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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 591x696, hf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57434010 No.57434010 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck, the SOLID bros weren't actually larping?

How is this a $9m market cap?

>> No.57434021
File: 5 KB, 1048x264, market cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current year
>still believing in market cap

>> No.57434073

>another retard who thinks this is a revelation
you are unfit to invest in anything

>> No.57434132
File: 54 KB, 375x404, 1704905032363105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the number shows them almost flipping uni with 1/20th of their liquidity?
ngl this is pretty impressive.

might get a bag after all

>> No.57434174

This applies to absolutely everything, stocks, homes, cars, you name it. Sell everything at once and the price would plummet to 0.

>> No.57434190

>circulating supply * price = market cap

>> No.57434241

here before the fudders

>> No.57434285
File: 29 KB, 600x410, 1706440464067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why dump

>> No.57435776

>*posts pic of current marketcap compared with uni*
smart anons are buying, there's no need to keep creating threads

>> No.57435875

where are their laboratories located and how many researchers do they employ?

>> No.57435905

you're not gonna like that, anon...

>> No.57435917

Mom's basement and it's one guy. To his credit, he is pretty capable and seems level-headed

>> No.57436409
File: 882 KB, 3114x902, %22decentralized%22 finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek imagine investing in a protocol this cucked

>> No.57436540

Nice freedumbs Amerikeks

>> No.57436659

i got 7k bag, been adding slowly with goal of topping off at 10k, i think with 10k i can be comfy when this thing runs during bull market/CCIP comes online

>> No.57436678

Who cares faggots it makes money

>> No.57436983

there is nobody buying this scam but ok honey

>> No.57437624

what does that effectively do or mean? americans can still legally buy and sell it, yeah?

>> No.57437653

>spoofing volume by swapping your own tokens back and forth and taking neglible losses to fees because you own the majority of the $115 MILLION FDV veSOLID supply
>TVL/Liquidity ratio

>> No.57437706
File: 728 KB, 1024x994, 1705254669689609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad fud. All volume goes from blue chips pairs (easily checked on dexscreener)

>> No.57437715

>it's impossible for eth and stablecoins to be owned by the same people monopolizing the DEX fee share!!111

>> No.57437741

Prove it using etherscan. you are the one making unproved and fantasist claim.

I checked and i can say you are full of shit

>> No.57437751

I have not read a single post in this thread
Instead I bought some SOLID to add to my stack because I've been disregarding biz's opinion for years and have made substantial money doing so
Stay poor biz
Never change

>> No.57437778

Americans can't buy it through their website UI because of their nanny government. Americans can however interact with the contract directly, since you can't prohibit users in any way from doing so.

>> No.57437784

here's a challenge for you: go right now to the uniswap interface and compare the cost of a swap for different amounts of eth compared to swapping on solidly. if it is as "efficient" as you claim that should be all the proof you need. otherwise, all of your swap volume is irrational and therefore spoofed

>> No.57437801

ToS things like this that protocols force you to sign or acknowledge somehow are just there to protect the website owners.

>> No.57437817

I swapped shitcoins on UNI for $20 fees
And bought SOLID for $3 fees on Solidly

>> No.57437830

we're talking about slippage on blue chip pairs, not gas fees on dogshit

>> No.57437833

Yes everyone with eyes can see swapping a blue chip coin on solidly is cheaper than uniswap.

thank you captain obvious

>> No.57437841

uniswap v3 has vastly more liquidity so that is simply impossible

>> No.57437927

Please do as you described, post results here

>> No.57437926

and solidly vastly less fees

>> No.57437949

>believing in basic math
I like to live rigidly, baby

>> No.57437970
File: 198 KB, 1701x688, copeharder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy COPE

Basically all volume is coming from 1inch, Paraswap, Pendle V3 router, Cowswap and MEV bots.
Notice a pattern here? Industrial usecases always switch to the most efficient solution first, retail flocks after. Go to dexscreener and show me 1 single swap that's wash-traded. I'll be waiting.

We're talking about swap cost here, Solidly has the same security as Uni but 42% less gas cost on swaps (they just passed an audit by Cyfrin, founded by Patrick Collins). Now use your brain for a sec what this means especially for correlated assets like in OP's pic. When you swap 1000 USDC to 1000 USDT, or wstETH in this case, you just need to have a certain base liquidity, where Solidly can outcompete Uniswap by mere gas cost delta. Liquidity would only matter for multi-million swaps and those will become, because Solidly already started the vamp process.

>> No.57438012

it will take you 30 seconds to open solidly and uniswap and type 100 into the eth field when swapping to usdc. I will wait

>> No.57438038

This was shilled on biz at the absolute bottom - $0.20 - around Christmas and we're currently trading 700% up. Only a 14x missing for a 100x. They launched on Fantom and became #2 DEX within 40 hours, launched on Arbitrum last week and became #6 within 12 hours and 0 aggregators.

In the end efficiency trumps everything.

>> No.57438068

i dont even know what youre trying to say here. the fees are way less on solid, ive used it several times. you seem like a total loser

>> No.57438073
File: 101 KB, 1209x441, btfod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now do the math genius, -42% gas cost on that swap and the route goes to who? Bingo

Oh no no no....were we too cocky fudsisters..?

>> No.57438095

I don't know how to. Looks like you don't either? If it is so incredibly easy how come you haven't done it already?

>> No.57438097

>i dont even know what youre trying to say
yes it's obvious you don't understand how dexes work
>show me eth/usdc
>umm here's weth/steth instead
I rest my case

>> No.57438107
File: 103 KB, 1792x1024, solid-link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that they are partnered with CCIP (and not Uniswap) is enough for me. I'll get a small bag.

>> No.57438119

Yeah I guess that's enough. Thank you for bumping and have a nice seething evening.

>> No.57438162
File: 109 KB, 941x1021, 1706037886959524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuddie completely BTFO YET AGAIN
see you at double digits

>> No.57438182

>still can't do it
math's on my side
you lose, sweetie

>> No.57438191

put .5 eth in, can we x10?

>> No.57438220
File: 561 KB, 680x1069, 1000026105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally what market cap means

>> No.57438234
File: 3 KB, 157x145, solidly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually wtf is up with this swap? it turned me eth into weth, now when I swap it is show $0.00 when I want 788 Solid??

>> No.57438484


>> No.57438495
File: 84 KB, 1093x347, nowwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'll bite
now what fuddie?
BTFO YET AGAIN ..fuddies cant stop losing

Every swap wraps eth to weth and then swaps for the asset you want, including Uniswap. Solidly just breaks it out to save gas cost

>> No.57438693

OK, it has volume. What does it have to do with token price?
>The answer: nothing

>> No.57438890


>> No.57439211

Everything ?
Buy Low Sell High

>> No.57439362

Yes and volume is mostly bot wallets and TVL is just premine whales.

>> No.57440813

>The answer: everything

unlike Uni cucks, SOLID isn't a governance token, it gets a 20% share from all trading volume

>> No.57441118
File: 56 KB, 595x465, 0-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some high quality alpha, pretty good summary of Solidly

>> No.57441126
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>> No.57441137
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>> No.57441149
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>> No.57441180
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>> No.57441187
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>> No.57441207
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>> No.57441220
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>> No.57441229
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>> No.57441232
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>> No.57442185
File: 320 KB, 603x378, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, very nice

>> No.57442438
File: 447 KB, 685x1009, soll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step by step its becoming the biggest DEX in the world

>> No.57442472

> uniswap $5
> pancake $2
> sushi $1
> 1inch $0.4

yeah good luck with your dex token.

>> No.57442506

Wash trading? Maybe it's their own volume?

>> No.57442936

Check supply faggot

>> No.57444537

>4,6 Market Cap.
>146M diluted.
What kind of kikery is this?

>> No.57444918

Most of it is locked for another 4 years i believe

>> No.57445024

how was .5 eth only 788 solid at "1.29", that is a price of 1.45 per solid, shit exchange

>> No.57445092
File: 1.53 MB, 2417x1621, 1704731397546184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only good exchange is Solidly.com

>> No.57445191

then why is the price 1,4 USD per token? I refuse to buy 1000 tokens at 1,4k for what? just a potential very risky x10?

>> No.57445605

staying poor is an option for you.
#2 DEX by volume on Mainnet and Fantom for a 10M circulating Marketcap

>> No.57445638

if he was so rich why couldnt he afford a newer fourwheeler than that

>> No.57445694

i have 1000 solid
comfiest stack i have ngl
i feel bad for the anons that bought at $3.90 but someday they'll be in the green

>> No.57445702

If it's already one of the highest why would it need the token price to rise? What's your logic? :D

>> No.57445736

I hope you're right. $3.70 here and it's the first time in a while I bought into biz fomo.

>> No.57445771

>Cyfrin, founded by Patrick Collins).
why are you name dropping this stupid faggot like hes been doing audits for a while? he just started doing audits at the end of last year.

>> No.57445983

DAMN this one is a special breed of retard.

>> No.57446013

Its a good time to lower your average, I can't imagine we'll stay this low for long.

>> No.57446102

Meh, I'm only so bullish on functional tech and profitability so I'll just ride the little bag I have. The crypto market (and tech) doesn't always reward the best products and companies kek.

>> No.57446228

Someone please tell me, is 1200k solid enough to not rope?

>> No.57446278
File: 17 KB, 1688x108, image_2024-01-29_153747853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol 90% of the supply is locked. This is the biggest Ponzi scheme i have seen in crypto.

>> No.57446384

permalocked <> ponzi

bravo for being retarded

>> No.57447029
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Solid milkers

>> No.57447046

efficiency. he had one of his guys buy a fleet of new nice ones and never thought about it ever again

>> No.57447112

fees are what would give the token value
100% of fees go to the 90% pre locked tokens

>> No.57448988
File: 77 KB, 743x664, 1704129274584071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>88 replies and 70% of it is fud
In 88 replies, not one fuddie managed to bring a convincing argument, just bought another bag.

>> No.57449109
File: 81 KB, 567x461, 1515352560837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's this?

>> No.57449213
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>> No.57449232

dex tokens never pump hard

>> No.57449446

ok so they deployed to arbitrum, and have the ability to deploy anywhere?

arbitrum already has some good DEXs. Camelot is not exactly a veDEX, cuz the grail thing is a little weird, but its CLOSE.

The other is ramses, which is just a velodrome clone.

I see the OP is arguing that the gas optimizations make it better than Uniswap. OK maybe, but is it better than Ramses/Camelot?

of course right now those pools are much deeper than solid, but if the pools had the same liquidity, then would Solidly win out cuz of gas optimizations?

I dont quite remember how much of the fees are given to veRAM versus LPs, does anybody?

>> No.57449906

>is 1200k solid enough to not rope?
Buy more, buy as much as you can, whatever you have spare, whatever you can sell, get more money together and buy asap
Don't fall for the shit-tier fud biz, this 100x is hiding in plain sight

>> No.57449942
File: 178 KB, 1460x692, 1704120814596932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not true and you know it. Uniswap token is useless and the 400 UNI airdrop ended up being worth like 15k

>> No.57449967

Your screenshot is outdated. Now solidly is top #2 dex

>> No.57450286
File: 68 KB, 1098x935, pepe_boner_pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes this is correct, even with lower liquidity they would get more volume
They ADDED gas on their UniV3 fork
Uses Algebra CL (much more expensive than UniV3)
Solidly is 42% cheaper

Given comparable (or even slightly less) liquidity, Solidly wins.

>> No.57450374

Love to see it. It's an ace.

>> No.57450380


>> No.57450603
File: 110 KB, 1286x590, 50fib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart looks very solid, pulled a 20x after being shilled on biz, currently sitting at 10x after 3 weeks consolidation. This is primed to rip any moment.

Fib tells us quick rip to $2.5, drop to $2/2.1 followed by retaking $3 and slow crab-up to $4. After that we're headed to double digits.

>> No.57450960

nice hopium

solid TA anon

>> No.57451016

this is my first coin on biz that I didnt get scammed with

Bought it when it was first shilled here before 30c, up a nice 5x already, holding for another 10x

>> No.57451038
File: 123 KB, 818x720, 1698777235560030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the site just one big fat unexpected error message?

>> No.57451068

when do you vote each week? I have never voted because I own a trivial amount lovked until 2027 and just didn't want to spend gas. did velodrome devs kill themselves yet? alex?

>> No.57451361

none of this matters until volume on the underlying SOLID token improves. a single 2 eth sell sent it down 3%. its the only thing keeping me from buying more.

>> No.57452491
File: 1.57 MB, 1597x991, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be winning SOLID bros

>> No.57452539

How is it bullshit though , everyone already knew it was the total supply x current price, obviously it would drop if a bunch of people sold , that’s how any market works

>> No.57452645
File: 538 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_0578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winning Solidly Chads win again
Top 2 DEX on Mainnet and ftm

>> No.57453795

OOOOOOOooooo they just announced 2 new chains coming

>> No.57455392

>uniswap v3 has vastly more liquidity so that is simply impossible
idk dude a lot of alts have like zero liquidity on uni now. seems like everyones on CEXs now and solana.