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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57419239 No.57419239 [Reply] [Original]

The bubble is about to burst. This market is completely irrational. I'm shorting everything I see.
I'll be a multimillionaire while the rest of the market will be jumping from tall buildings.

>> No.57419248

You are getting stop lossed

>> No.57419263

Literally 2 more weeks. I'm not even joking.

>> No.57419283
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bro i am getting stop losses this is true my investment portfolio is going down faster than your wife's panties when i am around

>> No.57419288

>2017 and 2021 bull runs are completely fine
>the not-even-BTC-ATH 2024 "bull run" is a le bubble about to le burst
Uh huh, what is your reasoning?

>> No.57419297

Enjoy fueling the retard pump with your short covering.

>> No.57419565

I'm not talking about your stupid buttcoins. They are irrelevant. I'm talking about the real market

>> No.57420234


Housing and stock market anon?

>> No.57420544

housing won't break. boomers and hedgies are too stubborn and would rather see millions living on the streets.
stocks and commodities will tumble, but there won't be any QE this time.

>> No.57420557

Go short Nvidia and all the other boom stocks, then. Considering the fucking obliteration of Tesla's stock price, you're gonna be more right than wrong probably. I was just talking 'bout buttcorn since this board is essentially two thrids crypto

>> No.57420589

Jfc crypto fags are absolutely retarded.
And yes op, I'm in a similar position. I'm about to move my kids 529's into bonds or other low risk assets. There's no way the stock market reaches ath after ath like this without a correction.

>> No.57420632

It's all about the quantity of money, it took the market less than two years to go from the depth of the GFC to ATH and a massive bullrun in assets.
Why? bc of the money printer.. i know it is a stale meme, but it is the explanation, it is the causation.

Inflation dropping, they seized talking about rate hikes and are now actively discussion rate cuts - which the market is pricing in.
Election year coming up, the faucets will be turned on, money & good times will propel all assets to new ATH and beyond.

Money and assets are like fractions, #money goes up - the denominator goes up, so the $ value of asset also has to go up, literally 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6.