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57440411 No.57440411 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you personally need to feel happy?

>> No.57440424

5 million dollars with 12% roi

>> No.57440428

one million dollars

>> No.57440430


>> No.57440442

Right now? Probably 500k. Mill would be nice. Still somewhat young and I have a lot of hobbies and skills I’d like to continue developing. 500k would give me enough breathing room to be off work until self employment is figured out. Just fucking tired of corp and burnt out right now beyond belief

>> No.57440443

3 mil. Even a safe 5% gives you $90k after reinvesting 2% for inflation. $90k ain’t rich, but you can be comfy and not have to work.

>> No.57440451

this is the correct answer, not that it matters

>> No.57440596
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It'll never be enough.
Any amount that I accumulate I will consider to be Fucking Nothing.

>> No.57440608
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100B of this and I’m set

>> No.57440654

Me personally would be 10mil but 5mil will do to

>> No.57440671

20 mio
good thing i hold RLC

>> No.57440737

1.29 billion United States dollars and not one cent less

>> No.57440777

I will never be happy.

>> No.57440800

About 3 to 4mil

>> No.57440944

To feel happy? I just want to retire with something.

>> No.57441384

One to two milly for me. I just don't want to slave my life away every day. The couple hobbies I have aren't expensive.

>> No.57441408

Considering average houses cost 1.5-3 million in my area. I would need 4-5 million liquid. Call it 2 million for a house and 2 million earning sade yield of 100k+ a year

>> No.57441543

At this point? 500k.
I cant get property with it (that isnt in niggerville) but atleast I will be able to feel free and roll some of it into other investments.

>> No.57441549

>12% roi



greedy retards like you are the people that lose everyone in a celcius or terra luna collapse

>> No.57441558

Anything above 3% roi you should really start to wonder where the money is coming from.

5% is danger zone and you should worry about losing it any second

anything above 5% is just ponzi tier

>> No.57441579

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.57441604

To live happily ever-after, probably 400-500k. Cheap house for 200k out in the boonies, new car for 40k, then coast on interest for the rest of my life for what's remaining.

>> No.57441811
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After I own a nice home, + 10 other homes that I rent out, and 5mil liquid nw, then I can safely say that I am retired

>> No.57441958

none im already happy having good siblings i get along with

no wife yet but working on it, that'll make me happied probably in fact it's the main reason im saving money

>> No.57441965

>greedy retards like you are the people that lose everyone in a celcius or terra luna collapse


The retards who claim its easy to get a 10x are dead fucking broke.

>> No.57441975

This is me too

>> No.57441978

I just need a paid off house. With that I can just take a nice comfy part time job and never worry about waging again

>> No.57441985

about 2000 bucks. some for rent, then eatin and the rest for my gf and vacations

>> No.57441994

100k in the bank honestly. It's just 100k but that's a lot more than a lot of people my age in this economy.

>> No.57442035

1 million USD for now I'll grow it to unlimited money once I have access to it.

>> No.57442611

2-3 million dollars would be enough to live good for good. 4 fig or low 5 fig sums don't even give me a dopamine hit even when I get them in an airdrop or something
t. eastern euro

>> No.57442848

1 billion, 500mil in a diverse portofolio(crypto, real estate, stocks, gold, all sorts of bussnieses) so i keep my wealth and total net worth in a safe position, multiple 20-50-100 mil houses all over the world, a 50-100 mil private jet, 20mil worth of cars, 50 mil investition in owning multiple farms to produce my own food.. this is what i need, full control over my life so i don't have to depend on this society full of inbreed retards and jews

>> No.57442865 [DELETED] 
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however much you need to get $1000 p/m passive income

>> No.57442976

To achieve the happiness you want, you need a lot of money and it's hard to get that with just a salary

>> No.57442991

what kind of work should I do

>> No.57443005

If you're not rich from your family and don't have property, you'll need to find a way to make it, like getting into the crypto world

>> No.57443007
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I just need 250k anons. I know that money isn’t going to bring me happiness. Making money and sustaining myself while doing something I’m passionate will though. 250k buys me more than enough time to pursue money in a way that isn’t killing me the way it currently is.

>> No.57443008

what kind of investments should I focus on

>> No.57443025
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You need to catch the surges in altcoins. Check out this link, it'll be good for you, buddy https://twitter.com/larryllamatoken @larryllamatoken

>> No.57443072

3 million for a middle class life.

500k-1m in a house
2.5M-2M in passive income (~100k-80k/year)

9M to 12M would be fairly luxurious and great though. With that amount you could afford luxuries like private school for the kids, a part time maid and still have alot left over to invest in stocks/real estate. That'd be a upper middle class life.

>> No.57443179

Yea I’d say now post covid pump, a lot more people in the markets got wealthier. Markets at all time highs. So middle class now 3-5 million net worth. upper middle class is now 6-12 million net worth. Wealthy is 15 million- 30 million. Rich is 30 million +

>> No.57443205


6 Figures. Unironically.

>> No.57443323

10 million, but mainly it’s so I can help out my family

20-50 million to beat inflation

>> No.57443409

a lot less than I thought and i wasted way too much time trying to earn more and now i just literally watch it slowly move back and forth on a screen. i will probably die without ever using it.

>> No.57443416

waffle money! I will eat me waffles unopposed!

>> No.57443432

Paid off home with land
Paid off car
500k buffer in the bank

1.5 mill all in all.

I'm nearly 40 and don't mind my comfy WFH job I do about 2 hours worth of work a day for, so I would be all set.

>> No.57443438

I already am pretty happy I'd say. I want to make $1-2mil to retire in my eastern european country. I know I will retire before 40-45, but I'm investing in crypto to make it happen before or at 25

>> No.57443441


>> No.57443456

money helps, but it's not just about money

>> No.57443466

500k or at least enough for my corolla project car

>> No.57443554

>The couple hobbies I have aren't expensive.
Like what?

>> No.57444879

10 Million would be a good number, but to obtain that, you would need 15 million because you would get raped by taxes. I just want 5 million after taxes (basically like making 10 million pre tax). People forget that you have to make millions more than what your target amount is because you get fucked up the ass by the government on your gains. But hey, at least your tax dollars are going to supporting a war in ukraine/ middle east and flooding your countries with third world migrants. kek

>> No.57444884

how much does a gf cost

>> No.57444947

I don't care who you are or what you say. You will always want more.

>> No.57444968

100% true. Honestly 3-5 million liquid cash would be pretty comfy tho. If you already own a home

>> No.57445053


1 trillion and a spaceship.

>> No.57445085

2.5 mil house paid off
1 mil in tradfi boomer indexes
500k in blypto blurrency
100k in cash
so i guess ~4-5 mil, give or take

>> No.57445089

10 million

>> No.57445096

So really you need 15 million before taxes.

>> No.57445106
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I could change my life with probably 100k. With one million I would be firmly established, and with two I could be luxuriously established. In the modern day, 30M+ is rich, however. My goals are beyond even that, but even 50k would make a big change in my life right now.

>> No.57445146

5k would change my life right now.

>> No.57445149

3k a month

>> No.57445164


>> No.57445189


>> No.57445197

so sp500 is a ponzi

>> No.57445212

>coast on interest on 220k
are you fucking kidding me. I have 390k and it pays like shit.

>> No.57445240

I have no money to arb, and I'm extremely sick.
Doesn't really matter though my life isn't like others.

>> No.57445250

yeah 1,000 bucks a month isn't really life changing. Plus you have to pay 20-30% capital gains taxes on the interest earned

>> No.57445282
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Being able to buy a decent property while being free of debt is the goal.

>> No.57445453

I was saying you two are arbitraging with your posts. In other words, I'm not suggesting you begin practicing arbitrage, but am saying you are already practicing a form of it. It was a joke.

>> No.57445485

im in eu and safe % is 3.9% at current interest rates, which will go lower

and im not fucking locking my money in some bond for years so yeah

you need 1 million to make 2000€ after taxes, now that's a cool amount, but ideally you want 4000€, so you need 2 million to makeit.

>> No.57445603

This is like the chubby thots on those videos saying "my man needs to make at least $100k"

No, this is the END goal
What OP was asking was how much money do you need to be personally happy

I can speak with experience, though it depends on age
If you're in your 20s you need about $150k networth to be satisfied on the money front, because you will have enough for retirement and won't have to worry about that
Asking for or expecting any more than that is getting greedy (though it's obviously good to have more money if you already have it)
Getting greedy is when you put overmuch emphasis on and reliance upon money to supply you feelings of happiness, status, security and optimism
You can have all those things already, the money is simply a practical tool to fix and secure a material basis of living, and you don't need 15 hammers

As long as you have a normal income you'll be alright

By the time you're in your 30s that number should be up to at least $300k nw, and 40s $750k with a house separate from that to be paid off by the time you're 50

>> No.57445729

I need enough to make 150k passively, so probably like 1.5 million.

>> No.57445977

Oh I get it now.