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57392599 No.57392599 [Reply] [Original]

I work a fluffy management job in IT. My boss is a woman and my direct report is a woman. All both of them do is whine. my boss takes off random chunks of the day to vacuum, go grocery shopping, paint her roof (she puts all this shit in writing and nobody stops her), while my direct report whines and constantly calls me to “vent” whenever something doesn’t go her way or does unprofessional shit like dial into client calls wearing hoodies or having her hair in a fucking mess while everyone is in business casual. I’ve recommended she get fired multiple times and my boss has overridden me, more than likely cause of “sisterhood” or something gay. I’ve started building cases against both of them and I’m interviewing for another job.

Meanwhile my girlfriend just bitches about her job nonstop and does stupid shit like tell *her* boss “oh no I can’t do xyz because I’ve got exercise class teehee I’ll circle back on this high priority item next week”. She’s going to get fired any day now, except it won’t be her fault apparently, it’ll be her “bitchy” management who is “rude” because they asked her…to do fucking work?

I’ve been giving everyone the benefit of the doubt for years and I’m sick of this shit. How do I work with all men? I can’t take it anymore

>> No.57392607

women weren't designed for the workplace
they were designed to birth and raise children

>> No.57392612

>women are so whiny
>goes on an anonymous anime forum and whines

>> No.57392614

What does it say about you that that's the kind of idiot you've decided to be in a relationship with? Holy shit.

>> No.57392615

go back to >>>/r/eddit mr white knight

>> No.57392619
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>Women suck right other virgins? You guys hate being a virgin too so if I post how women bad you will all agree with me and give me (You)'s right?

>> No.57392648

Bro that’s the good side of feminism the fuck, I’m not trying to kill myself generating a couple extra dollars of value for sheklestein and women who slack like this lower the floor for everyone.

>> No.57392723

Yeah this. Your boss and gf sound based, go break your back in construction if you want to be around smelly dudes so bad

>> No.57392735

This is the experience of everyman who has to work with women. Women were never meant to be working with men. Having them in the workplace is the single biggest mistake we made in the last 100 years.

>> No.57392872

its ok if they're hot

>> No.57393061

woman should all be enslaved.

>> No.57394245

sounds like whiny woman outside the office