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57392847 No.57392847 [Reply] [Original]

The Stoch RSI is properly bottomed on the Daily timeframe, so for now (on short timeframe) either the dumpage is over or most of it is over. The dumpage resumes later, as the 1W is only halfway down and the chart is extremely bearish in multiple ways. In particular with regards to the huge rising wedge (which we had an excellent thread about here: >>/biz/thread/56831656 on Dec 1st): on January 22nd the market confirmed the breakout above the rising wedge was a fakeout; the market is now trading BTC within the rising wedge again. The floor (of the rising wedge) beneath the current Weekly candle is ~31k; in early Feb it's ~32k and in late Feb it's ~33k. So we won't know for sure until those numbers if BTC is breaking beneath the rising wedge or if BTC bounces from the bottom of it, however as the fakeout already occurred there's most likely no more "life" left in the rising wedge -- and it's a rising wedge after all (bearish).

However keep in mind the bottom of the log curve (the self-manifested log curve established by BTC's candles – which the whales have used to trade the tops and bottoms since 2015 – visualized for example here in red: https://tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSD/fgHyZdze-Good-Morning-Bitcoiners/ ) is only a few k beneath the rising wedge at ~28k currently and ~29k late Feb. So don't expect any major dumpage below the rising wedge. A bounce from the bottom of the log curve is almost guaranteed as the whales always buy in there (and sell off at its tops). If, though, they'd let the price fall (significantly, say 5k -- not just ~1k followed by a quick pump as in Dec 2022) beneath the log curve bottom, then of course you can expect sub 10k very easily and quickly as the market would by then be in entirely uncharted waters with no obvious bottom in sight.

So for now a pause in the dumpage and possibly a bounce; 40.5k is very likely and 41k-42k shouldn't surprise. Such a bounce of course is meaningless, just informing you of it regardless.

>> No.57392852

>lagging indicators

>> No.57392856

Jesus christ finally someone who knows what they're talking about.

>> No.57392859


20k incoming

>> No.57392891


If sub 10k happens. Great depression is here.

>> No.57392913

20k is way below the log curve, so that's exceptionally unlikely to occur as the whales will most certainly buy in when BTC hits the bottom of the curve (if the price goes low enough to touch the bottom boundary that is), which currently is at ~28k and ~29k in late Feb; so in other words we should expect the dumpage to stop thereabouts (or higher up if the dumpage takes a lot of time). But if they don't buy in, and they instead let the the price fall to say 25k or so (without any prompt bounce back into the curve) and let it linger there and let candles start growing under the curve, then by then all faith in the log curve would be shattered and in that scenario 20k is extremely likely to happen. Honestly in that scenario even 3k shouldn't come as a shock (but somewhere between 5k and 10k seems more reasonable).

>> No.57392917
File: 126 KB, 572x541, crypto shitcoins three act structure storytelling fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stoch RSI
>on daily
stopped reading right there

>> No.57392921
File: 49 KB, 900x258, muh lagging indicator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek a future shit-eater detected

>> No.57393004

Interesting. What possible reason would they have to let us get below the log curve though? In that situation, the entire crypto industry would likely die out within 10 years. Or at least be relegated to an extremely niche subculture.

>> No.57393151
File: 410 KB, 1061x897, 1700393460894931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are back, it's been a while

>> No.57393371

oh finally someone who can tell me that if it went down, it went down, and if it went up, it went up. TA is

>> No.57393422

So 40k, 41k, 42k, 28k, 29k, 20k, 10k and 5k are all possible. Nice. Thank you.

>> No.57393428

So you're saying it could go up or down. Thanks

>> No.57393450

it will dump to 31k

>> No.57393467
File: 70 KB, 1402x510, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC price looks like a tennis ball almost running out of momentum..

>> No.57393487
File: 440 KB, 2455x1249, 1548690611548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have see that before
this time is different
crypto has achieved maximum expansion already
now we are at "value discovery"

>> No.57393499
File: 234 KB, 985x608, 1630427025031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and FYI, the black swan even that nobody expects is on 28th of January 2024, that's soon

>> No.57393631

Great, I wasn't done accumulating

>> No.57393663

To be crystal clear I'm not saying the price is going below the curve, only what would (extremely likely) happen if it did. I'm saying we should expect them to buy in at the curve's bottom. Why they wouldn't, that's a good question. There would of course be a huge amount of money to be made shorting BTC in that scenario and it would be the biggest wipeout of longs imaginable, so some of the big players would make epic profits. Lots of people lose lots of money = a few profit immensely. I tend to ignore the ETF meme as it's mostly irrelevant noise, I focus on the chart, but maybe the recent ETF would play some role in such a scenario or maybe in causing such a scenario.

And no, crypto isn't going to die out even if that happens. After all at the end of the day the log curve is, despite how big it is, basically just a channel they've been trading BTC within. There has never been anything stopping them from pumping the price out above the top boundary or dumping it out under the bottom boundary, other than themselves: some big whales begin selling off when the price is at/near the top of the curve, and other similarly powerful whales see that and take it as their cue to sell as well, and so the price drops due to them selling, and so we have a new top and the bear market begins. Same in reverse: at the bottom some big whales buy in and other similarly powerful ones see that and take that as their cue to buy as well, and so the dumpage stops and the bottom is established and the bullrun begins.

Eventually the price will have to start moving around outside the curve, either above or below the curve as its getting narrower and narrower (the top and bottom meet) and so eventually there will be no more space left in the channel for the price to move around; no space left to trade in. Maybe then, after that, a new curve will begin. But that's still several years off. As of now there's still plenty of space left.

>> No.57393666

Is this piece of shit Helene about to cut my money off?

>> No.57393687

>I tend to ignore the ETF meme as it's mostly irrelevant noise, I focus on the chart
I do too, but I didn't realize we were getting so close to the log chart leveling out. I planned on utilizing this as a kind of "last bull run" for myself anyway. Once this year is finished, I don't trust them to "stay in the lines" as you said.

>> No.57393750

>You are back, it's been a while
what is wrong with the RSI?
i know you dont have an answer, you're just an NPC repeating what you heard.

if you use it weekly or monthly timeframes it seems to be very useful.

>> No.57393756
File: 83 KB, 256x350, 1705688369302917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would be the biggest wipeout of longs imaginable, so some of the big players would make epic profits. Lots of people lose lots of money = a few profit immensely.
imagine all the pink wojacks, kek

>> No.57393885 [DELETED] 

Something in the green, and go more in the green. Something in the red, and go more in the red.

Just because something is relatively oversold/overbought, does not mean there will be a swing in price. People trade based off of more than just what an indicator says. How about what the FED says? How about a major exchange going bankrupt? Worldwide pandemic? I recognize this OP, he is the same person who said everybody sold the FTX/COVID crashes because the RSI was overbought. He is a duning kruger retard that deserves to be called out.

I also think that he likes to samefag and reply to his own posts, he does not do too good of a job at making it not obvious. you are probably him. Also, who uses the monthly timeframe for trading? You are trolling.

>> No.57393908

Something in the green, can go more in the green. Something in the red, can go more in the red.

Just because something is relatively oversold/overbought, does not mean there will be a swing in price. People trade based off of more than just what an indicator says. How about what the FED says? How about a major exchange going bankrupt? Worldwide pandemic? I recognize this OP, he is the same person who said everybody sold the FTX/COVID crashes because the RSI was overbought. People's respect go beyond what the relative price action on a certain timeframe shows. OP is a duning kruger retard that deserves to be called out.

I also think that he likes to samefag and reply to his own posts, he does not do too good of a job at making it not obvious. you are probably him. Also, who uses the monthly timeframe for trading? You are trolling.

>> No.57394019

>who uses the monthly timeframe for trading?
profitable people

>> No.57394049

Tell me which part of the monthly chart where you bought and sold at, and explain to me how it was the RSI that told you to do it.

>> No.57394151
File: 1.77 MB, 800x600, globe-35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World Market for BTC and ETH under Creation.
Check it and register for free now.

>> No.57394241

Dont let yourself get fooled by RSI haters

>> No.57394608

fwiw if op is the same as op as before, and probably is, he was predicting dumpage at 32k then again around 34k then again around 36k (might have the exact figures wrong but more or less) and then did another one somewhere around 40k and then disappeared for a while, while btc went to 49k, and now it's back around 40k here he is calling it again with his low timeframes / high timeframes.
Anon, going down from 49k isn't strange but telling everybody here that it was going to dump dump dump from around 30k all the way to 49k meant anybody who listened to you, and yourself, would've missed out.
'There are seasons, there are cycles, there are are ages' anon. Remember that post?

OP, because i do believe in the sincerity of your post, i'm engaging with you. So, i don't mean to come across this way or that, all i'm really trying to is have a dialogue with somebody so stoch RSI.
Anon, of course btc stays within lines (until it doesn't) and i doubt anybody would say that it doesn't happen, it's just that i also doubt there is anybody who thinks that log curves and stoch rsi indicating that is much of an insight. It's like saying m2 expands but sometimes it contracts but generally it's expanding. Like yeah but meh, come on.

OP, you say the ETF is just noise. Sure. it's 'just' noise. I mean sure anon, it's 'just' noise. Right. Sure.
Tell me it's overstated, tell me it's more complicated than just etf bla bla and why there's more to it than that and i'll jive with you, but writing that the etf is 'just' noise. Come on anon. If it's just noise then it's super sonic boom type because it's noise that carries a long way.

you might even agree anon and say that in the long term the picture is bullish but stoch rsi can help in the short term and a log curve in the medium term because it allows you to trade the range. That's the conventional stoch rsi side of the argument. Ok.
But it meant missing the run from 30k to 49k.
So, please tell us, what has it done it for us lately?

>> No.57394658

Too big text
Are we going to pump or dump? long term perspective?
100k end of the year, yes or no?
thx gentleman.

>> No.57394853

Im going to pump and dump your mother. Short term perspective. Shes going to earn 100K for me because Im her daddy from now on. This makes me your daddy.

>> No.57394870

So it will dump and pump for a while now
Then in long term perspective 100k?
Thank you daddy

How long until 100k tho?

>> No.57394952

>The Stoch RSI
stopped reading there

>> No.57395012

Just because the indicators worked once doesn’t mean they always work. Anon is right, they are lagging. It’s a coin flip staring at charts all day like some midwit YouTuber thinking you can read the future. If your trading strategy is so good how come you’re not a billionaire?

Say it with me now: Coin. Flip. Coin flip.

Good doggy. Now go back to your midwit cope lines and pray it’s heads for you on this next trade!

>> No.57395264

Thank you anon! Clear and well explained. Have a great day.

>> No.57395325

I can’t wait until the macro trend breaks and everyone gets wrecked. The only value in crypto is mining so you can get reduced heating cost.

>> No.57396678

the only reasonable advice to appear on biz

>> No.57397545

Laguerre RSI is fantastic