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File: 1.23 MB, 3494x2084, edge_vs_iexec_golem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57405006 No.57405006 [Reply] [Original]

RLC: 0 paying users, 160M marketcap
Golem: 200$ a month on-chain revenue, 130M marketcap
EDGE: 40000$ on-chain revenue, 12M marketcap

LOL. Keep buying RLC though baggies, EDGE already tripled in a few days in will catch up with your 0 user "digital oil" in a month

>> No.57405059

All three are digital dogshit

>> No.57405077

Holy shit. This could be big. So much has been moving in the right direction.
Lots of activity. Workers pools successful and implemented. Utilized with chatGPT. AI adjacent. Intel support. DOTB imminent. RIp noilers

>> No.57405101

OP here, on my phone,

You know I'm sarcastic and memeing as a jeet, right?

Its not impressive at all to call the chatgpt API and then call yourself an "AI project" ESPECIALLY not for a 7 year old project with 100s of millions in funding. You are just heavily deluded baggies that the whales feed off, again and again

>> No.57405103

Siacoin and Storj are superior and theyve been pumping non stop

>> No.57405129

Sorry my guy, but we’re going to the moon. Keep us posted though

>> No.57405141

RLCjeet doing damage control by copypasting from some RLC thread kek

>> No.57405149

those are storage, not compute. edge has storage upcoming in Q1 tho as well, will be pretty big. At this mcap its a no-brainer imho

>> No.57405222

check Golem's supply LOL

>> No.57405349

if $100m in funding 7yrs ago didn't propel the RLC token to billions of market cap through market making & aggressive buybacks from the founding team, then NOTHING ever will

>> No.57405369

EDGE : no revelant partnershipt forr the future
IEXEC : on amazon, intel , azure

>> No.57405378

>on amazon, intel , azure
the only thing iExec on Amazon is their moonboy merch

>> No.57405393

you've been shilling these "partnaships" since 2018. They're not fruitful in terms of things that matter like users. The partnership with intel is that iexec uses intel products and in return intel sometimes namedrops RLC among other blockchain companies on one of their blogs. The other two are just blatant lies or iexec using a VM on Azure and AWS.

>> No.57405430

also to add, this corporate cock sucking of the centralized clouds is pretty pathetic when you consider that web3 clouds have the mission to decentralize the web.
In edge you can run on any device, including raspberry Pi's, and they've set up a complete DNS/gateway/host infrastructure outside of the centralized AWS datacentres.

>> No.57405438

iExec: can we use your shit
Intel: Uh...
Intel: Okay, okay ... Jesus.
iExec: So we're partners now, right?
Intel: ... sure.

>> No.57405455

it feels so accurate holy shit

>> No.57405462
File: 117 KB, 1600x994, cover16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION bro look at my Dapp store bro

>> No.57405472


>> No.57405513

Kek this meme is 3 years old, just checked, the dapp store still has the exact same "dapps" on it (aka docker images that iexec pulled from someone else's github)

>> No.57405534

Never seen the meme
Btw they're making a new dapp store interface which is just ... links to the apps. Kinda makes sense tho


>> No.57405624

kinda does. the actual problem with this thing is that this TEE market iexec targets is extremely niche, and there's basically no reason to get normal users computing power involved - i.e. no scale effects like in other DePIN projects

>> No.57405731

imo the problem is more on the demand side. How do you get people to develop stuff with iExec or use the developed products? What's even the point? The main benefit is privacy but many don't care and the ones who care don't trust iExec, especially since everything is centralized. And you also have to trust the dapp developer or verify the source code yourself.

>> No.57405836

Yup, good points.
> use the developed products? What's even the point? The main benefit is privacy
that's also what I meant with being niche, there is almost no one who needs this .. those who really need the privacy like a medical dataset provider will not use some french crypto startup, those are some of the most heavily regulized industries with extreme compliance standards

That's why exited RLC long time ago and I'm in edge. The point is simple to understand, there are lots of people with spare compute capacity who live close to (at the edge) where its needed (i.e lower latencies for people browing websites). They can provide data faster and on average 78% cheaper than AWS and other big CDNs, which is pretty impressive, network just has to grow some more to reach good scale effects

>> No.57405847

>TEE market
honestly no such thing
But if it existed, the DECENTRALIZED TEE MARKET is even more a niche joke.
Seriously, there might not be any users of that shit before year 2078

>> No.57405855

Edge has almost no volume while IExec has millions, the market knows IExec will goto 200$ while Edge is a jeet scam by Bangladeshi scammers like you

>> No.57405886
File: 407 KB, 220x220, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> crypto
> the market knows

>> No.57405919

Bangladeshi scammer. Fuck you, I hope you die a painful death

>> No.57405938

Seriously, what is Gilles thinking? They had a good headstart in 2016 and 100Ms in funding and went down this path to clear failure.. is this a french thing?

man, I feel sad for you RLC baggies.

>> No.57405948

I bought this and sold at first 2x because the tokenomics look awful. This might scam pump but I have no room for "gee maybes"

Anyone have suggestions for a good micrcap play for this weekend?

>> No.57405971

>Seriously, what is Gilles thinking?
i told biz a lot of times. bro raised 10k BTC, why work?

>> No.57405975

> the tokenomics look awful
how so ? Its better than for most utility tokens I can tell

>> No.57406035

Yeah seems like it. Hired a bunch of people and is a "feel good vibes" company, but 0 hunger for results like a startup that actually has to get revenue to survive

>> No.57406098

I'm a brainlet, not looking to fud but I looked at the block explorer and there's a fuckload of coins. Distribution looks wonky. Liquidity is crazy low for its map size. I like a 10/1 ratio at minimum. Volume is also super low. I get that buying coins early is awful compared to larger more stable caps, but I could never comfortably hold this.

Your shilling made me 2k so I say this out of respect with no malace whatsoever. It's just not quite my tempo.

>> No.57406158
File: 213 KB, 1660x832, Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 16.39.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I looked at the block explorer
which one? EDGE or XE. If you mean EDGE, that 85% is locked as its circulating in the XE L1 blockchain

> Liquidity is crazy low for its map size
yeah, this is hopefully fixed soon, team is deploying a solution.

> but I could never comfortably hold this
fair, different risk tolerances - even though for me knowing they're a legit revenue generating company who's been working on this for years is much more assuring than a pump crypto with lots of volume. The only real risk is that they don't catch hype and stay lowcap forever

>> No.57406249

Haven't looked into EDGE but I wouldn't touch that shit after it already pumped.

>> No.57406258
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon i get that you might be scared and uncomfortable with a project like slothbucks but just understand it's different than other tokens the team is legit af and they have been providing a real service for years they have already put in the work so now its time to reap the benefits and retire off their successful project

>> No.57406312

Kek. Not what I said at all though

>> No.57406624

ok see you at 5$ when you buy in

>> No.57406710

I'm still holding it and I'm gonna sell at $5 while you will lose it all. FUD isn't always baseless. There's a reason why they're doing Web3Mail and Oracle Factory because if an email or an API key leaks, it's not THAT big of a problem. But I wouldn't trust iExec or dapp developers with more risky stuff.

>> No.57406741

u sound like a ped

>> No.57406756

Good point

>> No.57406846

buy the retrace to 20cents

>> No.57406885

why is it dumping?

>> No.57406910

Because it's shit and had a shitty pnd

>> No.57406930


>> No.57406945

10% down after a 300% pump isn't dumping lol

>> No.57407051
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell this is complete nonsense i can see why you're so sour and bitter your portfolio is probably in shambles at this time i'm over here eating steak and driving in my new lambo while you're probably stuck in your moms basement eating top ramen for dinner

>> No.57407174
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x1024, EdgePepefin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you are

>> No.57410018

This, holding anything outside of RLC and BTC is financial suicide, Gilles is a real genius

>> No.57412383

> Gilles is a real genius
True, he’s found a way to coast on ico money forever and dump his printed tokens on you while you shill digital dogshit for free