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File: 476 KB, 2145x1440, Python.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57459150 No.57459150 [Reply] [Original]

>just become fluent in 6 different programming languages

>> No.57459162

I am

>> No.57459167

nice too meet you sir.

>> No.57459179

is iOS development easy to get into? I tried web dev but just hated all the frontend bullshit.

>> No.57459218


>> No.57459240

Programming is for AI.

>> No.57459248

If you cant learn languages on the fly after learning your first one you are ngmi

>> No.57459264

Not completely true but yeah. If you are using the same paradigms what is there to "learn"?

>> No.57459363


>> No.57459735

To be honest though, its really not that hard to learn another language once you've figured out the main principles of programming with one of them. You end up just naturally picking them up anyway.

>> No.57459752

> web: html, css, js/ts, postcss, sass
> web libs/framework: react, vue, svelte, nextjs, webpack
> c, c#, go and zig
> com: json, yaml
> tools: gitlab cicd, circle ci, terraform (ts), docker (dockerfile), kuberentes (yaml)
> tech: ipxe, bios, ipmi, etc
not even counting those i'm missing
not even counting all the technics and system design
not even counting architectures
not even counting networking
not even counting data structures
Tech is hard, especially for juniors nowadays
They don't stay a change

>> No.57459760

99% of mobile apps is multi-platform bs larping as 'native quality'. Usually written in TS. Front-end is the lowest tier 'CS job' there is.


>> No.57459764

+ nodejs

>> No.57459784

>all the technics and system design
would you agree that system design boils down to database design? All the patterns and approaches are generally well known. In the 5 years of industry experience I have yet once to run into something truly original or a problem that has not been solved before.

>> No.57459803 [DELETED] 
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You zoomers are just weak little factors. Back in my day we knew assembly and there wasn’t anything we couldn’t build. Noe you need to be hand held with your stupid “OO” languages, “garbage collectors”, and “cross compilers”

>> No.57459817

You zoomers are weak little faggots. Back in my day we knew assembly and there wasn’t anything we couldn’t build with it. Now you babies need your hand held with your stupid “OO” languages, “garbage collectors”, and “cross compilers”

>> No.57459830
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I have 10 years of experience programming on C++ and C# with some minor knowledge of Java and Python and i struggle to make ends meet, that goes to show you that a jack of all trades is a master of none. My advice? Start shitcoin DCAA like those faggots investing in $JEWP, better returns than 10 years of wasted potential and time like me

>> No.57459842

Ah shid i don't have enough.

>> No.57459859

>Tech is hard, especially for juniors nowadays
Do you think I'll have an easier time finding an entry-level webdev job or data analyst job?
t. just graduated

>> No.57459936
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Truth. Just had a job interview. For which they seemed very excited at my 8+ years experience in their specific framework (PHP/Symfony). They required only ~3 years per qualifications but I maxed out every single one. Literally got interviewed the exact same day I applied. Still got rejected after round 1 with the roastie, after she learned I don't live in California or New York anymore. I grew up in CA, lived in NY for 10 years, but fucked off to the Midwest after 2020. This is my home now. Based on this, she said she couldn't hire me. Doesn't matter since I already have a job and was only looking for J2 but it is fucked up what we have to put ourselves through just to have a shot at a semi-decent life.

Here are your choices:
1) lose your 20s and 30s, in order to have a chance at treading water financially
2) don't study 24/7 (enjoy your life) but be doomed to getting eaten by the hungry competition
3) ignore tech, but be doomed to retail jobs and poverty

Pic unrelated, but was during the good era, where you could actually do tech and make it. Now, you get to be middle class but only if you work really, really, hard.

>> No.57459954

I want to go back.

>> No.57459963

>1) lose your 20s and 30s, in order to have a chance at treading water financially
>2) don't study 24/7 (enjoy your life) but be doomed to getting eaten by the hungry competition
>3) ignore tech, but be doomed to retail jobs and poverty
Basically what I've seen is that I either have to apply for a masters in CS or AI while working toward grind the rest of my 20s, or I just work at starbucks and troon out

>> No.57460022

What are the odds of it merely being a downturn in the job market and general economy (equities and real estate aside) that is going to pass within a decade, leading to another tech job boom?

>> No.57460039

If you're programming in anything but C, nodejs, or golang, you're a stupid code monkey, phisher price "programmer"

>> No.57460045

>C, nodejs, or golang,
one of these is not like the others

>> No.57460048

spotted the tranny

>> No.57460058

You had me until nodejs

>> No.57460069

Technology will always be needed, and somebody will be needed to maintain it, even if companies are trimming workers right now. They are going to learn the value of the people who were actually maintaining their shit really, really quickly. If they are not learning already. Most likely there is some senior engineer out there doing the job of 10 people while the company calls him expensive to his face and he's ready to fuck off to SEA to start his own business when they rugpull him too. I'm that guy right now, and I'm HOARDING cash for the inevitable. Nonpozzed tech companies will rise again, but they will be startups.

>> No.57460093

Now what?

>> No.57460151

No shit, they're different tools. C for low level / systems, nodejs for quick rigging shit together, goland for user land thread runtime which allows you do write high performance apps in about 1/1000th of the time in any other language.

>> No.57460153

Once you get to the shitty tier skill of one language, you can get to shitty tier nearly all the other high level languages. I’m shit tier in several but learned first with php. I have been doing this 12 years and my coding skills are laughable

>> No.57460158

Tech is a sector that will be around forever, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to make ends meet or get those wonderful wfh jobs that pay a trillion/second that popped up in 2020 forever. Tech is one of the last reliable well paying jobs due to its infancy, but they're already trying to snuff it out and outsource as much as possible. Hell, even Trump pass his pajeet H1B bill meant to flood the tech labour supply

Literally everything about capitalism is about wage suppression. They're gonna eventually do to tech what deindustrialization did to working at your local manufacturing plant. It's not that manufacturing stopped existing, it just went from a thing that paid your grandpa enough to buy a massive house and 2 boats, to some chink kid getting $0.001/hr

>> No.57460244

oh you're learning programming cool cool me yeah i just kinda absorb languages like spongebob soaks up water. python got that down while scrolling insta, javascript that was a breeze during a netflix binge and c++ oh that was a weekend project with some chips and soda
operating systems are like flavors of ice cream to me got windows for the games linux for the real hacker vibes and macOS cause why not even dabbled with some others just for kicks my pc is like a digital swiss army knife but with more code and less knives.
honestly sometimes i mix up the languages like making a programming smoothie type some python throw in a bit of java and a sprinkle of ruby it’s a mess but somehow it works coding’s just like texting for me but instead of emojis i use code snippets
my secret just type stuff and see what sticks half the time i'm winging it googling everything and nodding along to stack overflow answers like i understand them it's all chill if it runs it runs right
so yeah learning this stuff it's easy peasy just go with the flow and have fun with it it's like learning to skateboard but the skateboard is a keyboard and the tricks are lines of code

>> No.57460267
File: 136 KB, 998x804, 1*nHJP-AToB3CrZTrfFc_hPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webshit isn't real programming. THIS is programming.

>> No.57460375

>doesn't even mention SQL or any DBMS which is a whole other beast
>doesn't even mention networking or cloud provider bullshit like AWS or Azure

>> No.57460387

Yeah, real useless for actual business applications.

>> No.57460438

Is it just me or is python a pain in the ass to learn? They say it's easy but I have to learn all that magic shit that exits in the language. And then I have to import all these packages written in C or rust because native python sucks and now I have to manage all these dependencies

>> No.57460449

this is dissassembled code and no one is coding assembly like this

>> No.57460479

>learn c++
>congrats you now can program in any object oriented language as well as regular C
>learn python
>congrats you now know all scripting languages
>glance at javascript or css once
>congrats if you have over 90 IQ you can now make web pages and user interfaces

>> No.57460539
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i tried doing keygenme threads on /g/ ~12 years ago. never took off

>> No.57460542
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I too, know this feel. We’re going to make it codie bro.

>> No.57460543

why dont you software devs literally just learn solidity?

even the most average of devs make a killing in web3. all jobs are remote, you get tons of insider info to exploit, you have an edge compared to average users at evaluating the stuff going on(contracts deploying, code quality what other projects are doing). market inefficiencies everywhere where you can make a killing just arbing(i know one single coin that has 2 pools where the guy that does the arb makes well over 6 figs yearly) its actually insane how easy is it to get ridiculously wealthy in crypto as a programmer

>> No.57460545

I do sql too
I mentioned networking
I do baremetal and i work on a software for datacenters so... I don't give a damn about cloud... I AM THE CLOUD
i have no answer to your question, i just feel for you
no, that's a /g/ meme
not if you want to do things at scale and on the entire stack
especially in infrastructure, it doesn't boils down to a database design
It all depends on the use case of each module, stack and domain
also one thing i didn't mentioned, if you want to survive in the world of tomorrow, you better start understanding domain driven design and be efficient with it
It's ok to start quick and dirty to explore a domain but you have to structure it
tech and business goes hand in hand, if you don't speak the same ubiquitous language, the entire company will die in a decade (or earlier)

You are making software to solve real problems and make money
We're not a charity, we're here to sustain the development our humanity's infrastructure and technology

>> No.57460587
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>easier time finding an entry-level webdev job or data analyst job?


>t. Unemployed senior webshitter

>> No.57460591
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What languages though? For me it's
>Java OR C++

Hell if you only know two of those (specifically the first five) you'll never ever be unemployed.

>> No.57460602

Because you come to shill it in these threads every time.

>> No.57460648

FUCK I can't believe I forgot FORTRAN and MATLAB.

Replace #s 5 and 6 on my list above.

>> No.57460662
File: 25 KB, 240x240, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. it's really that bad this time? It's not just a meme

>> No.57460671

the AI boom is happening now but has not yet replaced the code monkeys, and code monkeys are still losing jobs. i would not be optimistic about the next decade

>> No.57460686

They're all basically the same. It's not hard if you're not retarded. You'll just pick whatever has your favorite syntax and meets your use case.

>> No.57460694

Good luck, little duck.

>> No.57460701

Is this border crossing bullshit about the RAPE HATCH?

>> No.57460761
File: 67 KB, 640x400, Turbo_CPP_Compiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss using turbo basic, turbo pascal, and turbo c.

>> No.57460787
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>pass within a decade

nah brah this is literally the end of the world as we know it. unless you have connections wayyyy up high, you're screwed, just like everyone else who got vaccinated

>> No.57460897

You started great with C and ruined it with Nigg.JS

>> No.57460917

That’s the nature of nigg-level languages. They do things without asking for permission and you have to figure out the hidden behavior.

>> No.57460932

Backend dev here. I honestly think FE dev is more work and more shit to deal with. Most of the time I sit around watching videos. Maybe once per week I actually do stuff. The rest of the time I just pretend I’m doing “invisible” shit that no one can see or understand

>> No.57460974

What languages should I learn for a remote job with a US company?

>> No.57460995

>remote job
I literally don't see a single junior position when i filter out on-site for webdev

>> No.57461001

Just learn the basics SWE and you can use GPT to generate code for whatever language you need. Coding itself is less and less important. Understanding piecing systems together is more important

>> No.57461030

learned c++, java, javascript, julia, and python in high school
if you know c++ and java you can basically just into any other language easily so its not impressive saying you know a lot of programming languages (although Ive never used a functional language and those are apparently quite different)

>> No.57461037

oh and matlab I guess is the sixth one that I know

>> No.57461106

You're a not real programmer then. Just a hobbyist. Its about efficiency. If you can write a good enough hack job in nodejs in a few hours, there is no point in spending days to write it in C. Only if its a hobby or something I like spending time on it, otherwise fuck that shit.

C is for things where you really need to know what the hell its doing very precisely. But if you don't, fuck it. And nodejs is objectively superior to any alternative scripting language. Python is absolute trash, garbage. Every other scripting language is too esoteric to be used in a professional system, or shittier than nodejs.

Golang when you need to parallelize work and you don't want to spend months writing a custom parallel processing pipeline in C, and then years having to explain to fucking retards or take it up after you how it works. Just write it in synchronous logic that midwit code monkeys can at least half way understand.

Everything else is shit.

>> No.57461116

i will try learning golang to get a job

>> No.57461120

Nice, because I'm planning on changing careers

I understand. Thank you for the piece of advice, anon

>> No.57461130

>t.six fig wfh

>> No.57461152

Thank you, anon. What exactly is your field? Because in my course they are basically teaching me web development and I'm not really into it, unless it's crypto/web3.

>> No.57461187

>praises nodejs and calls python trash
kill yourself

>> No.57461230

easy... I'lll start, from most competenet to least competent I am in.
TS, JS, PHP, GO, Python, Rust, C#,

>> No.57461475

Also don't become a .net dev or you'll end up working with Indians

>> No.57461681

It's going to be hard buddy but you can pull it off by making good side projects with good code on Github
Infrastructure is still recruiting and we are not affected by those layoff
Most companies are now moving to baremetal to save money from their previous cloud mistake
Make multiple good side projects that solve a problem that affect you or others
When I help recruiters to test candidates, i look at their Github account all the time, it's fine if you don't commit everyday, it's fine if you don't have green heatmap... i just want to know if you can solve problem and code for a junior position
Don't listen too much to the memes here
If you want to be future proof, learn Go and web stuff (js/ts + react/nextjs (i don't like it, i prefer htmx but corpos...), maybe one other lib/framework just in case)
I just want to know that if I ask you to deploy a k8s with our tools that you will be able to pull it off, that if i ask you to code a small module that you will be able to code it, etc

The new junior position require way more than before but you can still do it
It's a game of trust, show me i can trust you
Don't show off, don't lie, be honest
If i ask you to make a test, be honest, don't copy/paste code from the internet or chatgpt because i will know

>> No.57461813


It is unironically over. There is a bubble. Webshit and ML and pajeets ruined everything. The layoffs by thousands only confirm this fact.

There is no demand for knowledge anymore. Only for cheap easily replaceable pajeets.

Also this: https://lngnmn2.github.io/articles/the-right-way/

>> No.57462078

OK but who will buy the products?

>> No.57462243

Yes keyboard clacker. devote 10.000 hours of your life to this dumb shit only to make the millionth online shop or banking app, so essentially still be of no use whatsoever to society.

>> No.57462277

Yeah well you spent 2 decades building a landing page hpm4

>> No.57462310

I work with a bunch of .NET fags who have no idea how much better faster and easier we could do the same things in node

>> No.57463251

solid advice thanks i'm learning go now

>> No.57463288

I'd say the same about you, nodefag. Golang is superior.

>> No.57463297

Could you elaborate a bit upon Julia? What did you end up using it for? Also, I've heard that documentation for it is very sparse, to put it lightly. What's up with that?

>> No.57463303


You're demoralisation thread is not even slightly effective.

>> No.57463304

Getting paid >>> Contributing to the society that bleeds you for tax money for the privilege of diluting your citizenship by legitimizing illegal aliens by first calling them "undocumented persons", then issuing them identification cards, then issuing them work visas, and so on and so forth. Fuck contributing to society at large.

>> No.57463595


how much you make monthly?
I think that's cuz you live in a first world country
I'm just starting to learn coding at age 24 and I dont give a fuck because I know in 2 years I will be somewhat okish on it and it will be a good sidekick probably I will make 1k usd monthly which isn't alot for you but for me it's ok..

>> No.57463754

There's always that one guy who thinks only the languages he uses are good and everything else is trash. Such a good way of spotting retards kek

>> No.57463827

>c++, java, python, js/ts
>sql, nosql, yaml, json
>aws, azure
>embedded systems (c/c++), nodejs, vue, fastpi/flask, nestjs, QT, tensorflow/numpy/pandas/pyarrow
>docker, git, ci-cd
Out of my head, 80% of these i use daily (iot startup)

>> No.57464028


>> No.57464154

It's all slavery anon lmao. There's no > here.

>> No.57464454

>Most likely there is some senior engineer out there doing the job of 10 people while the company calls him expensive to his face
This is me too, except im still midlevel despite only me maintaining our SDK that our clients use to embed our application at an org of 300. Along with deployment schedules, decomissioning, internal config tooling, as they are dumping more shit onto our team. We hired a "senior" engineer in Nov and I had to have calls with HER(woman+brown ngmi) to explain she has to git pull changes from the remote.
Talked to my boss last week utterly pissed that not only did they not promote within they hired a poojeta fucking retard that slows my ability to deliver. Job is in healthcare AI so its very cushy I just need to get her fired and gobble up her salary

>> No.57464517

So am I, mid 40s unemployed and no one will hire me because overqualified (too old) they only hire jeet immigrants now

>> No.57464528

I've decided to dedicate myself full time to being anti-immigrant though and its actually going pretty well. Soon there won't be a jeet able to show their face in public here.

>> No.57465981

nice, same. way more than 6 actually

>> No.57466285

How are you doing your learning?

>> No.57466302

Just reading about it for now to get a glance, soon I will start putting it in practice by making few features and so on..

>> No.57466434

laudromat owners from phuket

>> No.57466498
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>> No.57466703
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>don't copy/paste code from the internet or chatgpt because i will know

Don't lie to them Kek, you and I both know you have no way of knowing that unless they're dumb enough to leave the comments in or using the 3.5 gimped method of (do my homework lol). Besides, 90% of this fucking job is ctrl+v and ctrl+p till it works.

Some of your advice is good, but you honestly sound like corporate shill or FAGMAN stooge. If any anon has the skills to accomplish all of that by themselves, they can make infinitely more freelancing or making an app as barely a Jr. (that solves a problem gtfo here kek) and at that point why the fuck would you want to work for even a FAGMAN unless you truly love tech and/or working in a office full of faggots, jeets, and troons?

Here's an honest answer from someone who's been in the industry for over fourteen years. Fuck these people. Use whatever method available to you to get ahead, and then leave them in the dust. You are a number to them and replaceable with jeets and AI. If you're actually a competent coder, you will be forced to clean up the shit code your colleges push on git to try and force it to work. That's the biggest challenge of the job when you make it to senior, cleaning up Jeet and wammin code.

Again, if you want to make money do cyber security. If you truly love this stuff then do coding and expect to not get a job. That's the truth. Not just fucking demoralization or a peptalk. I truly want good people in this industry, but as it stands you have a lot of hurdles right now and unless you really-really love this shit, there are better tech avenues. You're probably going to end up doing web shit or some other gay shit to make ends meet. But, if you really love this stuff, you're probably used to living like a monk and have already made it in crypto anyway.

>t. Pod Anon.

>> No.57466741

You only really need to master 1 or 2. Assuming they are non meme languages you will understand how writing code works in general and effortlessly pick up a new language if you need it. I have written in many languages but only claim C#/Java as expertise.

>> No.57466778

Nah. Become "fluent" in 1 or 2 (maybe one strongly-typed, compiled language like Java, and one scripting language like Python).

After that, specialize. I took my comp from $100k to $250k just by specializing in "Search" (Vector search, relevancy, performance tuning etc).

>> No.57466820

No one codes like that, that's some dis assembled assembly code from the looks of it.

Protip: Learn C and JS. Master JS and some gay framework and when/if the tech industry pulls it's head out of its ass you can get a job anywhere as a webshitter for some major corporation changing hex codes in CSS. C even if you never use it again, will give you the basic structure to easily learn any language so if whoever you work with has a backend using Python, Java, Ruby, or some gay scripting language probably older than you--you can easily adapt to it.

>> No.57466874

>Again, if you want to make money do cyber security.
I was hoping to get into that field but I figured that development or sysadmin would be a necessary prerequisite to get my foot int the door. The most I've really done in cybersec was a networking course, advent of cyber, used some pre-installed kali tools + forensic apps, and made a RE malware lab with ghidra. I also built a keylogger when I was in middle school but I destroyed it. I don't have any certifications. What type of work should I be applying to, and how much of those jobs are actually private sector?

>> No.57466924

I learned it just to learn it basically, because I just thought the concept of a high level python-like language that was almost as fast as C was really cool
if you know python you basically already know Julia syntax-wise
I just made some sample programs, like a neural network from scratch and a mandelbrot/julia fractal (hehe) program

>> No.57466933

notation is a non-factor most of the time
specific concepts are the real measurement of understanding a language
you can program better with AI

>> No.57467113

you don't "learn" json and yaml, just take one look at them and immediately understand what's happening. Any single job probably uses 1/4 of those technologies which is an incredibly small amount of things to learn, considering the insane shit other wages need to do in order to earn 6 figs. Programmers are extremely lucky. A solid portion of the world would literally kill for such a job,

>> No.57467194

You should have enough experience to get into a general IT position. I would start there honestly, then move into it. The hardest part of this industry is getting your foot in the door. After that, then I would look into getting certs. I would try to go the pen testing route though. I have family who went back into a cushy IT role because Blue Team bullshit. Good luck anon.

>> No.57467249

Solid thanks. I'll try getting help desk or something similar, work on some certs, grind toward OSCP, and see what happens

>> No.57469813

> you and I both know you have no way of knowing that unless they're dumb enough to leave the comments
If only you knew how many candidates are cheating my copy/pasting code from Github... I had one recently that took two repo, mix pieces of code, I realized it because the programming style wasn't specific and I busted him
Same thing for ChatGPT, when you ask for generics or network techniques, it is super dumb and sadly can't produce good code
So the candidate can be easily busted

> 90% of this fucking job is ctrl+v and ctrl+p till it works
Good luck in life
If it's how you do things, you're not doing software engineering but just programming. Meaning you are not necessarily creating real value but just managing data and displaying it.

> sound like corporate shill or FAGMAN stooge
> infinitely more freelancing or making an app as barely a Jr
Good luck making money in IT these days or in general
Being a freelance, ok fine but you will do basic stuff all the time, not REAL engineering
For the rest, you make a really naive comment focusing on a handful of big tech companies when there are way more mid-size companies that are not considered "big tech" but still make billions or part of our critical infrastructure. Not everything is like your fantasy world anon.

> if you love the tech
> do freelance if you're good
> but leave them in the dust
> use whatever method available
> * literally be unprofessional *
> trannies everywhere
> go in cyber security
kek what
you are contradict yourself in your post
you won't be the kind of teammate i would work with

Truth is, do what you love doing for people that treat you well. If you are not happy, just leave somewhere else.

If you want to earn lot and good money, be a good software ENGINER and not a frontend-fag or monkey developer.
This include soft skills. If you don't want to work on your soft skills, you will have trouble working with people and creating actual real value in this world.

>> No.57469822

but for YAML... well complex Ansible playbooks are just awful to read

>> No.57470047

R Studio is kicking my ass,

>> No.57471273

Not the same anon but…

I mean, I want to take you to task on the engineering v. code monkey debate when concerning training Jr. (also the comment on IT) But yeah, I mean real engineering happens backend, but again we’re splitting hairs here. My background is full stack and management, so actual engineering for us is mostly creative ways to get big O notations and git janny duty. I’m also extremely jaded with the industry because this is the day-to-day bullshit most of us deal with since we get locked into a field to pay the bills and not one we really wanted to enter. I’m legitimately glad you have an actual software-engineering job anon. But I don’t want to blow smoke up young anon asses on what daily life is like doing this shit.

But for real, even backend, you can’t honestly tell me you don’t copy pasta your frame or use past projects. I don’t care how autistic or a vim purist you are. Come on man.

>> No.57471407

>have the discipline to lift
>dont have the discipline to code

>> No.57471446
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Because coding is extremely tedious and boring starting out and you probably won’t make anything by yourself until you’ve been doing it for a few years. Meanwhile lifting has quicker rewards and releases endorphins.

>> No.57471475

I was in a coding bootcamp, and i couldn't figure out this trick our teacher wanted us to do. i ended up finding his code he posted years ago online, and copy and pasted that. i changed it up enough so it looked similar to something id code, in the way id code it. he could not tell, and i passed. i bet i could fool you, too.

>> No.57471770

"Learning" a language is easy.
As you guys said, after learning 1 or 2, everything else comes naturally. Try a new language for a few minutes and you should be able to code stuff in it instantly

But the nuances of each new language is something that might take a bit more time to get good at though.
Especially if you're going walk in to a huge project, where there was already an existing framework, and even worse, if you're expected to maintain an existing codebase instead of writing from scratch.
i.e. getting FLUENT as OP said >>57459150

e.g. if it's your first time using Javascript, writing your own is easy. But you won't know about things like closures, and the entire mess of dealing with "this", you have to maintain someone else's code and you'll see code like
> that = this;
and probably scratch your head

Or maybe something simple like generics in Java.
If you're new, you probably find guides that don't use generics, then you go into the codebase you have to maintain and see HashSet<String,LinkedList<String,String>> or <? extends someClass>...

Or you go into a C codebase, and someone was using an array of pointers to a list of functions, and doing stuff like (**functionArr)(); or you encounter matrix math and have to deal with ***matrx or even more asterisks, combined with brackets.

Or it's your first time dealing with regex, then you find an complex one in the existing codebase, and have to figure out an existing bug a client is complaining about.

I mean, a decent coder will eventually figure all of these out.... or just copy paste code from stackoverflow whenever applicable, but sometimes there's nuances that take some time to get in to.

>> No.57471799

still no one hires me though
too young for leadership, too old for intermediate roles

>> No.57471871

Shit, so many experts here knowing 6+ languages. All I know is C++ and python.


>> No.57472276
File: 337 KB, 542x466, 1702277420211174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you trying to tell me, that I can become fluent in 100 programming languages?
>No, anon, I'm trying to tell you that once you learn prompt engineering, you won't have to.

>> No.57472315

We have books, like normal human being
I'm not part of the meme vim programming train
But you are right, there is still place for regular IT and web stuff
The market is not going to collapse
All I said was that if you want to be safe from layoffs... infrastructure is comfy
Also, there are more and more companies that goes into hiring freeze so it's a good time to prove that you're an ok programmer

Like I say often IRL, there are builders and there are maintainers. I will never shit on maintainers, they are the blood of humanity technology stack. We need ok programmers everywhere that want to do a GOOD job while resting more than the builders.

I would love to see more good fathers that maintain codebases

And no, I don't copy pasta from the internet but yes for past projects, duuuuh
I'm part of the people that learn by reading the code of others and do side projects that are useful. We all learn in different ways, that's my way!

I just hope every junior anons will make it

>> No.57472826

Yeah, I’m sure you could. I actually encourage my Juniors to do what you did because not having to handhold is one of those “soft skills” that are infinitely more valuable than you actually knowing the autistic details of length v. length()

>> No.57472847

Must have 10 years experience in this 2Yr old framework. Lmfao @ tech trannies.

>> No.57473706

>Tech is hard
*outsource all your jobs to pajeetland*
Really hard yeah

>> No.57473716

Does this actually work? Won't they find out when the look at the source code and it has curry stains?

>> No.57473726

lol...i like how they just rename shit and pretend its something new and dumbfucks invest
>internet - CLOUD
>computer programs - APPS

>> No.57473727
File: 441 KB, 1000x853, 1649157019449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just learn dis and dat and d...
>No problem.

>> No.57473847

I'm assuming the majority of you have soft eng/comp sci degrees right? Do you find it easy to find jobs?

>> No.57474064

learning languages is cope for brainlets, the only thing that matters as a programmer is if you're able to think and solve problems programmatically/algorithmically and that's something you can't learn no matter how many languages you stuff in your low iq brain, the implementation in code is code-monkey stuff that anyone can learn extremely quickly

>> No.57474085

You only need javascript and solidity bro

>> No.57474507
File: 1.54 MB, 323x233, IMG_0453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majority of you have soft eng/comp sci degrees right?


>Do you find it easy to find jobs?


>> No.57474699

it doesn't work
they are awful
> internet - CLOUD
you are a retard that fell for meme language sir
the internet is a lot of switches and routers
the cloud is a virtualization of computers using baremetal servers as a service
don't say those things in an interview

>> No.57474728
File: 7 KB, 235x196, 0e688b45449f469baaf53a0974da7a2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too young for leadership, too old for intermediate roles

checked and literally me'd
my only outlook is either becoming low level team lead or becoming PM or throw my pride and standards in to the bin and become a cocksucker SM

>> No.57477249

willing to relocate? I basically had to give up on the idea of remote work in order to get hired again.

>> No.57477291

how do you pivot into big money cybersecurity out of full-stack web homoing ?

>> No.57479611

have you guys tried having a good cv and not being terrible in interviews
I get 30-ish% response rate on my cv, and have never failed the interview stage
not tried it myself but being a black woman also helps i hear