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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57360788 No.57360788 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57360838

Based katana

>> No.57361092

Missed a chance to slurp more because of my stupid postal office account

>> No.57362360
File: 395 KB, 1024x1024, B1435AB5-41ED-4AF4-A683-1B62510FB772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came here to say, you are doing well kenchads

>> No.57362407
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This will go to 10 cents when the exchange listing happens.

>> No.57362494
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>> No.57362496

It is in this moment that I am euphoric. Simply by the fact that my Kenis has irrefutably and unequivocally outgrown 99.99% of all Kenisses in existence.
There are no words to desribe this pure bliss.
Thank you, OG Kenis anon. You have changed my life.

>> No.57362504

What do you think you're doing?

>> No.57362527

flexing with the size of my kenis

>> No.57362623
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As long as bitcoin and etherium stay healthy kenis will get bigger and bigger we are to many loyal samurais already.

You sick corrupt phedos gnomes and goblins can ban all you want you just making yourself look stupid while you spam the board with indian scam.

Kenis kills janies and trannies

>> No.57362722
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I can't believe people fud this by saying shit like "pooya". Dude works on Unchained every day even though he has a day job. He already has business experience, made his own programming language and serializer. Also he's iranian so this poojeet shit doesn't stick

>> No.57362728

Janies, you had time to accumulate kenis, stop acting like retards and loosers plz

>> No.57363059
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>> No.57363078

indian scam

>> No.57363088

What about this indicates that it's
a. A scam
b. Indian

>> No.57363119

pajeet scam. cut your nails you filthy subhuman

>> No.57363132

Best answer as to why you missed out kek

>> No.57363395
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>> No.57363434

i could only understand every 5th word pooja said during his twitter space

>> No.57363482

Skill issue
>verification not required

>> No.57363505
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I could understand every word that he said on the other hand i have problems understanding vitalik, klaus schwab , biden , von der leyen in the category english.

>> No.57363552
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He can't speak proper english because he's too occupied with speaking code ser. It's a common theme in higher tier autism. You know in your heart that it is a based thing.

>> No.57363604


>> No.57363664

Alright fags, qrd on kns I'm browsing their website seems alright. What's the node staking thing? I just ran a node for another project and I'm looking for something

>> No.57363790
File: 54 KB, 720x769, IMG_20240121_192809_909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fag get on the kenis forum and read the node manual

>> No.57363837

wait, so he isn't Indian?

>> No.57364507
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There's a step by step tutorial on how to set up a node. In a nutshell users stake their KNS in order to put their nodes on the network. This proves that the node is legit. After the node validates for the network, it is rewarded in KNS tokens.

>> No.57364517

Any minimum required? I imagine the base apr is realistic?

>> No.57364671

Someone post the chart for holder rankings

>> No.57365332
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>> No.57366190

Yes there is a minimum amount of KNS needed for nodes, but that is to be decided still as the network is still on testnet. As we get closer to launch, that will be revealed. Same with the APR I'm pretty sure.

>> No.57366920

I think there is another one that is updated due to the price increasing since this one is less realistic to get to now.

>> No.57367133

I don't remember when this one was made but I think it was made around last month

>> No.57367755

kek we're recovering already

>> No.57368641

Looks like the CEX listing will come next month. That is going to make this fly

>> No.57368963
File: 159 KB, 720x1194, 3kns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons you have a little bit time left to load up on kenis.
It is the only real project on biz that has a smal mcap.
Dont buy if you dont believe me but do yourself a favor go on their telegram ask the dev whatever you want (swiss time).
Make your research and then if you want buy a bag.
Just look at the other smal cap projects they arent real and you will waste your time.
Like i said you dont need to buy a bag but just research and make your own opinion about this swiss company.

>> No.57369149

Based and true anon. You're more honest than most here. This project has been around for over 2 years already, so you know its not a scam.

>> No.57369171
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Ken Chad checking in

>> No.57369202

it is absolutely a p&d scam. always has been, always will be

>> No.57369273
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Do you have a lying sickness or something because its absurd.
You could look at any top coins and compare them.
And we almost got 10k transactions after the migration.
We also got 100k-200k daly volume thats realy good for such a small mcap.

>> No.57369346

you need to check your definition of “pump n dump” because there she as hell has been no dump to the beast that is KNS

>> No.57369389 [DELETED] 
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Im skitzo, i stack metals, i hate crypto. U gotta make your memes more skitzo frendo. I like how you are making meme stacker tiers. Memes make frens, frens make memes. I have my reasons for what i like and u yours but knowing you make memes makes me happy fren. Were probably all wagmi.

>> No.57369459

He's trolling you. Stop responding to any FUD with no real substance. For you sanity.

>> No.57369523
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Acid is here? Now I know it's a scam for sure kek.

>> No.57369551

I wanna buy now but I can't read the charts. Would it deep a bit lower? Is there a better entry coming to slurp this next 24h?

>> No.57369698

Possibly, I sold some of mine to gamble on shitcoins knowing I'm going to buy some tomorrow with a deposit that should be clearing soon

>> No.57369715

I had this crazy ideas of gambling some money that I should be using to pay my debt buying the last slurp. I was hoping for an X2 before February. But I don't know. My confidence in KNS is reviving the gambler in me. I feel like the mc in uncut gem movie.

>> No.57369733

I was looking into shit and got Trump Maga (The $1.91 one) and Minu (Mining Inu)
I just thought it was so stupid that I had so much in KNS when I can take out just a few hundred and then use my profits to get even more KNS
Its like swinging but it feels safer

>> No.57369762

What percentage are you taking out of your kns bag? Kns price may seem stable but you never know when an X2 will hit and never go below it ever again.

>> No.57369771

Not even 1% percent of my KNS bag
its just me testing the waters but if the coins do well I might go full degen only with the profits and buy back KNS afterwards

>> No.57369793

That's safe. Best of luck.

>> No.57370031

KNS pumped 5x in 1-2 weeks, suddenly, on quite a few occasions now. This happened unrelated to any announcements, wider crypto news, or macro cycle changes. When KNS wants to pump, it comes on like a virginal 16yo seeing a shaved minge for the very first time.

I’m sorry, but I won’t risk parking my bags in some shitcoin to miss another kenis pump.

>> No.57370478
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Look even if btc falls to 32k pre halvening kenis is still a good investment because everything is real and transparent you just have to research.
You dont even need to buy it you can earn the token for running a node( manual on kenis forum)

>> No.57370799

Based node runner has spoken

>> No.57371086

This might be big , might be the next coin that performs like link in early stages

>> No.57371969

Its the only non scam being shilled on biz right now. And what you said is also possible.

>> No.57372233

I just grew my Kenis by 2 inches. Are you doing your part?

>> No.57372581

Please elaborate more on getting tokens for running a node. What I understood is that during testnet phase only the top 20 or so will split rewards. For the rest, you need to stake once the mainet is running. Am I missing something?

>> No.57372709

>top 20 or so will split rewards
No? Everyone who participates in testnet will be given rewards. It's just that if your ranking is too low you're going to get like 1 KNS. You need KNS for mainnet because it gives your node more voting power

>> No.57372764

kek pooyah the street shitter is still here with his merry band of paid pajeets shills

>> No.57372864

Thank you. On Twitter, they said new zealy sprint will start soon.

>> No.57373434

>This will go to 10 cents when the exchange listing happens.
When will it actually happen? Is it just hopium?

>> No.57373483

He said we will aim for 13# ranked cex or lower where they have high requirements but no listing fees. He will move down the ranks till it works or they will have to pay listing fees. He never gave ETA. He doesn't want to be listed than removed for low vol.
This is what we value most about this project. Clear transparency. No pipe dreams are sold here.

>> No.57374111
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The Kenis pump works well

>> No.57374167

It was a hard decision but I've come to the conclusion that less than 1% of my KNS is work risking if I can get a random 2-10x off a shitcoin to make my bags bigger before it starts to takeoff again.

Growth becomes exponential over time and careful choices like the ones Pouya is making will make growth slow in the beginning but more stable later on during major dumps of bitcoin
It also helps to weed out moonboy whales (very early buyers who threw a few bucks in) who will sell too quickly and shit up the price
They don't deserve getting out with 7-8 figures they deserve a low 4 figure exit

>> No.57374574

It’s confirmed. Awaiting Swiss company registration first as the main CEXs require this. Maybe 1-3 months, who knows

>> No.57374583

That second reply is correct. These guys are like the tortoise in that kids fable "The tortoise and the hare". There was a lot of nothing happening with the chart minus one pump for the last 2 years, now things are finally coming together and people are starting to notice. KNS is a bluechip unicorn.

>> No.57374921

I don't think registration will take that long. It will probably be finished this month.

>> No.57375035

you know dev's a chad when he wants to register the company before having CEX
retards would never understand how bullish that is

>> No.57375079


>> No.57375865

To be fair, you are on /biz/ right now. This is a real mixed bag of either side of the bell curve with a hint of normies in here as well.

>> No.57375928

I haven't seen any midwit Kenis holders. Current investors are on both tails of the bellcurve. We're really early.

>> No.57376052

I find it funny that somehow the shitcoin that /biz/ shilled me is outperforming every other crypto in my portfolio. Very comfy to be in huge profit and partake in the memes.


>> No.57376415

Zealy sprint will start in a few hours. be ready anon

>> No.57376605


>> No.57377122
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I just translated your message and have no idea fren. I've never even heard of 5ch before.

>> No.57377306


>> No.57377512

bought more of this shit, i hope ill make it

>> No.57378027

my benis stays kenis

>> No.57378529
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You will. Just hold samurai. And enjoy the ride.
Underrated post.

>> No.57378601

Yes, the community are absolute chads. One guy is going to get a KNS tattoo when we cross $100m. Based

>> No.57378959

You might

>> No.57379226
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He's Iranian and they can be pretty high IQ

>> No.57379598

what's the make it stack?

>> No.57380439

1 Milly

>> No.57380455

Think of every KNS as a dollar. That what I do anyway. It would mean the mcap is at $1b. I think that's possible with this project. So whatever amount you think is your make it stack will be that amount of tokens if that makes sense anon

>> No.57381088

We're holding up nicely

>> No.57381247

Can I just get arb to swap for kns or do I need eth for this? I loaded on usdt and I want to buy more. What's the best way?

>> No.57381355
File: 68 KB, 720x1180, IMG_20240123_085835_701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Send |ETH| through |Arbitrum One| network from a |CEX| on your |Arbitrum One| wallet adress and go on uniswap change the network to Arbitrum One and buy Kenis.

2.(you need eth on etherium network)
Go on uniswap and use their arbitrum one bridge to bridge your eth from etherium network to arbitrum one network and buy Kenis.

Check kenis(real name forbidden on biz)
Contract adress on kenia homepage or ask on official telegram.

1. first way is best way
Already having ETH on arbitrum one is best way for 2.

>> No.57381384

Thanks anon. Much appreciated.

>> No.57382332


>> No.57382372


>> No.57382812

Jeet scam coin made by indian devs larping as swiss

>> No.57383088

Lowest tier FUD I have ever witnessed. Did you miss picking up at bag at $200k anon? Don’t worry, most of us are in from $1m to $20m mcap, The next 6-12 months will see immense gains. There is still time for you