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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57435982 No.57435982 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys do for fun besides making money? The wealthier I get, the more addicted I am to working and I'm quick to drop hobbies if they don't have the potential to become a second or third job

>> No.57436032

Cooking. When you get really good at it you'll have no desire to eat out anymore, which will save you money. The only thing I'm willing to go out for is pho because cooking a good overnight broth is a real pain in the ass.

>> No.57436217
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You could side gig as a drummer for local bands on the weekends. Sounds like a good time and it shouldn't take too long to get up to speed enough to play at a modest level.

>> No.57436339

save money hobbies: homebrew, cook, garden, chickens, can/preserve. photography, helps with my business advertising, don't have to pay someone else.

working out is obviously important, i like olympic lifting, cycling (i've got a downhill bike), kayaking and backpacking (I take my camera too). backpacking for multiple days really helps clear my headspace and give my soul energy. fishing is a nice way to enjoy being outside too.

i want to get into diy'ing synth modules and other musical hardware as well, could flip them maybe. i like to study math to keep sharp, reading in general helps. i also play mtg and sc2, and sometimes chess.

>> No.57436442
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based coo/ck/ing enjoyer, and pho is cheap if you must eat out.
i second this + add learning an instrument to the roster. there’s no limit to how good you can get so it would be a lifelong hobby. great way to meet other people too. you can also make $60+/hr teaching, $100+ performing, and $120+/hr producing.
t. music industry fag

>> No.57436451

I do a lot of mountainbiking and running because pushing myself through the pain and seeing myself improve is the only time I really feel anything anymore

>> No.57436468

hey anon, maybe if you are feeling passionate about making a dollar, try to make money in a way that is conducive to the health of the planet and society as a whole, it could fill your heart with joy...

>> No.57436997

hang out on biz

>> No.57437072

jerk off

>> No.57437498
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You forgot about the thrill of almost hitting that tree and hitting mud and flying over the handlebars. My arm still hurts 9 months later. Pic related very similar but I'm 41.

>> No.57437521
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I don't really make money, just look at my portfolio if it pumps or if I got some airdrop, which almost never happens.
In my spare time I'm procastinating learning Japanese and doing something useful with my life to shitpost on this fucking piece of shit board.

>> No.57437961

same. learning to properly cook is one of the best things i ever did.

>> No.57437984

I collect women and keep them in my basement. I also like scouring /biz/ for low cap gems and investing into them