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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5744095 No.5744095 [Reply] [Original]

Other thread 404’d. Fuck that we got more to talk about.



If I made you money here is my ETH address for providing this valuable information.




Good luck boys. You get sent the tokens instantly and it is going to start off on Cryptopia. Easy 10x

>> No.5744166

Feel like I made the biggest mistake ever investing in this... I saw how Jibrel went and I just went really quick on it.. now that I look at who, what and how... I have second thoughts.

>> No.5744173

Moon lambo incoming Kek

>> No.5744180

The ceo is on telegram answering questions right now

>> No.5744187

''Future proofed'' I can't believe I put money in this omfg.

>> No.5744197
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I'll take my lambo in purple and pink bitches

>> No.5744208
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>> No.5744210

Kind of feel the same way. DEVs dont dont seem ready to make big money yet.

>> No.5744213
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There are some red flags on this one as pointed out in the other thread.

>> No.5744256

Those people in telegram:

>Omg only 10 million dollars I hate greedy ICOs

yeah.. only 10 FUCKING MILLION ...

>> No.5744265

Never used MEW before so I sent a small amount from binance first. Sitting at 0/30 confirmations for 30 minutes now. What's going on? Ether transfers have always been faster than this for me

>> No.5744294

Cancel it NAO

>> No.5744308

U shouldn't send from an exchange, only MEW

>> No.5744327

I'm sending from binance to MEW

>> No.5744341

To be perfectly honest, a low cap can be either good or bad. Nothing to shill a coin about.

>> No.5744374

Sorry I see how I was being confusing. I started with a small withdrawal of .02 from binance to MEW 30 minutes ago to make sure I got the protocol correct. 0/30 confirmations.

>> No.5744457

True its low cap.. so atleast we have that. Can go 2x - 3x if its bad

>> No.5744460

Sup bro, no exchange wallets, just pure unadulterated MEW

>> No.5744507

True, there's that. I'm confident that it will go up, but let's keep it civil.

>> No.5744523

Civil it is

>> No.5744578

can we agree to shill this then after ICO>

>> No.5744616

Ok the first transfer finally started to go through. Phew

>> No.5744691

You mean lamdo

>> No.5744702

Dude this is going to get shilled harder than link and req combined.

>> No.5744751

Joost stole some other guy's identity

these guys put themselves on camera on youtube

150% legit project

>> No.5744817

Why does it ask for my name and email? What would happen if I put fake information?

>> No.5744827

I went all in. I will have nothing to do all day but to shill this lol

>> No.5744873

>a bunch of kids make an ICO
>10 million

>> No.5744875

thank you for your updates anon, i am in the exact same position you were in. i could relax now that your confirmations are going through

>> No.5744878

What's the point of getting in during an ICO and how much is it going for?

>> No.5744880

You will still get tokens. Fake info is fine

>> No.5744889

Nothing probably

>> No.5744951

>be cardano
>have nothing but a whitepaper
>19 billion

>> No.5744953

Lol you are joking? Why should you buy a fake ico?

>> No.5744968

Sounds too good to be true desu.

Bunch of guys just making literally perfect coin.

>> No.5745011

...dude, we were talking about the form used when buying tokens. They ask for you name and email. But these can't be fake. It won't prevent you from getting tokens. Lamden info is legit

>> No.5745022

thanks just bought 2.4eth

>> No.5745024

How many coins will be in circulation?

>> No.5745082

Atta boy, shill for my bags too anon.

>> No.5745089

I agree, claims are one thing but stuff like this needs proof. 10,000 tx/sec... no data or testnet. "Future proofed", what does that even mean...

>> No.5745126

Because you get it super cheap and dump it super high when it hits exchanges

>> No.5745167

But how much is it? Like how much would .1 eth buy me?

>> No.5745184

where is the ICO address? i will help yall with the biz if u help me

>> No.5745198

like 960

>> No.5745216

2.4eth got me 23,311tokens

>> No.5745240

Contact address can be in the tweet found here. I expect some quality shilling from you comrade.


Alternatively, you can use the site: https://lamden.io/Sale

>> No.5745264

How many coins will there be?

>> No.5745268

Tell the guys in https://discord.gg/7r3s5S about it and they might jump on board, looks promising.

>> No.5745305

>op is desperate now that he realizes he loses his entire investment when the cap isnt reached

>> No.5745370

If the cap isn't reached (highlight unlikely since we are 35% sold already), any unsold coins would be burned. Making it even more juicy

>> No.5745381

50 million

>> No.5745385

Hey anon thanks for reposting my thread and keeping my ETH address. Appreciate it.

The devs are very transparent in the slack. Also just found out they're onboarding 5 more developers.

:) gl all

>> No.5745398

dude even if there isnt a working product it's still 2.5x returns because ico right?

or am i retarded

>> No.5745424
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>> No.5745469
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We all need to work together as a group to shill this. It's a nobrainer to retards. The telegram is growing really fast imo. Can't wait to see what happens. Let's hope we hit 10MM soon.

If not the main sale ends Jan 22 and the rest of the tokens will be burnt.

Thanks for telling biz about this hidden gem m8

>> No.5745521

This chart is BLATANTLY LYING, avoid this scam, seriously

NEO handles at least 10k transactions per second, not 1k as claimed

NEO also is quantum proof (aka "future proof")

This coin is an even bigger scam than that bazinga coin shit. If you buy this, you deserve to lose your money.

>> No.5745551

When does this hit an exchange? And what's to stop it from just stagnating once it get's there.

>> No.5745576

That was a random chart off of Reddit that another anon posted. It still is overall accurate regardless

>> No.5745612

Wait, Bazinga coin was a scam?

>> No.5745614
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Shut the fuck up pajeet, its not even close to accurate and is blatantly misleading. Go shit on a street.

>> No.5745653

Interesting. I'm pretty new here, do I need to use MyEtherWallet/Metamask or can I just send it to my normal Ethereum wallet?

>> No.5745699


>> No.5745747

Use MEW just to be safe.

>> No.5745772

Shouldn't you be working at your call center? Oh yeah thats right, they all just got laid off, hense creating garbage like this thread.

>> No.5745812

the sale continues for another week. sorry anons ill wait on this ico

>> No.5745819

Are you the kind of garbage that shills XVG #rekt

>> No.5745868
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>> No.5745878

dude slow the fuck down with your suggestions... I can only fit so many lambos in my garage

>> No.5745880

Nah Im the anon who sees fake bullshit posted in the OP and tries to save my fellow /biz/raelis from getting scammed by a shitskin like you.

>> No.5745951
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Also sending directly from the exchange adress and using it as the contribution adress won't matter right? Only the receiving adress matters I assume.

>> No.5745974



Noped the fuck out immediately

>> No.5745989

Keep dreaming playa'

>> No.5746020


Please refute the chart on specific points, not screeching. The devs are Doxxed and burgers. No way they run a scam.

>> No.5746023

You must send from your receiving address

>> No.5746042


>> No.5746048


>> No.5746073

Welp, I did what I could. Anyone who buys this shit deserves to lose their money to some nasty street shitter. Fact check that image, you will see how misleading it is in pretty much every regard.

You've been warned, anons.

>> No.5746146

Point out what's incorrect

>> No.5746180

Ah shame then I have to pay withdraw fees first too. I'm a bit afraid to use metamask though it has multiple 1 star reviews of people saying they lost money..

>> No.5746221

>250 active developers
>three different organizations
>Charles Hoskinson

>> No.5746223

The whole team is shit tho

>> No.5746224

I already gave you a start. See here


Check the rest for yourself. Or lose your money, I literally dont give a fuck because I'm already a millionaire. But I want to see more of my /biz/ bros make it instead of seeing them get ripped off by 3rd world country scams

>> No.5746342

I know that it's shit and I know their dev team is shit but I'm still considering buying it because some retards can just start shilling it and it will fucking moon. I'm so fucking conflicted. We really need to put in jail with of the ICO people so that motherfuckers stop pulling it off in a first place.

>> No.5746388

It's an ambitious product with a 10m market cap. If shit goes bad it is still going to 2.5x. What more do you want.

>> No.5746422

They are also having a site redesign and going to start marketing more heavily.

>> No.5746571
File: 38 KB, 300x229, 1514805582426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of these mother fuckers making millions and billions off work that can be accomplished in 1 week by 2-3 guys.

It's official /biz/ I am starting my own currency and opening an ICO to have it fully funded. Work starts today on my own.

I might bring on 5 developers when I hit 10 million in funding.

The fuck is this shit man... busted my ass off as a developer for 15 years. Dirt poor.... this shit comes along and you have kids making millions because they put up a fucking website and wrote a few pages calling it a 'Whitepaper'.

Yeah, you can expect 10 ICO's coming from me this month.


>> No.5746656

Exactly this

>> No.5746748

What u gonna name it. biz coin?

>> No.5746814

Whatever happened to the coin biz was going to make?

>> No.5746901

Just be confident bro

>> No.5746947

the salt is real with this wagecuck

>> No.5747014

I must be an idiot. I've never used MEW to send any eth yet. I have some loaded on my wallet(ledger) and when I go to send it to the address the site gives me and I change the gas to 250000, nothing happens when I hit "generate transaction" within MEW. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.5747253

NM....figured it out.

>> No.5747374

Where are all the KEKS that missed presale???

LMK so I can pipe your wives in my purple LAMMDDOOO

>> No.5747933


OP did you find this because of my earlier shill threads that were ignored? I'm in from the presale and and think this ICO has huge potential. 100x isn't out of the question assuming the devs actually deliver (which I put at 25-35% probability).

>> No.5747952

this must be shilled to succeed

>> No.5747971

hi stu

>> No.5747980
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neo is not dpos, it's dbft

>> No.5748006

they already had 12 member team, on boarding 5 more dev. comfy as fuck. got 250k , want to add more but no money

>> No.5748092

dude, I looked at jibel backed out there is no attractive feature in jibel to attract nor fomo. this lamden is kick ass for fomo , ppl fomo for blockchain project. this is 100x ico. u are fine

>> No.5748099

Just curious, people in here are saying just send from MEW but then this guy posted >>5745951

>> No.5748124


>> No.5748164

its good if cap isnt reached. they burning unsold tokesn. please OP dont shill it. we can shill it after ico done ,incase not sold out token burn win win

>> No.5748431

Yeah I actually just realized how stupid it was that I made these shill posts after.
I honestly see this shit closing (Jan22nd) as intended at like 6M

Hopefully they burn the rest and then we're gonna be fucking laughing to the bank. We have to stay low and only shill after ICO is over and we have the burned leftovers. GOODLUCK everyone. This is still solid and easy to shill. Especially considering the team is onboardig a ton of new devs etc.

>> No.5748463
File: 68 KB, 1262x298, Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 9.54.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used MEW, they sent coins back to MEW. here is the right image. he fudder.

>> No.5748505

WTF man I'm not a fudder I'm a new guy genuinely worried, I found that in the Metamask guide.

>> No.5748523

where can we see progress? how much funds they received ?

>> No.5748539

Anyone know when the coin will be tradeable on etherdelta / cryptopia?

>> No.5748547

I am taking about the guy who posted fake image in initial post . not u dude.

>> No.5748574


>> No.5748581


>> No.5748587

how much are you guys investing?

>> No.5748614

How much Eth should I put in to make it?

>> No.5748625

dont buy in ED, they have high prices. buy from ico.

>> No.5748652

I sent 25 eth. will send 25 eth in few days. but fuck eth mooning. if it slow down then I will send more.

>> No.5748670

That explains the shills.

>> No.5748715

keep it low profile anon. we will see if it does not reach cap. they burn tokens. then we can shill it. this project is fucking attractive for shilling normies. I am not worrying on it. comfy ico after long time for me.

>> No.5748721

Just sent 40 ETH. Why the fuck did I not hear about them earlier?

>> No.5748725


>> No.5748759

already 4x of ico in ed. even that is low once initial weeks get out. then it moon

>> No.5748797

should just sage guys, gotta be greedy jew

>> No.5748857

this could either make us millionaires or could be a complete scam. Im not shilling until after it gets listed.

>> No.5748865

I'm fine with sitting on this. Coins getting burnt just means bigger moon. I don't see the main sale lasting that long tho.

>> No.5748909

So I sent 2 ETH to the crowdsale address with GAS at 250,000
What now?
When do I get my tokens?
how do I add them?

>> No.5748920

dont shill this. I am sure this ico may complete but looking at similar proj like Dragonchain, neblio ..etc their cap hardly reached. so no worry until ico. it will moon right after the gate.

>> No.5748927

add contract adress to metamask as token, DYOR idiot

>> No.5748975
File: 68 KB, 962x514, Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 10.16.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they sent right away. u need to add custom token to see from mew. but immediately u can see in ethercan.io

here is instructions from lamden team

>> No.5748986

Mums the words

>> No.5749001

got them
how much are they trading for rn on ETHDelta

>> No.5749024

They aren't. Just ridiculously high and ridiculously low orders placed. No trades have been made on ED yet.

>> No.5749026


>> No.5749033

agree. very ambitious project. if they pull half of it.we going to be multi mill'er by eoy.

>> No.5749065

how many eth you sent for this?

>> No.5749095

how much should I put in to make it?

>> No.5749145


Im pretty sure im going to get scammed but with 2500 ETH it is worth it if i moons

>> No.5749161

if they pull it off, 10-15k lamden is enough.also depends how long u want to hold

>> No.5749243

lmao, so they pretty much misrepresented neo on every single thing. If you buy this you are braindead.

>> No.5749254

I got 20k
how high could this go realistically?

>> No.5749301

Hard cap of 300,000,000 coins. could be a 500 dollar coin.

>> No.5749318

Where do you recieve your tokens? theres no place to put a wallet address

>> No.5749352

Exactly. People will understand after Jan 22. Don't be worried. Tons of devs coming. This just needs time. So fucking easy to shill after the ICO.

>> No.5749367

why 22 Jan?

>> No.5749391

If this isnt a scam we can meme this to $500 easy bros

>> No.5749425
File: 503 KB, 1400x1042, scamcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The warning has been given.

>> No.5749491


10x , so 100M marketcap

>> No.5749560

You are wrong about the speed. Neo is only 10,000tps if you create a private chain and run locally.

Not going to look up the others since the first one I debunked

>> No.5749575

That is me.. look at ID..

>> No.5749680



Fucking snopes sounding liberal ass cuck CNN watching faggot. You didnt 'debunk' a damn thing. Go read NEO's whitepaper and come back with your tail tucked between your ballless legs.

>> No.5749725

ITT: A bunch of idiots who didn't bother reading the whitepaper and are being fooled by an extremely misleading infographic.

>> No.5749736

That is the ICO closing date.

>> No.5749778

They help businesses seamlessly implement blockchain solutions in a timely and cost effective manner. Saffron will allow businesses to launch and operate their own private blockchain on the ETH platform in a matter of minutes without the need to hire expensive programmers.
XYZ mentioned how some of the employees have linkedin connections to his colleagues and the CEO used to work at Logic Labs which is an enterprise fin tech solutions company.
Currently a big pain in the space is that a lot of businesses want to use blockchain technology but impleting it is either too complicated, resource intensive or just not feasible. This will provide a powerful tool for companies. Think what Excel did for accounting this will do for blockchain consultants. Low market cap so large opportunity for growth.
It is a very low cap ICO so they may not have the funds needed to do everything that they are setting out to do. They are trying to be like ARK, ICX or ETH, all of which have much bigger dev teams and more funds at their disposal.
Token Sale:
Public token sale live now and will continue till Jan 04 2018.
Total Supply = 500,000,000 TAU tokens (unsold ones will be burned after ICO)
Hard Cap = USD $10,000,000.
Token Sale Price = CAD $0.076
Bonus: 22%

>> No.5749795

Why all these utility coins which are supposedly blockchained being sold as ICO tokens on ETH.
I know EOS does that also and you are supposed to exchange them as some point.
But i really hate this shit.
They are just IOU's fundamentally.
And nothing is really stopping them from just saying fuck you to the token holders once the new coin is blockchained.
They don't even have to a do full anal fucking either
they could make a shit pot of premined coins that they keep dilluting the value of the ICO tokens and/or change the exchange rate and probabaly do a few more things i am not even thinking about right now.
And even without the fuck you some of these tokens will be lost in the interim.
what are they going to do with those premined blockchained coins that no one will claim because they can't. The keys are lost or the guy holding got in a car wreak and died or an exchange got shut down holding everyones tokens or they got sent to a dead address or a million other fucking things which can effectively destroy them.
You know they are just going to pocket them.

>> No.5749806

My analysis for those interested.

>> No.5749889

its a scam. i hope nobody actually paid anything for these coins when real coins like icx, neo etc actually exist.

whats even worse is t he devs are in these threads, posting them, trying to shill this garbage to biz. Its easy to tell who in this thread is working on this project. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.5750022

I just finished reading the white paper, and I'm not really seeing the purpose of the coin? They are developing software for making coins, and then the TAU is just like a donation to the developers?

>> No.5750060


fucking ADA,EOS does not even have proper wallets.y we give them several billions. crypto is retarded we all agree. at least these lamden guys are working on , have proper github, MVP already done. its legit as fuck u will fomo back for sure on this.

>> No.5750091


Nigger, please. I bought this shit before the biz shilling as an asymmetric trade and I've shilled it here a few times before the latest group of posts. All of my posts were ignored - and that's fine. The odds of them absolutely scamming are basically 0%. The odds of them failing to deliver are 85%. The odds of me making a fuck ton of money handing out bags are 99.9%. I made fistfulls of ETH handing out OHNI and FENIX bags, too. Stop with the fucking virtues and activate your profit motive. This team (NO PAJEETS) and the coin are ultimately shillable. There's money to be had. Don't leave it on the table.

>> No.5750099


in top 100 cmc, above 80% projects have useless tokens. what u r point here.

>> No.5750149

I'm not trying to be critical, I put some money in, I'm just not the greatest at interpreting white papers and wanted to see if anybody had a better idea. The coin is only mentioned in one paragraph and it seems pretty explicit that the coin isn't intended to be worth much. While it's fine that most coins are worthless, usually they try to sell them a little better.

>> No.5750251

yea I'm also wondering this.
What is the actual token used for?
Having a purpose makes it easier to shill at least

>> No.5750452

So far the token is stated to be the form of currency that can be traded between all blockchains created with the lamden tools and will have free and fast transactions. It's on their blog in one of the posts. So it definitely has a use case for this project.
"The Lamden Tau token is the proprietary currency within the Lamden ecosystem. It was specifically designed to create exchange value, as well as communication between blockchains that were previously unworkable. Essentially, by using the token, any blockchain community can interact with any other blockchain within the network."
Sent this to a friend. Don't remember which blog post i got it from though.

>> No.5751151

I dont need to profit by explotinig people, Im already a millionaire and Im sick of chump change pump and dumpers like you ripping people off for your paltry $1000 gains thinking youre some big shot investor. I want to see my fellow biz posters succeed. Not scammed by a fucking jew or pajeet.

>> No.5751286

lol. if at all u get mill'er in crypto. probably u ride the wave with similar project. so far 99% projects does not have real world use niggar. dont preach here.