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57435938 No.57435938 [Reply] [Original]

> "my real concern is that his investment actually does well."

>> No.57435945

20k is actually a shit deposit in the UK now and no way should you consider buying a house with just that, his family are retards for that alone.

>> No.57435957

This concerns many people every cycle shortly before BTC does it again. It is the copest of cope.
> if it does well, i was wrong all this time, and everyone I advised to stay clear knows I am a failure

>> No.57435964

drives me insane when faggot redditors call an investment 'a play'.
but whatever. it's always more difficult to persuade someone green to sell them someone red.
so many stupid gay etf/mutual fund passive investing, impossible to convince them to sell before a crash.

>> No.57435966

It's not an investment if the thing literally serves no function.
BTC is worse than tulips in this regard.

Gonna be hilarious the coming years.
People are literally "betting" or "investing" in the worst tech conceivable to increase in value exponentially.
Meanwhile actual technology as revolutionary as the PC or Windows is being built and you can own part of that.
Yet no...magic internet beans that do nothing and cost a ton of time and money just to adminstrate.

>> No.57435971


>> No.57435974

You can own more than 1 asset at a time Anon.
Also, you will cope too.

>> No.57436007

You're not even antisemitic. You literally don't understand. Now fuck off while I become a self made millionaire. Top kek.

>> No.57436009

that's literally not what they said
>my main concern is that he gets a false sense of genius or overconfidence
if you think your first trade will 10x you are destined for poverty

>> No.57436020

I own a lot of assets. I was in btc at $3 and didn't make much money because it was so obviously shit.

Now...I am very well off and been around for a lot of other shit that made me more money because it was less obviously shit.
Most recently I was buying ICP from $10 down to $3 and now I'm at $13 on all of it.

Do you have any idea the actual value of ICP vs BTC? Literally stop and think for a few minutes about it and about future valuations.

Not to say BTC won't tulip bubble up to 200k or something, but it's literally a costly, shit service run by centralized "miners" getting free government electricity.
It is the SLOWEST and MOST EXPENSIVE thing that exists.

6/7 people in the world can't even afford a tx. topkek

The reality is BTC maxis are just cucks to very big money and power players. They are willing to cuck all logic and all the world just so the number goes up.
It does absolutely nothing and benefits no one.

>> No.57436025

what investment?
>cope posts
>making a successful trade (these two faggots offer no proof they've made a successful trade) isn't good enough

>> No.57436026

Except he's not wrong for assuming btc will go up in value over time against usd. You're talking in vague absolutes like a fucking faggot. You've got false wisdom, it's a syndrome many redditors are cursed with.

>> No.57436028

You have better chances with something that is actually valuable to business or people in general anon.
Trying to help you. You can hope to ride the coattails of governments and big corporations to a 5x...10x maybe?

Or...you can invest in things that have real value and serve a function and probably do 100x.
You are holding literally the worst asset of the entire class that has already 10000x.
Are you serious?

>> No.57436040

You're making the rest of us ICP holders look really bad and we already look pretty bad why are you so autistic about it

>> No.57436041

Also, Jews run BTC. You really think you are fighting them with BTC?
A slow, controlled system with 100% of your tx traced forever?

>> No.57436043

>he's not wrong for assuming btc will go up
a) whether someone should hold that view is a matter of opinion and information
b) yes it is lmao
c) calling it an "assumption" is especially choice -- proves you don't even have a thesis

>> No.57436044

>6/7 people in the world can't even afford a tx. topkek

6/7 people cannot afford 10 bucks ?


>> No.57436050

>I was in btc at $3 and didn't make much money because it was so obviously shit.
>Most recently I was buying ICP from $10 down to $3 and now I'm at $13 on all of it.
>tulip bubble
This whole post is cringe enough to be a pasta.

>> No.57436052

You mean you bought at $100 like an idiot?
That's still better than buying btc at 42k kek.
The median DAILY WORLD INCOME was under $8 just a few years ago retard.

>> No.57436063

You are pretty new aren't you?

BTC tx were over 24hours back in the day. Then you add in they are 100% traceable forever.
Where is my benefit except hoping glowies pump my bags?
Literally you can't use it for anything.

>> No.57436064

No my average is 11 but that still doesn't change your autism about ICP

>> No.57436065

plz be kind
> https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/19ee9uq/comment/kjc47o2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

>> No.57436070

Okay, so I spent years fudding ICP. So you aren't really going to irritate me.
Just curious why you are itt butthurt about me telling people BTC is shit?

>> No.57436071

go back

>> No.57436075

You literally don't understand crypto. At times btc outpaces the rest of the market, it's the market maker of all crypto. Personally, I'm in alts, but I'm not gonna sit there and try to dethrone btc because it was first. It will always go up in value over fiat, indefinitely.
>Also, Jews run BTC.
Jews run everything, this isn't news to me.
Imagine posting this unironically like it was some kind of gotcha, I barely even read this gay fucking shit, go back to philosophy 101 you fucking faggot lmao

>> No.57436076

this nigga has been in BTC since $3 and decided to buy fucking ICP after so many years holy shit no wonder every single holder of this coin is retarded

>> No.57436078

>I was in btc at $3 and didn't make much money
seething copist.

>> No.57436094

it's all FRAUD anyways.
good/silver, real estate, stocks, etf's, options, forex, crypto.
all of it. fraud.
completely out of touch with any reasonable valuation.
most assets not even having *any intrinsic value at all.
like what do you define as an investment?

>> No.57436095

Because your 2nd post reads like an autistic copy pasta kek
>2 dollar profit on it let's go listen to me dummies I'm a genius
Also you accusing me of buying at 100 dollars was interesting. Maybe you're projecting and forgot to add a zero when you said you started buying it at 10

>> No.57436097

>11th biggest market cap in the world
>muh tulips
Tulips actually did serve a purpose back during your funny story btw. They were exotic plants that were just discovered by the west and they served as luxury novelties.
Not the best use case sure but they did serve a purpose, they weren't pumped out of nowhere because people thought they would moon.
In this regard the use case of BTC is much more valid since it is backed by work.
Don't buy any BTC, see if anyone cares.

>> No.57436098

I was kicked off reddit when r/conspiracy figured out the boston bomers weren't the Tsarnevs and proved it with photo evidence.
They banned everyone and I didn't bother to go back.
I'm way older and I know way more shit than you.
>don't understand crypto
It's being instituted to enslave you to a world computer. That's why I hold ICP you faggot retard.
Read Asimov.
Not really. I built a very substantial business instead of staring at a computer and waiting for a scam I invested in to go up.
Karma and vibration far superior to what it would have been if I'd done that.
I'm very well off and just about to spend another $200,000 on farmland that I keep stacking.

I'm teaching a lesson from my life experience. BTC is as shitty as it was then. It has NO BENEFIT TO ANYONE.
Name one. You can't.
It's a glow operation and that's fine. But you yourself say you don't bother holding it.
So why argue with me?

>> No.57436105

Seems like you are trying to low key fud ICP. Poor work.
Look up the Kohler Tresham mechanism before you lose all your money anon.

>> No.57436114

That's why I said btc was WORSE than tulips "in this regard" you readinglet.
I didn't feel the need to elaborate on the obvious reason they were more legit than btc.
What you said was implied by what I said.

>> No.57436119

Sounds like you're crying and threw in some mumbo jumbo to pretend you're smarter than you really are

>> No.57436128


>> No.57436137

>back by work
Dig the ditch again retard. I'm gonna have those guys over there fill it up soon and I don't want them waiting around.

>> No.57436169
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>> No.57436170

Yeah, I'd be concerned too if my friend got lucky and thought it was confirmation that he's an investing genius. The next part of his story would be that he convinces a bunch of people to follow his next play and he along with everyone else proceeds to lose it all. Imagine thinking that isn't common.

>> No.57436180

>proof of work
>not backed by work
Retard, why do you think ASICs are a thing? As long as hashes are being solved and blocks are added to the chain, it is backed by work, whether you like it or not. Tranny.

>> No.57436219
File: 143 KB, 578x578, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's username
Reddit is the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.57436227

100k will be too little too, better he does a 20x at least before considering investing in bricks

>> No.57436254

But the work doesn't add value you absolute retarded pleb.
Literal commie tier reasoning.

Try not working so hard and accomplishing the same thing.

>> No.57436289

>I ignored a 23,000x investment because it was obviously shit
>this makes me a genius investor
Unbelievable the shit you find here.

>> No.57436305

>It's not an investment if the thing literally serves no function.
Functions that Bitcoin serves:
>it's a store of value
>it's trustless, stateless, uncensorable
>it doesn't take up any space, I can memorize my seed phrase
>I don't have to worry about anybody taking my Bitcoin
>I don't have to rely on any intermediaries to use it
>I can move millions of dollars of Bitcoin across borders without being questioned (try doing this with gold or cash lmao, you will be ass raped by customs)
>I have a mathematical guarantee that my ownership of Bitcoin won't be diluted beyond the 21 million supply hard cap
You retards have had 15 years to figure out that these properties are INHERENTLY VALUABLE. It doesn't need to do more than what it already does to have value, Sorry but any cope argument you make up to disagree with this just further proves your retardation

>> No.57436320

Yeah. Very funny. I quit replying because I want to watch this evolve slowly and enjoy.

>> No.57436322

>BTC tx were over 24hours back in the day.
No they weren't, the block time has always been 10 minutes and it's always taken an hour to get 6 confirmations.

>> No.57436325

They can't differentiate risky investments from gambling. In their mind they hyperfixate on the infinite unknown variables instead of the few variables they can estimate like
>crypto has always gone back up
>crypto is down since its peak
The "smart" people want more, they want certainty. Seen it first hand with my friends who refused to buy the stock market and crypto dips because it wasn't certain to go back up. After it goes back up and they lose all potential gains they finally "conclude" they should buy back in

>> No.57436377

>Do you have any idea the actual value of ICP vs BTC? Literally stop and think for a few minutes about it and about future valuations.
Hmm, let's see
>Was fair launched, no premine, no ICO
>has been fully decentralized since the beginning
>has a hard supply cap, is deflationary
>has the first mover advantage and literally set the standard for cryptocurrency as an industry
>over 97% of the supply is out, your share won't get diluted over time
>uses a proof of work security model that's based on actual, real resources
>has an infinite supply
>is centralized trash
>had a 94% preallocation at launch
>is proof of stake (paper security, tokens poof themselves into existence for no real-world cost, and it tends towards more centralization over time)
I'm not surprised that an ICP investor would fail to understand why Bitcoin is the superior store of value. It's not even close. The infinite supply alone makes ICP worse in that category

>> No.57436429

yes. ICP isn't even a cryptocurrency. let alone decentralized and permissionless (nor is any other coin that isn't proof of work) HOWEVER it will moon. 99pct of the market is just a shitty version of icp.

>> No.57436512

>hasn't done or used any of these features to his advantage in any way whatsoever
topkek you guys are retards.
Again. I'm rich anyway. I was that early to btc because I'm very intelligent. So I have no reason to be bitter or hide my experience.
If I'd realized it was an intelligence operation I'd have stayed "invested" in it maybe.
Don't know. Bad karma there I'd say not earning the money you get.
The internet computer has an actual use that has real value based on that use.
You can USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. You don't even need to own ICP.
Name one thing you've done with bitcoin in your life beside the number being higher.
Just one.

>> No.57436530

>my currency has higher fees than PayPal and takes fifteen minutes and no one accepts it.

>> No.57436539

Holy shit all the green IDs wagmi

>> No.57436569

I take advantage of Bitcoin's good qualities every day by using it as a store of value.
ICP has an infinite supply and was created to dump on bagholders. You can't host anything on it without getting permission from Dfinity first.
You're a dimwit who missed out on the easiest 23,000x of your life because you suck at figuring out what properties actually make something valuable or not. Anyone with intelligence could see that Bitcoin has always been inherently valuable as digital gold. ICP could never be that.

>> No.57436586

>ICP has an infinite supply
Again. I'm not talking about the price. I'm talking about USING IT.
You are saying you've set btc aside and watched the number go up. Great. So has everyone. You never use it. Got it. I knew that.
You don't use it because it's slow and expensive.

>> No.57436611

I love how you cope by saying BTC was in "intelligence operation" and that's why the price went up. Not that you were simply wrong in your value judgment about it. No, instead you continue to double down after all this time and convince yourself that it's everyone else that's wrong. You're even worse than a buttcoiner because you had the sense to invest in crypto and still fudded yourself out of BTC

>> No.57436641

No. I was VERY early. Literal intel agencies and glowies and deep web shit retard. There used to be a free TOR and the SR and it was glowing as could be man.
Guns, real gore, absolute wild shit. You came in with sanitized version 2. BTC was the most degenerate retard shit imaginable and was entirely a crime operation. NSA folk developed it very clearly.

It's pushed for a reason I didn't understand at the time. It's still slow and shitty and the literal worst tech. It's why no one uses it and just "store" it.
The selling point JUST HAPPENS TO BE the only thing it can do. Sit there.

That said I'd easily believe a million dollars a bit coin in the future. Or zero.

>> No.57436664

Yeah I remember the silk road dark web shit, that stuff is still around, they just use Monero now because it's harder to trace. The fact that Bitcoin was being used to buy drugs back then, though, should have alerted you as to its intrinsic value, since it was and is digital money that's uncensorable and doesn't require any trusted intermediaries to use. I also bought BTC back then, but I sold after my first 30x, unfortunately. That's still more than you'll ever make off of ICP.

Again, you suck at recognizing the value of technology. The fact that BTC was being used to buy drugs back then should have been all you needed to know that it was very valuable

>> No.57436715

is buttcoin satire are or these people actually this gay and retarded

>> No.57436753

>It's not an investment
>the thing literally serves no function
it's the most valuable currency on the planet
because of its main feature of complete custody and no permission required for spending
a little sissy suburban shit like you wouldn't understand why that's extremely valuable

>Gonna be hilarious the coming years
fiatcel, it's already hilarious

>> No.57436754

What do you think?

>> No.57436775

>t. Bitcoin maxi detected
I too larp as a coping poorfag on r/buttcoin

>> No.57436796

>takes 24h+ to go through
>fails 40% of time
Yea I should have seen it. kek
It's easy for people that are LATE to say they would have seen it.
When in fact, you are only aware of it because it was normalized and presented to you.

>> No.57436807

Earlier in the thread you can see me mentioning how I'm buying 20 acres in the near future.
It's hard to imagine where you leap from my btc criticism to the other extreme of I don't even really know what you are trying to caricature to be honest.

>> No.57436826

If you held long term treasuries, "safe" assets that every claims have no risk. You lost 50% in three years. If you held just dollars in an FDIC insured bank, you lost 16% in three years. The dollar is more likely to "go to zero" or add zeros in therms of bitcoin in the next ten years than bitcoin in terms of dollars. This is just the money illusion talking. Every successfully wealthy person has almost no fixed income and dollar denominated assets. Its all central banks who print money, institutions who are forced to, and poor people. Pick what asset class you want to throw your lot into. You're a fucking idiot if you think in terms of dollars or any other manipulated fiat unit.

>> No.57436857

>>takes 24h+ to go through
>>fails 40% of time
This is just a lie.
The block time for BTC has always been around 10 minutes. The only reason to ever wait 24 hours is if you want 140+ confirmations before considering the transaction complete.
I spent more BTC on drugs back then than I care to admit. I didn't need anyone else to show me the value of the technology, I understood it inherently since I could see the use case first-hand. Imagine being in that same situation and not keeping a few for yourself. I think you've just been coping this whole time because you spent every last coin on weed and didn't save any for later.

>> No.57436961

Holy shit dude.
You are way newer than me. It was STANDARD to wait overnight at least for a SR tx to go through. Just stop.
Lying maxi. The usual.

>> No.57436967

No it wasn't, it took a few hours. You got caught in a lie and now you're just making shit up.

>> No.57436969

>weed on SR
That's the last thing anyone was buying on SR.
I probably have like 500k in btc somewhere actually, kek.

>> No.57436977

SR had an entire section just for weed and related products. That and MDMA are pretty much all I used it for.

>> No.57436979

I guess you can pretty easily bank on no one actually having been around then like me.
But you NEVER sat there and waited for a tx to clear. It was so fucking slow that was retarded.
You made one, came back HOURS AND HOURS later, and hoped it was through.

>> No.57436986

>But you NEVER sat there and waited for a tx to clear. It was so fucking slow that was retarded.
Yeah, obviously, but that was a small price to pay for being able to buy drugs online. I also understood the decentralization-security-speed trilemma that existed back then and why it had to be that way in order for the network to remain decentralized and secure.

>> No.57436990

And not only that. Compared to how fast tech has moved, it's STILL that relatively slow.
It's faster, but the speed of everything else is so fast that it's slower than every option that exists AND costs more money.
It's just retarded.

There are coins like DOGE and SHIB even that real people can use cheaper, faster, and easier than btc. That actually HELPS the person by using it.
That's what a currency is supposed to do. Right?

>> No.57437003

All that shit was a selling point for btc HELPING people and destroying the banks.
I mean topkek how far off that has been from true.

None of it's features are even necessary are FBA and other mechanisms have evolved.

>> No.57437020

Bitcoin found a niche as a store of value. Other blockchains which have reduced block times either sacrifice decentralization (by using a proof of stake consensus mechanism) or security (by increasing the rate of orphans, which makes the main chain easier to attack). There is a relatively new coin that actually solves this and I'm bullish on it because it follows all of BTC's fundamentals otherwise. The lack of speed is pretty much the only problem with BTC.
What you fail to realize is that BTC wouldn't have ever been worth shit if it was centralized, inflationary, and proof of stake. It got its value because it's actually decentralized, stateless money, whereas your shit token is a centralized, unregistered security trying to trick people into thinking it has the desirable properties of bitcoin.