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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57454795 No.57454795 [Reply] [Original]

Absolutely based, short fucking oil.

>> No.57454820
File: 479 KB, 1080x1068, 1706554831720124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflates price by 50000%
>prices stop increasing
>no need to thank me, just doing my job

>> No.57454834

Daily reminder for Trump chuds:
War time presidents always win

>> No.57454838

Yep. Oil is coming down. Not just because of Biden, but because Trump will remove any and all restrictions on drilling and american oil/gas production. Now is not the time to long oil

>> No.57454976

>We're going to war today because all the oil supply lines have been blockaded
>Short oil!
good luck have fun

>> No.57454990

>regular gas is 3.30 where I live
>bidenomics lmao!

Holy fuck is there is any mutt revolution I hope every single Democrat hangs from a lamppost

>> No.57455031
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>muh truuuump
Kys retarded jew. No one here cares about your staged bullshit politics. Go back to plebbit.

>> No.57455035

>stop increasing
they are still increasing, just at a lower rate (if you believe official numbers)

>> No.57455051
File: 452 KB, 960x725, train to fren town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>essential items including gas
No one's fault but your own if you require a car to get anywhere, consider living elsewhere

>> No.57455060

Wait until shit hits the fan in the middle east

>> No.57455089

Most retarded comment i've ever seen

>> No.57455104


>> No.57455105

Well duh, the most important US export is and was inflation. Econ 101.

>> No.57455117
File: 737 KB, 1080x1839, Screenshot_20240123-143123_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies are seething and what prices to go back to 2019 where their wage is still at. What is the actual solution to this this? Crash the markets with deflation? Gaslighting the people certainly isn't working.

>> No.57455124

And why is that

>> No.57455139

I do. I support Trump. Fuck you and your dumb "Trump is just as bad as Biden" bullshit. Donald Trump my friend.

>> No.57455231

Stop increasing would be a 0.0 inflation yty, so its not even that, its still increasing but not that fast anymore

>> No.57455242

The financial alchemists who assist Biden have done a pretty impressive job so far. Hope they turn the money printers back on soon - I want to be very fucking RICH

>> No.57455244

In other words, things are still getting more expensive.

>> No.57455248

They literally just have to stop printing money. Is it really that hard?

>> No.57455256


>> No.57455729
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Make $1 per gallon gasoline great again.

>> No.57455855
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>Trump said stock market would crash if Biden was reelected.
>Stock market goes to all time high
Riding with Biden pays off, he has my vote

>> No.57455894

>Wait until shit hits the fan in the middle east
It's been shitting the fan for the past 2 millennia

>> No.57455900
File: 374 KB, 1236x1328, 1683910321043534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add two trillion in debt
>economy only pumps 4%


>> No.57455904
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>> No.57455921

uuuh, no. Sorry, but we have to further our deficit to apease the warworlds and poor niggers and ESG environmentards to score points with the populace

>> No.57455922

Dirtbikes and quads are the only official form of transportation.

Who will build the roads you ask?
Where we're going there won't be any roads.

>> No.57455935

trump wont win you retard

>> No.57456007

There's some validity to that. I do like bikes for sure.

I'm more so referring to the people who have effectively boxed themselves into ONLY driving a giant car everywhere they go, with no other option.

You can easily live in a nice US suburb and still be able to walk to things you like
>your gym
>some nice restaurants
>your kid's elementary school
etc etc

Just easier that way imo

>> No.57456024

>short oil when obiden is going to limit US natural gas exportation

>> No.57456059

>inflation is coming down
latest report shows an uptick still not under 2 percent

>> No.57456319

you're not wrong, however the average twitter user does not understand this

>> No.57456384

>War time presidents always win
Nixon lost

>> No.57456395

>erection year
>inflation suspiciously low

>> No.57456432

mountainside cope truly is the best cope

>> No.57456529

Democrats are losing on purpose.

>> No.57457505
File: 94 KB, 586x441, VeryLittleCost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden beat inflation... at very little cost.

>> No.57457845


>> No.57458836

people are happy to live in delusion, but this time they can't get away with this dumb gaslighting because everyone every day sees the price of shit increasing very quickly and regularly. You can't just get "experts" to explain this away for the NPCs, it doesn't work here

>> No.57460506

It’s still like 5 bucks a gallon here. Been like that for at least 3 years now