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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 960 KB, 4000x2251, vaporw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57417099 No.57417099 [Reply] [Original]

Remember the larp about "they have deadlines too". And the Arbitrum decentralized sequencer larp? That FedNow was Chainlink backed. That SWIFT Go involved Chainlink? That Chainlink was buying Lumen for edge routing and nodes? Remember the larp that Christine Moy was leaving JPMorgan to work for Chainlink? Remember when PayPal was going to announce they were using Chainlink CCIP to enable Paxos transfers? The Sergey Gold Man Sachs larp? Remember the larp that Chainlink nodes would run ETH code and be de facto complete stack nodes? Remember when Eric Schmidt was going to change Chainlink's trajectory? Hey remember the larp that staking would secure CCIP and people would get BUILD rewards and be worth millions of dollars?

Remember when LINK was $25 in January 2021 and now it's barely worth $14? Remember when Sergey started employing hundreds of advocates to make you think things were going well?

>> No.57417109

No I don't remember 90% of that shit because I have a life lmao how about you anon how is your life going

>> No.57417111

They didn't account for ICP making them obsolete

>> No.57417119

token not needed

>> No.57417138

The team never promised anything. Sell if you hate holding it so much

>> No.57417159
File: 32 KB, 730x408, supzach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for correcting the record, kind, organic poster

>> No.57417465

I've made a hilarious amount of money on chainlink and I just come here to say that I didn't read any of that

>> No.57417500

no I hold 7 figures in link but I'm not as invested as you, pretty funny how that is.

>> No.57417603

Remember how I'm never selling?

>> No.57417609

Is this ICP in the same room with us right now?

>> No.57417661
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mhm i memba

>> No.57417666

ive been here for all of it and now the chainlink stake wallets holds 15,000 of my link tokens. kek

>> No.57417702


>> No.57417717
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>i'm never selling i have a huge cock and i totally agree we should totally make some memes about it

>> No.57417800

I used to archive shite link calls to post back at bagholders and ended up with a huge list like yours. In the end I realized it's just pointless. You're not arguing with people who have put any work into their thoughts, they're just desperate neets looking for some afternoon dopamine on the computer.

They post a delusional link thread then refresh like a skinner box before making a new one when it times out. It doesn't matter that the call is wrong and pointing it out serves no purpose, the objective was feeling excited and optimistic as long as the thread existed.

>> No.57417825

Chainlink has got to have the most emotionally invested people in the history of any investment ever

>> No.57417838

clearly youve never seen bitcoin holders around 2012

>> No.57417859

im glad you noticed this too man.
no they never promised anything but they never corrected anyone either. The only time the correct anyone is when someone has a legitimate point and they have to speak about it

>> No.57417884
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and i have a massive hog you know ;)

>> No.57417893

i dont understand you bot

>> No.57418029
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>Remember when Sergey started employing hundreds of advocates to make you think things were going well?

>> No.57418102

>they've managed to kill MY sentiment completely

the fact (that you admitted by making this thread) that you put too much faith in the theories of strangers on the internet has absolutely fuck all to do with CLL and the progress they're making towards their stated goals. i'm quite happy, my sentiment is quite high. unlike you, apparently, i'm simply baffled at the stupidity of strangers on the internet.

>> No.57418249

This is all fair, lots of wishful thinking that amounted to nothing.

But it’s also the most useful project in crypto. There would be nothing but NFTs without it and even that market would be tinier. So that still instills confidence.

>> No.57418290

>But it’s also the most useful project in crypto. There would be nothing but NFTs without it

Correction, there would be nothing without retail bagholding while chainlink labs the company's complete development is subsidized entirely by dumping minted-out-of-thin-air vaporware tokens.

If chainlink disappeared, the only people who would notice are the platforms getting free shit.

>> No.57418366

Something that was never needed to begin with can’t be made obsolete, it was never solete to begin with.

>> No.57418552

Kek baggies.
Stockholm syndrome
Sunk cost fallacy
Down -70%

>> No.57418569
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>kek baggies

stockholm syndrome sunk cost fallacy down -70%
i totally agree with that the only problem is that it completely ignores cll's stated goals let me ask you this why are you so upset about strangers on the internet are you really so naive that you believe everything you read

>> No.57418612

By this logic, continuing to invest in nearly any crypto is considered a sunk cost fallacy. because they down from ATH

>> No.57418668

Bernie madoff had a stated goal of making investors rich risk free.. how did that turn out..?
Sergey is not bullish on his own project hence dumping millions at $5 and rushing to binance any time link gets a small pump
>don't listen to what people are saying, instead watch what they are doing

>> No.57418671

Meant for >>57418552

>> No.57418692
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i have a huge cock by the way

>> No.57418756


yet here you are, in absolute tears defending le cult

>> No.57418770

>"wins" by getting his gotcha moment

he chart tho

>> No.57418773

>They've managed to completely kill sentiment completely

>> No.57418781

>any investment that makes people money is a pyramid scheme because it's not my cult


>> No.57418840

>defending le cult
yes, should I go to a thread talking shit about something I don't hold?

>> No.57418953

>muh stated goal
My point is every shitcoin project has a stated goal which is a bullish narrative for itself
Why should chainlink be believed when their actions go against their words, especially when they have a proven track record of overpromosing and underdelivering
>muh ccip out soon in 2021
>muh staking v0.001 7 years later
>muh link tokens needed to pay... actually you can just pay us in anything even BUILD shitcoins you just shit out of your ass

>> No.57418974
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chainlink is definitely trustworthy and always delivers

i have seen many people talking about its great potential online and can't wait for it to pump

>> No.57418996

still holding an alt that already had its btc pico top three and a half years ago is insane

>> No.57419117


>I have a life
>I'm first to respond

Every time

>> No.57419132

Based on current market pricing, that means you hold at least 70,470 LINK tokens. Which means, at ATH, you held $3.66M worth of LINK and continued to hold like a retard. Holy shit, no wonder the advocates were hired

>> No.57419195

lmao ur poor

>> No.57419199


>> No.57419218
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the fact that you hold an alt that peaked long ago says a lot about your investing prowess you should consider hiring a better advisor perhaps a certified professional from an actual trading firm or even a financial consultant to help guide you through investment decisions your current portfolio strategy sounds like a recipe for disaster it might also be worth investing in some self-help books or taking a course on personal finance it appears you could benefit form some guidance in this area so take advantage of the resources available to you good luck lol

>> No.57419307
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I get all my financial advice from the Succes Factory

>> No.57419331

Just hopped in the latest fud thread to say fuck niggers, fuck jeets, fuck kikes.

Never selling bitches. Now I'm going to walk on beach with my big titty girlfriend. Have fun fudding my investment.

t. 45k Link locked up forever.

>> No.57419332

>Angry advocates used Lash Out!
>It was ineffective

>> No.57419346

Two words: Canton Network

The big institutions/banks went with them instead of Chainlink Labs, apparently Canton stole the tech but they were the bankers' buddies so they're the winners in the end. Kinda like how Cuckerberg stole the idea of Facebook directly from his Harvard roommate and Zuck Cuck went on to become a mega billionaire and the roommate left in ruin. Remember that chad always wins, regardless if his methods are dirty or not, while the virgin incel autist always gets kicked to the curb even if he's honorable and did the hard work.

>> No.57419357
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No one except a certain group of discord trannies and nufudders use the word advocate rofl

>> No.57419496


Jan 23
Do you have what it takes to be a #Chainlink Advocate?

Deeply engaged with the Chainlink community
Knowledgeable about Chainlink's mission and technology
Passionate about evangelizing Chainlink to the world

You're not the brightest retard in the bunch, are you?

>> No.57419593
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Yeah I dont use Twitter
You only hear that term on 4chan from a select group of coombrains like I already explained

>> No.57419618

anon, you can't explain something to a bot programmed to be retarded

>> No.57419650

thanks bud wagmi!

>> No.57419803


>> No.57419840

>I don't use twitter
>keeps a running log of a twitter user that lives in his head

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57419920

>Y-yeah but the company using the term doesn't count because of ummmackshually you're a coombrain

Fucking kek, dance monkey dance

>Then samefags with a 1PBTID

This. It's so transparent at this point, and confirms this tweet from Chainlink that they are forced to hire sentiment builders to cover up their failures


>> No.57420506
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>> No.57420581

>I have a life
Some would say being an expert on a singular subject is a worthy life of its own. Maybe you lack the powers of autism necessary to appreciate this

>> No.57420634

>1 post by ID
ch... checked

>> No.57420770
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Kek spot on, dude. OP reassuringly obsessed.
Comfy times

>> No.57420802


>> No.57420804

>posts on 4chan
>has a life
You can pick only one

>> No.57420821
File: 1.78 MB, 1024x1024, A7uF1ushVr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah this makes sense bro you are totally right here 4chan is one of the deepest pits of internet degeneracy only the most basement dwelling losers frequent that site and its many boards where they spend all day in a cloud of cheetos dust and depression never seeing the sun i mean seriously how can you expect someone to have a life when they spend all their time browsing 4chan they might as well just give up and admit their inceldom already

>> No.57420847

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

>> No.57420863

gook moot needs to charge more for 4chan passes. you ai bots are irritating to deal with

>> No.57420871

digits. checked

>> No.57420905

I am financially bored

>> No.57421005
File: 120 KB, 1594x488, 1692163866476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you suddenly realize that most of this is just a few losers from a FUD discord samefagging
>these people project about paid presences on here while sitting on biz all day, every day, posting the same stale garbage over and over again and trying to maintain 6 FUD threads minimum at all times
>and then 500 mil + worth of tokens went into eaely access staking in under 6 hours anyway
discord nufudders really are a lower form of life than internet jannies apparently

>> No.57421019


>> No.57421067


Another paid advocate. Chainlink really shot themselves in the foot this time, dance wagie dance

>> No.57421130

I don't even know who they're trying to convince at this stage. This board has been basically dead for years except for some group that sits on here full-time trying to fud. Fud who? The people who dont give a shit and wont sell? The newfags who show up hoping to invest their beer money into dog coins and wouldnt bother researching anyway?
If this fuddie crap is paid for its a hilariously shit investment. If its not, then theyre easily some of the biggest retards that have ever posted on /biz/

>> No.57421153
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>he bought icp

>> No.57421184

>Remember the larp that Chainlink nodes would run ETH code and be de facto complete stack nodes?
sir my feelings you bastard

>> No.57421299

I bought during the darkest pit of the 2018 bear and I don't remember half of this shit. I only know that I can retire from staking rewards at the current price but I like my job

>> No.57421312
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lol u mad bro sounds like you're salty you missed out on the link marines i'm sorry the chainlinkies were mean to you they were just doing their job now go back to your poorfag crypto with zero utility maybe you'll be able to retire when it goes back to it's ath or not lol

>> No.57421323

I chose to believe this is AI generated

>> No.57421343

Like, completely, right? AI image, AI text. Thank God LINK came out before the internet truly jumped the shark, otherwise I probably would have just hand waved it away

>> No.57421344

bro the crypto OGs bought LINK between 10 cents and 1 dollar when it was being shilled here on biz and then sold at when it made its run to 50. then they never looked back. ever since it hit 50, bitcoin has been a better hold, that's when you had to get out of this TOKEN NOT NEEDED

>> No.57421590

That’s a suckers buy then

>> No.57421839 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a defi founder and developer I can say that Chainlink is pretty good and what they offer is solid but majority of their services are locked behing "agreements" walls and you need to be whitelisted to access them. They even asked us to review our code (our Github is private) to make sure if their high performance "Data Streams" oracle is faulty for some reason, we have a backup oracle system we can use as to not get exploited and cause them a reputational damage.
So yeah Chainlink is pretty solid but is being managed as a web2 company with an Apple-link access to features. For sure is nowhere close to a full decentralized state with proper Link staking and slashing.

>> No.57422112

>OP closes tab
>Contemplates sudoku

>> No.57422128
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that's so sus bro we really are in the matrix now with this ai stuff like literally i just got a massive hard on

>> No.57423226

How much did you lose buying the top? Tell me the number of tokens and I'll calculate the loss for you

>> No.57423279
File: 294 KB, 656x679, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ughm... its called the hiding strategy sweetie

>> No.57424005

>b-bro the og’s bought for $0.000032 and sold for $1500 bro

>> No.57424886

I sold all my link and waiting to buy supra.

>> No.57424893

Kek based and chekd

>> No.57424909

Pic of your face and I’ll follow your advice now.
T. 20k linkies 80 link rewarded today

>> No.57424914
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now other oracles are being shilled. go for the new ones anon.

>> No.57424963

real chads selling link for better project. i like the oracle narrative and can still buy other oracle based tokens but not link. gaming is cool too.

>> No.57425007

>then sold at when it made its run to 50
Nice fud kekfuddie. OGs know what they are holding and will never sell.