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57463645 No.57463645 [Reply] [Original]

>People who buy a car and it immediately breaks down or dies
>People who have medical emergencies but don't have insurance
>People who lose their job and have to use savings and CCs to make it until they get their next job

How do these people recover financially?

>> No.57463950

You only see a tenth of what is true. There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make. You can destroy your life every time you choose. But maybe you won't know for twenty years. And you may never ever trace it to its source. And you only get one chance to play it out.

>> No.57464001

My personal favorite that I see all the time
>person marries a fucking retard
>retard marries a retard and wonder why marriage fails
Marrying a retard is like speed running ruining your life. Glad I married my best friend and make good money

>> No.57464009

>>People who have medical emergencies but don't have insurance
1) Most medicine is a scam and should be avoided to begin with
2) If you do go to a hospital you're expected to negotiate the bill with the administration not just pay
3) Currently there isn't really any real consequence for not paying other than that hospital refusing to ever talk to you again.
4) If, for some reason, you're stupid/unlucky enough to need it: you can discharge medical debt with bankruptcy protection.

So of all the ones you listed that's definitely the easiest to recover from.

>> No.57464014

>People who buy a car and it immediately breaks down or dies
I won't pretend I lacked financial discipline much in my early 20's but this shit right here was 9/10ths of why I couldn't develop it. Ive had probably 15 major car repairs from 18-26. I feel I've finally developed that discipline but my god did resetting every time I got 1-2k in the bank fuck me up

>> No.57464019

Whats his name?

>> No.57464165

>Whats his name?
Tony Supra no

>> No.57464274

People get rugpulled IRL in many ways, especially as they enter late 30s.

You thought you'll inherit your parents house? Your dumb uncle who is in extreme debt is somehow also the owner. You thought you'll be young and healthy forever? You have the same genetic disease as the rest of your family and have to spend thousands on it bi-weekly in order to treat it. You thought your wife loves you? Divorce asset rape.

And of course in the classic ironic fashion most of these start happening one after another while some retarded global financial meltdown happens at the same time.

>> No.57464278

The truth in life is people cope by telling themselves they have choices especially recently with the whole self improvement meme that you can only blame themselves for successes or failures. People think you can avoid suffering by 'making the right choices' that's the cope. Real understanding is accepting some people must actually just suffer. For no good reason. Be it money, bad luck or bad health or a combination of all. Some people must just suffer more than others and some are basically born only to be tortured by this life.

Once you accept that then you can move on and do what you can do and not worry as much.

>> No.57464308
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>> No.57464436


they can send it to collections and ruin your goyscore

>> No.57464549

>You only see a tenth of what is true. There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make. You can destroy your life every time you choose. But maybe you won't know for twenty years. And you may never ever trace it to its source. And you only get one chance to play it out.

>> No.57464564

As truthful as it gets

>> No.57464584

medical debt is no longer included on credit reports as of a few years ago

>> No.57464727

Nobody in America ever went without emergency healthcare for financial reasons. My stupid, broke-ass ex-wife had a heart attack and an emergency angioplasty and stent. $75,000 bill. No insurance. She paid not a single cent. Later she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Mastectomy and chemo. Again, she paid not a cent. The hospital just walked her through the process of getting the State to pick up the tab. The purpose of Obamacare was not to make sure everyone got healthcare, it was to make sure healthcare providers got paid. That's it. It was yet another crony capitalist scam hiding behind a smokescreen of caring for the poor.

>> No.57464781

I bet you're fun at parties

>> No.57464816

Imagine if you didn't have a car and bought bitcoin instead

>> No.57464833

You forgot a key part: it's all just a movie and illusion anyway, there is no "I". That's an illusion too. Really no one is suffering.

>> No.57464874

she probably qualified for medicaid. in my state the cutoff is like $20k/year income. if you make more than $20k/year the hospital or outpatient clinic or whatever has absolutely no obligation to provide non-emergency medical services to you if you aren't afford it. they will let you run up a balance as a "cash payer" but there will be a point where they cut you off for non-payment.

>> No.57464917

I don't live with my parents, I had to support myself and get to work, I'm only just now getting to a point I can try to make the right early investments lol

>> No.57464976

Ignore them for several years and it will no longer be an issue.

>> No.57465042

Maybe it wasn't about the car, anon. Car mechanics are experts at extracting the shekels from the ignorant. Maybe you were losing the money because it was there to lose. If it wasn't the car, maybe it would've been something else. Who knows. Something to think about.

>> No.57465147

>Imagine if you didn't have a car and bought bitcoin instead
youd cash out 6 months later to buy a car

>> No.57465155

Yep, this has been the real issue. If you have a steady job, you generally make too much money for "low-income benefits", but if you reduce your income by just a small amount, then you get them. I used to work only about three days a week at a scratch kitchen so I got free health insurance through the state. Boy, did they take care of me. As soon as I picked up a full time job as a tradie, I lost my health insurance and got nailed by all sorts of additional costs. Poverty extends way past those income/year cut-offs.

>> No.57465988

Once upon a time this shit wouldn't have derailed you like it will today.

>> No.57466010


Yeah right. There were no safety nets 100 years ago. Lose your job, you may legitimately end up out on the street. Become cripple, you are 100% ending up out on the street. No modern healthcare so, anything beyond a broken bone or stitches is going to kill you, tough luck.

>> No.57466012

Everyone should be financially ruined at some point in their lives. If you never truly started from sub-zero, you never truly can "make it". It's not winning if you have a head start, and I bet alot of these fuckers that thought they hit a home run when they were born on third base, they would be hanging from an extension cord in their shitty apartment if they ever had to truly start from zero again.

>> No.57466021

Take the Sam Hyde financial advice instead of Dave Ramsey. That coffee you want isn't going to make any real difference in the grand scheme of things, the real important thing regarding your personal finances is simply to not fuck up. You fuck up, you're ruined.

>> No.57468405

I thought sam hyde's advice was to max out all your credit cards and anywhere you can get a loan and not pay it back

>> No.57468482

That's his joking advice
This is actual advice that I actually believe and works. I'd go a step further to say that most people are focused unnecessarily on lowering their expenses and savings when all that really matters financially is increasing your income, within reason. People are "smart for a penny, dumb for a pound" or whatever.

>> No.57468500

were you ever stable to begin with?

>> No.57470521

I don't get it

>> No.57470544


At least you didn’t lease! Oh wait a minute you would’ve been 100x better off if you had. Never mind. Kek.

>> No.57470601


Friends, family, social networks. People who don't have these supports get wicked bad anxiety and save.

If you lost everything today, would you have someone who would let you sleep on your couch? These people do, and a lot of them have people sleeping on their couch right now.

>> No.57470612

I got really close to doing this lol. Huge tits are a helluva drug

>> No.57470652
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>How do these people recover financially?

See pic.

>> No.57470766

How did you escape

>> No.57470802

>People who lose their job and have to use savings

That's what savings are for though? That's why you have a 3-6 month emergency fund

>> No.57470811
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Hard to play that card if your kids are going hungry, Dingbat.

>> No.57472165

if im low enough income that by the time I build up 1-2k savings I have a car repair due what makes you think I can afford a 3-400/mo lease

>> No.57472210
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>>Americans who have medical emergencies but don't have insurance

>> No.57472238

>People who lose their job and have to use savings and CCs to make it until they get their next job

literally everyone goes through this one or multiple times in their lives I don't understand your point. The key is to have enough savings and to always be one step ahead of your employer

>> No.57472278

True. But her angioplasty and stent were emergency procedures. She would have gotten that regardless of medicaid. The hospital was just glad they could get reimbursed by the state after the fact. And THAT is where Obamacare came in. By forcing everyone to have insurance, it made sure the hospitals always get paid when previously they might not if the patient didn't qualify for medicaid or have their own insurance. It was all about the health care business getting their money. They jacked young people to pay for it and played it off as making sure everyone gets healthcare.

>> No.57472284

Amen vAmen

>> No.57472303

psycopath kabbalist

>> No.57472344

>Take the Sam Hyde financial advice
is there a video where he talks about that?

>> No.57472417


>> No.57472434

>The key is to have enough savings and to always be one step ahead of your employer

Most people are living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.57473425

One of my favorites is when two retards have a kid then get angry that the kid is also a retard and a failure.