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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 1080x1178, Screenshot_20240127_121738_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57423786 No.57423786 [Reply] [Original]

LINU rugged

>> No.57423792

>one billionth brown people coin went to 0
Does this really need a thread?

>> No.57423795

Good opportunity to buy

Weird fud by the way anyone can go check

>> No.57423803
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>> No.57423810

Lol, 2022

They should really hire Pakistanis, soo much better than Indians

>> No.57423814

and thus a new generation of bag holder was born
hopefully they can consolidate down to a general that you can hide like gme and bbq

>> No.57423866

Homie real posting
LINU at zero
Doo doo flushed

>> No.57423943

right now i want this subhuman dog coin to go to zero. i am never going to shut up and taunt every linu baggie to suicide. they clog up the catalogue with their turds and they have a cringe baggie cult

>> No.57423949

Linu is a scam, $Dinu is the true savior

>> No.57423958

Just hide the threads retard. Nothing makes you losers seethe more than a dog coin? If you truly think it is worthless then you spending your time fudding it just means your time is worthless too solscammer

>> No.57423969

>Pakistanis, soo much better than Indians
Now THAT should have it's own general chat

>> No.57423984

nothing makes a jeet seethe more

>> No.57424006
File: 1.75 MB, 5496x2748, AdobeStock_60605085-5496x2748-232458723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pakistanis Beat Jeets
We could use peanut butter sandwiches for the image theme

>> No.57424009


>> No.57424030

>If you truly think it is worthless then you spending your time fudding it just means your time is worthless too solscammer

it takes like two seconds out of my day to fud it you fat gay retard

>> No.57424033

>LINU rugged
OP, I understand you are an illiterate jeet, what what part of "LINU has not a single entity controlling the whole supply" is hard to understand? The wallet distribution has as highest wallet someone holding a 2%.
It will be so entertaining see you seethe when LINU will do a SHIB in the next months.

>> No.57424048

making zero impact, how does it feel to be a failure anon?
inb4 you say anything about holding a bag, rug etc etc
no one cares

>> No.57424069

Strike a nerve chud?
I ignore your Solscams. But thanks for bumping any kind of Linu threads up for the visibility.

>> No.57424112
File: 93 KB, 1080x1184, Screenshot_20240127-002554~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not buying the world's largest cup and handle then you're just not going to make it.

>> No.57424114

who cares

>> No.57424120
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>> No.57424218
File: 29 KB, 787x475, Screenshot 2024-01-26 235251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a liar. Reminder that anytime someone on /biz/ says that something "rugged" they're 100% lying like OP, or they're a noob who thinks "dump" and "rug" are the same thing. This board has gone way downhill.

>> No.57424231

Good job really, no one's buying

>> No.57424293
File: 274 KB, 793x797, NOT-selling-hahahahaha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically I'm just not gonna sell it lmao

>> No.57424399

linu is a jeet street shitting coin. they reported me to jannies for posting jeet memes. not sure why jannies allow certain shit coins to be shilled here while banning others for advertising

>> No.57424537 [DELETED] 

Next one is reviving HOKK for no reason because it's low mcap, no whales and easy to shill

>> No.57424549

Linu is a certified janny coin

>> No.57424603

I wanted to dip into crypto yesterday after reading about Linu here, but couldn't because Kraken asked for my ID and I was already in bed (also LINU seems to not be on kraken? I don't understand how to gamble money in this shit)
Guess I got lucky

>> No.57424633

Bro it didn’t actually rug. It’s on Coinbase my friend or Uniswap. Check it out on coin gecko.

>> No.57424683

LINU the most promising asymmetric gain meme coin

>> No.57424698

What chart is this nigger? it's not LINU.

>> No.57424712
File: 733 KB, 1782x1387, LunaInuShillFagsExposed01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, another totally organic Luna Inu thread
totally not another shill thread for their scam being artificially boosted by their telegram

>bull run around the corner, naive newfags littering biz looking for next hot meme coin
>get small group together, pick a fill in the blank ___- dead dog meme coin, luna inu
>invest, accumulate, become whales
>launch shill campagin
>next shib btw
>shill and spam biz relentlessly and exclusively with generic meme package
>create fake astroturfed artificial community
>no social media presence or engagement beyond biz
>group therapy session created by scammers
>profit off of hopium and deception, poorfag biztards never learn
>overpromise underdeliver "next shib, top cex listing incoming, trending coinbase"
>slowly rug it
>wash rinse repeat

They have been using the same tactics forever, pathetic, next shib btw, picrel

>> No.57424727

Wallet distribution destroys your fud

>> No.57424733

I donwloaded metamask
Can I use it to buy ETH, and then use swap to buy LINU with it on metamask?
I thought I could just buy LINU but it's not in the list
This crypto shit is complicated man...

>> No.57424766

Any lunabros know if this is possible to get listed on a cex without an active owner?

>> No.57424786

Yup. Or just download Coinbase wallet, go on trending and swap

>> No.57424800
File: 165 KB, 807x802, lunainutelegram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wallet distribution destroys your fud
but muh wallet distribution
Luna Inu shills pining biz threads in their telegram
Legit project btw
No other meaningful social media presence, just spamming biz, that has always worked out well, not even once, endless red flags

>> No.57424852

lol posting the same shit here? I already told you this was me and I was grouping together 4chan activity. Idk why you are seething homie

>> No.57424856
File: 280 KB, 1873x748, LunaInuShillFagsExposed02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna Inu faggot shills scamming naive newfags
>next shib btw
>next doge btw


>> No.57424871

Bravo. This board don’t know anything about the short floating and short squeezes. Teach them

>> No.57424888

I mean...what's OP in the thread you linked to wrong about? I remember seeing it and didn't invest but it hasn't rugged yet, and I'm sure it literally could be a top coin with enough shilling so what's your point

>> No.57424905

tired of the lying fuddersr

>> No.57424916

This isn't as damning as you think it is
Yet to see you post a legitimate red flag.
The audits are clear, the wallet distribution is clear. The support for this coin is organic.
Supply real evidence of manipulation or gtfo.

New fud strats every day isn't a good look. You're grasping at any straw looking for something to stick
Give up

>> No.57424922

All these gimps with the salty fud just make me happy I bought 114B. Not selling, I think linu moons

>> No.57424926

>I mean...what's OP in the thread you linked to wrong about? I remember seeing it and didn't invest but it hasn't rugged yet, and I'm sure it literally could be a top coin with enough shilling so what's your point

>This isn't as damning as you think it is
>Yet to see you post a legitimate red flag.
>The audits are clear, the wallet distribution is clear. The support for this coin is organic.
>Supply real evidence of manipulation or gtfo.
>New fud strats every day isn't a good look. You're grasping at any straw looking for something to stick
>Give up
The cope is unreal

>> No.57424947

That’s the Terra Luna Classic chart

>> No.57425033

I'm chilling man
Still holding
Not selling
Cope and seethe, go back to the drawing board

>> No.57425124

>I'm chilling man
>Still holding
>Not selling
>Cope and seethe, go back to the drawing board
You can fool yourself but not others, biz is wising up to your scam. You are getting exposed
I have been doing a deeper dive on your scam. You wouldn't believe what I have uncovered. Collecting information, you didn't hide your tracks
It doesn't make you look good, Consider it over, step away. It's about to get humiliating for all you luna inu fags

>> No.57425141
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pssst retards

>> No.57425152

Bull flag forming on the chart. Probably another up and down to go

>> No.57425167


Tard flag formed already its over stop investing in gay dogs like a retarded gay furry

>> No.57425224

> 6 posts of fud
> On a Saturday morning
Man go have some breakfast or some shit

>> No.57425243
File: 439 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_9215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only explanation for the constant fud brigade is that /biz/ isn't buying their SOL scams anymore

>Got paid yesterday
>500 bucks into crypto (poorfag)
>75/25 KNS - LINU

>> No.57425260

Thats def one of or a major reason is its taking all eyes off the scammers trying to funnel everyone into solana shitcoins.... tho now the narrative is changing and they are trying to push le political coins to scam everyone with since nobody wants to get scammed on solana which is 99% of the tokens on it. Scammers are pissed because this token takes everyones funds and attention and they cant get any traction with their scams at all due to it and are fuming mad and fud constantly to try to get price down and people out so the coin fails. Its honestly really soulless and pathetic behavior and these are supposedly 18+ yr old adults who are allowed to do adult things in the world and this is how they behave instead.

>> No.57425275

I downloaded coinbase
Now it's reviewing my documents...
Will update when the thing finally clears and I can actually buy some roulette tickets

Plan to buy 50-100 euro, and hope that by the time the Switch 2 comes out, it's grown enough to buy that

>> No.57425285

Glad I dumped 1 trillion on you fags yesterday

>> No.57425289

> 6 posts of fud
> On a Saturday morning
>Man go have some breakfast or some shit
No, I'm just going to just continue to expose your scam and make you look bad. Too easy

>The only explanation for the constant fud brigade is that /biz/ isn't buying their SOL scams anymore
No, Solana scams come and go but even them have at least the respect and decency for biz to confide it to just one thread for a brief amount of time before it rugs
Luna Inu faggots on the other hand like you have been repeatedly spamming biz with non stop shill campaign exclusively, directed from your telegram
I mentioned it before but I enjoy ruining scams on biz. You are not first and not the last
If you just confided your scam to a general, I would back off but yet you continue to spam biz so I have no other choice

>Its honestly really soulless and pathetic behavior and these are supposedly 18+ yr old adults who are allowed to do adult things in the world and this is how they behave instead.
Luna Inu faggot shill trying to have the moral high ground LMAO

>> No.57425307

Schizophrenia detected

>> No.57425310

You never had shit, you’re not fooling anyone.

>> No.57425333

>I would back off but yet you continue to spam biz so I have no other choice
Jesus Christ you really see yourself as schizo batman

>> No.57425342

>shitposts and fuds a coin he doesnt hold
>tries to call it a scam when its proven its not and people selling doesnt = scam
>crying about spam when chainlink used to have 20-50threads a day going. >keeps weeping about 4 threads like a sissypussy because for some reason he cant hide the threads like a mentally sane adult
>tries to stand on any ground and talks about morals when he's purposely fudding a coin he claims he doesnt hold and should just be hiding the threads to and instead goes on a fud crusade he delusionally calls exposing a scam on a coin not a scam
wew lad you really are outting yourself as a no life loser that needs to hide threads and start mentally acting like an adult not a fudsister sissypussy crying cuz you cant mentally handle 4 threads at one when chainlink used to have 20-50 at a time going all day not deleted. also it outs you as a newqueer because you werent around for that thus you being a fudsissy and trying to act like a soulless piece of shit makes sense. keep shit posting keep making up holy crusades in your head you know are demon spawned and keep pretending you're fighting the good fight. ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH! pathetic soulless you will get yours in life for such pathetic scum behavior.

>> No.57425374

Homie, I didn't buy on the 11th and I'll still up over 10x, talking over a dead PnD has legs, all of the groundwork happened years ago for the initial PnD, it's already on CMC, it's already on coinbase wallet, contact renounced, good wallet distribution (nobody to giga dump) etc etc etc. If you don't see the opportunity here you're retarded

>> No.57425387

Not a schizo
That schizo/ autist thing is played out and fake anyway
Just an ordinary biz anon providing sound and reasonable commentary on your shill campaign for your scam

>shitposts and fuds a coin he doesnt hold
Yes, as I have explained earlier
>tries to call it a scam when its proven its not and people selling doesnt = scam
It's a scam
>crying about spam when chainlink used to have 20-50threads a day going.
comparing this 10,000th copypasta dime a dozen dog shitcoin scam to the legitimate token not needed scam that is chainlink is criminal, link marines are ogs on biz, they can shill their scam all they want, they earned it, they made all the memes, not generic meme package like you faggots
>keeps weeping about 4 threads like a sissypussy because for some reason he cant hide the threads like a mentally sane adult
Triggered, so mad that your scam is getting exposed LMAO
>tries to stand on any ground and talks about morals when he's purposely fudding a coin he claims he doesnt hold and should just be hiding the threads to and instead goes on a fud crusade he delusionally calls exposing a scam on a coin not a scam
You get what you deserve

>wew lad you really are outting yourself as a no life loser that needs to hide threads and start mentally acting like an adult not a fudsister sissypussy crying cuz you cant mentally handle 4 threads at one when chainlink used to have 20-50 at a time going all >day not deleted. also it outs you as a newqueer because you werent around for that thus you being a fudsissy and trying to act like a soulless piece of shit makes sense. keep shit posting keep making up holy crusades in your head you know are demon >spawned and keep pretending you're fighting the good fight. ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH! pathetic soulless you will get yours in life for such pathetic scum behavior.
cope and seethe

>> No.57425402


>> No.57425419

You sound like a buttcoiner plebbitfag assmad you didn't get in first, cry seethe dilate.

>> No.57425423

>not a scam
>replies im triggered instead of hiding the thread like a mentally sane adult who isnt invested would do and instead keeps shitposting and fudding
>implies he's some morally superior person and that linu investors are somehow bad people and deserve bad things to happen showing his corrupt demon nature and his evil hate heart
>falls back on low IQ memes like cope and seethe because his lies and delusions are being challenged

>> No.57425435

>You sound like a buttcoiner plebbitfag assmad you didn't get in first, cry seethe dilate.
You sound like a faggot scammer that is mad that his ongoing shill campaign for his scam dog shitcoin will be exposed in their threads
You know it's true

>> No.57425447

The more you post the more insane you appear
>Your fud is not effective

>> No.57425473

I punted fifty united states dollars into it whenever that bought 100b, and now I'm sitting on whatever the fuck 100b is now worth. Good opportunities DO announce themselves, you're just stupid, sorry you're dim, better luck next time

>> No.57425524

>not a scam
it's a scam
>replies im triggered instead of hiding the thread like a mentally sane adult who isnt invested would do and instead keeps shitposting and fudding
bruh, it's getting sad for you
>implies he's some morally superior person and that linu investors are somehow bad people and deserve bad things to happen showing his corrupt demon nature and his evil hate heart
You did it to yourself, stop spamming Luna Inu on biz and confide it to a group therapy session general and I'll stop. Until then, I'm going to make you look bad, tons of evidence and red flags for your bullshit scam, Biz will know. Everywhere you go
>falls back on low IQ memes like cope and seethe because his lies and delusions are being challenged
Once again, coming from you and your scam. That's real rich
>The more you post the more insane you appear
Not insane, everything I have said has sound basis and you know it. You can deflect all you want
>I punted fifty united states dollars into it whenever that bought 100b, and now I'm sitting on whatever the fuck 100b is now worth. Good opportunities DO announce themselves, you're just stupid, sorry you're dim, better luck next time
Yeah, I don't care if you made a few bucks off your scam. Early shill bagholders do so all the time
The continued non stop shill campaign on biz is full of lies and deception. You are not the next shiba inu or doge. You are not getting listed on Coinbase.
You know it, continuing to spam biz exclusively with false and misleading talking points is total scam behavior. You are trying to lure naive and desperate newfags to buy into your scam. Endless red flags

>> No.57425538

Do you really think anyone is reading that

>> No.57425572

Bro, you are a shit trader, linu has organic price action, please continue fudding tho,

>> No.57425576

Fudders are now typing out 5 paragraph essays. What is it about Linu that makes the jeet seethe so hard? I’ve never seen a token with as much impact that this one has

>> No.57425582

because it cant be controlled
so they have to resort to writing full essays of nonsense

>> No.57425590

Organic price action is a powerful thing, makes em squirm knowing they can't duplicate it

>> No.57425592

ok big talker post all this scam evidence. stop talking about it be about. stop making idle threads on evidence you dont actually have and stfu. or produce this 100% valid proveable evidence that isnt doctored or made up or photoshops and prove its a scam. oh you wont you'll just tell me im getting sad or some other deflect you fudsissys do when you're caught up against the wall. disgusting soulless

>> No.57425597

you are :)

>fudding my bags
more like exposing your scam lol

>> No.57425602

People forgetting to zoom out.
I'm still up 5x.
many such cases

>> No.57425607

They starting to feel the fear of billion of dollars flowing in LINU doing a SHIB, rather than their seasonal p&d scam tokens.

>> No.57425616


>> No.57425625
File: 69 KB, 1193x851, 1706354518371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall of text because he's mad over a doggy coin
Lol, lmao even. I just bought more.

>> No.57425630

>coinbase can't confirm my address from my documents
>tried to confirm it too many times, now blocked on further attempts for 24h

Wasn't crypto supposed to be about freedom and ease of use?
I literally can't buy any of it

>> No.57425638

scroll up faggot
You know your scam has been thoroughly exposed but you are a shill so no amount of evidence will suffice. You are clearly not an impartial and objective observer but active participant in a scam

>They starting to feel the fear of billion of dollars flowing in LINU doing a SHIB, rather than their seasonal p&d scam tokens.
cool story bro, keep telling yourself that, luna inu has pnd written all over it, only a matter of time

>> No.57425662

>wall of text because he's mad over a doggy coin
>Lol, lmao even
The 10,000th copypasta dead dog shitcoin that markets itself as the "next shib/next doge" that is exclusively spammed and shilled on biz
Mad that your scam is getting exposed, simple as
>I just bought more.
Also, post the hash faggot, you won't

>> No.57425665
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>> No.57425674

no no link me to this 100% evidence that isnt just a bunch of greentext claims. and no someone posting a bunch of active links in 4chan in the telegram so people could go read them doesnt = scam either. you fudsissies have the absolute worst fud and when called and pushed on this stuff the tiniest bit cant do nothing but hmm and haww and shit your panties and start talking shit instead of proving things. go on link me to this proof that you claim was posted since I scrolled up and i just see a bunch of bs fud and baseless made up bs in the thread. gonna need you to point out the exact post all the mountains of evidence and proof 100% was posted.

dont argue or shitpost just point directly to the evidence proof 100% post

>> No.57425675
File: 11 KB, 248x96, Screenshot 2024-01-27 at 12.28.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get help anon

>> No.57425687

Don't give him the attention he wants, he probably lost money swinging lol

>> No.57425696
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1024, IMG_9204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea anon - I'll stick to posting LINU

>> No.57425703

>no no link me to this 100% evidence that isnt just a bunch of greentext claims. and no someone posting a bunch of active links in 4chan in the telegram so people could go read them doesnt = scam either. you fudsissies have the absolute worst fud >and when called and pushed on this stuff the tiniest bit cant do nothing but hmm and haww and shit your panties and start talking shit instead of proving things. go on link me to this proof that you claim was posted since I scrolled up and i just see a >bunch of bs fud and baseless made up bs in the thread. gonna need you to point out the exact post all the mountains of evidence and proof 100% was posted.
>dont argue or shitpost just point directly to the evidence proof 100% post

>> No.57425718

ah so there isnt actually 100% proof posted and you have no evidence you're just calling it a scam wrongly like soulless fudsissies do. Strange you spend your saturaday morning 730am being a fudsissy for a coin you cant even prove is a scam just claim is one. disgusting soulless you will learn that life has a way of punishing people who act like you. enjoy being a loser in your 30s or 40s and its because you do shit things like being a fudsissy and trying to ruin others progress in life for de lulz or childish reasons like you're a loser that can only get joy from bringing others misery. whatever the reason you ended up such a sad pathetic evolutionary dead in life is up to anyones guess but you know and you go online acting like scum over it. keep replying with lmao and calling coins that arent scams scams but it will come back on you in life all this shit behavior you do daily in life.

>> No.57425765

>ah so there isnt actually 100% proof posted and you have no evidence you're just calling it a scam wrongly like soulless fudsissies do. Strange you spend your saturaday morning 730am being a fudsissy for a coin you cant even prove is a scam just claim is one. disgusting soulless you will learn that life has a way of punishing people who act like you. enjoy being a loser in your 30s or 40s and its because you do shit things like being a fudsissy and trying to ruin others progress in life for de lulz or childish reasons like you're a loser that can only get joy from bringing others misery. whatever the reason you ended up such a sad pathetic evolutionary dead in life is up to anyones guess but you know and you go online acting like scum over it. keep replying with lmao and calling coins that arent scams scams but it will come back on you in life all this shit behavior you do daily in life.

>> No.57425769

I accept your crushing defeat soulless

>> No.57425805
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>> No.57425883

This fud is pretty weak, at least put some effort into it

>> No.57426033

Dextools has the biggest at 6%

>> No.57426053
File: 29 KB, 2632x74, Screenshot 2024-01-27 at 13.49.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats Uniswap anon

>> No.57426059

This, is so tiring seeing shills everywhere, everytime in any thread. Linu this, kennedy that. All shit fueled by memes. What kind of retards actually buy these obscure shitcoins? I hope you scammers kill yourselves already. You're killing this board. Must be the same group of pajeets and jannies are involved

>> No.57426066


Reading is hard for brain-dead neet fudders.

>> No.57426109


>> No.57426123

drain the uniswap

>> No.57426717

I've dumped since and waiting to cope Supra token later this Q1 after listing.

>> No.57427201
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>> No.57427229

Apparently. It's a matter of volume, from what I understand. Since there is no one to pay them off, the CEX will need to see profitability in the trading.
Also: I would guess that if a small exchange picked it up, that would put pressure on the big boys as this gains popularity.
They wouldn't want to risk giving up market share heading into the bull run (at leas: I wouldn't;t think they would).

>> No.57427241

Hedgies are shorting LINU, they are ALL IN shorting it actually with short ladder attacks. If we all hold diamond hands, the shorts will squeeze. FUCK YOU HEDGIES, DIAMOND HAND LINU TILL THE END HEDGIES WILL SUFFER!!!!

>> No.57427250
File: 313 KB, 751x790, ot9SZx8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing we can do no is Smash that COMMUNITY TRUST button on dextools. that should help get us trending. Then from there the volume will do the work.

>> No.57427290

The GME thread is down the hall, sir. Are you okay? Can I get you some coffee? Or a sandwich?
Here: I have some spare LINU you can have. Take care of yourself.

>> No.57427332

Thats pure bs. DEXTools is ignoring linu with 7M+ volume and 5M+ mcap because they cannot get fee from anyone.

>> No.57427353
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>> No.57427413


>> No.57427415
File: 56 KB, 385x517, ONE_TRU_LINU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read there was an algo you could game previously: by opening 10 pages and clicking all the social/web links. And people having 1000DEXT staring/favoriting it. And swapping on dextool itself fro low amounts. But I hear they changed the algo. Not sure what it is now. it has to be something, right. You don't just pay??!

If so, how much would it cost? Top wallets would pay, no doubt.

>> No.57427445

I am guessing it is some kind of fee. Cannot believe that other shitcoins with 1M mcap get to hot pair and Linu never appeared over there.

>> No.57427533


>> No.57427587
File: 384 KB, 497x552, SMELLS_LIKE_SUP_DOG IN HERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well let's figure it out!
When we had millions in volume there was only 59 community trust votes. Those are rookie numbers. Look at the trending coins, most have WAY more. Let's get those numbers up!!!

>> No.57427620
File: 47 KB, 640x640, showup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at all the fud as fat green candles start rolling in

>> No.57427668
File: 5 KB, 240x250, 1705018097188421s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even bother bagging an obvious scam, bruh? Get with the program and start stacking up on legit blockchain gems like QANX, SEI, and ATOM.