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57381562 No.57381562 [Reply] [Original]

The stock markets are at ATH, yet crypto keeps hammering down even though the stock market (Blackrock) keeps trying to pump it.

>> No.57381819
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>(Blackrock) keeps trying to pump it

>> No.57381835
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The first day of trading when there was a delay in reporting btc holdings it was probably them buying a bunch otc on discount and dumping on market

>> No.57381870
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Are you faggots literally blind or something?

>> No.57381878

Sorry I don't know how to read twitter posts

>> No.57381897

Show where they're trying to pump it.
>they have it, that means they're actively trying to raise its price right now

>> No.57381906
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holy mother of all cope

>> No.57381912

It's not cope, I'm just genuinely curious what your reasoning is. How do you know they don't want it to dump so they can buy more for cheap?

>> No.57381917

>Hi I'm OP and I'm a faggot

>> No.57381920

>they bought, but that didn't affect the price
>they want to sell (in my headcanon), and that WILL affect the price

You're on so many levels of delusion, it's pretty amazing.

>> No.57381935

When did I say they wanted to sell? You're just making up phantom arguments now. I just doubt that they're trying to pump it as >>57381819 said, and you've provided no proof Blackrock is trying to pump anything

>> No.57381955

They're buying massive amounts. Even the news of this alone would naturally cause positive price movement.

You're hilarious.

>> No.57381979

...? 25k BTC isn't a massive amount for Blackrock, they're worth trillions and it makes no sense for them to intentionally price themselves out of getting a bigger total share of the BTC supply and becoming largest holder in the world
You also have the FTX and greyscale dumps going on right now... Greyscale's BTC holdings are more than 20x larger than Blackrock's too

>> No.57381989
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>25k BTC isn't a massive amount for Blackrock
More levels of cope.

There's also the fact that Blackrock etc. have been putting out crypto hype news for a while now.
In fact, the entire financial industry is abuzz with tokenisation.
But they're not trying to pump it, right?

>> No.57382007

If Blackrock really wanted to pump the price of Bitcoin, they could instantly market buy up all the liquidity on every exchange right now, but they're not doing that, instead they're buying over-the-counter so that it won't cause a large price movement, blackrock are smart and do not invest on 2 weeks long time scales

>> No.57382016

I hope these retarded faggot funds keep accumulating crypto through the year until it makes a large sum of their total investments. Then at the end of the year Btc dumps straight to 3k bankrupting all of these kike motherfuckers and retarded Boomers.

>> No.57382021

>they could instantly market buy up all the liquidity on every exchange right now
What is price slippage.

You're coping absolutely terribly.
Blackrock is currently at 33k BTC, btw. And they're still buying.

>> No.57382025

... why?

Compared to crypto actors, they're absolute benevolent angels who can't stop trying to help retail make it.
Look at the stock markets, which they pretty much control.

>> No.57382054

>What is price slippage.
it's something you're not concerned about if you're a multi trillion dollars asset management company whose goal is to pump the price of Bitcoin as high as possible
>and still buying
Then it sounds to me like they don't want the price to go up seeing as how they're not done buying yet

>> No.57382094

>Crypto slightly drops while stonks ATH
>USD is monopoly money right now
>Stonks will all -50% when crypto moons next week and the US government seized stonks to stop the currency from heading into wheelbarrows and every wageslave wakes up and realizes they are literally being made poor so a richfag can spend 20k on clothes and 800 on groceries while wagies are scraping for a dollar
Two more weeks

>> No.57382095

>it's something you're not concerned about if you're a multi trillion dollars asset management company
Buddy, if Blackrock bought up all the liquidity on all exchanges like you said, Bitcoin would shoot to 100k+ at the very least before they could even fill a fraction of their order.

>it sounds to me like they don't want the price to go up seeing as how they're not done buying yet
They're buying DOLLAR amounts as per their customer's orders. Outside of causing massive price slippage, they don't really care what price level Bitcoin is at.

The simple fact is they're buying massive amounts, enough to nullify Grayscale's dumps twice over almost. Yet crypto is still tanking.
They're the good guys, crypto is the bad guys.

>> No.57382127

>they don't really care what price level Bitcoin is at.
as long as it's trending UP.

>> No.57382137

>Buddy, if Blackrock bought up all the liquidity on all exchanges like you said, Bitcoin would shoot to 100k+ at the very least before they could even fill a fraction of their order.
But I thought they were trying to pump the price?

>> No.57382160

Large hedge funds want shit to go up, but they don't want excessive price slippage.
You know, like how large investment companies been working the stock market for eons (the same stock market that is currently at ATH).

It's so cute that you're so completely and utterly unaware of what goes on outside of crypto. You're so hung up on the game theory frenzy of crypto that you can't even imagine a market dynamic where good news means up and bad news means down.

>> No.57382507

>stocks - backed by companies that actually have products or services
>crypto - ???

>> No.57382516

Man, you act like such a smug faggot

>> No.57382588

IBIT is literally 1.4B AUM
that's literally nothing to them, they net that in a quarter

>> No.57382622

>bought bitcoin
>lose 2k in 2 days
the real bull run will start when i finally sell

>> No.57382644

Blackrock is not trying to pump shit. They are naked shorting their own ETF.

>> No.57382651

BlackRock doesn't give a shit about BTC price, they only care about the sweet sweet trading fees

>> No.57382701

You fags aint shit I've been down 60k and anons here have lost hundreds of thousands

>> No.57382770

They just started off.
And even with the relatively small inflow from the new ETFs, it's still nearly twice the outflow from Grayscale that everyone has been yammering about.
Meaning the actual dumping is coming from within crypto itself.

Also the sun is a square and men are women

>> No.57382779

aren't you that retarded link faggot shill?

>> No.57382832
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>yet crypto keeps hammering down

Wonder why ...

>> No.57382856
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Inflows from the new ETFs dwarf the Grayscale outflows.

>> No.57382934

I agree, having observed this shitshow for years, I can comfortably say that cryptowhales are soulless vampires that make even wall street fund managers look like nice decent people. never, EVER trust a cryptowhale

>> No.57382936
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I can't help but think this cycle its tradfi markets that will go ballistic while crypto gets relentlessly dumped on to make an example of people trying to escape the system. If so my 20s and 30s will have been wasted chasing smoke and mirrors.

>> No.57382937
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People always purchased BTC. Just because it is easier to purchase it through these ETFs doesn't mean that more people magically want the asset. That's why the price is not going up. This X guy is foaming at the mouth over simple transactions, without considering that it does not translate to extra demand.

>> No.57382963
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We bet against human ingenuity.

>> No.57382976

Maybe, I'm holding for 1 last cycle and then exiting everything, ETF is bearish as fuck, just looking at what happened to silver all these decades.

>> No.57383005

Anon is right your logic is retarded. You might as well say Satoshi and USGov are pumping it too just because they hold

>> No.57383015

>pumping it too just because they hold
I didn't say they're pumping it just by holding.
Try again.

>> No.57383024

expecting them to market buy is retarded. they buy otc, at whatever price a seller is willing to give

>> No.57383258
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I'm holding it like a lottery ticket. I don't need a fucking new Toyota Camry. I need to get out of the rat race. I will sell it at retirement, even if that is 30 years from now.

>> No.57383506

This, it's a classic short ladder attack like GME.

>> No.57383539

You know you don't have to hold an asset to short it, right?
In fact, shorting assets you hold is a retarded thing to do.

>> No.57383701

>crypto is over
People have been saying this for years every single dump and it always goes back up

>> No.57383901

Seems what is happening is everyone is selling GBTC to move to the new ETFs with much lower fees (like almost 100x lower fees).

The ETFs, like BlackRock, are buying OTC from the miners, they probably don't want the price to pump too much and would prefer to buy at a stable price, than end up changing green candles.

So by buying OTC from miners, they manage to amass amounts like 20k BTC without affecting market prices.

Meanwhile, GBTC has no incentive to sell OTC to competitors, so Grayscale just market dumps.

>> No.57383931

>The ETFs, like BlackRock, are buying OTC from the miners

>GBTC has no incentive to sell OTC to competitors
They absolutely do, they still hold massive amounts of BTC.

>> No.57383948

You realize that tokenizing assets will pump the price right? Do you understand how any of this works on even the simplest level? Stick to porn and video games, retard

>> No.57383962

>You realize that tokenizing assets will pump the price right?
Yes. Which is why I called it hype news.

>> No.57384066
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Sell reddit sell