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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 308 KB, 1200x628, PulseChain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57427176 No.57427176 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on PulseChain

>> No.57427227
File: 141 KB, 1030x579, Louis Vuttion AirPlane AIRPLANE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real DeFi. Check out gopulse and howtopulse, both are awesome.

>> No.57427714
File: 195 KB, 1024x1024, icp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a scam. we on da pee chain now, icy pee chain.

>> No.57427931

Richard Heart's latest scam. Basically an ETH clone with gas limit set high.

>> No.57428035

I think it is a legit dex. I do wonder how it has so much liquidity on it on day 1. That is the only red flag to me otherwise I've used it and it works.

>> No.57428409

Its in a good state from what I can tell. it already dumped super hard and is probably likely to not go any lower. Its been making really good gains lately.

>> No.57428661

/biz/ hates it. That's all I had to know to buy it.

>> No.57428891


>> No.57428900
File: 143 KB, 1200x850, richard heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imaging giving your money to this man.


>> No.57429117

The ultimate scam

>> No.57429957

It had that liquidity on day 1 because people waited 2 years for it and the L1 to launch.
Arbing the HEXs on Ethereum and PulseChain is probably main "driver"

>> No.57430100

Clown scam shit. I diverted some in that thing because you know, clowns wins in the clown market.

>> No.57430258

what is a "scam"?
i havent seen anyone in that ecosystem angry or come out as being scammed. Infact ive seen alot of happy people making big gains

>> No.57430294

Watch this 3min vid

>> No.57430488
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>> No.57430639

Anyone know the supply? How high is it going?

>> No.57430829
File: 190 KB, 675x1200, FWIHEtEWIAIeJNo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was created by pic related.

>> No.57430866

Richard Heart deserves to be brutally murdered and I stand by that. Any creature looking like this >>57430829 does
I sincerely hope he will die in some cruel and unusual way and we will get a tape recording of it. And hey with him now messing with the Russian underground, might as well come true

>> No.57430899

He looks like a female British police officer

>> No.57431569


Check the price ya idiot nigger

Check the inflows of all those that sacrificed their coins ya idiot nigger

Check the current location of Richard (o wait) ya idiot nigger

Do people like you ever, while alone and reflecting, probably right before you sleep, think about killing yourself? Next time you do, seriously consider it.

>> No.57431595

>what is a "scam"
>SEC Charges Hex Founder Richard Heart with Misappropriating Millions of Dollars of Investor Funds from Unregistered Crypto Asset Securities Offerings that Raised more than $1 Billion

>> No.57431602

He's been spening the liquidity on stuff like this >>57430829 and is now in hiding

>> No.57431727
File: 205 KB, 900x1200, DieC1UTW0AAayTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He makes ya seethe, don't he?

>> No.57431909
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Everything about it is awesome. I think it’ll outperform Ethereum, though still hold majority in ETH. New Tornado Fork just dropped. It’s Real DeFi. Fast, Cheap, and aesthetically pleasing all the way around. Run your own PulseX Server and farm liquidity. Seriously considering dumping most of my ETH into PLS/PLSX.

>> No.57431916
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>> No.57432013

I'm thinking about buying some incentive just because the market cap is so low

>> No.57432092

Would you guys consider eHex to still go on a bull run or is all the action going on pulsechain?

>> No.57432101

Richard Heart is going to prison for scamming you but he might appreciate some love letters when he's on the inside

>> No.57432134
File: 1.95 MB, 1715x1290, IMG_2542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I harvested for the first time since the beginning. Had like 15k INC, so I put that into the PLS/INC farm. Now I have less than 10k INC but more PLS in that pair on that farm. Still generating more. Gonna let ‘em sit, because who knows - there may be future use-cases for INC. it also has an issuance halving..every year I believe?

>> No.57432140

>>136 Trillion coins, anons hold 16 Trillion while Sacrifice Address holds 120 Trillion.

>> No.57432154

Validator is 32 Million PLS btw, about 4 thousand US monopoly money

>> No.57432163

Thought it was tail emission (same nominal issuance per year)

>> No.57432311

>price during a bear market
not a scam
nope not a scam
>Richards location
still not a scam
seethe more jeet deep

>> No.57432369

I think eHex is still worth it, there's a lot of people still staked out on that ecosystem. That and the price should jump if phex jumps (I could be wrong and retarded however.)

>> No.57432737


> t. baggie

I noticed you didn't comment on my latter statement, about how you should 'go with the flow' next time your mind veers into thinking whether or not you should kill youself. Did I hit a nerve?

You should really do it you know.

>> No.57433658

and there you have it, you still cant explain on why its a scam.
Thats one of the reasons i love being a RH baggie. EVERYONE HATES IT, everyone just says "scam" at the top of their lungs. same thing happened when i was in verge, i fucking love it when you poor newbies seethe, so much so you come into these threads, type some shit out and complete the captcha. lmao.
you will never leave India you filthy street shitter.

>> No.57434926

Here's all you need to know...

RH has 4 coins in the top 100 on CoinPaprika (A non-cucked ranking site that doesn't gate keep because of RH hate). The entire eco-system is currently in its "disbelief" stage due to RH timing the launch of Pulsechain at the bottom of HEX's first cycle, which means all 4 coins will pump in tandem as the greater bull market goes into full swing. If you are some bitch ass fuck boi crying about what Richard wears in a few pictures he used to gain social media attention, you truly are a mid-wit and you don't deserve the gains that will be coming to this eco-system. We are looking at the most gatekept chain in all of crypto. Ask yourself why it is that the man who spoke out against the real scammers in crypto is called a scammer. Ask yourself why the man who hasn't sold OA controlled HEX in 4 years is a scammer. This board will sit here and praise vitalik, sergey, or garlinghouse while they dump over and over, along with basically every other founder or VC in crypto. Why is endless dumping by these so called leaders ok and not scammy, but the man who doesn't sell, and is now BUYING UP his own coins to pump them, is somehow the scammer.

This board is a den of sharks and vipers, hell bent on pushing weak ass low IQ fud on all of you. They will say anything in their power to keep you from buying while they stack their bags endlessly before an inevitable pump. And it will pump. Go ahead and take a look gopulse and the charts for all RH coins and tell me this entire network is not primed for a crazy bull run in this cycle.

Mark my words. The phenomenon that is the RH eco-system... Has only just begun.

>> No.57434936

buy an ad you fat faggot. nobody here falls for this dumb shit, go spam on a board of actual uneducated retards with low financial literacy, not a board of white >90iq males

>> No.57434989

>red pill

blue pill


>> No.57435682


I'm more focused on getting you to really consider 'doing it' and killing yourself. I'm not even memeing dude, i'm genuinely serious.

>> No.57435806

>non cucked ranking site
check the liquidity

>> No.57435893

Market cap

>> No.57436074

>the "he dressed like a retard on purpose" argument
if the fat faggot gave a shit about marketing he wouldnt have turned off comments altogether and previously restricted them to followed only. this shit kills engagement. he's clearly covering his ass from now on because he know he's fucked.
>"b-but he hasnt scammed anyone!!!"
anyone who started a 5555 stake around 2021 has lost their money and provided exit liquidty for anyone not staking and selling instead, are you retarded?

>> No.57436166
File: 3.88 MB, 225x400, 1648594073721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57436269

>Man who calls out scammer isn't a scammer.
That's actually a very common tactic that scammers do.
I'm also staked in eHex, didn't know about the pulse chain launch.
That's a real possibility. But if you think about it, even if he goes to prison, pulsechain and ehex are already being gatekept and decentralized. They have billions in liquidity, a huge cult following. Pulsechain can't be taken down since it's on the blockchain and isn't on centralized exchanges.

>> No.57436301

Literally just ETH with more transaction space

>> No.57436316

why should i buy this if there isn't enough liquidity to sell

>> No.57436670

Not here to spoonfeed you, sweatheart.


>> No.57437711

the memes are repulsive

>> No.57437963

PulseChain is at 2.4M volume in the WPLS/DAI pair you liar