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57432681 No.57432681 [Reply] [Original]

What should be done about real estate agents?

>> No.57432742
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>> No.57432747


>> No.57432758

aging like milk. is she 29?

>> No.57432769

I can’t wait for the day bros. Tell me it will be soon

>> No.57432775

>fat ugly women
Opinion discarded.

>> No.57432787

It was over for her before it began. She looks like she was brought up on grain and biodiesel.

>> No.57432794

I have this theory that women get into real estate as a cover for being what basically amount to to high end escort services (if they’re hot).

They’re putting themselves in the orbit of rich men with the intention to earn commission selling “houses.” My stepmom larps as a real estate agent but she actually just attends meetings and conferences constantly to position herself in front of rich men so she can maybe branch swing. My dads such a cuck

>> No.57432852

Honestly great take. Thanks for the speculation

>> No.57432871

Well, no one else was going to buy her a house.

>> No.57432889
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Make rOME gReat AGian

>> No.57432938

If she(or any other roasty like her in my local domain) says prices are not dropping, so I buy a home and then they do, what are my odds of success in court since she is technically giving unlicensed investment advice?

>> No.57432951
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>> No.57433031

Next crash is commercial real estate, and with Blackrock/Blackstone effectively being a subsidiary of the Fed, we might not even notice.

>> No.57433049

I'm just not gonna buy one (a house)
I know I'm sorry UGH!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna buy one in this market!

>> No.57434231

The posting of these Greek style mural art pieces from the Roman Empire period in Egypt seems to be some sort of dissuasion campaign to stop white kids who are pro white identifying with these racial states.

Fucking retarded campaign desu.

>> No.57434437

There is a well known Florida sorority girl sugar baby to real estate agent pipeline

>> No.57435317

Thousand cock stare.
>take pictures and post a listing
>drive you around to houses
>that'll be 5% of the purchase price goy
Realtors are a useless profession and deserve to be automated

>> No.57435326

That is one disgusting looking woman
Looks like she smells like old milk I'm gonna puke

>> No.57435358
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>What should be done about real estate agents?
Make them useful. There are a thousand things a good agent should know--whether the house is in good enough condition or about to fall apart, whether the neighborhood property values will drop or fall, what kind of legal traps may be hidden in contracts, whether the banks are fucking you over. Joe Public doesn't know shit, and an agent COULD be worth every penny of that 5%. Most aren't--they're just chicks who think they can make a quick buck but whose butts are too fat for OnlyFans.

>> No.57435446

Its afraid.

>> No.57435460

My real estate agent was a god send. She knew a different agent that was representing the son of the previous owner who died. The son and the seller agent were out of the area, she recommended a price to list at to him and got us a bid in without it going public because the son was rushing to sell for his own down payment.

>> No.57436013
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>that'll be 5% of the purchase price goy
Reminder: The National Association of Realtors recently lost a federal lawsuit over its practice of forcing the seller's agent to pay the buyer's agent commission. Soon buyer's agents will become obsolete, just like in other countries.

>> No.57436331

What do they even do other than literally gatekeep by being required to look inside a house? I'm perfectly capable of entering filters on zillow to narrow down the home search myself.

>> No.57436344

wow that's a disaster. i'll definitely never buy a house again. i'll have to build.

>> No.57436355

They won't disappear as ;long as boomers are alive. For some reason, boomers LOVE going through real estate agents. The problem is the boomers.
As always.

>> No.57436364
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Hey, so basically I'm just gonna not rent
I know .... UGH I know....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm going to own my own house and land

>> No.57436386

Our country has a site called Trademe, you can sell your house on there for $1000. I have sold a house on Trademe and also bought one on there. No middleman who does v. little for a huge reward.

>> No.57437015

>woman go into male space to find husband or Johns
This is everywhere. I saw it in the military, collage, church, and other places. Law firms have problems keeping woman because they find a lawyer husband, get pregnant, and drop out of the firm.

>> No.57437070
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I just bought a house that listed for $1.3M a year ago and dropped to $850k. The appraisal just came in at $930k so I get instant equity. I got a rate at 6.375% but people are predicting the fed will drop rates this year by a whole point so I will refinance. Feel like I didn't do too bad honestly, this market still sucks but there are some deals out there.

>> No.57437077
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The absolute state of coping rentoids. You're being priced out and due to supply and demand, its not going to see any meaningful drop in the broader market.
>don't make enough money to buy a home?
Grow some fucking balls and make more money, if you want it bad enough you will find a way. Otherwise be content paying rent to the shekelberg REIT group.

>> No.57437110

>Otherwise be content paying rent to the shekelberg REIT group
I am going from a $1650 rent to a $4700 mortgage, of which $4000 per month is interest i.e. rent on the money I took to buy the house. Shekelberg gets his shekels no matter what.

>> No.57438587

Right? RE agents seem like a useless middleman.

>> No.57438643

I love being buried with all my shit Egypt style

>> No.57438684


do you believe india could be a potentially good investment region?
they do seem to follow the growth of china but without XIs arbitrary tyranny

>> No.57438704

Once you hit 30, this is considered attractive
>t. 38 year old millennial boomer

>> No.57438720

this. useless middle man leeches.

>> No.57439215

In my area to buy an average house is 300% more than it's costing me to rent. I am not destroying myself financially to buy a rotting boomer shack at five times what it's worth just because some real estate roastie made a tiktok.

>> No.57439361

Not as retarded as your post.

>> No.57439384

>Are you unemployed
>Nope, just got my real estate license
They are on the exact same level as DJs and it's hilarious.

>> No.57439423

Come on man, don't sell yourself short. You could easily pull one that at least puts on some makeup when she shows her face off to the world.
>t. 33 year old geriatric

>> No.57439824

A session on facial abuse would wipe that smile right off her

>> No.57439844
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>> No.57439931

What's the worst that could happen if I buy now and refinance later?

>> No.57439969

Why do doomers think housing prices, something everyone dreams of having, is unsustainable and going to drop in price in terms of fiat, which is completely made up and printed out nothing, but fiat is going to moon and houses and actually useful shit are going to crash. Fucking get yours, do not be cucked by doomer retards, its a psyop to make you a forever wagie rent/debt slave paying rent to owners.

>> No.57440136
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Buying a house is actually such a scam. Last year I was depressed I was priced out of the market, as I figured I wouldn't be able to have a family. But I've found girls who are open to living in my parents house, like as a communal family.
Now can continue staying home, working, and not get obliterated by rent/mortgage. I've saved so much, and have so much in stocks/crypto compared to dudes my age, it feels like I've cheated the system. Take the LivingWithyourParentsPill

>> No.57440170

Not sure what the scam is? Buying a house when you cant afford it? Honestly if you like l8ving with your parents cause youre poor its one thing but you know youdl'd live on your own if you werent a poor fag. Glad you found a girl that will be therr with your cope

>> No.57440258

>afford it
And who can afford $1m houses, lol who has 500-600k just lying around in cash/stocks.

Idk where you are buying a house, but living anywhere near a metropolitan area and the prices are untenable, like 500k for a condo, or 1m minimum for a decent house anywhere within 60km of Toronto.
Considering the fact that rent is around 2k and mortgage can be anywhere from 2-7k depending on condo or house.
Why even waste that much money, for what? My parents love me, are happy I'm around, we help each other out. I see it as, if you have a mortgage you don't own that house, the bank does.
My life is infinitely better, saving it for our kids/family.

>> No.57440269

the scam is that you "own" the house and are still paying the bank 4k a month so they don't kick you out lol. If you buy a house mostly in cash, then fair enough.

>> No.57440293

>And who can afford $1m houses, lol
people who buy them retard. They're printing trillions a year. Get on the receiving end by owning real assets, not depreciating fiat. You're probably a wagie fuck who is brainwashed to think in terms of fiat, $1mil isn't a lot anymore.

>> No.57440316
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Explain to me how recognizing bubble behavior makes one a "doomer."

>> No.57440340

Naww around me they're getting desperate for inventory, Interest rates are toooo high to make selling and trying to upgrade worth it. get cold calls almost daily asking if I want to sell and I could triple what I bought for in 2015. this is just sabre rattling to scare retards into shitty 9% loans, 2008 irresponsibility with a new veneer.

>> No.57440354

Inflation, the yellow line is a fixed payment. If you bought in the peak of 2006 for example, you locked that in. You're actually making bank vs the rent line. Yellow line = payment for the next 30 years. Cyan line = rent that increase every year.

>> No.57440388

Im paying 750 for a 400sqft studio

>> No.57440396

Good question

>> No.57440444

Don't be a dickhead, he already said he has way more in stocks and crypto than anyone he knows. How the hell is that "thinking in terms of fiat"?

>> No.57440449

Post tits reroasty

>> No.57440470

he said? Oh it must be true then. No, hes a poorfag, exposed by thinking a $1mil house is a lot or something when in 10+ years it will be considered a fantasy to buy a house for that cheap.

>> No.57440492


Yes a fixed payment but when the fixed payment is 3X the cost to rent and leaves you house poor it's a bad idea. To add to that stuff bought in 2008 were underwater until like 2020.

>> No.57440497
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Why do you sound so angry? I thought you were enjoying having the majority of your wealth tied up in a house.

>> No.57440535

I'm not angry. You're projecting, guess you're poor if that makes you mad. btw locking in a house so you never have to cuck to landlord rent hikes means you can stack more sats. And what are you going to do when your landlord starts pricing your rent in sats?

Who cares? Fiat is rapidly depreciating. 3x will be nothing in 10+ years. That spike is just people pricing in way more long term inflation expectations.

>> No.57440743

fpbp & /thread

>> No.57440786

This. So damn obvious at this point.

>> No.57440816
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>> No.57440843


Just shut the fuck up already you clearly don't understand basic math.

>> No.57440874

I understand, you don't. Look at your graph, take a point in time on the yellow line and extend it horizontally out 30 years. That is your actual payment because you lock it in. You can also refinance lower, so after the 80s and 2008 you can actually REDUCE your payment. Game is rigged for owners, man. If you can't do the math to see that you're getting psyoped into being a poorfag rentlet, priced out for the rest of your life because you had no balls to stomach some volatility.

>> No.57440938
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Housing will crash by 98% the moment shitskin immigration stops. That's why you fedniggers are panicking and overtly threatening civil war over Texans dropping a couple lines of barbed wire down. It's so over for you RE speculating kikes. your overleveraged shitbox is about to get liquidated, cope.

>> No.57441017

so that's never

>> No.57441095

>bought a house a year ago
You don't have any equity fren