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57406596 No.57406596 [Reply] [Original]

Is commuting to work really that bad?

>> No.57406619


>> No.57406695

This is like something out of Dante's Inferno. A literal river of souls trapped and yearning for escape, stuck in their choice to stay enslaved and enmeshed to the fiat drip of the wagie cagie faucet.

>> No.57406707

Yeah. Losing time out of your day for work is bad enough but at least you're paid for that time. Losing 1-2 hours per day just getting there is maddening, it's precious time for other things during the week.

>> No.57406708

Yes you will regret it, after a few months it will destroy you.

>> No.57406724

The worst thing is that at the end of it you just have another long day at work ahead of you. And you do the same tomorrow. And every other day. Forever.

>> No.57406761


>> No.57406762

>fiat drip of the wagie cagie faucet
I'm stealing that

>> No.57406780

I just work further down my album backlog to keep me sane

>> No.57406782
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Not for me, but I'm lucky to be able to just take the train.

>> No.57406822
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you know what they say anon another long day at work another chance to grind the grind never ends bruh and neither my bank account i'm just chillin in my tesla heading to another day in the office making stacks while you cry about your long commute

>> No.57406844

it's pure hell if you work in a big city. i used to commute 32 miles into center city philadelphia. the last 12 miles took 40 minutes on a good day. the entire trip 70-80 minutes. every day you would see retards in shitbox cars, probably uninsured and uninspected, driving double the speed limit, weaving through traffic, riding in the breakdown lane, and so on. at least once a week there would be a huge crash caused by one of these retards (or caused by retards SCROLLIN ON DEY SAIL FOAM) that would shut down one or more lanes and turn that 70 minutes of hell into 90+ minutes of hell.

>> No.57407021

My commute to work is a 10 minute bike ride along a nice smooth path alongside a creek. It is the single best part of my job

>> No.57407065

That sounds incredible.

>> No.57407069

Just one more lane, bro

>> No.57407113

>into center city philadelphia
>when septa is way cheaper and easier
certified retard
you got everything you deserved

>> No.57407120

no! It's worse than you think :))))

>> No.57407126

then why go to work? if it's that bad, why bother

>> No.57407130

gotta make money, duh. What do you mean 'don't go to work'?

>> No.57407132

if you were smart, you wouldn't need to.

>> No.57407141

so you think you're really smart, huh ://

>> No.57407166
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not really, just played my cards right. You should check it out. https://twitter.com/larryllamatoken @larryllamatoken

>> No.57407168

gave it like 5 tries. sorry but im not spending $15 to stand on a poverty ass train and deal with homeless niggers in 30th street station.

>> No.57407169

Nope its comfy 10 mins each way and that's not even driving like a spaz

>> No.57407179

Checked and correct
Every top 25 city population wise has this issue
The only pleasure I get is when those big wrecks happen, I say to myself “one less car, one less driver.” Of course replaced ten fold the next day but

>> No.57407291
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listen bro i am a slothbucks chad and my massive hog is too big for most pants i don't come to these forums to boast no i want to share what i have learned and bless all of those around me with financial success

>> No.57407356

Persona 5 is about that.

>> No.57407372

That's based friend

>> No.57407474

Yes because I hate sharing the road with you slow idiots. My wish every morning is that I hope you all die in a fire.

>> No.57407899

what hell hole is this?

>> No.57407910

Euros really can't afford cars lmao

>> No.57407975

I'm a burger and have a car. Don't live in one of the big coastal cities either. Sorry you're retarded

>> No.57407980

i hate traffic so fucking much bros

>> No.57408068

how do i get a wfh job bros, I can't do the commute much longer

>> No.57408102

It literally says in the top left

>> No.57408103

LA truly seems like one of the worst places one could ever be in.

>> No.57408959
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Working for anything that is not your true passion is slavery

>> No.57408966

Absolutely, even short commutes.

>> No.57408974


Everybody seems to hate it. Those who left it, and those who still live there.

>> No.57408986

Thank god for the chinks releasing that virus.

>> No.57408991

the most expensive cars on the planet are all euro cars
Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti

>> No.57409013

And the only people that buy are sand niggers

>> No.57409026

Depends on where you live and what your work hours are. I have tried very hard to keep my schedule somewhat askew from the standard 9-5 because rush hour where I live is pretty congested and slow.
>stuck in their choice to stay enslaved and enmeshed to the fiat drip of the wagie cagie faucet

>> No.57409165


I hate cars-as-default thing that America has but I do respect that a car gives you leverage and agency. A car is a symbol of independence, that's why they want to outlaw owning cars.

That being said, Trains are the solution. Fucking trains, trains, trains, trains, trains, trains, trains, trains, trains, trains, a million times trains. A first-world society is that in which everybody can take the train anywhere comfortably. It's more power efficient, it's more time efficient, you can work while you commute, and it's so stupidly simple; but we can't have nice things because a gorillion AYOOOOOOOOOO A YO WHAT YOU DOIN I STOP YOU! I STOP YOU YO! will piss, shit and cum on the trains.

As to commuting I would rather do without. The modern incarnation of work is a fucking joke, and I would rather do without and work remotely, but it turns out that our 10000 different levels of MBA administrators administering administrators have nothing to do if they can't whiplash some faggots in an open floor so commute it is.

I hate everything about the commute. I hate that I have nobody to see because my whole team is in another state, I hate that nobody wants me there because they're racist assholes, I hate the overpriced food, I hate the open floor offices, I hate the building and I hate the city. Nobody is really doing anything and it's all performative lifestyle bullshit. I would rather do the REAL shit remotely and keep my systems running, but if we don't commute then (((someone's))) real state crashes and that's no good. I hate it all.

Besides, you can't cause collective trauma for years on end that the Chinavirus and telecommuting are the new normal and then just go "sike niggers, it's all a joke, come back to the office now for your penis inspection".

Bottom line, the only way to make a commute palatable is having actual local teams where real work is happening, private offices, and trains, but this being Weimar America, we will never have any of those things.

>> No.57410259

welcome to the rat race

>> No.57410329

They import 10 million + spics-jiggies-diaperheads-dotheads a year now. You ain't seen nothing yet.

>> No.57410901

Which is why I pray for nukes every single day

>> No.57410996

I honestly don't mind my commute at all. It's 30min on the motorbike, or about 50min + a lot of lane filtering if I leave during rush hour.

>> No.57411045

Trains suck, and I say that as someone from a country where easily 80% of people in the city commute by train. My 30min commute becomes 1:30 by train, assuming that nothing is late, early or cancelled (which it is at least 1/3 of the time). My line has had rail replacement buses for the last 6 months or more. And it's especially bad when you get one of the older trains with an extremely small pitch between seats, it's literally not enough for even two short people to sit face to face without their knees colliding. So you either weave your knees together in an incredibly intimate way, or more realistically you're both sitting on an angle to put your knees in the aisle, which ends up making your back hurt like a motherfucker by the end of the trip.

>> No.57411075

>A car is a symbol of independence, that's why they want to outlaw owning cars.
yeah anon it's all a big conspiracy to remove your independence, it has nothing to do with pollution.

>> No.57411080

>spending 2 hours a day listening to a banal podcast about a topic you're half interested in driving in murderous traffic while being unable to do literally anything else
you tell me

>> No.57411135


>> No.57411966

what is a catalytic converter? found the midwit socialist.

>> No.57411995


i think this is why people hate cyclists (in Australia anyway)
They are stuck, cucked and fucked at the whims of traffic they have no control over. They see a chad cycle past carefree on his bike and they seethe. The wagie is stuck in his cuck mobile and he is very pissed off.

>> No.57412012

Most of my life I've had a ~15 minute commute under normal circumstances that I've never really minded. For a few months about 5 years ago, it was more like 30-40 minutes each way and I was never more miserable.

>> No.57412174

I wouldn't know, I live like 2 blocks away from my office. It probably does suck to drive 30 minutes to and from work though. I wake up at 7:40 and get to work by 7:55. I leave work at 5 and am home at 5:04.

>> No.57412221

Why can't cyclists just use the fucking bike path that's right next to them?

>> No.57412989

If only there were bike paths everywhere, I'd use them all the time.

>> No.57413026

Remind me why Americans are conditioned to think (and defend) a culture where this is normal for humans to live in these conditions?

>> No.57413218

Only compared to working from home.
It's objectively not that bad.

>> No.57413263
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Midnight shift stay winning.

>> No.57413265

if it's an hour or more yeah that sucks.
less than an hour though im not really that bothered, just have a car that's comfy and find some audio books or albums to entertain you

it's wasted time, sure, but then aren't we wasting time anyway?

>> No.57413299

Thats LA there are no humans living in LA. Only spic animals.

>> No.57413306

this is the exact opposite of being paid to be smart, you're a certified retard according to the social security office

>> No.57413329

Think of it like this:
1 hour commute to work
Work 8 hours
1 hour back
10 hours of work, 20 bucks on gas
Let's say you make 20 an hour. That's 11 hours of work to take home 160 bucks. You actually make 15 an hour. That's a commute. Enjoy u city livin' homo

>> No.57413625

dont commute an hour to make 20 an hour, theres dudes at the walmart 5 minutes from you making about that much

>> No.57413730

That’s even worse. Imagine having to sit next to normies and niggers

>> No.57413828

If you commute one hour to work and one hour from work, that’s an extra weeks worth of work every single month.

>> No.57413850

>I hate that nobody wants me there because they're racist assholes
Based coworkers

>> No.57413904

>reading through this thread
>commute is basically an hour give or take each way
I hate it so fucking much, at least when school isn't in the commute is only like 35 minutes or so. I'm hoping to get a new job soon

>> No.57413932


>> No.57413938

You sound like a teenage socialist.
In nature any living thing would have to "work" to collect resources for food and shelter, which wasn't a passion for almost all of human history.
Would that mean the natural state of existence is slavery?

>> No.57414071

For anybody in this thread who's on the fence about buying a motorbike, you should do it.

>> No.57414107

Sounds like you need more diversity

>> No.57414118

Imagine living somewhere where i have to sit through that. There is no real reason to do it. It's just that you are comfy fat fucks. Just take your money and find work anywhere but there.

>> No.57415509

Every poor person who rides the train is one less shitbox on the road. A train can move 10 lanes of traffic. You get to keep driving your car even if every city gets the rail connections which make ridiculous sense, and some light inner city rail to get people to and from the stations. Airports too because you might as well.
Pros: less traffic
Cons: trains exist and that makes autists like you upset for no good reason.