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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57395286 No.57395286 [Reply] [Original]

you can make in your life

>> No.57395308

Islam as well. They banned banking over a millennium ago. Smart niggers

>> No.57395332

I feel like muslim women must have hairy toes

>> No.57395341

How do you go about making this happen?

>> No.57395349

>shit colored skin children
>shit colored eyed children
maybe if you found one with moden/evolved genetics

>> No.57395358

capital gains are haram, I hope you know that.

>> No.57395360

It's not like you have a choice, no worthy muslim woman would marry a non muslim

>> No.57395378

Christians used to be the same before globohomo, not that many decades away. 1950 women were very based.

>> No.57395471

>problem solved
as an atheist, it's just some stupid ritual

>> No.57395625

MENA people are obsessed with German cars and designer clothing / accessories. It is one step above niggerdom.
It's funny how brown people always need to flex their money because they think money trumps everything when in reality it's just a cope for being insecure. Meanwhile white people will drive a 30 year old toyota and wear LL Bean and Columbia because we actually view showing off money as vulgar and nigger tier.
I don't know if any other races do this except white people.
There are whites who show off but those are new money niggers with no class.
If you are white you can only drive understated vehicles. You can get away with buying trucks too like loaded F250s for $95k because it just looks like a truck to people who don't know.

>> No.57395638

Don't act like a pimp for Muslim women you fucking dayyuth

>> No.57395673

Rare non third-world praising dumbass post on /biz

>> No.57395702

>MENA people are obsessed with German cars and designer clothing / accessories
i met a religious iranian chick studying here for a semester and she was none of that. she couldnt understand how people spend so much on clothes. she missed home so much that she was crying every day to her mom. she was curious about the alcohol we drank but she didn't try, not even a sip. when the others left i was alone with her for a few minutes and she just excused herself too, telling me she wasn't allowed to stay alone with a man. i think about her from time to time.

>> No.57395715
File: 2.88 MB, 480x360, RpcbbEETTEpfPT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only losers waste their time having sex

>> No.57395917

What mena people do or like has very little to do with religion, you fucking retard

>> No.57396290

oh that's right I forgot that muslims don't come from the middle east and north africa. Fucking butt blasted third world shit skin nigger. No amount of money will ever change that

>> No.57396361

mashalla would marry one through BTCdragon

>> No.57396829

thats pretty interesting considering most iranians in the west are notorious for hating islam. considering the Islamic Regime is still going strong I suspect Iranians are more religious than they like to portray.

>> No.57396910

actually though. Muslim girls can be very tradbased.
kinda wish I had found a Qt week hijabi to wife, instead of a moder western woman.

well who knows, maybe she'll cheat on me someday so i can divorce her guilt free and go find me a halaal beauty instead.

>> No.57396974
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>maybe if you found one with moden/evolved genetics

>> No.57397546

>'noids cope by posting a disfigured White man
yet i can prove my point by posting literally any brown.
evolution waits for no one.

>> No.57397589

>muslims don't come from the middle east and north africa
Where do Christians come from, nigger

>> No.57397650

holy fuck... that looks likey coworker

>> No.57397656

like a coworker* nearby ...

>> No.57398121

Never marry a moroccan girl. They'll think all of your money is also theirs. Speaking from experience.

>> No.57398142

You telling me the media might be lying? Fuck outta here

>> No.57398143

>banning the most profitable industry that every existed
Oh yeah so smart how's that jihad against Israel going btw you have what 1000:1 population and... Oh, you're losing. Yeah, real smart "niggers"

>> No.57398164
File: 14 KB, 332x219, INCELTHREAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57398258

This is about brown people retard. It applies to christians too

>> No.57398370

You don't need to announce that you entered the thread, man.

>> No.57398418

You can have people from an area who do not follow the prevailing religion of the area you ignorant fuck

>> No.57398434

>"you're ignorant"
>most muslims are still north african or arab
Okay then, lol... why are you acting like Indonesians come to mind when people talk about "Muslims" as if the first thought isn't Arabs.

>> No.57398448

Worth nothing that Persians have a different culture and disposition towards life compared to Arabs, North Africans, Indonesians, Central Asian muslims, etc.

>> No.57398456

Marrying into families with cultures distant from yours is a huge mistake. Next think you know her mom and 5 aunties are barging into your business and giving you weird folk remedies for your child.

>> No.57399732

how so?

>> No.57399957

Never. No. Never. Not ever. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Not ever. Stay in your containment zones.

>> No.57399966

>whiteness guarantees beauty
I hate to break it to you, you tapeworm colored bastard, but there's a lot of ugly whites out there.

>> No.57401406

They're not peculiarity more religious on average, the girl anon described sounds like a regular girl from any muslim country

>> No.57401428

Islam is the only belief system extant that explicitly calls for human sacrifice. And practices it. It is fucking evil, and so is anyone who shills for it. Full stop.

>> No.57401433

Dumb retard, moroccan girls are pearls but only the worse among them would marry outside their race/religion, so of course you'd think they're like that. They're not like thay with their men.

t. algerian

>> No.57401435

I don't like muslims though

>> No.57401442


>> No.57401892

>Christians used to be the same before globohomo, not that many decades away. 1950 women were very based.
Islam cool n all but we talkin about trumpworldpalsphere bruh, they sayin it's like DOGE but on steroids, up on solana dexes, hyped af bout to 10x, big names talking. u into gains u check this out, eth n bitcoin moonboys missin the ride.

>> No.57402138


>> No.57402263


>> No.57402631

No they’re not. As long as you don’t take a personal loan that charges interest. There are always loopholes though. Businesses can use interest obviously. Every Muslim country still has a central bank.

>> No.57402644

i dont think moroccan women are particularly slutty. but morocco is known for prostitution and there was a scandal where some belgian jew anal fucked like 80 of them and took pictures

>> No.57402655

Because most Persians in the West are descendants of people who fled the current regime in the 80s aka jews, atheists, communists, and other degenerates. The normal people stayed in Iran

>> No.57402706

>. Businesses can use interest obviously.
Not Islamically

>> No.57403848

and yet there isn't a single example of an attractive brown