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57392432 No.57392432 [Reply] [Original]

>100 applications for entry level jobs
>0 replies

>> No.57392453

If you get 0 replies from 10 applications you should redo you resume or start working on new credentials. Sending out 100 times something that isn't working is retarded. Very low t behavior

>> No.57392513

Job market is brutal. I snuck into a good position months ago, and I don't plan on changing anytime soon.

>> No.57392533

No one wants to hire some cuck loser incel like you, sorry bro

>> No.57394118

>nobody wants to work!

>> No.57394191

Online jobs are like online dating. Companies don't actually expect to hire you.

>> No.57394302

radically change your resume
theres no fucking way you don't get a single reply after 100 attempts

>> No.57394381

Couldn't be me. Your letter of application is either written in terrible form, uninspired or lacks any sort of motivation. Or your resume is just a piling heap of garbage, that just reads:
>graduated high school with mediocre grades
>worthless college degree/none at all
>neet/literal slave labor service job
>niche permanently online type bullshit nobody cares about

>> No.57394455

>Online jobs are like online dating. Companies don't actually expect to hire you.
yeah im getting a feeling that its like this. also for local jobs ive' noticed there is 1 job but it gets posted by 10 different agencies. so you get a lot of duplicate offers which skews the "amount of jobs"

>> No.57394669

OP its not your fault this market is brutal
entry level jobs are being taken by people with 3-5 years experience.

>> No.57395136

then lie to no end on your resume?

>> No.57395151
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This was literally me for almost half a year. I finally got hired tho. I was more then well qualified for all the 1000's of jobs a applied to and even re-did my resume about 5 times. People just aren't hiring right now and they just say they are because they want your application just for data selling reasons.

>> No.57397192


>> No.57397406

>have BS in CS
>can't even get hired at the local shartmart
Sorry OP, I have no idea what to do either. I guess nobody is hiring anymore. My only hope is to make it with alts or rope.

>> No.57398693

Lie on your resume

>> No.57398744

Bro I’m graduating in December with a BS in computer science and a math minor. I have 2 years of help desk experience, I actively work on projects on the side and I make a unique cover letter for EVERY job application I send in. I’ve applied to probably 600-800 places and I’ve gotten an interview twice. The only thing holding me back is maybe my gpa (3.1) and the number of LinkedIn connections I have. Other than that, I should be a great candidate but here we are

>> No.57400996

the anons here saying you must be doing something wrong aren’t looking for entry level jobs right now.
it’s still worth double checking your resume, but still, its fucked out there. completely demoralizing. it’s just what it’s like right now.
i got an offer last week after months of applying, keep trying and trust that eventually something will suddenly show up
best of luck anon

>> No.57401337
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So my advice is to take some faggot call center job and try not to kill yourself in the time it takes to establish yourself in that company and then request a transfer to their IT department.

>> No.57401681
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>The only gratiffication i will get in my life is playing with my friends in srs2
>The only money i can get profits from comes from $PHAT

>> No.57401798

your resume has joined a talent pool so they can hire you in two years

>> No.57401886


>> No.57401963

Getting replies is worse
>passive aggressive/retarded hr whore 1
>passive aggressive/retarded hr whore 2
>passive aggressive/retarded hr whore 3
>passive aggressive/retarded hr whore 4
I remember one bitch fucked up so hard she actually got fired. Women being in charge of hiring is a mistake.

>> No.57401976

It should be against the rules to constantly shill your shitcoins in non-shitcoin related threads.

>> No.57402086

I applied to 300+ jobs before I get one interview when I was starting out.

>> No.57402551
File: 486 KB, 1443x1660, 1674395465979427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got laid off from my first job out of college for a large company in Q4, getting call backs from companies now, should I take a remote contract position or hold out for something for with a smaller firm in my field?

>> No.57402580


>> No.57402692

>be me
>run a lawn care service based business during the spring to fall
>try to find minimum wage jobs that require no skill
>think it will be easy for extra cash for winter
>have forklift cert
>think it will be easy
>apply to 100 different listings
>they send a followup
>its some weird personality quirky test
>or a five minute questionnaire about gender identity for a $14 a hour sweatshop production line job
>or they want more information
>one ask me to come in
>think its a interview
>turns out they want to see if I have a social security card
>show them
>tell me to leave
>another one ask me to interview
>its for a loading dock clerk
>the interviewer had to be under 20
>he talks about himself for 40 mins before asking me a question
>during this he does the autism shuffle and rock
>didn't get the job
>thank god
Its easier to sell clients for my business than find a shit job. I did this in the past years ago and I could get one in week.

>> No.57402842

It's rough out there OP. Don't worry, it's not you.

>> No.57402870

skill issue

>> No.57404112
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>its some weird personality quirky test
i just did this shit a couple weeks ago
got a personality test and one of those pattern recognition iq tests with shapes
it doesnt tell you your results and i think ill be forever curious about what each of them ended up saying about me
>testing concludes applicant is a psychotic retard

what was that gender identity questionnaire like?

>> No.57404341

>or a five minute questionnaire about gender identity
you did troonmax on this right?

>> No.57404978

What race are you?