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File: 7 KB, 275x183, Scotiabank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57406485 No.57406485 [Reply] [Original]

My family owns the Bank of Nova Scotia, one of the most powerful banks in the world. We're rich as fuck and making fat stacks, we're also very regulated by the Federal Government which keeps us stable.

>> No.57406499

do you personally know the trailer park boys?

>> No.57406504

have you ever had a prostate orgasm?

>> No.57406516

How do you reckon with the theory that money kept in savings accounts is fucking worthless considering inflation is going up. Wouldn’t this in theory wreck banks and endlessly bolster the stock market?

>> No.57406529

I met them once when they were doing a public tour show across Ontario but I don't personally know them.


No, because we take that money that's earning 3%, and loan it out at 12-15%. So the return we're collecting is 9-12%...

Only the person with their money in the bank is losing, we're profitting off these loans.

>> No.57406565

Will interest rates go down?

>> No.57406580

Built for RBC.

>> No.57406582

The market thinks they will, we have an inverted yield curve, so I believe they will. The market is always the best indicator of what is to come because if there were a better indicator, one could simply profit off it by betting in favor of said indicator and against the market.

>> No.57406592

LOL that was a good thing.

>> No.57406622

Will xcm wall ever be removed (organically or not)?

>> No.57406636

Should I finish my math/cs degree? I only have 2-3 terms left. Seems like the market is fucked though.

>> No.57406642
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the market thinks they will we have an inverted yield curve so i believe they will slothbucks is always the best indicator of what is to come because if there were a better indicator one could simply profit off of slothbucks by betting in favor of slothbucks and against the market slothbucks are a safe bet for anyone looking to make a little money on the side without doing much research

>> No.57406652

Yes, friend.

>> No.57406678

I don't know what that is.

100%... you're way better off with a great degree like that than a dropout. It would be silly to drop out.

>> No.57406698

with the crazy immigration coming into Canada, do you think companies like Loblaws will keep pumping? I want to buy some loblaws stock but i dont wanna buy the top

>> No.57406721

How does your family feel knowing they betrayed the Canadian people by freezing the bank accounts of those who donated to the Freedom Convoy?

>> No.57406727

I was thinking about buying METRO stock but I stayed away from it after the Federal Competition Bureau said they're going to subsidize foreign grocers to come in as competitors. It's still somewhat of a competitive market, even if it's a bit concentrated, and the Federal Government is scapgoating them which isn't a good sign.

Personally I'd pick Metro or Empire LTD over Loblaws.

>> No.57406758

What kind of upbringing do you get when you are born in a UHNW family? Like what kinda school did you go to, did you get placed into a uni via legacy bullshit, or did you get bribed into a US school? Was your schedule jam-packed with extracurriculars, or did you spend free time fucking around with friends?

Curious of how your upbringing changes with higher net worth, I saw 0-8 digits change with myself and younger siblings.

Also - you tryna fatfire or keep running the bank "when you grow up"?

>> No.57406763

Whats the best way to leverage cash if i have 10-25k available to me and I'm generating $300 (CAD ofc) daily without doing anything?

Should I pay my rent 6months-1 year in advance and go all in on cash stacking? or something else?

Please advise im in my 20's, I need to be rich to help my parents who are getting older sooner rather than later.

>> No.57406777

fuck (((banks)))
>t. living in hyperinflation

>> No.57406778

>What kind of upbringing do you get when you are born in a UHNW family?

I don't think we classify as UHNW. I personally consider us rich but I think you need many millions for that, it's like $30m.

>Like what kinda school did you go to

Catholic highschool

>did you get placed into a uni via legacy bullshit, or did you get bribed into a US school? Was your schedule jam-packed with extracurriculars, or did you spend free time fucking around with friends?

I went to our best University for business in Canada. I studied with the former Prime Minister's son. I actually did have to work hard to get in, getting really high grades and doing lots of ECs, but my parents paid the tuition.

>Also - you tryna fatfire or keep running the bank "when you grow up"?

I will sell it off when I believe it's overvalued, right now I think it's undervalued. I have no inherent loyalty to the company, I go with what makes me money.

>> No.57406790


story if you wanna read

>> No.57406793

>Should I pay my rent 6months-1 year in advance and go all in on cash stacking? or something else?

No, that's buying a pre-paid asset with absolutely no return, why would you do that? If you really want to be sure you can pay rent, put that into a GIC that earns 5% interest, and pay the rent as it comes do, it's better than just paying in advance.

I would recommend putting that money into an S&P500 ETF, dollar cost average in so you don't lose everything in a market crash. Every month put in 2k until you've got everything in the stock market.

>> No.57406794

Where do you get the 12-15%?

>> No.57406809

Do you live in Argentina? I can't think of any country right now with inflation problems, or you're a time traveller from 2022 but even they had very. moderate inflation.

>> No.57406823

Do you have an exotics desk? Hire me or I say the N-word

>> No.57406845

check the namefag
or the link I posted
it's Lebanon
argentina has it easy
I have rent in a couple days and have 20$ in my pocket
fuck keynesians

>> No.57406847

Why stocks and not crypto?

Just cuz it’s a little more stable? I need enough to sustain them both at about 140-180k total annually.

>> No.57406861
File: 2.19 MB, 6750x6750, neverforget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
got memory holed
unironically anything would help

>> No.57406875

Thank you for the GIC advice btw. I come from immigrant stock so I am not familiar with how to make money work for me.

Things have only recently changed for the better

>> No.57406879

Bank debt tends to be around that depending on the credit score of the individual. If you want to just borrow $40k randomly, that's how much you'll be paying.

>> No.57406886

$30m in your assets of $30m for UHNW? That's a relatable number, if anything.

You don't seem too spoiled though. Was business uni worth it? I personally did a stem major, and business was more like "learn while helping daddy" sort of a thing. Idk if want business education down the line, seems like a waste of time (unless I am bored and want to meet ambitious people).

>> No.57406893

>Why stocks and not crypto?

Because crypto is a massive gamble and I have no idea how you'd calculate the intrinsic value of it, or decide which one to buy and when, with stocks we can analyze company cashflow and make a rational decision.

>I need enough to sustain them both at about 140-180k total annually

Why so much???

>> No.57406917

I'm glad to hear it, I hope you make a lot of money and are able to take care of your parents.

> $30m in your assets of $30m for UHNW?

$30m for UHNW individuals, we aren't even close to that.

I 100% think business is a waste of time, I wouldn't have studied it if I knew how oversatured it is. I'd learn more technical skills and then try to meet business people in day-to-day life.

>> No.57406924

>Because crypto is a massive gamble and I have no idea how you'd calculate the intrinsic value of it, or decide which one to buy and when

A banker not knowing how to value currency holy kek nice larp

>> No.57406950

he is true. Crypto is not a currency, except for monero which is used to transact.

Crypto is gambling, decentralized compute and security. the currency usage is so miniscule it is best to just ignore.

>> No.57406952

Very true. I see your point. I’ll take your advice.

Parents have medical issues so they’ll require help. And they haven’t been able to prepare much for retirement.

Their plan is to sell their house for funds. But it will quickly be tapped dry after a few years. Looking to replace their income.

And also pay off the mortgage (250k rem) so we can keep the house. And my sister can live there. She’s just starting a family and I want to help her as well. I would also like to keep the home so I can travel to and from there and my apartment when things get too crazy in the city.

Thank you for your blessing Anon May God bless you

>> No.57406977

Was gold not used as a currency forever, despite its floor of value and cost of transfer being high? Just because you can’t buy starbucks with Bitcoin does not mean it’s not a currency, I’ve never used money market fund shares to buy starbucks, but they’re a currency.

>> No.57406983

You are a very good man and your parents must be very proud of you. I wish you luck but I really think your focus should be on income and earning money, not stocks. You're not going to get rich overnight with stocks. Try to find a really good income source.

>> No.57406999

What are you investing in?

>> No.57407009

Whats the point of this larp? You really expect us to be some random faggot who you obviously aren't?

>> No.57407018

Scotiabank stock, Berkshire Hathway, the TSX index and the S&P500

>> No.57407025

Was your family involved in the freezing of protester bank accounts?

>> No.57407039

No, that was done by Corporate executives, they didn't consult the owners at all. Corporate only did it because the Federal Government ordered them to under the Emergencies Act, they felt they had to or they'd face major consquences.

>> No.57407050

Thanks for your answers. What do you think Scotiabank stock is worth right now and when are you selling?

>> No.57407064

What about closing the account of the customer who complained about the pride month logo change?

>> No.57407125

I think it's worth about $90/share, and that's when I plan to liquidate, this can change depending on how earnings change. If in 5 years, their earnings have doubled, I'll have to revise my exit price.

I think that's messed up, I had nothing to do with that. Some Corporate Department head did it for either P.R reasons or ideological reasons. I'm against that.

>> No.57407289 [DELETED] 
File: 1.79 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my opinion scotiabank stock is a good investment at this time the current market cap is around $67b and i believe this could easily double in 5 years their last quarterly statement showed strong earnings growth and i think the company is heading in the right direction

>> No.57407309

Absolutely based, and I agree. Not to mention their dividend yield is 7% and they've never cut it. It's only increased or remained the same.

>> No.57407330

>with stocks we can analyze company cashflow and make a rational decision.

lol what's stopping you from doing this with crypto companies?

>> No.57407331
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>they didn't consult the owners at all
yea sounds 100% real dude lmao

>> No.57407353

>A banker not knowing how to value currency holy kek nice larp

Oh no, that's perfectly in line with most bankers.


>> No.57407360

There's no end product, their profits are just based on what people believe is going to go up, total speculation.

Yeah, im sure Tim Cook calls every Apple Shareholder, all 300 million of them, before he makes a decision. That's how corporations work

>> No.57407361


How does it feel to be circumcised

>> No.57407368

skip down to the comments in that article.

>> No.57407377

Shit i would make infant circumcision illegal. I hate it.

>> No.57407383

Why is your company so inefficient? I worked there for a couple years and it was an increasing number of pajeets in the tech division collecting a salary and getting fuck all done. I have never worked at a less serious business. Left when you started doing the open concept office shit btw, you better have fired whatever retard came up with that one.

>> No.57407403

>There's no end product, their profits are just based on what people believe is going to go up, total speculation.

Did your family say the same thing about the internet during the dotcom boom?

>> No.57407441

It's just the nature of a large scale organization in a heavy regulatory environment, combine that with a Woke culture that prioritizes optics over efficiency and you got what Scotiabank is.

However, we're still doing fine, the Oligopoly is still making profits.

>> No.57407453

No they weren't as educated at the time, my dad bought Nortel and got destroyed. We now know to only buy companies with good intrinsic value relative to their price.

>> No.57407514

Imagine if you had competent people making such decisions rather than confused boomers and brown people who openly brag about how much they are making off scotia contracts for knowing absolutely nothing. Of course you're doing fine, it's a Canadian bank it's impossible to lose. But you could be doing much better. What do you think about Wealthsimple? To a pleb like me, their product is very compelling and Socita definitely doesn't have the tech talent to compete there.

>> No.57407588

Amazon underperformed in terms of stock price while the company grew and performed amazingly in terms of meeting their goals. It takes time for the market to properly match the value of a company's stock.

The LINK I posted points to one of /biz/' darling shitcoins. I would look into it but more importantly, first look up what problems blockchains solve and what opportunities presented by smart contracts.

>> No.57407653

My uncle used to run a recording studio and met them years ago. I was a kid at the time but I remember he said Bubbles was normal and chill but Julian and Ricky were the same as their characters and acted crazy and tried to get drugs.

>> No.57407697

Some questions for you OP
- if you were raising kids today, would you put them in public school?
- if you had 100k to your name and no assets and no network and no education beyond high school, what steps would you take to grow it to get your first million? Get a degree? Work a wagie job? Start a business?

>> No.57407717

Prove it faggot.

>> No.57407741

Prove it bitch nigger

>> No.57407783

Why are Canadian banks so utterly obsessed with faggots and natives? They’re not the government. Why are they hellbent on manipulating the zeitgeist? It’s like they’re all trying to outfaggot each other. What the fuck does men sucking each others cocks have to do with my chequing account?

>> No.57407786

how does your family own bank of nova scotia if bank of nova scotia is a publicly traded company now? a shareholder can only hold 10-20%

>> No.57407792

I didn't buy Bezos because their revenue growth slowed down a lot and I'm too lazy to research why.

>> No.57407836

I mean, I invest through Questtrade, I don't even use the bank for investments. But in terms of a Checking account and GICs, Scotia is very good.

I also disagree that it's impossible to lose, it still is possible, just not likely.

>> No.57407860

That's a good thing, it gives you more time to buy the stock at undervalued levels so you'll be even richer when it corrects. Also, the reason the stock price didn't rise was the market anticipated those gains would be temporary.

>- if you were raising kids today, would you put them in public school?
Yes, I don't think there's much difference between public schools and private schools. Personally I'd put them into a Catholic school system, it's how I was raised and they're less woke.

>- if you had 100k to your name and no assets and no network and no education beyond high school, what steps would you take to grow it to get your first million? Get a degree? Work a wagie job? Start a business?

I would go into the trades, HVAC or plumbing. There's a shortage of them right now because the State is funding so much higher education.

>> No.57407874

Canada is very much a crony-capitalist mixed market model. The Banks have to play along with the federal narrative or they'll be punished accordingly. ESG points gets them tax writeoffs.

They just bought the shares. It's because it's publicly traded that they were able to buy the shares.

>> No.57407878

This is just LARPing. First, he says he's making fat stacks but all banks have been doing shit since covid because they lowered interest rates (the primary source of income for banks is interest.). Also, all banks are sitting on big losses from the holdings of government bonds. This is the same problem Silicon Valley bank had. Also, all the top holders for that bank are companies. One of these might be financial advisors holding for a family but prob not.


>> No.57407904

First, inflation is not going up anymore. Second, yes the theory is entirely correct. This theory is old and past tense - it already happened in the last 20 years and is not a prediction for the future.

>> No.57407911

okay, but that means your family was already reallywealthy. the scotiabank stock performs fairly well but it hasn't exactly been parabolic

>> No.57407937

They never needed ESG to survive. This faggotry is beyond obnoxious.

>> No.57407958 [DELETED] 

Banks exist to generate profit, much diferent than the average wagies mentality.

>> No.57407964


Good buddy of mine knew them in early 2000s, said they had a great pilot show they were filming and pitching. He stole the idea and pitched it in the US instead. That man was Rob McElhenney.

>> No.57407969

You didn’t answer my question. What does sucking cocks have to do with banking? Or investing? Or financial services?

>> No.57407992

does your family consist of 300 million people LARPing fagot?

>> No.57408026

I don't care about the bank price. Scotiabank has only raised its dividends in the past 120 years except for one year when the government mandated they cut it (WW2 regulations). My dividend checks just got bigger and bigger and bigger throughout this whole mess.

We don't care about the price of the stock, we just want our dividend checks.

Maybe 100 years ago, most corporations now just want to be woke. Scotiabank has to make enough cashflow to pay their consistent dividend but most executives are now wokesters.

>> No.57408045

It gets them on the good side of the Federal Government and Blackrock. The more they virtue signal the more doors it opens for them in that regard. There's an implicit boycott against non-woke companies, largely led by Blackrock and Vanguard.

>> No.57408054

God I hate this planet

>> No.57408071 [DELETED] 

Yeah, cowtowing to Blackrock et al. is a no effort, socially acceptable way of generating profit.

>> No.57408412

Fucking JEWS

>> No.57409277
File: 617 KB, 700x780, 1699860059434813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a member of the big nose tribe? If not, how often are you bothered by members of the big nose tribe?

>> No.57409302

How do you feel ruining the country that brought you success with Indians?

>> No.57409310

I'm ethnically Jewish but never been recognized by them nor given any advantages.

>> No.57409372
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>The Banks have to play along with the federal narrative or they'll be punished accordingly. ESG points gets them tax writeoffs.
Jesus christ is it really this fucking bad?

>> No.57409396

They will come for you once you have the reins.

>> No.57409417
File: 201 KB, 960x720, 1705443831428555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who fucking pushed for this? is it the jews? a cultural virus? activist infiltration? some kind of government experiment? the aliens?

I don't get the source of all this shit, i just saw a lot of shit with GG drama and /pol/.

>> No.57409663

Yeah, a third of global funds are in ESG for that reason. Federal and global incentives. The U.N works with the Canadian government to have these incentives.

>> No.57409676

I think it's a mix between Jews, leftist ideologues, and virtue signallers who just want to seem more empathetic. But i don't really know.

>> No.57409706

>I'm ethnically Jewish
Can't believe it took this long.
Enjoy hell.

>> No.57409731

>Going to hell for being born from a certain ethnicity

What a disgusting person you are.

>> No.57409768

Have you gotten a first hand look at what diversity quotas look like as far as hiring and promoting go? Does blackrock strong arm you into being a faggy woke corp via esg scores?

>> No.57409860

Honestly most diversity hires are still pretty good, there's so many applicants who apply for every job, often Ivy League educated. Even limiting the selection to "Black men" or "Women" or "Hispanic" or whatever will still yield some pretty good results... but obviously you'll get the optimal candidate if you were totally colorblind.

Blackrock and Vanguard certainly strongarm us as well as every other Canadian bank to do this.

>> No.57409891

I’ve noticed half are decent but there’s some (especially women) that are straight up useless yet still manage to get promoted over white men doing twice as much work. Was curious if you all have to play that game and throw them a bone even if they suck at their job to appease blackrock or vanguard.

>> No.57409909
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>We don't care about the price of the stock, we just want our dividend checks.
no one who invest at that level would make such a retardedly nigger-tier statement
drop in stock value = capital loss you LARPing nigger

>> No.57409953

>I can't think of any country right now with inflation problems
wow so all those years of fancy business school and you're just another fraud huh
cant say im surprised

>> No.57409958

Why are you gey?

>> No.57409968

oh nvm you're just a larping faggot subtly trying to trigger

>> No.57410315
File: 20 KB, 600x600, MAGA gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your final year

>> No.57410391
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I mean that happens to some extent but it's not absolute. Even Blackrock has lots of White male investment managers in high positions.

>drop in stock value = capital loss you LARPing nigger

You're incredibly fucking stupid and have no understanding of finance or economics.

We weren't planning on selling the stock ever, so why would it matter if we receive a paper loss? Fucking dummy.

>> No.57410407

>Inflation is real

You're a troll, no one is this stupid.

>> No.57410445

Canada has moderate inflation? Are you retarded?

>> No.57410449

>take that money and loan it out
I sense you're full of shit and aren't involved in banking. Banks don't need deposits to make loan in the way you implied. The loans create new money when making loans.

>> No.57410509

based, OP is clearly a lying kike

>> No.57410546

You're right, we did but we've eliminated it. That's why interest rates are predicted to come down within the next 5 years.

I was talking to the dummy who was saying that we still have inflation.

No they don't. They create money via taking a deposit and loaning it out... and then the loan is in two hands, the borrowers and the depositors. You still need a depositor to put the money down. You're very dumb and know nothing about Fractional Reserve Banking.

>> No.57410560
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>I mean that happens to some extent but it's not absolute. Even Blackrock has lots of White male investment managers in high positions
It makes sense, they try to balance the need for efficiency with the need of appealing to other systems like big institutions or popular opinion.

A bit like natural vs sexual selection, it makes the picture more clear for me about all this shitshow.

>> No.57411186

What would you do in my situation?
>24 300k/yr tc, around 300k nw 65k liquid 235k in crypto
>gf is 27 plan to get married and have kids by time she is 31
>going to move to japan soon and keep my salary
>work in crypto and believe in core technology, only plan to diversify to rental properties when I hit 7 figs (I think it'll happen soonish, but who knows)
>dad has lots of experience property management and wants me to buy now
>don't really have the liquidity for a down payment + want to get really good at my job (with my skills I can legit hit 7 figs in a couple years since I have extremely specialized tech knowledge and am one of the best in the world)
>goal is to reach unhw by 40 (will keep working because autism and I like it)
I'm pretty much gambling on crypto going up but my long term thesis is it will. Gonna load up on some more core infrastructure bags and probably sell in a year or two
Also if you have any tax advice you can share I'd like to hear it, I will have to be an EOR for a year in japan but after I become a permanent resident and would like to set up a company to stop getting raped by the irs

>> No.57411210

Honestly if you're that rich you can do whatever you want and you'll be fine. 300k a year is more money than you'll ever know what to do with.

>> No.57411233

But I'm going to have 3 kids and have to take care of them + my wife + her family (my dad has like 5 rentals and is probably over 8 figs, but I want to take care of him too). There's no way 300k/yr can take care of like 10 people lol

>> No.57411249

Oh and I get assfucked in taxes

>> No.57411390

Don't take care of your parents, they have 8 figures. That's an insane amount of money. If they're that rich they can do whatever they want.

>> No.57411670
File: 124 KB, 545x544, Screenshot_20231222-035833_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP doesn't know what to buy so I'll make the no brainer bets easy to understand.

Bitcoin follows stock to flow until it's up to golds market cap meaning it's got 200k programmed in at December 2025.

Traders were expecting that last time but it didn't happen because of lost stock approx 20% nobody calculated in.

This time the best guaranteed bet is not the best asset but just a guaranteed pump up. Namely Solana avax and Polkadot. If you wait for bitcoin to drop to say 35k because miners are unloading to pay bills then you'll make a good 10X easy on a combination of these 3.

That's all you kids need to know. Have fun. OP input is welcomed.

>> No.57411673

you own a bank and your networth is less than 30m? wtf?

>> No.57411690

His family does.

>> No.57411701

Why is Scotiabank even more kiked than the other big 5?

>> No.57411702

Do you wear a strap-on with women because your penis is so small? Do you identify as a lesbian?

>> No.57411707

>My family owns the Bank of Nova Scotia
I have $100k in debt and i'm not paying it back.. i have no assets , no job... nobody can take anything from me.

I heard this bank is facing some financial issues. How does it feel that people like me are helping your biz into going bankrupt?

>> No.57411750

I also drank half a gallon of beer and ate 4 tacos then drove home from the dmv after buying a 60 dollar compound bow from a pawn shop today.

And I have like 10k dollars but I'm still smarter than OP so free alpha for you gents.

Always gets ignored though.

>> No.57411818

We will tank your credit score and ruin your ability to build wealth in the future

No im not like you.

My family does but their networth, including house and pension, is probably around 2 million.

>> No.57411948

>We will tank your credit score and ruin your ability to build wealth in the future

I don't need good goy score.
I already own a home and a 2nd one is rented. My family "owns" my assets. Most people apply for credit just to buy a car or a house wich i don't need/intend to buy.
i have enough + some crypto from said money to live as a NEET at 30yo and when the time comes i'll take the smith and wesson retirement plan at 90yo perhaps

>> No.57411972

Wait what the fuck? How can you own a bank and have a NW of 2 million? That's literally what a medium tier house in my neighborhood costs

>> No.57411989

>Wait what the fuck? How can you own a bank and have a NW of 2 million?

You just need $60 to buy a share and become an owner. We own more than one share obviously, but that's the barrier.

>That's literally what a medium tier house in my neighborhood costs

Must be an insanely rich area. We live in a very rich area and have a mansion and it's $1.2m

>> No.57412003

Yeah I live in commiefornia, bay area to be precise which probably has some of the most expensive housing in the world
I guess I conflated owner with being the president or ceo