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57441577 No.57441577 [Reply] [Original]

It is estimated that up to 65% of men may be affected by gyno in their lifetime. Literally hundreds of millions of men have breasts and not all of them can afford surgery. How can you profit off of this?

>> No.57441588
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I don't see the problem

>> No.57441612

Caring about this makes you more of a woman than those couple grams of fat in your moobs ever could

>> No.57441621
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It's not a medical condition.
You are just a fat fuck.

>> No.57441631

I'm not here to debate the merits of male breasts friends, I am dead serious. How can I profit off of this? Maybe invent a special breast garment for men?

>> No.57441632

Make a male body positivity channel on Tiktok

>> No.57441747

become a cosmetic surgeon or sell DHT cream illegally

>> No.57441758

This was literally an episode of always sunny in Philadelphia where Frank invented the male bra

>> No.57441781

Make a heavy cotton t-shirt that is actually fucking heavy cotton.

>> No.57441784


>> No.57441850

>DHT cream
Does that work?

>> No.57441889

look up DHT gynecomastia and theres a lot of studies from the 80s on it

>> No.57441895

This is me :( I’m pretty sure it’s from my parents and public school feeding me so much goyslop over the years, I’ve never had a normal body and I dream about it a lot, how can’t I get rid of my bitch tits without surgery?

>> No.57441903

It's also a good cure for a hairy scalp.

Lose weight fatty.

>> No.57441949

Isn't that just being fat?

>> No.57441979

Elevator pitch right here