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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 222 KB, 660x433, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57449535 No.57449535 [Reply] [Original]

Which personality is most likely to make it? Which is least likely?

>> No.57449551

go read a horoscope, faggot

>t. INFJ

>> No.57449555
File: 310 KB, 1000x1000, stonetossinfjintj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most likely
>least likely

>> No.57449567

Every non pajeet on this board is INTJ. I'm INTJ and doing pretty well but the most optimal is probably whatever personality is best for sales.

>> No.57449606
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What these funny letters mean?

>> No.57449622

Sales and investing don't go together.

Anon it's intj>intp>inf-> everyone else gets shit on.

>> No.57449631

They did a study on this so I'm reporting fact

>> No.57449641

It's just rebranded horoscopes for single middle aged white liberal women

>> No.57449645

can you share that study

>> No.57449646

It's so over.

>> No.57449660

It was on /pol/ like 3 years ago. I may be a bit off. Try to look it up anon

>> No.57449667
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Why are imageboards full of INFJ? Are we the intellectually superior species?

>> No.57449673
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ah yes, professor chudstein was critical at first but then accepted that thesis.

>> No.57449674

This unsettling corporate art style is red flag not to look into it.

>> No.57449711
File: 237 KB, 788x763, infj_jobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we the intellectually superior species?

>> No.57449712
File: 36 KB, 554x554, 3FD18FEA-DB58-4D93-AEF5-F197D710CC53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an infp girl what now

>> No.57449727
File: 250 KB, 1440x1791, 1676143429276003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>99% INFP turbulent male
Existence is pure suffering.

>> No.57449730
File: 316 KB, 720x1438, Screenshot_20240129-193814_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave or just ask me what to do.

>> No.57449737
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I remembered right

>> No.57449757

Probably meth because they’ll actually talk to people.
Being friends with people who already made is unironically the easiest way to make it because they’ll just plug you into everything
What site is that from?

>> No.57449764

I literally read this article either yesterday or today lmao

>> No.57449766

>What site is that from?

>> No.57449767

horoscopes for men

>> No.57449959

you can start by being my crypto wife

>> No.57449966

Those are all men.

>> No.57450022

What do you do for work and what are you investing in?

t. INFJ, computer engineer, 6 figs in INJ (fortune teller?)

>> No.57450033

ENTP bulldozes through life, unstoppable force, it's unfortunate for INTP because they literally just need to push themselves out of their comfort zone, same exact people.

>> No.57450036

looking at the little characters, none of these are me and they all look like they're classified into job types, not personality types.

>> No.57450063

The only rich and successful person I’ve known was an ENTJ. He eas also the biggest asshole I’ve ever met.

>> No.57450090

I am a medical student, 5 figs in INJ, ICP, KAS.
t. infj

>> No.57450125
File: 792 KB, 1242x1204, 58B7C438-D21A-4D94-AA9B-53EED9B57B36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extroverts coast through life. Usually they just stay as wagies though. Very complacent people. Introverts either sink or swim i.e. neet/homeless or rich as FUCK

Pic rel. I'm gonna get so rich

>> No.57450152
File: 761 KB, 1242x1180, D49F53DE-DBC1-4BC1-9616-6DA35E5ABC88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's me, nigga
Dogbat 10b eoy guaranteed

>> No.57450155

I'm an INFJ materials engineer. Just have a soft side is all.

>> No.57450161

I miss Gusic

>> No.57450168

INTP very likely to have best alpha but not greedy enough and risk averse to ever make it.

>> No.57450182

Extroverts should be taxed heavily to fund introvert UBI

>> No.57450213
File: 104 KB, 880x1220, riggedapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS, but completely & utterly unironically

>> No.57450221
File: 25 KB, 512x512, 1337krew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's me. fuck, i'm living in my own head 24/7

>> No.57450246

Unfathomably BASED

>> No.57450254

Extraverts are soulless people that thrive off other's recognition. If they take a moment to introspect they get depressed.

And they struggle in romantic relationships that obviously require a deeper connection which they are unable to sustain.

>> No.57450265

Extroverts are fucking kikes draining everyone's energy and they owe us money

>> No.57450426

ISTJ reporting

>> No.57450499
File: 536 KB, 640x426, wizardpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking to get into computer engineering actually lol. and i'm all in hedera

>> No.57450543
File: 208 KB, 719x1133, Screenshot_20240129-213013_HashPack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has the best shitcoins. This was 250 dollars and hbar went down some

>> No.57450587

YES. Run for President we will vote for you

>> No.57450594

Greetings fellow ISTJ. It's over

>> No.57450618

show feet

>> No.57450637

Get bullied or ruin someone’s life by being a total drag on their existence

>> No.57450702
File: 67 KB, 1024x937, IMG_4899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m an INTJ and I’ve worked in hospitality for 15 years

>> No.57450798

Anyone else not waste their time with this stupid shit?

>> No.57450898


Should be staking Sauce for Xsauce...

INTJ also all in on Hedera and Sauce. HTS and HCS will be part of everything

>> No.57450908

>ENTJ most likely
>INTP least likely

>> No.57450929

ENTJ here....get back to work

>> No.57451059
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>> No.57451261
File: 46 KB, 750x827, bo2-peter-nooooo-curxzzq2h7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honeypot thread for all the women of /biz/

>> No.57451276

Very inaccurate. There are many INTPs who have made it, and, in fact, ENTJ and INTP are two sides of the same coin.

Every type is equally likely to "make it." The real differential is in what way they are likely to make it.

>> No.57451287

A horoscope tells nothing. It is a fable. MBTI is a method of analysis. It can bring comprehension to the incomprehensible with the right amount of information.

>> No.57451315


INFP here as well, is it truly over for us economically? I went to private schools and university just like pretty much everyone I grew up with, got good grades, but never got a good job. 10 years out of college and I'm not even making 22 bucks an hour, but at least I work from home I guess

>> No.57451504
File: 230 KB, 1024x1024, 1706443711885005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm an ENTJ.

>Which is most likely to make it?

>Which is least likely to make it?

I like what >>57451276 said though. Just make it in different ways.


It's entertaining at least. Plus, I don't remember seeing a MBTI thread on /biz/ before.

It's interesting to see 99% of people interested in MBTI don't even know what the fuck extrovert or introvert actually mean. It's not a personality test, it's more of an analysis of cognitive function. An extrovert can have a shy personality, just like an introvert can be outgoing and crave attention. This is what happens when pseudoscience enters pop-culture. You get midwits that think they're enlightened because they spent 10 minutes watching a YouTube video.

>> No.57451544

>ENTJ is zogbot loser
>ENTP is some bitch
>INTP is a söyentist (paid liar)
What a shitty fake & gay globohomo infograph.
NTs are the master race. If you're INTP you have the right stuff. You also need a really different perspective because you're prone to navelgazing indolence. Unironically give all the fag naysayers the finger and start listening and living by everything Andrew Tate tells you to do. I'm INTJ now. Thanks, Tate.

>> No.57451571

>t. IRL chudjak

>> No.57451577

Anything with an F will get emotional and buy high/sell low

>> No.57451631

>I like what >>57451276 (You) said though. Just make it in different ways.
We're "sister" types. Our thinking has a similar structure. And you're correct--99% (I would go still further) do not understand even the basics, let alone have they invested any serious thought or observation.

>> No.57451768

I've been solidly ISTP with the P/J ending being the most closest one of all within like 2-3 pts and all while the IST is a solid like 80%'er on the scale.

>> No.57451777

The tallest guy

>> No.57451861
File: 32 KB, 441x319, 1697556527058859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm INTJ and I never had sex

>> No.57451902

Isaac Newton. The guy lost most of his money investing in a PnD. Is famous for something that never happened. And for suing the guy that made calculus much simpler to understand. Definitely an INTJ /biz/tard

>> No.57451987

You're winning

Find God and you will have every thing you desired and more

T. INTJ, I did have sex but any woman that isn't a virgin will give you trouble, stay away from them

>> No.57452081

>ITT: seething introverts who dont know its all about rizz
Lmao. Im very extroverted. Im confident, charming, funny, vocal and have never had issues speaking in front of a lot of people. Are you guys actually the shy and quiet types? No wonder youre trying to make it in silence by trading crypto from your bedroom kek

>> No.57452116

What does it mean if someone get the cool green knight?

>> No.57452141

you're probably too empathetic or too scared of confrontation which will hold you back in the workforce.

>> No.57452162

Interesting the dominance of intj chad's is much less now, coincides with the drop in board quality.

>> No.57452221

The key to success lies in yogic action. If wealth is essential in your life, it will manifest itself soon.

>> No.57452243

>not a single real job
fucking kek

>> No.57452323 [DELETED] 

intp working on this. fuck you niggers I'm getting paid to play

>> No.57452377


>> No.57452381

Im an IMBCL and bought political coin at the top

>> No.57452386

all of you need to kill yourselves immediately

>> No.57452402
File: 265 KB, 500x500, 1695858557658385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virginHobbyCoderChainlinkBaggieINJT#56312, reporting in

>> No.57452526

People who says this are retards who don't know what they're even talking about. You are comparing literal "born in specific time" to a personality test. Not that MBTI is accurate to anything but the comparison is fucking retarded

>> No.57452641

Reddit sent me

>> No.57452780

But idk much about crypto

I always get bullied by guys then feel sad
it is over for us. 1- i give up on everything easily after any obstacle 2- daily daydreamer. Even though I’m someone realistic I’m not aware of hard hard the consequences of my behaviour can be sometimes. I’m also not doing well in school. Gonna leave the financial stuff to my future husband.

>> No.57452792

I get the guts, glory, and girls.
The rest of you are faggots.

>> No.57453054
File: 455 KB, 568x568, 1698484008394651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found that being an INFP in crypto is an edge if you know how to channel your intuition, particularly when finding early gems. I've been consistently right about very early projects when I knew little to nothing about them. They just "felt right". Don't try to move like other types do in finance, you'll probably fuck it up. Find a way to make your intuition work for you. That's your advantage.

>> No.57454517
File: 124 KB, 1124x1500, d60uy88p955c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here is an ISFP?

>> No.57454536
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>> No.57454562

means you're a zoomer and should get off our board

>> No.57454564

as an ENTP i have both the charisma and complete callousness necessary to make it

>> No.57454636

I love ISFPs.

>> No.57454650

Kek, very ESTP.

>> No.57454677



Intjs are run of the mill compared to intj. Entj will get some decent posistion at a company but will never build a legacy like an INTJ will.

>> No.57454748

intp/intj the autists will make it big w/ bitcoin or other technical things or fail
Fortunately there are some good economic routes for spergs of programming so they can fund the insane btc stuff
btc will usher in a world where most power is held by the autist class

ENTJ/ENTP have some of the benefits of the autistic stuff but can actually function in business so I'd say are most likely to be successful

>> No.57454750

It's a personality typing system based off of Carl Jung's theories. Each type is a byproduct of the organization of their cognition, which is organized according to the introversion and extroversion of four modes of cognitive functioning--making for eight cognitive functions (four introverted, four extroverted), and sixteen types. The first letter denotes introversion or extroversion. The second, your dominant mode of perception. The third, your dominant mode of judgement, and the last, whether your first extroverted function is a judgement function or a perceptive function (i.e., thinking and feeling for judgement; sensing and intuition for perception). For example:

I am an INTJ. This means:

Dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Secondary Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Tertiary Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Quaternary Extroverted Sensation (Se)

Therefore, my "function stack" is as follows:


In contrast, my "sister type," an ENTJ (so called because we share preferences of dominant functions) would be:


These are the absolute basics. Understanding what the functions are, what they do, how types are grouped, how types within a group relate, how groups interrelate, and how individuals of a given type may develop and demonstrate their functions--this is the nature of Myers Briggs Typological Index (MBTI).

For the record, I do not ascribe strictly to their beliefs, I have my own theories about function and type, but I have shared with your well-established and generally accepted principles.

>> No.57454780

Yeah it's just a useful model for personality, Enneagram and Horoscopes (the full ones not just sun signs, it is very interesting to see how all the signs in different positions interact) are also interesting models. Religiously holding to them is insane though. Using them is interesting for giving an opportunity for introspection and understanding how radically different other people may work internally.

My ranking for how interesting they are/potential insight is
horoscopes > mbti > enneagram

Big 5 the most popular one for academics is much more boring, that's just derived from like
>get people to describe themselves
>find the most common words they use
>find the most statistically significant one
it's useful for management of large groups and organizing and doing research but it's not particularly insightful past that.

>> No.57454805

they're representing me as a black woman, no wonder im an emotional poorfag

>> No.57454819
File: 1.21 MB, 694x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the medieval temperaments are also a useful one, very much directed at being practical and finding ways to improve as a person.
t. phlegmatic intp 5w4 tauris virgo rising

>> No.57454857

>They just "felt right"
that's exactly what a women would say
this personality test shit might be actually true lmao

>> No.57454988

INTPs are most likely to make it if they really cared about status and money

>> No.57455017
File: 350 KB, 1750x2240, 5es0ayju4nub1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you love about them?

>> No.57455328 [DELETED] 

Short to pay for my university re-admission fees, just lost job, i don't have any way left to manage, I try my best. Can anyone bring a helping hand towards me? Any help will be appraciated.

I really want to continue my educational career

>> No.57455428

Your ranking is hilariously bad. Horoscopes are altogether pseudobabble nonsense. Myers-Briggs is observational, rational, and analytical. They are not in anyway comparable--save only in the most superficial manner possible. Does that mean MBTI is perfect, of course not, but it is terrifyingly insightful, for those with the knowledge and capacity to use it. Enneagram is valid, but not as deep, from what I've seen. Big Five is popular because it is simple and therefore more easily testable and applicable. Socionics has more depth than Big Five, but it gets no serious attention.

>> No.57455441

No. No. And no.

>> No.57455507

NTs are the masterrace
On a sliding scale of how much you care about external validation it goes:

I'm INTP and will say all the INTP hate is people who are so tied up into external validation that couldn't imagine shutting up and bing chilling and still achieving their goals.

Everyone else is just different versions of worker bees and waiters

>> No.57455550
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>> No.57455584

They're genuine and, on average, kind people. Like most sensors, they get underestimated and maligned by intuitives, but xSFPs frequently outperform intellectually and in the scope of their imagination--and they do it with the quiet grace which is characteristic of them and unattainable for most. I'm not sure whether ISFPs would like to be described in such a manner--I suspect they would prefer to be seen more as something between an ESFJ or ENTJ maybe, but they still manage an interesting balance between several types--existing at the epicenter of the loud idiosyncrasy of an ESFP, the pattern-seeking of an INTJ, the stylishness of an ESFJ, the quiet contemplation of an INTP, and the affability of an ISFJ. And when the repressed Ne comes out through Fi-Se, you get a fascinating parallel to the ENFP. In certain moments, the ISFP becomes just as impassioned a champion of this or that cause or person as is the default state for an ENFP. I dunno, really. I've never compiled my thoughts on the subject into a coherent mass.

>> No.57455600

>everyone is just a little worker bee except me
yeah bro you are the chad sigma wolf anti hero and mommy's special boy :0)

>> No.57455602

An all too common bad take on the types.

>> No.57455714

>early 20s
It's over. It was over before it began.

>> No.57455768
File: 71 KB, 574x750, 1704566578733711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that logic, it began when it was over; therefore, your beginning was the end of the ending. Thus, it isn't over.

>> No.57455769

Like I said you probably just haven't gotten a deep dive into astrology the surface level stuff is pretty bad (I'd say the same for MBTI).
Another part is I don't really expect any of them to be particularly accurate, what's interesting to me is what they are as a model and how they can portray different types of people regardless of how they map on. Horoscopes by far provide the most in depth and complexity in terms of how they portray people, I don't really care if they map onto individuals since like I said my interest is as personality models rather then like ways of tracking real people. I will say my chart does match up with me very well though. Personally I'd just use all of them get whatever good I can get out of each of them.

A full horoscope is like 24 different properties that all interrelate, nothing else comes close in terms of complexity/potential depth. Part of why it seems so stupid since people focus on 1 property out of 24 expecting it to mean anything. It would be like someone looking into MBTI looking at just the letters or a single cognitive function and acting surprised when it is really vague and not at all insightful.

Again more just ignorance, the primary usage of temperaments in rank ordering of virtues/vices as a means of determining what are the primary virtues you should put effort into developing, and what possible advantages you can leverage from the virtues that come more naturally. They aren't particularly useful without an understanding of classical ethics and philosophical anthropology so people looking at them without that background understanding have 0 chance of understanding them.

>> No.57455810

There is not possibility of depth for astrology. Any depth built upon such a ludicrous foundation is invalid from the start.

>> No.57455867

Intj schizos how we feelin, or should I say judging

>> No.57455997
File: 116 KB, 1080x825, 1642812033179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont agree with your assessment since astrology is thousands of years old. I am not an expert in it, but I do trust that ancient Egyptians and vavylonians knew more than we do about astrology.

>> No.57456069

Yeah you are just ignorant, even saying the foundation is ludicrous is asinine. You don't have to grant stars are intelligent and directly impacting us, but to say there is no patterns with stars and physical processes on earth that impact humans is crazy.
A couple examples
>A mother being pregnant during winter vs sun and different vitamin D levels impacting brain/fetal development, or just during early childhood
>Early childhood access to food/nutrition from mother based on seasons
>Different bacterial activity in the eco system that varies seasonally
>Social/festive periods varying seasonally and that impacting early development
Sure not one of these things will impact things in a significant measurable way, and many will have regional variations, but if you have tens of thousands of these that have overtime been spread across regions and culturally reinforced for what applies it's not crazy it would have some application.
Though personally I'm open to the stars themselves impacting things : ^ )

Like I said if you get in an depth horoscope and analyze how all the different properties relate it just is factually far more complex and in depth then any other personality model, you are just ignorant you can dispute they actually map onto reality but the matter of their complexity isn't really up for debate.

>> No.57456394

INTJ reporting in, I hold btc, kaspa, linu

>> No.57456422 [DELETED] 

How much amount you are holding?

>> No.57456492

22.5 btc, 100k kaspa, 700k wminima and 350b linu

>> No.57456520

ENTJ is most OP

>> No.57456527 [DELETED] 

So, its indirectly means that you are a millionaire?

>> No.57456539


Horoscopes are not descriptive, they are predictive. That's where they get ridiculous. They pretend to predict the future. MBTI is descriptive, all it does is describe who you are, how you are right now. It says nothing about what you're going to do with that.

>> No.57456580 [DELETED] 

I wish i could manage only 1,300$, i could able to continue my admission. Short to pay for my fees, don't know what to do now, I wish i could continue my education :(

>> No.57456599

Get a job?

>> No.57456620

My understanding of the predictive aspects are built on top of the descriptive aspects, ie. in the future you will be happy if you do X. X being solving for Y. Y is causing much of your issues but when you sort that out you'll have X which will make you better ordered.
You can get a descriptive interpretation from anything predictive, just do that if something isn't valuable ignore it, but that doesn't mean you should ignore what value it does have for other aspects.

>> No.57456637 [DELETED] 

I don't have much times left to be honest, not possible to manage 1300$ within a day. I try my best to get a jobs, but failed. Living in a country like Bangladesh, i failed. I really don't want to lose my whole career. Is there anyway you may help? :(

>> No.57456652


This is what's called "severe mental gymnastics." Nothing pretending to be soothsayer is real.

>> No.57456679

Like I said above I just look them all as personality models, there is a personality model contained within astrology, it is very compelling and more in depth then any other alternative.
If someone wanted to use MBTI to predict your future (i'm sure many have) it wouldn't invalidate MBTI. You just aren't making the proper distinctions.

>> No.57456690

I dove into astrology for like a week and I agree with your assessment. At first you think it’s all girl bullshit but if you do the full horoscope for yourself it is eerie how accurate it is. The practice is very old and probably has real implications that we cannot get measure. It’s sort of like how bodybuilders could intuit and learn how to grow without “science”. Only more recently has some of their practices been confirmed by science.

Anyways, INTP here. It’s a daily struggle to do things I actually want to do. I get sucked into random tangents and doom scrolling pretty easily. Definitely have ADHD but don’t like the thought of taking drugs for it. Being in my early 30s, I have become pretty confident that most people and fucking retarded. Always have been dipping my toes into starting a business but I get bored of my idea like 1 month in. I know I can run things better than most people.

>> No.57456699 [DELETED] 

I try my best to get a jobs, but failed. Living in a country like Bangladesh, i failed. I really don't want to lose my whole career. Is there anyway you may help? Isn't it possible for a 22.5 bitcoin holder man to help me only with 1300$ for graduation? :(

>> No.57456712
File: 27 KB, 593x365, XT7jLyo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F, not T
You're either a woman or a very emotional man.

Every S is usually a stupid person.

>> No.57456729


It isn't eerie at all, dude. It's the same basic psychological tricks that all psychs/mediums use. They try to paint in broad strokes, use highly relatable predictions, let confirmation bias do the rest of the work. You ignore the parts that are dead wrong and want to believe in the parts that sound right on the money. It's human nature. If I give them credit for anything it's their ability to play on the natural superstition and spirituality of certain groups of people. Horoscope fans are overwhelmingly women, that should give you your first clue as to their veracity.

>> No.57456733

INTJ chads assemble.

>> No.57456738

ENTJs = psychopaths
INTP/Js = masterrace

>> No.57456751

INTP masterrace reporting in
INTJs are welcome to service our dicks and learn from the well of wizard wisdom while making a quick buck
Everyone else get the fuck out of this board right now

>> No.57456763

Wait, what is the difference between perceiving and judging?

I'm only willing to be submissive(in bed) to you if you're the opposite sex. I'll do the judging and you do the silent perceiving of what I'm doing.

>> No.57456769

The one with most bitcoin

>> No.57456775

Just a fair warning; most INTJs are bronies.

>> No.57456820
File: 77 KB, 282x300, 1552443347188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to be intj when i was 18 or so, now im intp at 30. what happened?

>> No.57456821

ENTJ here I dont know why people think I'm cool please elaborate I have no clue and I think I dont really care about it either but this thread made me think i love intps tho .

>> No.57456828

It's literally is just a simple way to categorize
>extroverts vs introverts
>emotionals vs rationals
>chatotic vs systematic

>> No.57456851
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If you've got to ask I'm not sure if you actually are one

>> No.57456983

Holy shit you guys are almost entirely unemployable. Im impressed

>> No.57456992

Inventing calculus and Newtonian Physics?

>> No.57457176

Age does not equal validity. The fact it is thousands of years old actually is part of the argument against it. Men of the ancient past understood far less of the movement of the heavens than we do today, yet presumed to draw conclusions about the effect of the vast bodies of the universe upon the nature of a person with great specificity. It is laughable. They knew nothing.

Enough. Stop talking to me. I never asked for your opinions on MBTI or any other system, nor even gave my own. I merely answered another anon's question and you began this tangent. I don't care about your systems. They are invalid in my eyes.

We most certainly are not. I cannot even begin to fathom why anyone would be.

Nothing happened. You probably were always an INTP and merely individuated enough to get a proper result.


>> No.57457223

based fellow intp schizo astrology appreciator, I similarly thought it was BS but ran into someone who was very smart and very knowledgeable on it who I talked with pretty in depth about it .

You were arguing with me and now are just lying because you are obviously full of shit and have no idea what you were talking about, you are literally arguing about it in the response above mine. You should have more humility towards those in the past.

>> No.57457250

No, I'm not. Go and check who replied to who and from what post this worthless tangent began. I don't have to lie, just like I don't have to pretend to be a cosmically generated probability made up by the incidental formations of balls of gas.

>> No.57457360

ISTP is most likely to make it as he is the one partaking in underwater basket weaving

>> No.57457400

Does anyone have a link to the test?

>> No.57457405

Damn straight. ENTP here, laziness is my greatest enemy but I'm basically good at everything I do

>> No.57457433

This as well. Fuck bro life on rizz is ez mode. Wish I devoted time to it earlier but going full charisma build and everything in my life has improved

>> No.57457496
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>> No.57457646


>> No.57457950

I'm ISTJ and it's really useful for grinding. I grinded to high levels on RuneScape when I was a kid, I grinded through college to get a good degree/career, and I work more than I have to now even though my net worth is 7 figures.

>> No.57457965

None of you are INFJ

>> No.57457974

the 16 personalities quiz is /biz/ relevant since its purpose was about career placement.

but the jannies always banned me for making em here. i have no idea why op is skirting by.

>> No.57458194

Intj myself. Where are the intj girls?

>> No.57458823

An old method of data mining to help people find work, but later used to find out how we think so they can use propergander effectively and find the best way to advertise so they make more money.
Now its used on the internet to make people feel important.

>> No.57458880

INTJ here, I always wondered why my penis was so huge.
>no homo

>> No.57458896

I haven't taken one of these since /b/ was still a thing, but I do remember I always got pissed that I kept getting ENFP because the artwork looked like a total fag. Also I do have practical skills.

>> No.57458986

u look like that and talk like that tho

>> No.57459088

How did you know that? Just because I have a powdered wig and green lipstick, doesn't mean that it's okay for them to draw me like a tranny who goes to protests.

>> No.57459107

>believes astrology is some Instagram thotie's sun sign breakdown

>> No.57459222

What jobs for isfp

>> No.57459299
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the one who enjoys conducting financial research (INTP)

>> No.57459318
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>that's exactly what a women would say
Redpilled INFPs are a type of man that most people don't understand. We're the furthest possible thing from a normie that you can find.

>> No.57459443

INTJ, all in on ICP.

>> No.57459454

yo dont fucking copy my comment dickhead

>> No.57459527

>It’s a daily struggle to do things I actually want to do. I get sucked into random tangents and doom scrolling pretty easily.
Same here but I find that if you just force yourself to do them it's worth it in the end.
>I dove into astrology for like a week and I agree with your assessment. At first you think it’s all girl bullshit but if you do the full horoscope for yourself it is eerie how accurate it is. The practice is very old and probably has real implications that we cannot get measure. It’s sort of like how bodybuilders could intuit and learn how to grow without “science”. Only more recently has some of their practices been confirmed by science.
All things esoteric are based and valid and only in relatively recent times did we collectively as a species move away from them. Girls just made it gay and dumb by association but if you look at Jung, Nietzsche, Evola, Serrano, and I'm sure many others who I haven't got into yet, they all validate it.
As far as the bodybuilders thing, as someone who's been working out seriously for about 20 years I can tell you that bodybuilders always lead scientific "discovery".
Bodybuilders are autistic as fuck and track everything. They take notes and share them and this information gets spread around.
I know plenty of people who've done their own experiments with drugs, peptides, supplements, training, and dieting and were way ahead of the 'scientific community / evidence based lifters'.
Like people are just getting into metformin now and we were taking that in the 2010s lmao btw it's a complete waste.
Anyway, eggheads always lag because they have to run their gay little studies on gay little DYELs.
It's like how people will say TA doesn't work because they don't even understand what TA is and that it's literally an individual system applied to markets so that someone can have a systematic approach to trading and risk management. They're strategies not laws of nature but anyway I'm ranting.

>> No.57459549

INTP here, got a PhD and everything. Folio is at mid six figures so far, mainly because I want to keep having kids, buy land, raise them in the countryside, and homeschool them.

>> No.57460390

I can get into ENTP mode when I get pissed off enough but I always regret it later

>> No.57460441

Ofc bodybuilders are the ones who figure out how to build their bodies. They are the only ones trying to do it. Why would a 60kg nerd lead the discovery of bodybuilding, when he doesnt try to grow his muscles?
As for the horoscope astrology BS, all of the answers are tailored so everyone will feel like the one they get seems correct

>> No.57461473

>yeah bro you are the chad sigma wolf anti hero and mommy's special boy :0)
Well, maybe you need to stfu and bing.

>> No.57461750
File: 124 KB, 545x544, Screenshot_20231222-035833_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy these two dca from now until 2025 and sell them when btc is above 150k.

It's that easy.

Then maybe get hbar and bitcoin in the next bear market ie when btc is 5 figures again.

>> No.57461758

All 1 of them

>> No.57462168

Get checked for predominantly inattentive adhd