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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 812 KB, 1366x1599, bild_2024-01-28_041140391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57432123 No.57432123 [Reply] [Original]

whats stopping you?

>> No.57432188

>whats stopping you?
I always stop me from doing anything that requires effort

>> No.57432214

Low effort chads rise up

>> No.57432264


>> No.57432287

Fucking kek

>> No.57432302


>> No.57432345

That's nothing. I've claimed a bunch of unclaimed keys from here

>> No.57432353
File: 279 KB, 420x410, 1706380036281765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57432367

>whats stopping you?
Potential legal actions. What are the repercussions? Crack a big wallet, dump it, then what? Caught?

>> No.57433353

I'm not clicking that my nigga

>> No.57433358


>> No.57433986

Nah, too much effort

>> No.57433991

>newfags don't know about keys.lol

>> No.57434026

Someone will build an quantum algo and empty half the wallets in the cryptosphere

>> No.57434088

He guessed 2 empty wallets? I’ve guessed hundreds of empty wallets
I’ve even guessed keys not seed phrases to wallets that have transaction history. But if I guessed simple number keys like 0x0000000000000001 type shit, then other people have guessed it too
If you move money into the wallets they have code that immediately sends it to another wallet

Some of you guys act like you’ve never played around with these things

You can guess keys and then check millions of derivative wallets at once

>> No.57434200
File: 779 KB, 823x830, 1621797174430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any valid seed phrase corresponds to a certain private key.
However most likely that key was never used and thu empty.

>> No.57434219

nu/biz/ is so dumb i honestly can't tell if this is an ironic/bait thread or serious

>> No.57434242

based mongol waiving threadplate

>> No.57434276

>That image
Oh no no no.... hahaha
But also
>I lost ~$9000
>There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about it
I cannot imagine being that poor.

>> No.57434344
File: 160 KB, 1440x1440, 1705222878237476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't find the bitcoin login page

>> No.57434380

there are more bitcoin private keys than atoms in universe

you will not find anything kek dont worry

>> No.57434390

I claimed some btc in the past

>> No.57434434

>He guessed 2 empty wallets? I’ve guessed hundreds of empty wallets

>> No.57434870

>conned into giving away her life savings
>life savings
kek, guaranteed she spends a shit load on unnecessary purchases

>> No.57434887

question, what generates the word keys if they are pre determined?

>> No.57434915

no there arent lol. stars, maybe? atoms, no

>> No.57434934

Every inch of cock your mother has taken generates 1 seed phrase. That's why satoshi called it seed. Because your mother is a whore

>> No.57434955
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 1633297365695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: newfags discover how wallet generation on blockchain works.
The absolute state

>> No.57435006

>The wallets was empty
If you've ever talked with black "crypto traders" you'll recognize the pattern here. Holy fuck they're annoying.

>> No.57435030

So even 4channel /bus/ has clickbait now? Hell in a handbasket

>> No.57435084

imagine the universe in all its grandness. now imagine each atom represents a wallet. the atoms in anywhere on earth represent wallets that contain bitcoin, the rest do not.

as an atom inspector, i will teleport you to random places in the universe, the first atom you find you can inspect and see if it contains bitcoin. this should be quite easy as atoms are everywhere :)

>> No.57435113

It doesn't say life savings, but either way, she's a woman, they're incapable of managing money

>> No.57435698

Is this supposed to be funny? Le random funny words?

>> No.57436924

Real talk, what would happen if the biggest miners, post next halving, dedicated all their computing power to that?

>> No.57436957
File: 34 KB, 332x142, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh. wait is this site real?

>> No.57438625
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>> No.57438819
File: 3 KB, 131x76, BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57438877

it's actually close

>approximate number of atoms:

>2^256 on base 10:

>> No.57438893
File: 128 KB, 703x765, image_2024-01-28_203111967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57438900

...but the chance is not 0%
Just like the lottery, sometimes everyone says you won't get anything but there's always a winner.

would be funny if someone wanted to generate a new wallet and accidentally stumbled across a single-sig exchange hot wallet hehehehehehe

>> No.57438984

Key Word is empty you dimbfuck
No one cares about empty wallets
It’s impossible to guess one with money

>> No.57438993

>...but the chance is not 0%
it's 0%
1/10^77 == 0

>> No.57439104

You're a massive fucking retard

>> No.57439522

Anon, finding a non-empty wallet would be equivalent to winning the powerball lottery 9 times in a row.

>> No.57439526

i do better. i claim unlock ETH

>> No.57439615

What the hell is a seed phrase anyway?
I don't have a wallet.
Is it just a stupid meme to get you to choose a guessable sentence instead of a random password of 24 characters of letters and symbols?
Like instead of "h7;wh3(×b39')%??" Your phrase is "niggers tongue my ansus"? Doesn't seem very smart.

>> No.57439653

The last word of a seed phrase has to match the rest of the phrase, its like a feature to make sure you didn't typo. But you can randomly guess it two, I think its like 1/8 chance or something, I forget. Of course there is a 99.999999999...% change its just a new, unused wallet.

>> No.57439668

That doesn't seem right. After playing idle games my whole life, that seems like a very countable number of atoms.
Now if you had told me there's that many in one star then I would have believed it.

>> No.57439806

>they have scraping protection now

>> No.57440241

show me your math then
I don't think you understand the size of 10^80

>> No.57441853

Faggot, its the last site with fake transactions. Stop promoting your dogshit website

>> No.57442240

Yeah, some uni students found at least 1 btc. At the time wasn’t cost effective.

>> No.57442254
File: 1021 KB, 1000x897, 40D3C3E6-BDC3-4B8F-B658-CF50A9552A4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can’t take my SubPlebbit

>> No.57442272

/biz/ is my favorite subchan

>> No.57442350

How to manifest seed phrase with real bitcoin?

>> No.57442622

>the wallet was empty

tech illiterates dont even know what wallets are anymore, all seed phrases are wallets. its just the random seed used to generate the cryptographic keys

>> No.57442679

I was just surfing the blockchain hoping to find a juicy wallet but instead I made an incredible discovery you won't believe, indeed my friend I found a nigger on the blockchain

>> No.57442708

I was surfing the blockchain hoping to find a juicy wallet but instead I found a nigger on the blockchain

>> No.57442709

It's still amazing, the number of normies who decide they want to 'get into' crypto and respond to these ads, though. I've had to warn several, usually older people about them. The idea of taking responsibility for their own keys is completely alien to them and their default action is to defer to what they see as experts or professionals. Easy prey, really.

>> No.57442726

>whats stopping you?
human lifespan

>> No.57442743 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 1477x756, 1692571060907732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not what based means, you have nigger tier IQ. Get off the site nigga and back to chinktok

>> No.57442753 [DELETED] 

Someone asked me about this 'crypto course' recently. Look at the fucking state of it - $1k to $15k to be taught how to buy tokens from an exchange and keep them on a HW. Whoop de do what a bargain
The guy fronting the course, Brian Rose is actually a good (non-crypto) journalist but he's using his reputation to get customers for this shit.

>> No.57442762


>> No.57442829

No, it's not real. Try finding your private key with it, it will be empty within seconds.

>> No.57442850
File: 138 KB, 657x527, 1705685135945830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin private key entropy (ECDSA secp256k1) is only 2^128 (127.8 if you're picrel) so you're off by 39 orders of magnitude.