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57395056 No.57395056 [Reply] [Original]

Are all burger houses made of cardboard with fake stone facades and fake roof tile facades to deceive the onlooker?

>> No.57395064
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>> No.57395073

Feel free to build a tornado-proof house for the 0.01% chance you get hit by one. It's just going to cost 2x as much. Can you afford that with your European peasant wage?

>> No.57395077
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>> No.57395096

that'll be $1.2MM thanks

>> No.57395916

Nope I have a log cabin on a lake built I'm 1935, and a brick condo built in 1950 something, plaster walls etc solid construction. New stuff is crap.

>> No.57395941

>plaster walls
these are fucking garbage, I'll take sheetrock anyday

>> No.57396004

That's just expensive drywall lol. I could just lean into it and crumble that cheap paper mache.

>> No.57396020

that's how I feel about plaster bro, it fucking sucks. the new stuff is clearly superior

>> No.57396038


>> No.57396046

Maybe if you have to install it lol. Do you have a special name for the fake taco bell bricks too?

>> No.57396101

Obsessed. Fuck off we're full.

>> No.57396148

Stop. I'm going to pee.

>> No.57396239


>> No.57396253

>plaster walls
Have you guys ever heard of bricks, concrete, stone etc... the materials you're supposed to build houses with?

>> No.57396276


Have you ever heard of modern utilties? Do you like exposed pipes and electrical lines everywhere? Do you like paying 2x to 3x as much for a house because you decided to go with expensive, rigid material that can only be built by niche tradesmen with expertise?

>> No.57396279
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>> No.57396292

I don't think they know about infrastructure, Anon. Just let it go.

>> No.57396313

Normies eagerly trade most of their mortal existence in exchange for the box. Why do they do it?

>> No.57396921

yes they are known as mc mansions

>> No.57396950


>> No.57396956
File: 236 KB, 800x600, 4297_aia-website.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My condo is similar to picrel
>built in 1886
>survived 140 chicago winters
>rarely any structural issues
>maintenance costs quite low due to small roof and external back staircase (needs to be replaced every 25-30 years
Would be really worried buying anything newer than say 1980. They genuinely just don't build em like they used to.

>> No.57396957

Because they're conditioned that renting is throwing your money away and that taking a 30 year mortgage is "making it". It's almost as if society needs debt slaves to function.

>> No.57397067

Euros I get that you're getting bored up on the fifth floor of your commieblock, but let's be real here: how much would that house, made out of brick or concrete or whatever the fuck cost where you live? How much for the surrounding property? Feel free to guesstimate, but I'm guessing y'all don't live in rented apartments because land, houses or property of any sort is cheap to come by.

>> No.57397075

>rent for 10 years
>get absolutely nothing back but a fuck you pay for all the shit you broke
>own for 10 years
>can sell and get your money back + appreciation unless you're extremely unlucky

>> No.57397084


Renting is a stupid long term plan, what separates the middle class from poors in the US is home ownership and the wealth they build from appreciation in the value of their primary residence. It fixes your housing cost too, taxes and insurance can go up but the actual mortgage payment for a fixed rate loan stays the same, unlike rent which your landlord can increase at whim. Then when the mortgage is paid off again you got property taxes and insurance, but no housing payment, which is especially important later on in life when someone retires and is on a fixed income. Housing is almost always going to be the largest line item on any adult's budget.

Nothing wrong with doing it temporarily until you can afford to save up for a house, condo, or whatever. But as mentioned renting is dumb long term. Your payments are building your landlords equity in their real estate instead of building your own.

>> No.57397129

Costs ya not much more than a fucking cardboard house, since pretty much all tradies around here specialize in concrete and brick 'n" mortar construction

>> No.57397173

Cue the mad debt slaves.
Tying yourself to one location for ten years is retarded. The US is bent on making Americans lives shit at every turn, in ten years even "based" areas will be blue state shitholes.

Your mortgage payment is front loaded with interest, you're paying your money towards a bank, not paying off your principal.
Your equity doesn't exist either, the "$100k" your home increased by value was eaten up by maintence and inflation If you sell your house you have to buy an equally inflated valued home. Investing your down payment and renting is a greater return on investment.

>> No.57397198

I'm pretty sure that house is being demolished since you can't see any ceiling/floor joists, rafters or trusses.
Asphalt shingles are the most popular for american roofs. second is ceramic tile, and all other roof types are in the minority.
There are thin brick veneers but they are less commonly used than actual brick siding. Manufactured stone veneers are basically the same as thin brick but with a different appearance.
Most houses with any kind of masonry siding have alternative siding on the back side since it's cheaper and not part of curb appeal.

>> No.57397237

>Renting is a stupid long term plan
depends on how poor you are. if you are poor then getting a house is good. if you have a lot of income then renting is maximum freedom.

>> No.57397244

I forgive someone being ignorant about things, but it's funny when someone become so arrogantly clueless. Do you even know anything about what you are talking about?

Do you even understand something about supply chains? Do you think your paper buildings are cheaper to make than solid and decent buldings worldwide?

>> No.57397261


I don't have a mortgage and own my home outright. I avoid debt like the plague amd paid off the small loan i had to take out early. Bought it in 2017 for $150k and it's worth like $300k now after the real estate market went nuts during COVID.

>Tying yourself to one location for ten years is retarded.

I could buy this argument for someone in their 20s still figuring out their career and direction in life. But if you're in your 30s or 40s and still don't have a home, 90% chance at that point its not by choice and they're just a loser.

>> No.57397370
File: 724 KB, 689x520, IMG_4242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all European houses made of cardboard/straw with fake stone facades and fake roof tile facades to deceive the onlooker?

>> No.57397374

At least once a week with this same thread on biz. I don't lurk pol much anymore, but this one was a daily demoralization thread there before.

To answer the actual question though, not all us houses are low quality, modern stick framed construction, but many are. No one is obligated to purchase a particular type of house, and many people elect to build/buy icf houses now.

>> No.57397438

strawbuilding probably is still structually stornger than american osb plate houses

>> No.57397468

>Have you guys ever heard of bricks, concrete, stone etc... the materials you're supposed to build houses with?
Brick and concrete houses still have drywall and plaster on the interior dumbass.

>> No.57397740
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ITT mutts fight tooth and nail to explain why living in a straw hut is akshually a good thing

>> No.57397756


>Someone simultaneously trying to lecture me about supply chains also asking why everyone isn't building 2k sq foot houses out of stone

The levels of irony here are disgusting

>> No.57397776

>E-euro straw houses a-are sturdier

>> No.57398122

Seething European living in his 150 sqft flat.

>> No.57398196

I own and live in a 75 square meters condo in a recent building. I wouldn't trade this for a house. The building has five or six employees taking care of everything : gardening, cleaning, fixing etc... and still it costs me less than if I was doing everything myself in a house because everything is mutualized. And it's built according to the stringent EU regulations so the wall are very thick, I never hear my neighbors. Also I live near the center of the city, I have a personal spot in the parking garage and all conveniences at walking distances. There's nothing more comfy than this.
A house is a pain in the ass, you always have to worry about something.

>> No.57398316

another obsession thread made. rent free

>> No.57399184

Words words words

>> No.57399275

Superior to renting.
Renting with no long term plan is throwing away money. There is a risk reward tradeoff that you are failing to see.

Additionally fwiw, the McMansion is made of material which renders it easy to repair and the land it sits upon generally appreciates. There tends to be profit when exiting the McMansion that can be redirected into more permanent fixtures should you want them. This is not the case with explicit renting.

>> No.57399483

where is it

>> No.57400334

Kek usually I'll defend burger construction but that got me

>> No.57400371

That's the funniest thing I've seen so far this year.

>> No.57400779


>> No.57400973

Old Taco Bell exteriors are stucco. New ones are veneer with some decorative metalwork.

>> No.57400986

Yeh pretty sure he’s referring to interior walls. A plaster exterior would degrade in weeks.

>> No.57401521


>> No.57401547
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Why does only the northeast know how to use bricks?

>> No.57401552


>> No.57401625

Look a properly built house (1950s - 1980's at the least) your only two major things that will eventually fail is the roof and your HVAC system. Both of these will last decades after you replace them to. So let's say you buy such a house when your 30. You replace both roof and HVAC. You'll be fucking 50 or older before you have to fuck with them again. You replace them again (50). The HVAC and roof might outlast you.

>> No.57401639

That is fucking hilarious.

>> No.57401822

Threads like this prove that biz is just retarded jeets. Seethe you ugly poop eating niggers.

>> No.57402025

What's the point of having such a steep roof? They had a rockclimbing setup in the attic?

>> No.57402403

Housing in the US is far more of a scam than anywhere else in the civilized world. America actually isn't civilized at all there is no support for actual schizophrenics and stroke patients etc, they are tossed into the fray by whatever industry can no longer syphon profits from them.

Anyway back to housing, in most all American markets a house worth less than $600k is a tax trap. Owners (more often those using the property as a debt lever) of houses of that or greater value ensure that their homes are continually losing value in order to offset their taxes onto those with cheaper houses, people on fixed income, disabled vets, skilled labor, teachers and nurses literally doesn't fucking matter as long as they don't have to pay.

Almost every single American accessor is corrupt, there is no dignity or prestige in the office, it's just a thing knowers run for to maintain the racket and add to their resume to keep the wagies in line. So the end result is this highly corrupt system of impoverishment through pound of flesh taxes on poorfag homes and this bizarre superstructure of market availability, insurance and zoning laws or norms that result in this sub-neolithic """""style"""" of vinyl and brick wrapped particle board construction.

This is what people do with freedom. Ytpipo could literally ban migrants for 30 years and build nice things with freedom, but they choose to do this and tolerate its existence.

>> No.57402416

Ots how burgers get 4000 sqft to live on versus you 27 sq m

>> No.57402534

>The price of smartphones is now $10000
>But it doesn't matter because the kikes give you cheap 15yr loans
>you can also sell your smartphone
>renting a smartphone is $300 per month and is stupid

>> No.57404158
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im usually on the immediate defense with eurofag burgerhate but i fucking hate our shitty cardboard houses and will fold on that
i want to be in a brick box and i want to own it too

>> No.57404185

The contrast between the nice outside appearence and the eggshell of cheap board reveal is shocking.

>> No.57404737
File: 2.91 MB, 406x720, Mutt_cardboard_house.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these webms may be of use to this thread.

>> No.57404744
File: 2.97 MB, 608x948, rt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406301


>> No.57406459

Horrifying. Fortunately, he has less than one year.

>> No.57406471

I can see that the ceiling fell in, which is insane, but where was the roof?

>> No.57406521

That's a building and not a house.

>> No.57406814

At 1750sf it's larger than the average new build house in the US.

>> No.57408198

>raging storm and rain
>person runs through in shorts
yep, ameriburger confirmed
the ameriburger obsession with shorts will never be accurately explained

>> No.57408376

It gets hot here and they're inside their own home. Unlike Europoors, we can actually afford to heat our houses so we don't need to bundle up inside like peasants.

>> No.57408531

>but where was the roof?
Probably blown away by the wind, then the plasterboard got wet and fell down

>> No.57408812

what's the problem of being at home with shorts? do you put pants on every time it starts raining outside retard?
>where was the roof?
try to use your 2 brain cells

>> No.57408834

Oh it's raining outside, better suit up !

>> No.57408970

>Get btfo
Man I love this board

>> No.57409005

Toppest kek well done. You'll never be able to use that meme again contextually

>> No.57411580

People also fuck themselves by buying more house than what they need. A single person or hell even a couple WTF are you doing with a 3000sqft house. That's like 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, garage and a basement.

>> No.57411602

>Not buying a midcentury ranch

>> No.57411655

>expensive, rigid material that can only be built by niche tradesmen with expertise?
Amerisharts really do place profit above all, horrifying mindset.

Also, with an industry producing the materials and tradesmen who use them being commonplace as a result, they wouldn't be niche nor expensive - just skilled, aesthetically pleasing, less likely to need maintenance, just better.

>> No.57411679

>Are all European houses made of cardboard/straw with fake stone facades and fake roof tile facades to deceive the onlooker?
No, you fucking retard lmao

>> No.57412322

million dollar uncle tom shed
burgers are retarded

>> No.57412333

Max efficiency

>> No.57412342
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Holy shit

>> No.57412361

Old Chicago apartments are great

>> No.57413802

I believe in the South of US having tall ceilings acts like air conditioning in the summer, the hot air rises into the attic