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57434621 No.57434621 [Reply] [Original]

>be 7 years with same gf
>be 36 yo (both of us) by now
>been trying to have kids for years
>2024 will be different
>cant f'n believe it she is pregnant, such joy
>its an ectopic pregnancy so we must murder the embryo, thanks for playing

Feels bad man

>> No.57434632

Vax status?

>> No.57434637

Negative. We are full blown "conspiracy theorists" according to normies

>> No.57434658

In that case I am truly sorry for your loss.

>> No.57434670

Thanks. As you can see in my screenshot, I dont even use wireless internet bcs "conspiracy" (which means facts)

>> No.57434696

The worst part of it is that I really got my hopes up this time (which is unusual bcs im mostly very negative)

>> No.57434714

lol this dude again

>> No.57434725

My 21yo gf birthed my son last year Im 26
Healthy as fuck fed pure breastmilk from humongous mommy milkers

>> No.57434741
File: 214 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just left the hospital because we had an ectopic I feel your pain.

We’ve had one miscarriage then our current baby (perfect in every way) and now an ectopic

Both vacxed me once and her threee times but also I’m 36 and she’s 35

It’s just life but to say im not mad is understatement then on top of it her family who I fucking hate is all around us right now

>> No.57434746

>Both vacxed me once and her threee times but also I’m 36 and she’s 35
Im sorry for your loss

>> No.57434753

Sorry to hear that buddy. Don't rule out adoption. Your mind will adjust, it will feel just the same and you're doing something wholesome

>> No.57434764

Don’t adopt keep trying Ivf

Nothing beats raising your seed it’s a primal feeling

Or you’ll end up like Brad’s Pitt

>> No.57434785

I've been there too. My wife miscarried via ectopic and then lost twins. Her 3rd time pregnant we lost one of the two twins but now have a happy and healthy baby. We also have two healthy twins coming this summer. Just keep at it and don't be afraid to do ivf. At a minimum get her eggs frozen (or make some embryos and freeze them) asap bc fertility seems to be a function of egg age as opposed to mom's age. Also you should turn to Jesus for strength. I went through the same thing as you and God pulled me up and out of the depression.

>> No.57434799
File: 38 KB, 640x640, IMG_8647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked up anon, i dont want to be rude but imagine im your conscience and/or ancestors from a biological perspective talking to you.

>dump your old gf, find a young girl in her 20s and leave some healthy children in this world to carry your genes.

That’s literally what napoleon did, he had an ex hoe wife who was pretty old (32 when she met napoleon)
Then they couldn’t get properly pregnant for quite a few years, he ended up fucking an 18yo ONCE and she got pregnant.

Now to this day there is a genetic descendants of napoleon walking the earth. Isnt that fucking amazing, thats like power, thats like stuff you cant buy no matter how rich you are if youre old/deformed.
Theres nothing physically wrong with you anon, its her. And if you want to leave a legacy, you need to bang a younger girl.


>> No.57434817

What is an ectopic pregnancy? I ask because I have ectopic heartbeats.

>> No.57434841

Fertilized in the fallopian tube. Not possible to survive and l could kill the woman

>> No.57434846

It* goddammit piece of shit galaxy 21s ultra+

>> No.57434904

my ex wife had 2 back to back ectopic pregnancies that took out both her tubes thus ending any chance for natural kids. Shit destroyed her ( and me) and she left shortly after. Im sorry about your situation OP, it fucking sucks.

>> No.57434913

God is trying to tell you something.

>> No.57434924

Look on the bright side, at least you don’t have a wife anymore. Holy shit I hate my wife so much it’s unreal.

>> No.57434970

Wow, that's bad luck if anything I would think.

>> No.57434972

Most women nowadays are vaxxed and my portfolio is nuked

So i am shit out of options

>> No.57434973

the owner of this chart is a certified retard

>> No.57435032

hahaha when it's negative and something goes wrong we don't know the cause but if vax stat is positive then is must be vax right? RIGHT??

>> No.57435045

fat people are not biz much less fa
gtfo your stink to alien board

>> No.57435054

yes you are. stick to unvaxed men neckbeard

>> No.57435088

Momma had big titties on small frame before pregnancy

>> No.57435166


>> No.57435227

Post pics please

>> No.57435306

Sorry for your loss

>> No.57435328

This. Save a child from the clutches of foster care (where many are trafficked).

>> No.57435340

Keep trying anon, a friend of mine has the same happen. Twice.
The 3rd pregnancy went just right.
Also it's not common for the first pregnancy to come to a term, my wife and I also lost the first one on the 9th week. And now I'm just waiting for my first child to be born this next week.
Keep your chin up.

>> No.57436471

Good luck

>> No.57436647

OP, I have read through your posts
first off I am really sorry for the loss of your child.
I'm having my first (god willing in march) and I can't imagine where I would be in your position.
with that being said please consider looking into joe dispenza's work. You can find a bunch on youtube, his approach with meditation could really help you two.
I will keep you and your girl in my meditation intentions
and not to back seat drive your life too much but consider
and if you aren't willing to adopt (which I can totally respect because of
you should leave her and move on despite modern women increasingly hard to find a decent one.

>> No.57436660

go on the carnivore diet it promotes fertility. check out your environment, do you live somewhere close to a industrial area? you might be full of toxins that prevent getting pregnant. (PFOS/PFAS, heavy metals, etc).

>> No.57436669

lmao how does this situation happen?

>> No.57436712

Covid was a Chinese bioweapon designed to target the West, and it worked. Thanks for playing.

>> No.57437382

Why would u wanna have kids? Lol just enjoy life and die

>> No.57437388

>everyone on biz is a chad millionaire who has a gf that went through ectopic pregnancy

>> No.57438228

Literally just told my wife this

Either it’s more common that 1 out of 100
Confirmation bias
Or vax other stuff are making the odds higher

>> No.57438333

Maybe wait a bit, the doctors said that my brother is an ectopic pregnancy and later it turned out false and he was born without any problems

>> No.57438353

Also definitely get a second and third opinion

>> No.57438364

Hey man. Sorry and you probably don't want to hear this, but it's all her fault for having shitty tube plumbing. You should cut your losses and start again with good breeding stock

>> No.57438408

Supposedly 1 in 30.000 iirc

>> No.57438424

Too late they already executed my seed

>> No.57438456


>> No.57438609

I hope my portfolio will recover

>> No.57438629


>> No.57438768

Probably missed the boat. 36 is the age women have downs syndrome autistic retard kids if they are still able to have them.

>> No.57438796

dodged a bullet there, don't waste money on children

>> No.57438897


Covid wasn't the weapon; lockdowns were. Lockdowns are what came from China, forget about the flu thing, that's barely relevant. Lockdowns were the weapon, anon.

>> No.57440452

It's way higher with ivf. Which op might have used bc of the failure to conceive for so long

>> No.57440503

everyone knows what you did and do, fucking kike

>> No.57441496

>Which op might have used bc of the failure to conceive for so long

I didnt use any ivf or medication bcs "conspiracy theorist" (facts)

>> No.57441506


Thanks. I feel emotionally exhausted

>> No.57441517

>Why would u wanna have kids?
Stupid question

>> No.57441695

IVF as it is currently performed is murder

They create dozens of young human beings just to kill all but one of them and only choose the most symmetrical one to implant

It is as much murder as abortion

You should either trust in God or only create as many embryos as you’ll be able to actually give a chance to gestate

>> No.57441706

Not true. The risk goes from like 1 in 1000 to like 2%

It’s a huge increase in risk but is still in absolute terms very unlikely that you’ll have a Down’s syndrome baby.

>> No.57441712

36 is geriatric preggo, plus she was clearly on birth control for years which fried her uterus. Millennial women are worthless and that is so fucking funny to me because they are the worst cunts.

>> No.57441715

>that brief moonshot to 1 million
>didn't sell
You idiot.

>> No.57441733

That’s not a good reason to leave your wife . It’s your fault for being a weak, non-cutie, modern bugman who waited until your 30s to start trying to have kids with her.

If you absolutely must be unfaithful to your wife because you want to try having kids with someone else then you should get a second wife or mistress , not abandon your first wife

>> No.57441881

>36 yo
its fully over anon, you need to replace her with a newer model

>> No.57442488

>be 36 yo (both of us) by now
>36 yo
>both of us
Turns when you put your hand on a stove it burns you???
Fucking tard, althought that insult will be more to your future children if you managed to get any out of her dusty old womb kek

>> No.57442507

you did cash out the rest of the portfolio right? pls be bait

>> No.57442514

Baby wouldn’t have lasted long in an anti-vax family anyway.

>> No.57442537

keep trying anon, I will pray for you. Take it VERY seriously meaning that you should log your woman's body temperature multiple times per day and calculate the fertile window and inseminate every 18 hours or so. I know it sounds weird but keep trying for another half year at least. Don't let her have any say in it. Take responsibility and try.

>> No.57442549

Should've taken the vax

>> No.57442555

happy for your loss. Also how infertile do you have to be to not get your wife pregnant in 3 years? Jesus christ chuds really are subhuman cucks

>> No.57442993

I agree. Although you can technically donate embryos to infertile couples, I'm not sure if you can pick which couple. Like for sure I wouldn't want homosexuals or non-whites raising my progeny. I need to make it next bull market so we can implant our remaining embryos

>> No.57444131

>marrying a woman the same age as you
>waiting to have babies until 36

yikes imagine getting stuck bagholding that?? couldnt be me. t. 32 year old with a 22 year old gf

>> No.57444910
File: 89 KB, 900x900, 9A9682FC8E721869C047EF8D58872A57-91872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have been trying two years with my wife without even a bite. It feels bad, man.

>> No.57444921


Adopted kids have the same psychotic genes their shitty parents that abandoned them had.

>> No.57444928



pick one heretic

>> No.57444938

Had the same problem. Stop making your wife do hard labour and maker her have healthy sleep cycles.

>> No.57444997

Sorry. We lost our boy 20 weeks in. She delivered him and it was disturbing beyond belief. Not many will understand what you’re going through.

>> No.57445020

No despair, don't give up.

>> No.57445039

did you miss the part where they've been trying for years?

>> No.57445041

this is very very true, my first girlfriend was adopted and she turned out to be a meth addict whore like her mother she never met, despite being raised by a family of decent middle class people

>> No.57445057

i see ALL green over a long long time ..

>> No.57446776

sorry for your loss