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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57435391 No.57435391 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57435411

I wonder how many solar powered haulers and diggers they're going to need to remain carbon neutral getting all that out of there.

>> No.57435431

Pulling all this shit out of the earth is probably how ultimately we completely destroy this planet and our existence. And what do we do it for? To collect numbers on a screen. Crazy.

>> No.57435453
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>> No.57435461

For the burgers in the room;
They found a deposit with 7 Billion Pounds of lithium in it.

>> No.57435467

Lithiumfags btfo

>> No.57435471

how much is that in dollars

>> No.57435496

no there is actual value being generated when things are being build in the physical world. the numbers on the screen are all actually a scam. a million dollars has actually no value at all.

>> No.57435504

Call me when EVs stop being botnet glownigger surveillance systems.

>> No.57435511
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your existence as a neet wouldn't be possible without pulling all this shit out of the earth

>> No.57435763

wow, mind blown bro xD

>> No.57435797

just in the knick of time! looks like our EV future is back on the menu boys.

>> No.57435823

Lithium and solar should be required to power homes while petrol resources should go to war and domestic vehicles.

The government needs to subsidize this heavily so small towns can rely even more on solar or regenerative power. Everyone’s house at this point can and will be using solar or even nuclear power and we can sustain it. Especially in the badlands of South Dakota.

Furthermore why aren’t we building nuclear reactors in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and most of Texas or California to do so? This easily will start the new golden age for america

>> No.57435832

I have bad news about your smartphone

>> No.57435839

thank you for your service.
I'd give you a pair of jeans if I met you in real life.
never forget our mission!
Slava Ukraini!
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.57436396

>Just discovered
They've know about this for years but their policy of deindustrializing the West, moving industry to Asia, and transitioning to a green econony of medieval serfs is now hampered by an aggressive Russia and Xi deciding that China needs to be more communist again.
So now it's back to
>oh hi [mineral X] I didn't notice you there before! Want to come for coffee?
Who knew that trying to arrange how the whole globe works like it was just a chess board was bound to fail!
If you want to make God laugh just tell him your plans for the future

>> No.57436855

Because boomer NIMBYs don't want nuclear, wind, or solar plants near them for equally stupid pseudoscientific reasons

>> No.57436928
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Meanwhile in Europe:

>> No.57436930

Most neets will sit around using the same device for 10 years. Normies are the powerhouse consumers, always buying a new iPhone.

>> No.57436949

>Furthermore why aren’t we building nuclear reactors in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and most of Texas or California to do so? This easily will start the new golden age for america
I wish my country (Sweden) did this, or preferably that they didn't ditch already functioning nuclear plants just to appease faggots who don't understand nuclear is the only environmentally sound option we have at the moment.

>> No.57436960

Good luck getting permits and making it profitable.

>> No.57436974

With the profits they make with the lithium they could build 3 and a half public toilets or 10 meters of high speed railroad.

>> No.57436993

Nice try Mr. Burns! I've watched HBO's excellent series called Chernobyl so I know nuclear is the most dangerous form of power known to man! It will cause you to be entombed in your own dying flesh! Thankfully President Biden, who is guarnteed to beat that Orange Fool Drumpf by the way, is putting solar in all our farm fields. Once we help our best ally defeat that evil Putler we can import all out food from our best Ally Ukraine!

>> No.57437570

They will not permit mining there. Mining will happen only in a third world shithole.

>> No.57437592

meanwhile in europe we are comfy. its not cold. russia freezes.

>> No.57437603

its extraction from geothermal brine not "mining"

t. geochemist

>> No.57437634

milking the earth

>> No.57437671

when you call changing the density of a brine from 1.1 to 1.099 milking then yea

>> No.57437693

SLURPING straight from the salty teat

>> No.57437725
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>> No.57437763


>> No.57437802

Shit about amerimutts, but they have a ton of oil, food and even fucking lithium.

>> No.57439214

That's what I'm thinking. Isn't the salton sea a wildlife refuge for some endangered bird species or some shit? How did they even get the permits for exploration?

>> No.57440478

I mean, it's one of the largest countries in the world, almost the size of several different continents.

>> No.57440636

1 gazillion

>> No.57440696

California fag here.

Good luck getting a mining permit in California bro. Would take 50+ years, and then only with 1% chance of success.

They killed a 6.5b chevron energy project in central California because it supposedly interfered with the mating habits of tree squirrels. Yes, I am dead serious.

Op is a faggot for posting this clickbait.

>> No.57440719


>> No.57440859

>Liberal progressive faggots are the patriots now
>traditionalists are the contrarians

Watching you pieces of shit 180 on literally everything and defending big cropos, the MIC, and the vaxx enforcing police has been a wild ride. Does your hypocrisy burn your soul btw? Or do you not have one?

>> No.57441010

Endangered species stopping construction is a federal issue this would happen in any other state

As for the Salton sea I think Trump might executive order it to bring in more revenue just by claiming "cheaper and more accessible solar panels" if there is pushback

>> No.57441113

Stfu kike amerimutt I hope you burn like your forefathers

>> No.57441133

Republicans have slider left every single election anon

>> No.57441296

That’s like saying America will not have a recession because Texas has oil. Kys

>> No.57441751

Cool it with the alternate realities, zigger. My only problem right now is that it's too fucking hot and I can't fully appreciate my two weeks of skiing in the Alps. I do enjoy my eggs on my pizzas though.

>> No.57441797

It’s funny that you meme on someone else for being propagandistic and then immediately use year-old Russian propaganda about Europe freezing lmao