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57375988 No.57375988 [Reply] [Original]

fuck you, rentoids

>> No.57375991

Not living with your parents is financially a poor choice

>> No.57375997

You don't have sex and your parents regret your existence every day.

>> No.57376008

That's only ok if you're southern european where that's the norm
if you're northern european or north american consider killing yourself

>> No.57376020
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i wouldn't have sex even if i lived by myself

>> No.57376039

Based and stayhome pilled

>> No.57376075

My parents abused me. If you have the option to live at home and save up infinite money because your parents are based and family pilled and don't want to expose their kids to exploitative jewish slave labor then count yourself lucky.
I will be serving jews until I die because I rolled critical failure on parents

>> No.57376085

i have accumulated 27 bitcoins since 2017. I am 33 years old and i ilve with my dad. Fuck you, rentoids and mortagoids.

>> No.57376094

I'm sorry fren, I hope god gives you luck in life and I genuinely hope you make it

>> No.57376096


>> No.57376102

youre a disgrace to your parents

>> No.57376111

have you considered some parents like having their family around? lmao.

>> No.57376121
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my parents love me, you wouldn't ever know that feel

>> No.57376136

most anons here are from northern europe and north america, places where their parents hate them and want them out of their house by 18-21

>> No.57376149

Yeah, mum and dad gang is based

>> No.57376159

My mother abuses me, but I still live at home. I will put up with the abuse else I will be living in poverty in a HMO with pakis in which case I would just rope.

>> No.57376177
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Found out recently that the rest of the world doesn't find living at home weird

my cousins in ireland are well into their 20s and still live at home despite having comfy tech/finance/law jobs and it's totally normal

>> No.57376236

My parents don't mind me sticking around since I contribute to the household. People have survived this way for most of human history, families living together to ease the burden of trying to make it alone.

>> No.57376285

>My parents don't mind me sticking around since I contribute to the household
same + its just me and my dad in a huge house. I can have sex with my GF here whenever i wan.t he doesn't care. one time i was having sexo in the middle of the day with my gf upstairs wen my dad was mowing the lawn.

>> No.57376292

based incel

>> No.57377198
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I wish I could go back to my parents house and ignore the fact that my landlord is practically stealing from me, whoever said 20 was a person's best years is a fucking idiot, the only good thing in my life is just a TOGE bag

>> No.57377524

I have sex and my parents still regret my existence everyday

>> No.57377556

This is a really good pepe to use given the context of what you're saying.

>> No.57377563
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>> No.57377648

I never want my kids to move out it's a Jewish trick. My kids will never be slaves

>> No.57377741

ultrabased. bringing back generational homes / family homes would be great. why does my granfather live alone in an appartment? he could have just lived here if he build an appartment against this house. or if this house was bigger. why does my sister live somewhere else too and bring her kids to child daycare? she could have let grandpa watch the kids if she was around here. (she is divorced by the way)

>> No.57378064

>paying 1500 a month to have sex with American females

>> No.57378119

Living with your brothers and sisters into adulthood while raising nieces and nephews. That is Indian/African slum shit. You’re not “bring back” multigenerational housing, you are being cucked into accepting communal swarthoid slum culture. Disgusting. Imagine looking at a bunch of chinks that sleep in a bathroom and identifying that as “retvrn to da trad life”

>> No.57378278

Yeah you rather live with parents that are just waiting to kick you out at 18 so you can pay a rentjew and never get anywhere. the ultimate corperate slave.

>> No.57378289

Data mining.

>> No.57378301

why do american parents hate their children so much?

>> No.57378303

Good luck profiling me cause I always larp deluxe.

>> No.57378315

There’s a large difference between your parents throwing you out at 18 and living with 17 other adult children, grandparents, aunties, uncles, nieces, nephews until you’re 35 years old like a fucking African

>> No.57378372

No, you live with your parents until you get married and have kids and then you raise your own children in your own home instead of outsourcing child rearing to aunts, uncles, and grandparents like a fucking Puerto Rican because if you cannot do that you shouldn’t reproduce

>> No.57378409

> Thing that is not my culture === LE BAD
lmao loser.

>> No.57379713
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mega based frog posters. i fell for the move-out and rent in a city and have casual sex meme to the detriment and retardation of my soul's development. young anons, wait for marriage, make money, and find freedom in Christ not in a bar in a city run by multiple parentheses.

>> No.57379731

IM 25


>> No.57379901
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I'm 31 and live with my mom.

>> No.57380021

I live with my mom and my gf lives here with us and they get along. Cope and seethe

>> No.57380033

$woosh for generational wealth

>> No.57380097

>being able to save money and have human connections le bad
this is why brown people are replacing us
South Americans and Arabs share a house and all work hard so their family can acquire wealth, next generation they own family businesses and send their kids to fancy schools.
Meanwhile the whitegolems entire lineage is in debt and completely bankrupt.
The entire family lives a fake normal life all powered by credit cards and loans. The perfect goyim slave cattle.
For humans the family is the bedrock that you build your life on, a strong support system is needed to make it, family is the reason generational wealth and elites of the world exist. They shill you the independent consumer life while they go as far as inbreeding to build their families power.
Besides niggers, Whites probably have the most dysfunctional homes and family, in America its very common for family members to hate each other. The quintessential selfish boomer meme are the middle class WASPs

>> No.57380106

I just turned 30, got married last year, and my wife and I are moving into a new house with my mom in a week. My mom is retiring in March, will actually make more money in retirement than she was while working, and my wife is stay-at-home (we have our first kid on the way). We all will have a much bigger place with more land (we're in a townhouse now, mom is in a one-bedroom apartment) and will split the mortgage and bills so we'll all be paying less than we are now. My wife has someone to spend time with her when I'm working or doing shit on my own, and they are both excellent cooks. They get along great and have similar personalities. Take the live-with-your-parents pill as long as you have your life together.

>> No.57380135

that was a nice compliment friend

>> No.57380160

reject sex
disobey your organic programming

>> No.57380197

50% of American adults aged 28 and lower live with their parents or a parent. Our economy is so strong they cannot afford to live independently or to get married and have children. Last year immigrant birthrates surpassed American. Our Supreme Court just ruled that the feds can cut the razor wire Texas put out to stem invasion. This is only going to get worse. Our government hates us and wants us to die.

>> No.57380232

I have sex
ngl I kinda would rather live rent free for a few years

>> No.57380250


>> No.57380274
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I'm 31, my gf is 22. We both live with our mothers.





Simple as.

>> No.57380950

Based, it is actually far more dignified to live with your parents than it is to give money to a landlord. Doesn't matter what rentoids think. Just be a good person to your parents and you are doing right by god

>> No.57380954

t. rentoid

>> No.57381012

I lived on my own from 19-23. Shit was absolutely brutal only thing that helped was my marijuana addiction that I managed to beat. Yeah I got sex ever few months but the girls ranged from down right fat to one being 9/10 but none of them wanted to settle they just want a place to go fuck someone in privacy, oh and if you catch feelings and she doesn't yeah good luck with that. Then the jobs Jesus Christ they love to rape young men noting but low wages and meaningless backbreaking work, and this was 2010s you'd be lucky to get a job with it which was a Godsend. Eventually I started taking pills to cope with my misery and ended up getting in trouble with the law. After I paid of the cops, lawyer, and did whatever bs community service I was done. I'm now 26 and in college I managed to buy and pay off a new car, it's better then that peice of shit I had. All in all it's horrible what this country does to the young men absolute rape. Women have it way easier they get first picks in food industries and receptionist jobs or other office jobs which pays more. Really hope I get a my degree in business I have a long journey ahead of me all I know is it's definitely better then getting brutally raped everyday like in my early 20s. It's quite sad this younger generation just reaching adulthood are on strike and aren't going to do these jobs but that shitstain Biden is bringing in millions of illegals to destroy there work.

>> No.57381081


>> No.57381110
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Same, im 27 so i guess im in my late 20s.
Havi g a gf is difficult means i can only bring her around on occasion and fuck when its night, very standard.

But i am planning to build my own home soon, already working with architect on the houseplan

>> No.57381335

Asked my parents to move in a couple days ago and they told me to fuck off. They have a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood and they're retired. I'm 25. They said "we don't want to take care of our adult children" lol. I pay for everything myself at the moment, I literally just want to get rid of the fucking rent expense (the vast majority of my income because i refuse to live in squalor or with 3 other people who I dont know)
I am now unironically making plans to kill myself. Tying up any comittments and all that. I refuse to be a rent/wage slave for the rest of my life.
Soon it'll all be over. Gonna find somewhere with a nice view to put a bullet in my head within the next couple months. My last thoughts will be the best wishes for anyone in a similar situation.

>> No.57381343

do you see that you are wanting to kill yourself out of revenge for what your parents have said to you?

>> No.57381350

>what they said to you
You mean what they did to me? They also took my foreskin lol.
Half a second of courage stands between me and complete freedom from this prison planet.

>> No.57381351

same but I'm in my mid 30s

>> No.57381372

wouldn't you rather accept your parents are incapable of showing love to you and are at fault for any of their mistakes instead of taking your own life?

>> No.57381422


My wife and I have no savings and live paycheck to paycheck and pay almost 2k a month. And I literally have millionaire boomer relatives that take like 5 vacations every year. I know your pain man. I hope things get better before u end it.

>> No.57381438 [DELETED] 


Opps my reply was meant for you but ya good luck man.

>> No.57382365

I currently live with my parents because mom had another schizo episode and the more away from her I am the more depressed she is.

>> No.57382376

You can't put a price on freedom.

>> No.57382490

Based volcel

>> No.57382502

Based dad

>> No.57382505

same here my parents go to vegas about 10 times a year to blow all their money instead of paying for my college or helping me in any way
>t. working 65 hours a week to afford to live alone and going to school full time for engineering at 25
I just hope they dont squander all their money and die while I can still inherit something

>> No.57382523

>> broke rentoid
>> mortagoid
>> freedom
having to work every single day is freedom? lmao

>> No.57382992

Absolutely based.

>> No.57383189

Im 33 and moved back in with my parents, dont fall for the rentoid tral

>> No.57383236
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Same. I also play Blocklords and I've told my mom that playing vidya (Blocklords, Axie) will turn a profit one day as well as all my allowance going to LTC. She doesn't get it, the stupid bitch.
>t. 22.

>> No.57383532
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I live with my parents and I'm in my late 20's. I make $1.5k/week after tax.
I have $450k in crypto. I think about moving out but I can't justify renting because any money put towards rent would be better spent on accumulating more crypto. I don't have enough cash to buy a house. I feel fked up.

>> No.57383553

just keep working and every year go travel for a few months. inb4 expensive. its cheaper to rent everywhere than in america. like multipliers cheaper. appartment studio in the south of spain is 600 euros a month for example. but you can probably do 400 a month in south america or some carabean island easily. that's ALL IN electricity and gas and water.

>> No.57383599

Survive, and make this world better just by being in it.
The only way “””THEY””” win is by crushing your spirit.
The only way you win is by being successful, strong and truthful. Start a family.

>> No.57383610

Smart man

>> No.57383705

>just keep working and every year go travel for a few months
I do similar already but I feel societal pressure to move out. It just seems like such a stupid financial decision though. Everyone thinks I'm some bum now.

>> No.57383749

I have sex and my parents love me
I know this might be difficult for the American mind to comprehend

>> No.57384888

>Everyone thinks I'm some bum now.
you are surrounded by the wrong people. low life plebbes with 30 year mortgages or paycheck to paycheck rentoids. They will judge you because they are stuck, trapped and can't get out. but you are free. they don't like that. The past 3 years I worked about 6 months, rest of the time I was travelling. My GF doesn't care I live at my dads big mansion. she is not a retard. she is not a crab in the bucket mentality low lever pleb. My two best friends ( who also have bitcoins) also don't care that I live in my dads big mansion. You know who judges me for "staying at home"? Losers with 40 year mortgage slave life ahead of them or rentoids who can never take a holiday. KEK to that I say. I already have 17 bitcoins. and they... are broke!

>> No.57384902

if you don't have a partner to live with, or think about having children, its kinda pointless to move out sir. it only makes sense if you want to live alone with your GF and are going to make babies. else there's literally no reason for it.

>> Live alone bro!
>> slave and pay the rentjew!
>> to sleep all alone in a cuckshed appartment!

>> No.57386342

I have my own house and I'm in my mid 20's

fuck you, mommy's boy. Make sure to save up your good boy points

>> No.57386725

normal healthy families are like that.

>> No.57386739
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>> No.57386809

>muh penis in vagina! you don't put penis in vagina! you are no value!

why are normies like this? sex is not a big deal, but they tie it to their entire self worth, some even get as high body counts as possible because they think it makes them better. it's sad really being this influenced by a women's hole

>> No.57386999

>live with parents
>no sex
>move out
>pay half my salary in rent, utilities and food
>still no sex

don't fall for it anons

>> No.57388320

Kill yourself

>> No.57388514

I feel for the "move out to get pussy". I got no bitches at home, and I got no bitches at my own place. So I moved back home. If I'm gonna be an incel, I might as well save money to become a passportbro

>> No.57388805

I live in an apartment that my parents pay for and I'm in my mid 20's as well

>> No.57388861
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You aren’t inheriting shit. Way more likely they are gonna ask for your help when they burn through the home equity.

That all Boomers have, it their equity.

>> No.57388885

My fiancee is an immigrant she doesn’t give a fuck. I give my parents $50-$100 to go have fun while we sexy time.

>> No.57390569

>your worth is determined by women liking you

>> No.57390593

you have to understand that normies (including the reddit tourists here) are basically animals, the only thing that animals think about 24/7 is sex and reproduction, there's a reason half the of the threads here now are about sex, marriage and children when this is a fucking bitfuck board kek

>> No.57391239
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me too
i dont want to have sex and i love my parents
i am simply choosing
>saving money while i can and helping around the house
>moving out and paying rent just because retards will call me a loser if i dont

>> No.57391270

they better start helping me now while they are blowing through their money if thats the case lol