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57370168 No.57370168 [Reply] [Original]

This is real by the way:
> [Music] I think memes are an interesting form of both creativity and communication and there are different philosophical views on the way that media uh specifically from someone called slavo xek uh defines a society and defines the collective ideas of a society and the collective Consciousness at that specific time and there is all kinds of analysis that um Zak and others do on how different movies in different points of time talk about how Society feels and what Society thinks examples are things like Star Wars its parallels with World War II and uh Jurassic Park and its parallels with other things that Society was thinking about at the time and various others and so I think that while movies are a longer form uh version of the content that society gravitates around and sort of endorses by their interest in it and by their willingness to watch it and by the way that the movie and the ideas of the movie or the underlying principles or philosophies of the movie speak to people um and then people endorse those things by watching the movie many times or paying to go to the movie theater or talking about the movie or saying it's their favorite movie on some Forum or something and so you can kind of say oh okay Society really is interested in these philosophical ideas because this movie gave it you know the Matrix gave people this set of ideas and then everyone couple of years later is talking about simulations and you know the Matrix actually comes out of out of work by by philosophers um not by people who make movies right so there's the philosophy then the movie kind of puts into the public consciousness and then it gets kind of recycled into some kind of uh clever sounding academic you know semi-academic thing we live in a simulation type of thing and then you know that idea kind of lives or dies on on its merits but I think that memes are a because they're also entertainment and

>> No.57370173

>and the point of this theory is that entertainment can tell you the values of society because it it engages what Society is interested in and so memes I view as a kind of a very creative they can be viewed as art because many of them are very creative and art uh for me basically is something that speaks to a person's unique personal experience and so uh if a meme speaks to a person's personal experience then that person can consider it art so I think there's a lot of creativity and can be they can be considered art to the degree that they speak to a person's personal experience and and make a connection for that person with whatever that Meme is connecting them to or reminding them of I don't think they're exactly political cartoons but I think they can be like an interesting gauge of what people are thinking at the time or what they're feeling at the time and and how those things look I think the ability to in a very small space to to generate something that speaks to a lot of people and gets their attention um can be viewed as as both uh both art and as a barometer of how people feel at the time and so it's um it's an interesting thing it's it's the short form version of of lots of these things of of things like movies or or certain types of art it's uh you know just like um written content has gotten shorter because people prefer to spend less time consuming content their attention spans have also gotten shorter uh memes are like the visual version of that uh and they're the version of of you know these things that people want to consume so I think it's a natural progression basically and

>> No.57370175

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57370178

>I think they can tell us a lot about Society I think some memes will be reviewed in in the future looking back to understand this was the kind of art or the idea or the or the image that uh defined a generation or defined um how people felt or what people believed in uh it won't be all memes you know there's a lot of crazy stuff out there but it's the same for all art and it's the same for all literature you know there aren't a lot of things that define anything really defining things are are few far between and and uh by definition kind of rare so I think memes are very interesting I don't make them.[Music]

>> No.57370181

when will this grifter get a real job

>> No.57370184

He is making bank off of baggies

>> No.57370185

he's such a fat midwit

>> No.57370187

>when will this grifter get a real job
you should see the replies on twitter anon, unreal.

>> No.57370192

post some i’m not making an account

>> No.57370211


>> No.57370847

>mfw you see a big mac getting made in your periphery

>> No.57370890

memes glow harder than epstein

>> No.57370898

The speaker believes that memes are a creative and communicative form of art that can reflect the collective ideas and consciousness of a society. They compare memes to movies in that they both can tell us a lot about society, though memes are shorter and more visually appealing. The speaker believes that some memes will be considered important cultural artifacts in the future, just like certain movies or books are today.

>> No.57371010
File: 140 KB, 1062x1281, 1702567523ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek baggies

>> No.57371057


>> No.57371069
File: 3 KB, 208x160, TIMESAND___Jbig62d0sagl27sn1if8x520sa1if6ff2t9dhTwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this race is cancelled

>> No.57371103
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, _d118a3de-24da-4ba2-8357-ae52bd5e7b81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57371312

Quite a surface level understanding. I'm not surprised though, I'm sure his mind is on other things.

>> No.57371346

>I'm sure his mind is on other things.
Like big macs and link dumps

>> No.57371372


>you can't

>> No.57371397

Linkies knew where they stood
With their leader bearded and plump
long arrears to make good
When Sergey began to dump

They were not easily moved
Awaiting a foretold pump
Til every count be proved
As Sergey continued to dump

Their sweaty hands were shaking
Praying "it's only a slump,
Just wait until we're staking"
Yet Sergey continued to dump

Their voices were timid and high
In every throat, a lump
But all they could do was cry
As Sergey continued to dump

Delusions weren't quickly bred
Not every holder was a chump
But through the dismal years ahead
And every LINK thread that gets a bump
Sergey will continue to dump

>> No.57371427

but someday he will run out of linkies to dump :)

>> No.57371433

His understanding touched on collective consciousness but didn't go beyond memetics as art and communication, when it penetrates the spiritual fabrics of reality itself. Sergey doesn't realise that we are in fact interacting with very real entities.
>you're a faggot

>> No.57371511

Yes, but let me disprove this very easily
>I make a meme
>I post the meme
>A brown person sees and interacts with the meme
At no point did I interact with a real entity.
Read some Hegel, nigga

>> No.57371533

Well obviously a hylic like you didn't.

>> No.57371666

Just saw a video on Twitter of brad garlinghouse talking shit about doge at WEF. This Sergey video is honestly a good thing. It’s not bullish though.

>> No.57372029
File: 451 KB, 1212x1530, twatter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol imagine unironically using twitter

>> No.57372142

look at their usernames, fucking bots all of them

>> No.57372153

What if Chainlink lab was just a meme factory and a social engineering company?
At least that would explain why they need 500 people.

>> No.57372176

Yes the bots are bad
The thing is, if someone you follow legitimately comments on a post then you see it on your feed
Imagine not using Twitter in 2024 in spite of its flaws

>> No.57372792

do you really need 500 HR people to manage bots though

>> No.57372843

delusional, arrogant cope. good thing you're bagholding this garbage and will be forever poor, as all midwits should be

>> No.57372879

what in the flying fuck is this
most bearish shit I've ever seen from him, fuck

>> No.57372905

you definitely need as many roasties as possible when building a harem though

>> No.57372956

>if someone you follow legitimately comments on a post then you see it on your feed
this is your brain on twitter

>> No.57373464

It's so bizarre, how can people fall for this seriously?
Seems like a parody.

>> No.57373930


>> No.57374081
File: 29 KB, 969x127, Screenshot 2024-01-22 123717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean he majored in philosophy so it makes sense he's interested in talking about this stuff.

>> No.57374196


>> No.57374226
File: 259 KB, 1199x1200, 1704530627235930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he'll be hiring roastie gurus next

>> No.57374843
