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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57450065 No.57450065 [Reply] [Original]

You should know that if you are working as a software engineer and are coasting and doing nothing, you will be punished to the full extent of company policy and be fired. I'm sick and tired of having some of you lazy fucking losers around when we could instead have motivated people who could provide the whole team with some relief through just doing an average amount of work.

>> No.57450106


>> No.57450114


>> No.57450227

enjoy your short careers

>> No.57450407

If you want anyone to read your text then don't post a fucking plebbit pic.

>> No.57450773

eat shit

>> No.57450792
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>> No.57452101

I just change jobs when I feel the heat. Your higher ups don't care about your performance, but the appearance of your performance to their higher ups. Everybody understands and plays this game and you are a cuck and a bootlicker. Yesterday I even got a mutual recommendation on LinkedIn from my previous manager. I highly doubt the product you are working on is of such utility as to sacrifice more than a few hours a week working on it.

>> No.57452114

>barely do anything
>work is slow, everything is always done on time
>just had yearly review
>theyre happy with my performance, just wished I was a bit more proactive
>'sure thing boss'
>go back to browsing 4chan

Youre just malding I get to do nothing and still get paid

>> No.57452125

lol replace me with a jeet, i dare you faggot

>> No.57452126

Yes but are you managed by scrum? How do you make sure to keep everyone happy and get shit done

>> No.57452132

My company was lured in by the cheap rates and now letting the jeets go and we are having you redo the most basic shit. Multiple database calls getting 10 records each when they just needed to loop through the 10 from the first call type shit

>> No.57452185

Yeah various degrees of scrum. Just make excuses. You don't need to keep anyone happy. Normies have too high conflict aversion to actually pressure you. On top of that programmers are actually really expensive to recruit.

>> No.57452261
File: 81 KB, 750x578, IMG_0302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get the employees you deserve FAGMAN.

>t. Pod Anon

>> No.57452550
File: 106 KB, 1280x953, IMG_8683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you post this bait, type

>IT fags
Instead of
>software devs

It carries more weight to more people. Im for example a devops engineer and a lot of ppl aren’t technically software developers that work in IT

Nice try tho, if i get caught theres at least 3 other companies that need my skillset

>> No.57453301

these are the same people that cry and bitch when they lose their job and wonder why they are laid off and can't find new jobs (usually because they have no former experience to speak of and no references). sad, judgement day is here now though, the tech market is in shambles.

>> No.57453387

> >theyre happy with my performance, just wished I was a bit more proactive
Dead man walking

>> No.57453391

yup and he doesn't even know it kek

>> No.57453398

shut the fuck up you disgusting subhuman wage slave. go talk about being a wagecuck elsewhere

>> No.57453424

and they get so triggered, no wonder they are still virgins kek

>> No.57453450

>t. bitter commercial or industrial cuck

>> No.57453466

Just know sir I masterbate on company time to your wife, go kill yourself nigger and I don't mean that as a meme or a joke, i mean actually neck yourself.

>> No.57453585

oh no im hurt anon

>> No.57453620

You will never work in tech, and you're a cuck Steve. I'm more masculine, have a stronger jawline, and have already added your wife on a second instagram account pretending to be a girl so I can save her photos and masterbate to them while using an undress-ai to make nudes of her. Seethe

>> No.57453628

^ during work time

>> No.57453718

get some help anon, sounds like you're struggling