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57437066 No.57437066 [Reply] [Original]

I am only 36, but I have this feeling games, movies or events that happend "2 years ago" actually happened 8-10 years ago

Like, remember those miners that was stuck in peru or something? It feels like it was 2021, but without looking it up I guess it was more like 2015-16 ?

Same with games, I still think of Diablo III as the "new diablo". Or COD 4 as the latest COD. Don't start to argue about the games or if they are good, just taking some examples

Movies too, I think I haven't watched a "popular" movie in like 4 years? I think the last I watched is Endgame , don't even know when that came out. Hunger Games I feel like I could have come out 2 years ago or 10 years ago....

>> No.57437095

It won't be long until you are an old man withering away in a hospital bed. Life is short OP

>> No.57437120

>only 36
Anon, life is like a pear. The bottom is bigger and juicier than the top. The better part is behind you already.

>> No.57437157

>The better part is behind you
You eat pears butt first?

>> No.57437179

>only 36
you're not "only" anything, you are ALREADY something, already old, already past your prime. i seriously hope you've at least made it by now.

>> No.57437181

why are you so mean

>> No.57437190

Same bro. It's creepy as hell. I still think dota 2 was released like 5 years ago. Valorant is still a new game

>> No.57437200

He thinks time is on his side kek. You are only ever as old as you make yourself out to be

>> No.57437222

> You are only ever as old as you make yourself out to be
Yea, man, look at all the 60 year old olympic athletes, people breaking into the music industry, and starting their first business. The military probably doesn't accept people over 30 without serious waivers just for shits and giggles.

>> No.57437351

your brain's map of time is not measured by a linear scale, but by mental landmarks, call them memorable moments. as you age you experience fewer and fewer memorable moments as things simply become less memorable. been there, done that, seen it, heard it, felt it, etc.

>> No.57437356

>I am only 36

>> No.57437364

it really creeps me out to think there is people older than 30 on this website

like wtf, are you secretly posting on 4chan while your wife is in the kitchen and your kids are in their room on their phones?

fucking pedo's get the fuck of this website

>> No.57437366

trips yet again point out evil posts
you are justifying an evil loosh harvesting system with its own characteristics
if anon dispenses limiting beliefs and laughs at evil posts like yours instead of being offended they can accomplish whatever they so intent

>> No.57437378

i think it is because you are in a routine. try this. next time you decide to order doordash some goyslop, just walk to the restaurant instead and order and eat there. how you get home is totally up to chance! if you do exciting stuff like that you will live in fun , like when you were a kid.

>> No.57437395

1 year is a long time to a child because id you’re 10 it’s 1/10 of your entire life. As you get older a year seems like a lot less time because it’s a smaller portion of what you experienced. By 50 it’s 1/50 of what you experienced.

>> No.57437396

are* not were

>> No.57437398

i know right. so gross..
hey where does the younger crowd like us hang out these days?

>> No.57437399
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t. 30 years old with a very static life.

>> No.57437471
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jesus christ man you guys shitting on OPs age really hit me hard
i'm crying and I'm 26 but i've done nothing with my life
worst part is i don't feel like doing anything either
i am just content at rotting away slowly

>> No.57437497

It's because he's jewish, anon.

>> No.57437515

See you think your life will get better and you will leave here, but the odds are very bad. The millennials have trouble buying homes and starting families. Gen z is fucked even more.
>you are here forever

>> No.57437516

>and starting their first business.
Most of the billionaires around started their businesses in their 30s or later.
>inb4 they were already millionaires
Then you can become a millionaire from nothing in your 30s and then a billionaire in your 40s or 50s. Cope and seethe demoralization jew.

>> No.57437537

no one gets rich from their first business

the average tech millionaire is like 39 with 3 failed startups behind him

>> No.57437548
File: 70 KB, 1080x613, Fz6MvI6aIAESJf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro I was on 4chan in like 2004 when moot asked for donations for it to run 3 more months then it was closed down for several months

so get off my site fucking zoomer

>> No.57437561

good points

but I feel like for especially computer games the golden era was like 1998-2004 and ended with Half life 2 EP2

>> No.57437641

>See you think your life will get better and you will leave here, but the odds are very bad. The millennials have trouble buying homes and starting families. Gen z is fucked even more.
If my canine coin doesn't save me, nothing will

>> No.57437673

zoomers ruined this site

>> No.57437740

big demoralization thread

>> No.57437761

People yelling "demoralization" in this thread have a lot in common with trans supporters. Both prefer a make-belief world where biological gender and biological age doesn't matter.

>> No.57437769

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.57437792

I was 21 when satoshi launched bitcoin.
Fuck man.

>> No.57437871

the age pill is the most devastating one, i'm 37 and most feels things like it's over, still single and every year discovering new health problems, fuck this gay earth

>> No.57437896

Sure thing Chaim.

>> No.57437903

A friend of mine started lifting heavily at like 36. He is 39 now. His deadlift is 600lbs, bench is almost 405.

It's not all over, it's just time to stop pretending there is endless time.

>> No.57437932
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Retard calls out people whatever few years older than him.

"there is"

Creeps me out to think that there ARE retards in the younger generation that don't even know how to use grammar correctly, talking shit.

>> No.57438120

This happens when you do less interesting things than you did in the past.

>> No.57438133

I turned 50 last November, been coming here nearly everyday since 2008.

>> No.57438135

This is our website newfag. Go back to tik tok.

>> No.57438158

Its the poster that said he never kissed a girl in 29 years dont worry anon

>> No.57438197

Ironic. Im 37 and officially gave up on squats and deadlifts after a lifetime of doing them. Sad that I have to become part machine fag now. I used to scoff at the fags using hack squat machine and shit

>> No.57438216

Wouldn’t making it automatically de age you like 5 years by default? I imagine having that much cash (maybe a few mil) would extend your youth. Come on lads, don’t be so blackpilled just yet.

>> No.57438260
File: 234 KB, 1200x1536, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys, I'm only 31, I'm still young!
>when shitcoins moon my REAL life will begin!
>girls in their 20s will still want me, I swear!

>> No.57438384

Stupid zoom zoom, us millenials grew up here, you're in our house bitch

>> No.57438619

That's weird to me. Unless you were pulling over lol4plaet, I am guessing your form was off. Did you stretch / do cardio / walk?

What's the issue? Genuinely asking. I get hurt sometimes, but I just back off for a week or two.

>> No.57438644

I feel like when you're 21 a lot of significant growth milestones are done with and everything begins to turn into a blur.

>> No.57438690

I think of Final Fantasy X, DMC3 or the first Bayonetta, and man, those games debuted like 20 years ago. 20 fucking years. I'm nearly my forties. I made a small fortune (thanks to craptocurrencies) but I remain a Gfless schizo NEET. To any oldfag reading, don't feel demoralized by zoomer fags. We all get old. I hope you (and all oldfags here) find something worthwhile your effort in life, whatever that may be. If you are a NEET, at least you're free, always remember that. People rather slave all their lives for recognition and shallow praise. People rather become drones with no passions or hobbies , freedom is just too much for them to handle. You're doing things right, you came to this world to flip coins because you're a high IQ schizo fag who recognizes patterns and understand the game is rigged by (((them))). You're destined to win. Trading is your mission in this life, so win. Win, you miserable autistic pieces of shit
t. 39 years old bizfag

>> No.57438694

the older you get he less happens in your life, you need to do more cool shit. Go on a vacation and a month will feel like a year, the next month after going back to your NPC life will feel like a week

>> No.57439033

It happens as you get older. When you're young, you stress out a lot and think that, say, 3 years, is a lot of time. Then you notice the contrast between how your experienced and younger selves view time and feel like you're losing track. In reality, it's more like someone with OCD who got treatment and doesn't even remember the last time they washed their hands.

>> No.57439111

the years feel shorter as you get older. when you're 30, a year is 1/30th of your life. when you're 10, a year is 1/10th of your life

>> No.57439120
File: 6 KB, 233x198, 1396917681787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>January 2019 feels like last month
>Was actually half a decade ago

>> No.57439144

39 about to be 40 next year boomer, I feel ya OP

>> No.57439149

I'm posting from the men's room at my golf club. Wife and the girls are at volleyball practice.

>> No.57439159

35 and been here since 2005 zoomy. wife's at work and I just put the kids to bed. now it's MY time

>> No.57439160

is nothing happening in your life? feels like an eternity between now and 2020

>> No.57439337
File: 71 KB, 596x444, 1698882073283729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of us are retired off crypto gains from the last three bullruns. but yeah, have fun renting!

>> No.57439371

Likewise, but I would never own. I have my own arrangements that has yet to have equaled a mortgage payment over the past decade. Enjoy your feeling of superiority over locking up your liquidity needlessly in an asset that you need to pay to annually "keep", fag. LMAO

>> No.57439388

>window not covered

>> No.57439416

>Be me
You will care less and less about such useless trivialities evry single day.

Light yourself on fire tranny.

>> No.57439471

>t. coomer brain

>> No.57440113
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>> No.57440156

I remember being young and thinking I’d never be 30 because it was so old. Then I turned 30 and thought I’d never be 40 because it’s so old. Now I’m soon to be 45.

>> No.57440239

Most of the billionaires a controll op set it key position you mouth breathing mold brain.

>> No.57440256

fucking newfag, we grew up with 4chan

>> No.57440630

I’ve been coming here since 2004 when I was in high school. Just to give you an idea of how old I am.

I have felt what you are feeling. Usually it’s due to a life of repetition. Sleep work eat sleep work eat… I escaped the cycle about two years ago when I took a pay cut for a job that afforded me time to enjoy life. Hobbies…my family…friends…the memories you make with those, they stick. The more you make the more time slows down.

>> No.57440674

2014 to now has been a blur for me. Im 39 and if you told me that Im stupid and that I'm actually 32 and Trump has been a year in his presidency, I would hardly question it. I stopped working my coffee shop job at 33, and again, it feels like fucking yesterday that I was working there. Time seems to be going by so much faster.

Things will probably slow down for me with the MicroNova though since it will be such a huge, drastic turn of events from how we live now.

>> No.57440722

>shes only 25 years old you sick fuck

>> No.57440735

That is the reason we all want to make it. We need to be able to quit our wagecuck jobs and go to see and experience the world.

>> No.57441430


Time raced by 25-30 for me, but then i had my daughter last year and time has slowed right back down for me. I guess because im experiencing so many firsts again being a dad.

>> No.57441447

nah its the opposite for me...target tori was 2020? swore that shit was like 2016

>> No.57441634

>exciting like when you were a kid
bro I used to just wander the streets as a kid. Id go do graffiti in drainage tunnels, explore abandoned buildings with my friends, break into recently closed down businesses and look for cool shit. Man I miss the adventure I had as a kid. The world was truly my playground, my parents dgaf if I came home really. Running from cops, dogs, other kids, where the fuck did the time go.

Now I work 60 hrs a week, spend all my free time doing homework, I basically dont even exist. I have friends and hang with them on occasion, but its nothing exciting. Im 26, I feel like life should still be an adventure to me right now.

>> No.57441648

Youre here forever zoomer, remember that post when you are this old and still on here

>> No.57441651

Weak b8, but for people who unironically believe this, we've always hated newfags, we are geared to neetboss, gatekeep and gaslight nigger. It's also like saying it's hard to believe people above 30 use any sort of social media.