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57441313 No.57441313 [Reply] [Original]

Having a visible 6 pack + Having 21 Bitcoin > Having a 6 pack > Having 21 Bitcoin

There is no point in financially making it if you look like shit

I'm saying this as a cryptoautist gymrat and I track my calories and protein/carb/fat intake like I track my investments.

Its literally the same shit. A nocoiner who takes care of his body and diet is better than you even if you have a shit ton of crypto but you treat your body like shit.

>> No.57441319

i have all those but i hold zero bitcoin, all in litecoin.

>> No.57441356

I'm skinnyfat but have more than 50 BTC

>> No.57441420

>as long as you can see the peepee past the teepee
Stop being so dramatic.

>> No.57441454


>> No.57441472

Girls only care about low bf % not meat heads. Sorry op

>> No.57441502

I'm just too lazy and I dont care all that much

>> No.57441563
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You're right, a healthy body will always be better than being rich.
I'm obese, I have a hard time prioritizing eating healthy and going to the gym when I have to work.
I always autistically hyperfocus on one thing in my life and everything else around me suffers.
I've gone through periods of months where I hyperfocus on cooking and exercising and my body improves but my work suffers, so I hyperfocus back to work so I don't lose my job and all my good habits eventually fall apart and I stop caring about cooking/exercising.
Been going through 6 fig hell for years, I want to make it so I can quit my work and hyperfocus on going to the gym daily and cooking everything.
I know I should build these habits now before I make it, but I feel like I can't. Spending all the time working just makes me not want to do anything else in my free time except mentally recover.
It's shameful but I just keep thinking just 1-5 more years and I should have enough to make it.

>> No.57441745

Yeah pathetic.

At least you know, but I understand the "go all in one thing" autism, you should learn to overcome that, or at least turn it into "go all on 2 things" autism.

>> No.57441780

but what can I do?

>> No.57441827

Daily lifting so lifting becomes part of your daily routine
>hurr durr but you can't lift everyday
People will tell you this, but they're retarded newfags who do strengthcel powersharting routines. You want to do a brosplit, only having to train 1 muscle each day means you can train everyday because you're not training everything.

Routine would look like this, You just run this year round, no days off, it doesn't matter what the "day is" you just go by the workout.

>Legs/Calves (Quad focus)
>Legs/Calves (Hamstring focus)

For nutrition, you either need a calorie deficit to lose fat, or a calorie surplus to gain muscle, if you're fat you need to do a calorie deficit. You want to eat 2 grams of protein per KG of body-weight, the rest of your calories from carbs/fats. Use a calorie/macro tracking app, such as "Easy Diet Diary", or "MyFitnessPal". It takes a few weeks to get normalized into this tracking. You'll need to buy a Kitchen Scale to weigh your food to ensure accurate calorie tracking.

For cardiovascular stuff, you can use a different piece of cardio equipment in your gym each day AFTER your lifting session.

You don't need a ton of time. When you've split up your muscles trained into single days across the entire week, you don't even need that much time.

The people who goto the gym for 2-3 hours at a time, they're doing tons of different muscle groups all in the 1 session, hence why they only go 3-4 days a week, they're just doing a ton of stuff all in 1 day which is retarded newfag stupid training. You get far better results and way faster gym sessions when you split it all up across the week.

>> No.57441836

you need to be fit to be able to make it without depending on gambling.

>> No.57441848
File: 96 KB, 1094x1137, homersampsonfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds like a lot of work

>> No.57441891

>I understand the "go all in one thing" autism, you should learn to overcome that, or at least turn it into "go all on 2 things" autism.
Any idea how? Closest I can get is to build up habits over months and then switch to something new and I'll keep doing them for a few weeks but it gets less and less consistent until I stop completely. At that point I know I should hyperfocus back on it, and sometimes I do and get the habits back up, but it inevitably degrades when I have to shift my focus elsewhere.
Pretty solid advice.
>You want to eat 2 grams of protein per KG of body-weight
This never made sense to me, like a 300lb fatty is 136kg. 136*2 = 254g of protein. That seems like an insane amount for someone trying to cut.
Like in a day that's
>1lb of 90% lean ground beef = 90g
>a whole rotisserie chicken = 166g
That's a fuck ton of dense food.
Maybe if it's 2g of protein per lean mass, that gives more reasonable numbers, like 140-180g depending on your height

>> No.57441911

It is per lean mass, but its just more simple to go by total bw.

The "grams per bodyweight" is useful for most people. But even still, for a fatty, getting protein that high is extremely satiating, and extremely good for body composition, and extremely helpful for losing fat.

It is really fucking hard for Protein to be stored as fat, its almost impossible.

For me personally, I just have minimum Protein intake goals of 100g, I tend to eat around ~150 grams.

Higher protein isn't just for muscle mass though, its for joints, connective tissue, bones, organs, skin, hair, etc.

A guy who is 300lbs eating 250g protein per day eating <2000 calories will be melting fat off like crazy.

>> No.57441954

Having a big strong back and arms > having a 6 pack being bone skinny

>> No.57441973

Having a visible 6 pack is a sign of malnutrition, not health. Aim for ~20% body fat. Having too little taxes your organs.

>> No.57442046


>Having a big strong back

You sound like Jason Blaha

>> No.57442051

You also sound like Jason Blaha

>> No.57442255

no idea who that is, he has a basedjak face which is funny though, a bit fatter than i'd consider healthy but he has a significant amount of muscle so it's okay to have a little extra energy reserve in that case.