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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 460 KB, 1024x1024, bizdead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57413580 No.57413580 [Reply] [Original]

In this desperate and dark depressing place called biz where linkys walk as zombies and janies are the shadows of theirself.

Rugs left and right.
Indian scams and premined kikes.

Hope was dying people where crying.

There was one coin shining bright.


Mainnet + CEX
Before April (°~°)
Btc-Eth getting kiked >
Samurais still holding strong

>> No.57413595

Based KNS Poet

>> No.57413667
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Deep Index : Knshi Deep Index, a serverless framework for indexing blockchain events is released on 8 EVM chains.
R-API : Knshi R-API, a push notification service for receiving and processing blockchain events is live and on 8 EVM chains.
IoT SDK : Knshi IoT SDK, a suite of libraries to enable processing of blockchain events on embedded devices is released for Arduino, ESP32, and Zephyr. The IoT SDK is available on +200 development boards for quick prototyping.
Oracle Network : Knshi Oracle Network, a serverless, asynchronous, fault-tolerant network for creating custom oracles is live on 8 EVM blockchains.
IoT Boards / HSM : Knshi is building embedded devices that are able to securely connect to the blockchain, manage crypto-assets, manage secrets, make secure API requests, and more.
Unchained : Knshi Unchained is peer-to-peer decentralized network for validating data. Unchained is the future of Knshi, aiming to decentralize all of the Knshi products mentioned above.

>> No.57413672

Is this KNS on Arbitrum?
Looks legit anon
How is this not $300m mcap or more? Must be something wrong about it?

>> No.57413700
File: 68 KB, 720x1180, IMG_20240123_085835_701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes KNS on Arbitrum
Its legit anons can research and find out
Its still early but will blow up after mainnet and CEX if btc dont shit the bed

Dev is a pro and Iranian and has an expirienced team

>> No.57413853

I love dat Kenis Koke

>> No.57413871

You sound jeety, not sure if intentional or not, but I’ll check it out further Ty

>> No.57414474

Unchained looks crazy. Top 100 token stuff anon

>> No.57414512


letting you know about this early, what you choose to do with it is your decision. even if you don’t get a small bag, throw it on your watch list.


>> No.57414564

What a snoozer of a token honestly.

>> No.57414569

Those generally pump the hardest

>> No.57414624

This coin is meant to be the one you put your profits into while you grow small stacks from shitcoins
Its will grow and swing slowly until someone with a big wallet buys and spreads the world to their whale friends who spread it to normieville

>> No.57414731

Where can I buy this?

>> No.57414778
File: 398 KB, 1920x1080, WAGMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the official site and click "token" it'll take you to the uniswap where you should bridge your ETH for the lowest fees when actually buying KNS

>> No.57414834
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Glory or seppeku, no in-between. I stand strong with you OP

>> No.57414853

Bags are packe wen moon? Devs pls

>> No.57414872

Is that the dev?

>> No.57415135

Its a meme someone made

>> No.57415655

based and whitepilled

>> No.57416341
File: 260 KB, 1080x1558, Screenshot_20240126-053038_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While most 12 year olds are busy exploring their newly discovered erections from google searching boobies on the family computer, here is the dev at 12, mastering art of the sword and prophesying unchained oracles. Notice the mustache already present that makes some grown men's mustaches look sad

>> No.57417492
File: 445 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240108_085916_837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based. This guy looks like he has a big kenis

>> No.57417508
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My brothers

>> No.57418895
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Knshi Kenschi Kanshi ihsneK

>> No.57419291
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DoubleTit Pattern forming
Kenis Time

>> No.57419914

Dev cooking somethipxgrng delicious

>> No.57419945

What does that even mean lol

>> No.57420270
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Average KNS holder

>> No.57420694
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I am a white CIS male and own KNS

>> No.57421335

I read that the dev created his own programming language and is now making their own network which is not a layer 1 but not a layer 0 either. Wtf is this witchcraft? This should could BLOW

>> No.57421694

Yes he calls it Layer 0.5 in the last Twitter spaces

>> No.57421702
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>> No.57421716
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he's not even a cis male he's a chad i wonder how big his cock is

>> No.57422079

Fuck me that’s great
That alone could make this 100x

>> No.57422088
File: 64 KB, 736x782, IMG_3869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re kinda weird dude

>> No.57422100
File: 227 KB, 964x1280, 1705502531875493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bot. He's spamming threads with these AI images and posts that make no sense.

>> No.57422173

purchase KNS now faggot

>> No.57422624


>> No.57423247

Not the anon you're replying to, but basically a lot of businesses, Web2 and Web3, can potentially use Unchained and create their own validation network which could be used for DeFi.

>> No.57423916

I have a fully erect KENIS

>> No.57424205

so kind of what avax is trying to do with subnets, but its more decentralized?

>> No.57424337

>imagine KNS with AVAX's marketcap

>> No.57424554

Can I use this as group chat with my KNS homies to talk about other subjects that's crypto related. Asking for advice or sharing a curious find in the crypto world.

>> No.57424558

The telegram has a place for that actually

>> No.57424569

I don't know. I feel more comfortable here. I don't know the rules of the general chat there and I bizlets pure chat. There could be normies out there.

>> No.57424666

Yeah. But also enabling projects to create their own oracles, IoT stuff, data query on chain and more. Fucking mindblowing for such a micro cap

>> No.57424706

And it's all self-funded. Not VC yet. Imagine if one of those get notice of the potentials of this. One of the reasons this is such a unicorn is that the devs don't give a shit about money yet. It's a rarity in the crypto world. They're too focused on the product.

>> No.57424720

based devs