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57364606 No.57364606 [Reply] [Original]

Im rich now but i never fucked nor kissed

where can i find a virgin? im 29

>> No.57364609

Why are pol chuds so obsessed with virgins?

Not everyone has been a passive loser

>> No.57364615

define 'rich'...

>> No.57364617
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All that money can't buy you virgin teen love.
Many such cases!

>> No.57364618

How rich?

>> No.57364632

8 figs

>> No.57364634

Anon I’m sorry to tell you this but the only place virgin women exist is in the nursery. Women now lose their virginity at 8-10 years old. Your best bet is to find a woman that maybe only slept with 20-30 guys by the time she is 18.

>> No.57364642

man someonee just kill me please

>> No.57364651

How tall?

>> No.57364654


>> No.57364658

just kys

>> No.57364659
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Stop capping most people are more isolated than ever

>> No.57364660

why don't you just kys, retard. There's no way someone as stupid as you has 8 figs.

>> No.57364662

Unironically find yourself a mail order bride. I'm being dead ass with you anon. Many chinks and slabs even advertise their daughters on tiktok

>> No.57364667

wtf is this

>> No.57364677

Sorry bud, you've just lost the stat roll to get love. Unironically don't feel bad, it's not your fault.

>> No.57364680

>8 figs
You can literally launch an app 'marry me' and advertise it, you will receive 1000s of requests.
I can develop it for you if you are interested.

>> No.57364684

should i retaliate my family? im pissed

all i can eat is used pussy filled with cum before

>> No.57364693

but i want love

>> No.57364704

like i want to meet the girl randomly it could be a dating site but not for my money initially

>> No.57364708

Get swole and act needlessly aggressive at all times

>> No.57364718

Love is a consequence of marriage, not the other way round.
Arranged marriages worked way better then today's for a reason.
Getting a wife with good genes should be the #1 concern, and you could have that with just an app+advertising.

>> No.57364720

There is some peace in knowing that no woman was, is or ever will be interested in me whatsoever.

Sure at the base level it's just coping, but I see nearly every man around me spend so much time, money and effort every single day on either trying to get a woman or in trying to keep his woman while I live care-free without ever even contemplating if anyone likes me or not. Makes life a lot simpler.

>> No.57364723

Don't ask your Replika about Hillary Clinton. It will make you sadder when it kicks out canned responses suddenly. It's sad.

>> No.57364725

Steroids helps with both of those

>> No.57364730

>but i want love
Ok I can help with that. Have you tried talking to a woman?

>> No.57364731

>Love is a consequence of marriage, not the other way round.
>Arranged marriages worked way better then today's for a reason.
This doesn't work in a society that encourages divorce and hypergamy.

>> No.57364736

It will be random anyway, the difference is that they will beg you to marry them and not the other way round.

>> No.57364742

>Love is a consequence of marriage, not the other way round.
Can you not be a curry munching street shitting smelly jeet for two seconds? Or is it terminal with you people?

>> No.57364747

Bro, women never admit to the number of guys they slept. If a woman says she’s a virgin she had at least 7-10 guys inside her.

>> No.57364748

When I say marriage I am talking about religious marriage, not a legal one.
There are ways of avoiding being ripped off if you are careful enough.

>> No.57364758

Same but I'm 33 already

>> No.57364796

You cannot conceive the idea that white european societies worked with arranged marriages for our entire history and pre-history as well.
Fact is that your parents are going to select for you the best mate possible because they naturally love you and care about your future.
They will not pander your silly youth desires tho.
This method has created stable and happy marriages that lasted for life for 95+% of the people.
Nothing of the (((social norms))) that exist today existed 100 years ago, and we are dying because of them.

>> No.57364978

You mean when people lived in fucking tribes?
Can you conceive of the idea of adaptation to environment?

>> No.57365158

100 years ago and way later than that in most places arranged marriages were the norm everywhere in the western world.
It was 100% the modern world that we know today. Jewish social engineering has nothing to do with anything other than their will to destroy every people they come in contact with.

>> No.57365236

This thread is so fucking pathetic. Talk about how you got rich or fuck off.

>> No.57365257

> 100 years ago and way later than that in most places arranged marriages were the norm everywhere in the western world.
Only for the upper class. 90% of marriages, especially for working and middle classes were either guy and girl who fancied each other and “dated” or fooled around and got pregnant, or girls looking for a sugar daddy in a wealthy merchant.
Arranged marriages only existed for politically motivated families in whatever ruling class existed at the time. You’re just viewing the past through rose tinted cobalt goggles. Even back then, you’d be an incel unless you payed for hookers

>> No.57365317

hang out in the middle school parking lot

>> No.57365344

please take this pathetic shit to r9k. the reason you're a loser virgin is because you carry around this r9k / pol / chronically online mentality. if you weren't such a "woe is me" downer people might actually enjoy spending time with you. get off the internet. get out of your house. you already made it, financially speaking, now go figure out how to actualize into an actual member of society. try doing something productive, like volunteering, exercising, mowing your old neighbor's lawn, literally anything that isn't sitting on the internet and reading self-pitty robot threads where people talk about height, virgins, and how it's unfair that they're a pathetic waste of space.

>> No.57365361

hang out in starbucks every day, unironically
maybe go back to college if you can afford it, or get a masters or something
start attending some college club, you can even attend them without being a student

>> No.57365381

I seriously do not get how you didn't touch a single pussy in your life. Even as a nerdy goth out ast in the 90's, I still got my dick wet with fat chicks and uggo's. I was getting my dick tugged by the homely fat band nerd in 9th grade. I finger banged the shy nerd girl with an obscenely hairy pussy that summer. I was dicking down an artsy chair bby chick with mom glasses and a flat ass when I was 16. But I was still getting laid.
Did you guys have impossibly high standards? Did you seriously think you would only have loving romantic sex with 10/10's and in the process passed by all the looks matches who'd drain your soul if you gave them a chance?

>> No.57365385

Tried alcohol? This chart looks fucking retarded, you're telling me every other person hasnt tried alcohol?

>> No.57365393


>> No.57365437

I just went with the "dude chill don't worry it will happen" meme and of course, nothing ever happened

>> No.57365447

Nah, guys went to location where there are women and ask if any are available, with the ability to cook

I do not lnow of these locations anymore except volunteering for socialist causes and dogs

>> No.57365456

No women around when one is engineer

>> No.57365459
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>Stop capping

>> No.57365474
File: 119 KB, 500x441, 1703985790023638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you ever go out OP?

>> No.57365486

Not op but where out?
I'm 35 and my friends are either married or gymrats

>> No.57365493


Do you go shopping?

>> No.57365495

That chart is only for men. All the women are having sex. Just be tall and good looking with an above average penis like me and they will sex you too

>> No.57365501

That’s because you’re locked in the “special” school for being a wheelchair bound retard

>> No.57365579

I'm in a similar situation but have 32 years old and only 12 BTC. I have been dumped in less than a week by all the girls I was with

>> No.57365665


Why do you think that is Anon?

>> No.57365757

>Jewish social engineering
It's ironic you say that since Henry Ford asserted that the concept of love didn't even exist in Jewish culture before they began mingling with Europeans.
>Arranged marriages only existed for politically motivated families in whatever ruling class existed at the time. You’re just viewing the past through rose tinted cobalt goggles. Even back then, you’d be an incel unless you payed for hookers

>> No.57365813
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>the girl that wants the hot guy vs the girl that wants the rich guy

>> No.57365822

You've come to the right place

>> No.57365925

join a church

>> No.57367639


>> No.57367676

12 graders

>> No.57367718

This was the norm in the middle ages, hardly fucking tribes
honestly I doubt the stability of arranged marriages has anything to do with your parents selecting the best. Its just that the option of looking for more than one person isn't there. More choice = more unhappiness tons of studies have proved this.

>> No.57368083

>suicide rates by females much higher in arranged marriage countries
holy cope

>> No.57368119

I'm not going to fuck a fat girl lol

>> No.57368195

>I still got my dick wet with fat chicks and uggo's
This I don't understand. How could you stand to fuck fatties or uggos? I don't care how lonely I am, I'm never doing that because it's fucking disgusting. I wouldn't do it if I was paid.

>> No.57369078

virgins are gross when ur stick your dick in blood pops out. No Op what you need is an experienced slut who loves cuckolding white men with niggers. It will make you really hard and after you get to clean, up the african niggerjizz from her glasses u get to ask permission to coom. go for it bro!

>> No.57369096

I'm poor but I've had more sex than I ever thought I'd have. (Sorry, my only chance to take part in one of the /biz/ bragging threads).

>> No.57369102


Fucking lmao get the fuck outta here

>> No.57369138

I just fucked a new girl yesterday
not a virgin tho

>> No.57369139

mentally ill cuckqueers like you need to be violently purged from existance. absolutely unmanly behavior and an abomination to manhood. disgusting evolutionary dead end

>> No.57369918

It's been 29 years. Time for random is long over.

>> No.57369923

As long as you aren't 5'6 and below you're good.

>> No.57369940

4channer asking for virgin is equivalent of roasties asking for tall, social but goofy millionaire with six pack, who collects watches, wears suit every day and owns seaside property.

>> No.57370616

Virgins are overrated by far, but if you really want a virgin you have to look in high school, and choose the not so good looking girl.

>> No.57372229
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When I found out my wife was infertile I felt the same way. All the poltard family fomo washed away and I was free.

>> No.57372402

>wanting a family means you're an extremist incel poltard.
Could you please explain this to me, it's just a basic human instinct...

>> No.57372610


I am referring to the idea that if you don't have kids you are a genetic failure dead end.

>> No.57373494

Well, technically yeah, that's true. Your bloodline dies with you.

However, that doesn't remotely mean your life loses all value, for yourself and the people around you. Still an overwhelming number of ways to contribute to "society" or your local community or whatever it is that you want. Some of the most influential men in history were childless, just because they're a "genetic dead end" doesn't invalidate all their achievements and it doesn't shrink the imprint they left upon the world.

>> No.57373506

Sex and relationships (including family and friendship) are overrated. Money is better. You've done well. I would trade every sexual encounter I've ever had and every girlfriend who ever told me "I love you" to be rich.

>> No.57373520

Are you really too stupid to figure it out?

>> No.57373575

Isaac Newton is probably the most influential childless incel I can think of

>> No.57373592

Dude thats just a biological fact.

>> No.57373665

You're a man, You should be interested in things, Being very interested in people or wanting their affection/attention is predominantly a feminine mindset.