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57462173 No.57462173 [Reply] [Original]

Genuine question. It has been an under performer since the high in the 2017 bull run, since then it hasn’t been able to make new highs. The btc/xrp chart is literally down on Btc after 10 years, ripple labs is known to continuously unload tokens onto the market keeping the price down.

I was heavily invested in 2018-2019 when I entered the market but then ended up selling it all into eth which was a really great move, since then I haven’t looked back.

Why do you guys still believe in xrp?? I don’t get it, it’s never a good sign when a coin can’t break its previous highs in a bull run. And you can’t entirely blame that on the SEC case, even without it I don’t think it would’ve gone much higher as payment solutions was not a narrative that got much attention that cycle.. and this cycle coming up I just don’t see people coming in getting hyped about xrp.

It just doesn’t stand out in any facet and I argue its time in the top 10 is coming to an end, it’s still hovering around the same price it was over 5 years ago when I entered the market. You’d be better off with most stocks at this point. what is the reason you’d pick xrp as an investment?? I just get so confused when people still think it’s a good addition to a portfolio

>> No.57462263
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You're taking technicals. The investment thesis is the fundamentals.

This shit either gets used in payment flows and goes up or it doesn't and it goes to zero.

I have no idea where it will end up.

I've made a large bet that it eventually gets used a payment medium.

At the end of the day it is just a bet though, it's not like stars spoke to me and revealed the future.

>> No.57462417
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low tier bait
> I just get so confused when people still think it’s a good addition to a portfolio

>> No.57462556

XRP FUD is a little heavy handed on /biz/ lately… too much
> imnoticing.jpg

>> No.57462713

Not fud, just pointing out facts

>> No.57462743

I bought in because if the nwo wins at least I might get something in return. It's about 20% of my portfolio so if it goes to zero I won't be too sad, I would rather have it and not need it than not have it and need it.

>> No.57462763
File: 47 KB, 566x528, Fs2BOS1agAA40_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has the same problem going into this bullrun as LTC. Typical retail investor when buying crypto:
>it was $100 ATH last bullrun
>it is $20 now
>it can get to $800 this bullrun!
But with XRP and LTC, the prior poor performance adds a huge extra burden of risk. It now needs an extra strong argument to overcome its past poor performances and it also suffers from community negativity and depression like LTC. It struggles to move up because so many holders say
>right, that's it. As soon as it gets to $0.58 again fuck it I'm out
And then because it can't take $0.60, thousands of remaining bagholders then say
>fuck it, if it can just get to $0.54 again, I'm out
This is the LTC death spiral. There is a new case getting prepared to take down XRP in a California court, just before this bullrun. If they pull this again, XRP is dead.
XRP is taking on the whole Jewish central banking system. If they lose, that's a shame but don't be surprised

>> No.57462773

Yeah i'm sure what some angry poorfags on intenet forums say really affects the price of this multi billion asset

>> No.57462785

stay inside your containment thread spammy and KYS

>> No.57462791

>Yeah i'm sure what some angry poorfags on intenet forums say really affects the price of this multi billion asset

The angry poorfags are the XRP holders anon. Yes, they do affect the price of this multi billion asset

>> No.57462812

spammy is actually this delusional let him be

>> No.57462824


>> No.57462876

Isn't that quite interesting guys?

>> No.57462993

When XRP holders are faced with well-supported arguments on why XRP is a poor investment their response is
>shut up spammy
>don't listen to him
>just ignore him
>Isn't that quite interesting guys?
Indeed. Red flags

>> No.57463301

the bull run is about to start, fill your basket

>> No.57463312

>the bull run is about to start
Not for you buddy

>> No.57463314

haha bro they say it's their worst year, and you're saying it will take off

>> No.57463323

bro this world is full of excitement, you never know what will happen, but I'm sure it will rise

>> No.57463339

what's in your basket

>> No.57463349
File: 1.15 MB, 850x830, lllll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried many coins, now I've added this one to my basket. I suggest you give it a try too. Check it out at https://twitter.com/larryllamatoken @ larryllamatoken

>> No.57463421
File: 721 KB, 1080x1110, Screenshot_20240119-084221_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets shilled to schizos and q tards evey 4 years. It's like their halvening.

>> No.57463628

this is the same guy this is spammy >>57462993

>> No.57464168

I bought because of the lawsuit drama back in 2022, winning the lawsuit was supposed to
- pump our bags to at least $5
- mass adoptions in all usa of America exchanges
- the coin pumping even harder by 2024 because of halving/bullrun
But after winning the lawsuit it couldn't even break $1. All gains were evaporated in only 1 month while a new generation of baggies were born. Baggies who bought at 0.80, even 0.90. Most are waiting 0.60 to finally capitulate. Meanwhile brad garlingshit sold the fucking top and keep dumping billions in exchanges , ready to sold the weakest pump. When the coin is around 0.50, those mf buy xrp again, perpetuating the cycle. It's literally over. Hype is dead. Lawsuit is over. Next they'll load a fake xrp etf news to make an exit pump and then it's oblivion.
Tl;dr I bought back in 2022 because of the lawsuit hype, still holding because I'm a complete retard

>> No.57464258

kek, imagine not shorting this shit into the ground where it belongs