debt, which is already owed to the depositer.
In conclusion, the only type of banking that is not a scam is full reserve banking.

>> No.57482401 [DELETED] 


>> No.57483951

Loans would be unaffordable if money wasn't so abundant through fractional reserve banking. Interest rates would be sky high. Lack of loans means less new businesses and less investments in general. Money is like oil, not like gold. You make oil too expensive, everything comes to a halt. And it's not the time for humanity to come to a halt, while we are still unable to defend ourselves against threats like asteroids or supervolcanoes. Capitalism is our weapon against the rising probability of extermination. We will innovate quickly enough or perish. Don't destroy innovation only to prop up an imaginary currency. Weed out failed innovation with higher interest rates once a decade, then let entrepreneurs try their luck again. Boom and bust anon.

>> No.57484000 [DELETED] 

Lmao this thread has been up for days and the total number of posts keeps decreasing. Janitors ban anyone mentioning POJ's (people of jewishness).

>> No.57484003 [DELETED] 

cope kike

>> No.57484026

Pure fucking keynesian brainlet thinking.
money not abundant = interest rates grow = more people willing to lend out their money = interest rates go down to an equlibrium level
Market decides it, not the fucking fed. Bitcoin solves this. Separate money from the state. Same way we separated church and state. Government should not meddle in finances through the banks. Ban fractional reserve banking .

>> No.57484056

130+ IQ detected

>> No.57484073 [DELETED] 


>> No.57484087 [DELETED] 


>> No.57484179

Great equilibrium level you have there at 30% pa, buddy. I'm sure this will really fire start your economy. And I'm glad you enjoyed your econ 101, but you're still mixing up concepts. Fractional reserve banking existed long before the Fed and bases on pure uncurbed capitalism. It has shitall to do with Keynes.

>> No.57484463 [DELETED] 
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As a person with a Jewish background and exotic sexuality, I am very happy to see that biz are protecting ethnic and sexual minorities from hate and abuse. Trans rights are human rights! Deal with it nazi bigots!!

>> No.57484511

Should be death
It’s a huge reason why society is focused on short time preferences and rewards

>> No.57485840 [DELETED] 

Save it for the cross burning adolf, reported.

>> No.57486003 [DELETED] 

Fucking retarded NPC jewish defender, you should be dragged into prison with the keys thrown away just for defending this madness

>> No.57486169 [DELETED] 

The same reason I don't have a foreskin.