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File: 703 KB, 1170x1894, IMG_9124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57364093 No.57364093 [Reply] [Original]

You can still have this lifestyle today even, look at how dogshit that house is.

>> No.57364108


>> No.57364109

>You can still have this lifestyle today
Not really. That neighborhood is overrun by niggers in the current year

>> No.57364116

all the factories moved to Mexico and they printed more money. Pretty clear what happened

>> No.57364134

It’s about the demographics retard

>> No.57364135

But i can't even afford that size a home and im a doctor and my wife works too.

>> No.57364148

women entered the work force instead of staying at home caring for their children

because feminism

>> No.57364169

Nonsense. There tons of low paying dogshit manufacturing jobs ($18/hr) in places like Nebraska/Iowa/Kansas that have no blacks and have little 900 square foot dumps you can buy for 100k like the one in the picture. There’s white women there too.

No, you can’t work as a general laborer in LA and buy a house like this.

>> No.57364591

Nobody wants to fuck white women in 2024.
Dead end prostitute lineage.

>> No.57364685

>why didn’t the rest of the world let America remain lightyears ahead of them forever

>> No.57364833

Rise of Asia. 1965 immigration act. Big society. Vietnam. Abandoned gold standard. Petrol crisis. Opening of the Chinese market. Mass migration.

>> No.57364856

Women entered the workforce because families could no longer survive on one income. The feminist idea of work being "liberating" is simply a rationalization of this.

>> No.57364897

>you can still have this today
What entry level job is paying $58/hr? I'll go there right fucking now

>> No.57365171
File: 86 KB, 1080x958, Screenshot_20240121-155229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average Ford factory worker earned $106.68 a week in 1955. That'd be over $60k/yr today.
You literally cannot afford a home for a family on $60-$70k a year unless it's middle of nowhere Alabama and even then it would be incredibly hard.

>> No.57365189

The irony of a woman asking what happened. Doubling the work force is one of the things that happened.

>> No.57365220

Read thee fucking OP. That house is tiny. That house wouldn't cost you $100k in any arbitrary suburb.

>> No.57365251


>> No.57365266

This. I see jobs paying 50k a year have 1474 applicants on gay job websites. People can't afford shit, and prices are still going up.

>> No.57365273

Do you live under a rock?

>> No.57365278

Houses like that in Wayne County's suburbs (the county where Detroit is) literally go for like 275k.

>> No.57365283

Have you been in a fucking coma since 2019?

>> No.57365331

I ducking hate this clown world.

>> No.57365335

ive been saying this forever, people my age (20's) always say
>you used to be able to afford a house on 1 income in this country
yes and you still can. People back then lived in these small ass 2 bed houses, took incredible care of them because they had pride and the ability to, and they lived frugally and saved the fuck out of their money because financial discipline was ingrained into them hard as fuck by their great depression surviving parents.

The only problem is most of these neighborhoods with these 40-50k houses are now in gunshotville and your neighbors will almost certainly be selling crack

>> No.57365357

>no blacks
only if you live in a rural town. Any city with anything going on has the WORST black people in it. The only upside is we have the good mexicans. Their kids kinda suck but their families are honest, hard working and good. There is a ton of niggotry in kansas especially topeka / ks city / wichita. The smaller towns surrounding them may as well be compton but white trash meth heads

>> No.57365400

Spics are animals. Any area inhabited by them degrades insanely quick. Trash everywhere, drugs everywhere, crime everywhere. They are also not honest and hard working. They cheat the welfare system and gobble up any benefits they can get their claws on. Do not financially invest in any area with spics.

>> No.57365403

Average home size in 1950 was 983 sq ft per Google. Not that housing prices haven't outpaced inflation and wages, but young people's expectations for their starter home certainly aren't as modest as their boomer parents'. Modern buyers also expect more premium amenities like granite counters that I doubt most cookie-cutter, post-WW2 homes had.

>> No.57365412
File: 1005 KB, 747x809, Detroit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked you retarded doomer children

>> No.57365427

Lmao if you think this is the same environment and quality as op's pic, you're absolutely retarded.

>> No.57365446

What's a matter chuddie can't spare another 50k to live within distance of negro gangs?

>just live in the ghetto, bro

>> No.57365452

My uncle lives in Leafland. He got his job as a mailman out of the newspaper. His interview consisted of an old white guy asking him the location of all three Catholic Churches in the city he lived in. The pay? 4x the minimum wage at the time. The equivalent job would have to pay nearly $50/hr. This was with just a high school diploma.

>> No.57365468


Just keep making shit up and moving goal posts to try to prove your retarded stance. Die in a fucking fire. I can do this all day.

>> No.57365475

>Starter home
This concept basically doesn’t exist anymore with how high house prices have risen. You’ll be lucky to get a home, period. And if you do you’ll probably stay in it for life.

>> No.57365491

>Changes the criteria
>Says he's really ght

>> No.57365502


It absolutely exists. It may mean buying a condo, townhome, or something other than a traditional SFU if you're in an urban area. But this is still something you can "own" and use to build equity. Then in 5-10 years after its gone up in value 50%, you sell it and use the equity built to help you buy something nicer. Presumably your income has also gone up some by then as well.

>> No.57365508
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lmao. I'm looking for a house right now. I live in the back end of northern UK. Middle of nowhere and these are the options.

It's also a push as i earn £30k a year as a doctor and my wife earns £35k. We can save about 1k a month.

>> No.57365523

It's ALL detroit you fucking retard, that's the reason it's cheap.

>> No.57365536

>£30k a year
>as a doctor
I...what? I knew things were bleak in old Ingerlund but damn...

>> No.57365561

Yep we get paid absolute shite for insane hours and stress alongside having the cunts at the GMC looking to delete your career at any chance they get.

I plan on getting out of it frankly.

>> No.57365576

I'm comparing the house in the OP with those like it in Detroit (as in the OP). What is so hard to understand? Don't get upset because you have zero proof to hold your doomer narrative together. Again I can do this all day,

>> No.57365588
File: 65 KB, 729x594, Fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking retarded. Women entering the workforce doubled the labor supply, driving wages down and thus making two incomes required for the future. Actual brainlet

>> No.57365607

Seems obviously stupid to compare detroit 1950 homes to modern detroit given it's internationally famed for the degeneration in that exact period.

Separate to that I'm showing that even in the cheapest part of the back end of my country you're looking at £200k minimum for a shitbox. I didn't even put any work into selecting any in particular, that's just one i drove by today when scouting.

>> No.57365639

Nah, you're getting the cause and effect wrong. The 70's inflation was caused by A: the oil crisis and B: the loss of the gold standard, which itself was caused by overspending in the 60s (Vietnam, moonlanding, welfare expansion). Women didin't just suddenly join the workforce en masse for shits and giggles. The increase in productivity was needed to offset the loss of puchasing power.

>> No.57365726

I was simply arguing against >>57365171 when a bunch of fucking dip shits started screeching at me about irrelevant shit. I've now disproved that poster and anything else is again irrelevant. My bad if you were caught int he crossfire. It's very possible that my proof here doesn't apply to your country.

>> No.57365785

>£30k a year as a doctor
bullshit. unless its a doctor of philosophy

>> No.57365821

lol I wish. Starting salary is £26k here. Im upbanded to 30k.

>> No.57365867

Jews made it illegal for companies to give percentage of profits for their employers, that the primary concern is to the share holders. This pissed Henry Ford off and is why he wrote the book “the international Jew”

>> No.57365883


Meant to say employees

>> No.57367190

But workers are often compensated with shares as bonuses

>> No.57367229
File: 173 KB, 800x570, 1324445-custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a shitty house. Even my great grandmother who moved to california after her husband died was able to afford a 2.5k square foot house on one income working at a department store. These are like 1.5-2 million dollar homes now too

>> No.57367249

>£30k a year as a doctor
just leave for the US dude. That's what a doctor makes a month here. Even if you account for that being in pounds. My dad makes like 3 times that just off his pension and social security as a retired construction worker. Your county is a joke

>> No.57367266
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>da jooz

>> No.57367318

I live in that exact pattern house near detroit and they sell for about 210-240k if in a decent neighborhood
they are well built and low maintenance

>> No.57367420

That house would cost $460k in my area and I'm "rural"

>> No.57367487
File: 86 KB, 1080x834, Screenshot_20240122-081859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low skilled immigrants to prop up gdp numbers in a post industrial economy, forced women into the workforce, purposely offshoring manufacturing by think tanks and over regulation of the market.

>> No.57367530

Are you leaving shit out dude?
Like, are you a veterinarian or something? Are you guessing your income by deducting something?

>> No.57367554

I'm a medical doctor and no, nothing is deducted. That's my pre-tax income for working on average 46 hours a week. Americans complain and have no clue how much easier they have it than the rest of the planet.

>> No.57367562

Post your area
>inb4 some cherry picked neighborhood in Massachusetts

>> No.57367567

Yeah i'm planning on leaving. The USMLE exam is notoriously hard but the way i see it even if I take two years out entirely just to practice for it i'd earn it back in a year.

So as soon as I can afford to take time out (lmao) I will try that.

>> No.57367574

First off, I love being American and it's the greatest country on Earth. Only Europoors like yourself seethe and insist America is a shithole.
Any American who pretends they'd rather live in Europe can fuck right off, if they really thought that they'd move

>> No.57367595

you're a junior doctor correct?

that's on par with being a resident. i was making between 50-60k in residency.

and the USMLE is a hard exam but yeah its what EVERY doctor in the US has to pass to even get the chance to train in a residency. all 3 parts pal.

>> No.57367597

I don't insist the US is shit, the absolute opposite. What annoys me is americans complaining when their country is beginner mode in basically every measure. Your wages are insane on a global comparison, your house prices dirt cheap per square foot, your tax decent, your healthcare system good. Even US girls are down to earth, attractive and pleasant compared to euro girls.

>> No.57367609
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>> No.57367612

I rather have a small house if it meant my country wasn't being overtaken by brown drugdealers and negros

>> No.57367619

>general laborer in LA and buy a house like this.
Are you trolling? Nobody wants to live in the shithole that is CA

>> No.57367710

You can if you live in a small house on a small property like that.

>> No.57367738
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>What happened
Jews happened

>> No.57367764
File: 587 KB, 829x897, i696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Happened?
The 1967 negro uprising. South of the line is basically uninhabitable. Whites moved north and built the giant freeway. They feared for their lives and in doing so removed a large amount of the local housing supply from the market. Also offshoring, rampant corruption, and the federal reserve inflating the currency like a balloon. So democrats... democrats happened.

>> No.57367778

I wish you the best of luck dude

>> No.57367791

post some then.
$18/hr is not livable imo but the wages have to be that or higher.
Less than 10% black cities or towns
No experience/degree required.

I found some but they seem few and far between, the biggest problem is the high % of blacks in the industrial cities. I can't believe some of this shit, $9-$13/hr for manual labor just lmao I guess these jobs are for migrants.

>> No.57367816

apparently you dont understand detroit is niggerville. Theres a reason why its cheap, no one wants live around niggers

>> No.57367837

Check >>57367764 you fucking moron, it will answer your question

>> No.57367880

That same exact story played out in every government, company, industry, and location in North America. Those were the easy times made possible by strong men. We live in the hard times made by those weak men

>> No.57367892

See >>57365726
This board became so retarded after the GME exodus, it's unbearable.

>> No.57367909

And im telling you that you are fucking retarded. The lifestyle in OP's picture does not exist in fucking detroit. what part of this do you not understand? simply owning a physical house for a set amount of money is irrelevant if you walk down the street and get mugged.

>> No.57367923

Central Victoria, Australia

>> No.57367939

Fucking hell, I make $120k as an ICU RN in the Midwest

>> No.57367949

Since you can't read, I'll break it the fuck down for you.

>You literally cannot afford a home for a family on $60-$70k a year unless it's middle of nowhere Alabama and even then it would be incredibly hard.
>Yes you can. Read the OP. That house is tiny

See how your argument is irrelevant? Please for the love of God go back

>> No.57367970

Anon do you have any idea what it's like to live around a bunch of fucking niggers? I'd rather die.

>> No.57367976

And you proved him wrong by posting houses in detroit niggerville, where no one with an actual brain would raise a family? absolute brainlet how the fuck do you not understand me?

>> No.57368113

Seriously how don't you get it. Being mugged is not part of this conversation. It has no bearing on the argument me and the other guy were having. No matter how many times you scream that you don't like getting mugged doesn't make it relevant to the conversation. Shut the fuck up.
I guess you haven't aged to the point where you learn to make logical objective points to prove your stance correct. See when you rely on subjective shit like this, anyone can literally say anything to "prove themselves correct" (in their minds). I could now just arbitrarily say
>oh no, I love Detroit, and would choose nowhere else to raise my family.
It leads nowhere.
I very logically and directly disproved his point that the average Ford worker could afford a family home outside of middle of nowhere Alabama. And just because you want to win this argument so badly you start pointing at Detroit like it disqualifies my point because of how you 'feel' about Detroit. Fine, I'll pick another area and make the same point.
But it won't matter, because you'll just point at every place I choose and say
You can always and will always classify a location as one or the other. And that's why conversation with you retards never goes anywhere.

>> No.57368121

people used to go out and do stuff

>> No.57368137

But anon, all of those places ARE literally middle of nowhere, with shitty economies and shitty communities.

>> No.57368142

are there lots of blacks in Virginia?

>> No.57368155

northern virginia is full of cucks and minorities. West virginia is like 90%white but its all poor people, if your fine with that

>> No.57368182

Thank you for proving my point

>> No.57368216

Forget the house you fucking autist, it's not just the house he had. He had the means to put in an honest days work, and come home to a wife and kids he could support, could afford the cars he built. There are a hundred Detroits. Flint, Gary, Dayton, Toledo. The only livable places are the suburbs or nice parts of central cities but both of those options are inflated to the point where the average joe can't make it happen. That's the point, that the average joe can't make it happen like they could back in the 50's.

>> No.57368225

the rural homes you linked are the closest thing we have now, i fully agree. i actually know Austin, MN quite well and i can confirm there's nothing in particular wrong with it.
none of those are particularly horrible and those towns most likely have the same kinds of blue-collar jobs where one could work and afford the mortgage.
in the cities though, the other anons you're bickering with have a point. those houses simply aren't being built anymore.
broadly speaking, the small / affordable homes in the middle of large cities, like the one in the pic, are now in drug- and crime-infested neighborhoods with 50 years of deferred maintenance. that much is true, and the last part is true even for the ones you linked.
it's a sad reality, anon. all you'd have to say to make your point, though, is that we can't turn back the clock in large cities in america. you have to go to smaller towns now to find something similar.

>> No.57368236

frontrunning what you know people will say in response does not make that response itself invalid.
i even largely agree with your central point that such houses can be found, just not in the same types of cities.

>> No.57368246

Jesus fucking Christ read the conversation before jumping in. See >>57367949 or >>57365726
I'm fucking out of here. This board is so God damn retarded. People used to complain about reading comprehension a decade ago just as a default retort, but it is a genuine problem now. Discourse here is completely hopeless.

>> No.57368257

I pointed out why that response was invalid in the frontrunning. And the responder did nothing to prove its validity. They just literally said replied with what I explained as a problematic and baseless response.

I appreciate your posts though. I am actually leaving this thread now. Not sure what happened to this place.

>> No.57368265

I don't understand how blacks can have such large home ownership despite never holding a job or being productive at all

>> No.57368275

fuck you!

>> No.57368329
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If you have a remote job you can make places like that work. I remember reading some article during the peak of covid about how a lot of west coast yuppies with remote jobs were moving to this one town in Montana because it was cheap, ruining the local culture in the process. So just do that, but pick out a place that works for you.

>> No.57368352

>That house wouldn't cost you $100k in any arbitrary suburb
Empty land intended for building a family home starts at $150K in the suburb where I live.

>> No.57368368

Government subsidised.

>> No.57368370

So that includes 80-90% of detroit metro area apparently

>> No.57368408

You could probably buy one of these and it'd 10x in 30 years when all of Detroit gets gentrified to shit, just in time for retirement. Also, wtf is going on in the upper right, looks like they're selling rooms at a Motel 6 or something

>> No.57368504

You need to pray some BLM protesters don't set it on fire in their annual chimpout session. Not worth the trouble imo better invested in index funds

>> No.57368538

>Even US girls are down to earth, attractive and pleasant compared to euro girls.
You’re deluded here. Your 4/10 in the uk is probably considered an 8 in the US and acts like one.

>> No.57368584

The actual house doesn't need to last that long, the land value is what's important here. As I said in my other comment, in my area the land for a house alone goes for $150K without anything on it, so if you're buying it as an investment and not something to move into then it doesn't matter if it gets rekt by the time you decide to sell so long as you wait long enough.

>Your 4/10 in the uk is probably considered an 8 in the US and acts like one
This isn't a UK example, but lately I'm seeing a lot of asian FOB's in my area on Hinge who are all borderline obese. I'm starting to think that some young women who are too fat for the men in their home countries are coming here thinking they'll find a chubby chaser here who will put up with their shit given America's culture.

>> No.57368639

Let's put it this way. I know more than one absolutely hopeless guy from here, completely rejected by all girls into their twenties, who have gone to the US and gotten girls that would laugh for days at the approach if they were from the UK. One was 5'9 and probably would have killed himself but ended up marrying a 9/10 american girl.

They made the mistake of relocating here and she was bullied hard by girls (including a bit by my wife) basically because it somewhat offended them that she was going out with him and was just outright nice and had interests that weren't love island and coke. Conversely I've never known a US guy come here and have any luck, probably in part because they would have zero reason to even want a girl from here who have pretty foul arrogance issues.

That said we're still not as bad as France but we have one of the worst situations on the globe women wise. I'm a doctor, i'm 6'2, have lifted and done gear cycles plenty so i'm pretty built, drive a range rover etc etc and 80% of girls here would still sneer if i approached.

>> No.57368659

In fact so many examples of guys I know came to mind that I realized there's basically a rule. If a guy from here travels at all or has family in a different country and therefore some sort of exposure to it, he will never have a UK girl. You'll easily get someone much hotter with less arrogance in any other place.

>> No.57368715

The only way this lifestyle would be possible today would be by
>Depopulating earth to < 500,000,000 people (of course, I should be kept alive)
>Making it illegal for women to work

>> No.57368924

Are you larping? I’m in my 30s and visibly balding and have had decent looking girls approach me or hold eye contact and smiled back the few times I was in London. I sometimes mess around on dating apps there too and get quite a few matches with girls in their 20s who seem down to date. I’ve never moved on it because I’m usually busy with other shit when I’m there. Meanwhile I’m basically an incel in the us

>> No.57368967
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 8a75619e-0db2-5edb-02c9-8a718f899ef4-1592590834146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like old, smaller houses. Especially if they have charm and are walking distance to stuff you need (e.g. gym, grocery store, etc).

Houses like pic rel in my inner ring suburb of chicago close to the metra station/"downtown" are like 250k-300k in decent shape, not a terrible deal

>> No.57368969

No, not larping. It's not remotely an uncommon view, across europe US girls are known to be friendlier and more down to earth with them regularly dating down lookswise.

Just having eye contact with someone on the street isn't really material in any way. By all means go for it if you want to try over here and I hope your experience is a great one, but it's still good to have some knowledge that it's likely to be a demoralizing experience.

I knew an irish female friend a while back who started a relationship with an american lad she met at a wedding in the US. She seemed excited about him but I was there when she first showed photos and talked about him to us all and he was short, a vegan and pathologically a hat wearer. She had a small lash out about how none of the guys the girls had were her type but within a month was being banged by one of those guys and had basically ghosted the american guy. The standards are just different here and more deranged, i'm not sure i'd go looking to get involved in them..

>> No.57368971
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x1325, Classic Chicago Bungalows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops wrong pic lol

>> No.57368993

Maybe in the 80s and beyond.
But that was a direct result of too many women opting to work in earlier decades, just because they preferred to or some retarded take. In my family all the women who worked in the 50s were horrible cheaters so working was probably their way to meet other men or leave their man if he divorced them.

>> No.57369027

One counter argument to that is that women working, directly created jobs to supplement their increased consumption. Women make like 80% of consumer purchases or something crazy. So that’s jobs created stocking shelves in stores, logistics, twice as many drivers so twice as many jobs in car insurance, you need more lawyers for more divorces as well, also daycare jobs.

>> No.57369039

A lot of those applicants are probably from India hoping for an H1B.

>> No.57369056

May god have mercy on your patients

>> No.57369059
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, D45A5CA1-3AE7-4C59-A530-6ACB72A997F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houses are for louses . Spouses espouse this

I wanna live in a bunker or blast myself out a cool mancave inside a mountain

>> No.57369065

People who bought at 2% mortgages are the ones saying they’ll stay in their houses forever. For now someone with a professional degree can still buy something decent but not really ideal in their early 30s, then probably move up by their 40s to their final home, after getting raises and career progression assuming they do that.

>> No.57369067

>manlet balding vegan got dumped
Great example genius. But I guess exactly what I’d expect from le 6’2” fit married doctor posting on 4chinz at 4am uk time

>> No.57369073

Wow what the FUCK XDD
Fucking slaves!

>> No.57369101

Before the internet people didn’t really know how pretty California was unless they actually visited. Internet ruined a lot of nice things.

>> No.57369115

>There tons of low paying dogshit manufacturing jobs ($18/hr) in places like Nebraska/Iowa/Kansas
No there isn't.

>> No.57369120

I live in Nebraska and fucking McDonald’s is advertising 15/hr starting. Granted they only hire good looking young people.

>> No.57369131

>only hire good looking young people
This sounds more like chick fil a than mcdonalds anon

>> No.57369145

That's not manufacturing and Macdonald's is doing that nationally.

>> No.57369173

8/8 m8 wp

>> No.57370009

what the fuck happened in 1971?

>> No.57370058
File: 566 KB, 1400x1026, Attack-on-the-Herd-Close-Call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overrun by niggers
Still friendlier neighbors than your great-great-great grandparents worked in the sun 80 hours a week for the privilege of homesteading next door to.

>> No.57370241

Yes im off the back of night shifts my friend. Got 2 days of days and then back to nights again thanks to NHS rotas.

>> No.57370259

Men would love to live like this again
Hart cellar immigration act taking effect and the US dollar decoupled from silver.

>> No.57370376

>are there lots of blacks in Virginia?
any former slave state has lots of blacks anon, northern Virginia has the added bonus of being completely overrun with other shitskins too, don't come here

>> No.57370397

>The only upside is we have the good mexicans. Their kids kinda suck but their families are honest, hard working and good
the first generation is okay, the second and after run the area into the fucking ground HARD; not quite as feral as niggers but still 3rd world

>> No.57370981

you realize people had tv and could travel right?

>> No.57371140

You are both wrong. Women were always part of the workforce but were expected to marry before 25 and quit their jobs once they did. Wages went down because logistics are cheap and you are forced to compete with slave labor. Protectionism won't save you either as it will kill your exports.

>> No.57371164

I always wondered if there were many blacks outside of kc surrounding areas. Worked in eudora for awhile and it seemed like a nice place

>> No.57372125

These homes were small because you would just cook and sleep there and relax sometimes. The rest of the time was living outside the home in a high trust society not filled with darkies shitting it up everywhere.

>> No.57372192
File: 345 KB, 1080x2006, Screenshot_20240122-082850_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 but you can't get a 150k house in walking distance of th-ACK
Drive. Drive from a small 100% white town with 150k single family homes in it.

>> No.57372730
File: 125 KB, 1284x1465, 19568FFE-E269-4B63-8906-2BAB0F40E803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cold war time
now remember 1876 when people couldn't afford houses either

>> No.57373157

fuck that shit to high hell

>> No.57373168

Do they even build houses that small anymore? I feel like it's 5,000ft^2 or a 400ft^2 tiny home pod and nothing in between.

>> No.57373939

Peak oil/GDP

>> No.57374245

there's nothing wrong with that house, needs a new front lawn but looks like a quiet suburban area where you could raise kids, red brick houses just lack SOVL is all.
R NHS is a financial black hole and big part of why the economy is so shit so the wages are a reflection of that.
All the people i know who make good money in the UK are white van man tradies, as a doctor you are easily replaced by some third world pajeet. but for trade people nobody is going to trust some paki to sort out their plumbing. And the only people with money are boomers who can leverage their property that went up 1000% since they bought it and then do extentions etc to further increase the value of the house so they will pay 3x more to a british tradie they can trust to get the job done to a high standard.
tl;dr should have become a tradie instead

>> No.57374492

>even in the cheapest part of the back end of my country you're looking at £200k minimum for a shitbox.
if you look at our equivalent of detroit, places like Halifax and Bradford (ie former wealthy industrial towns where the economy collapsed when the factories closed) you can get a 2/3 bedroom house for about £80-£120k, if you're going for the actual worst towns in the country like Blackpool or Barrow-in-Furness you can get on the property market for about £50k there so it's disengenious to say this quiet white suburb in Northumbria or where ever that house is representative of the lower end of the market when it's more like average middle class white suburbia.

>> No.57374506

That house went for $20k in the 90s explains the pic in OP

>> No.57374928

Obviously i'm not going to live in Bradford and have my kids get raped. But county wise I actually live in the cheapest in the country. So you're right the house i posted is unrepresentative, it's better than you can get for the cost almost anywhere else in the nation lmao.

>> No.57374989

5 kilos of gold bought a house in 1950
5 kilos of gold still buys a house in 2024

>> No.57375360

True. We are on a slow downward slope from a bubble in real estate but a linear regression of the market shows it stays pretty in line with inflation.
Wage stagnation is the real killer today. Those 5 kilos of gold will cost you a lot more in time and effort.

>> No.57375425

More like 1913.