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57362939 No.57362939 [Reply] [Original]

How do normies afford to travel so much?

I see normies going on vacations in like 280€/night hotels with 1000€ /plane ticket where they go shopping and spend a ton of money on top of that like multiple times a year.

With mortgage, medical bills, investments, savings, utilities, insurances, taxes, gym, clothes, fuel, food etc. back home how do they all have this much disposable income?

>> No.57362950

Rich parents

>> No.57362960

>normies afford to travel so much?
It's not men it's women and they usually have a man footing the bill.

They're whores Anon. You couldn't figure that out by yourself?

>> No.57362963

we have our regular salary plus the money our house is earning just by existing. So, say me and the wife (yes, normies are married) make $100k per year, and our house increases by another $100k per year, we're effectively making $200k per year. We bought our house 20 years ago, so mortgage costs are around $800 per month. We have enormous amounts of money left over.

>> No.57362970

A lot of them go into debt to do it. You’d be surprised how many people look like they are living some luxurious life on the outside but in the inside they are struggling to keep up with CC debt.

>> No.57362981
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Debt and milking multiple men. Most of the girls i know have at least 3 men in their rotation (situationships) who take them regularly to trips.

>> No.57363012

I almost got roped into one of those types of girls 2 years ago. She said and did all the right things to make it sounds like she was really into me and also fucked like a goddess. But as time went on I started to realize she just kept wanting me to buy her expensive things and never really seemed to care about me outside of money. So Into the trash she went. Was a shame because she really was good in bed.

>> No.57363037

IME they usually slave away for the rest of the time to afford this. I was actually astounded by some of my friends' of a friend luxorious trips and shit, and then I learned that they wait tables for a month or two to afford weekend trip to paris. Big kek
Also this^

To be fair I also travel, but it's once a year for a whole month, usually somewhere cheap in asia, much better if you ask me. I spend less than 10% of my income on that

>> No.57363178

>Was a shame because she really was good in bed.
Lots of experience pleasing to get what she wants. I'd get tested.

>> No.57363606

Your house doesn’t just earn money for you when it goes up in value. You have to rent or sell it off first faggot.

>> No.57363828

sugar daddies

>> No.57364182

>combined on a two working parent household
>an extra 100k from the increase in home value
>not mentioning having to RR or sell to extract that value
>going into debt for vacation
Lmao boomer kys

>> No.57364237

I can borrow against my house to afford that stuff, but why bother? The thing costs me $800 per month. That's less than two day's wages for me and the wife. Literally nothing.

>> No.57364296

>I can borrow against my house to afford that stuff, but why bother? The thing costs me $800 per month. That's less than two day's wages for me and the wife. Literally nothing.
This is the kind of person who gets robbed in a stagecoach

>> No.57366206

You’re taking out loans to go on vacations? That sounds like a stupid idea. What if you or your pig wife loose your jobs? Then how do you pay back that money you borrowed?

>> No.57366216

>Dual income

>> No.57366288

>save enough money for bus ticket
>get job working at hotel in exchange for room and 1 meal/day
>sell weed and coke to tourists on the side
>gigolo to rich backpacker girls or middle class local girls looking for an exciting fling
>steal their jewelery after you dick them to sleep
>steal clothes from vintage stores, resell them to other vintage stores next town over
>same with used books, most hotels have a whole library of crap you can sell
>if youre good at this you can usually eat two meals a day
Real OGs can travel for years like this.

>> No.57366425

>our house is earning just by existing
so, normies see currency debasement / inflation and they somehow attribute it to their own intelligent investing.
talk about a black pill. you all deserve the small-hat tricks that get played on you.
if you actually think this way, and aren't just impersonating a normie to respond to the question, you suck.

>> No.57366538

after so much asset inflation (prices of big life events, houses, etc) we are left in a place where normie salaries can buy all the meaningless consumption and cheap-ish travel that they want. that is, as long as they forgo the big ticket items in life.
the normie sees what it would cost to have kids, buy a home, and so forth, and determines that it would be easier and more pleasurable to just fuck around instead.
my wife and i earn a top 1% salary for households in our relative age bracket (i know age bracketing is a cope but i'm saying it demonstratively), we can just afford to do all of those things and have a decent quality of life with savings.
if we earned a more realistic sub-100k household income like most people our age, i have no idea how we'd have money for a non shithole of a house, kids, investments, etc.

>> No.57366556


>> No.57366641

How very cucked lol

>> No.57368630

>used books
traveling is cheap, took a year off and spent 10k. the real question is do you have the time and will you sacrifice the opportunity cost.

>> No.57368663
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pic is your answer

>> No.57368707

This is how most women I know irl are, and it's black pilled me into never wanting a girlfriend.

>> No.57368745
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too much tiktok made them become like that....now they will milk you to the end

>> No.57368754
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spending = living...they want experience and show it to their friend online

>> No.57368780
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I have literally been incapable of even falling in love or having a crush on a woman for the past few years since i graduated high school. It's hard to even want a relationship anymore man. And in relation to your posts, they are all getting pretty fat too, no matter the race.

>> No.57370283

I make 70k as a new grad

10k goes into stupid shit like clothes and hobby stuff
30k goes into travel - Went to Germany, France, Switzerland, Mexico & USA this 2023.
30k goes into savings or investing

>> I live with my mom

>> No.57370305
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I've already built my biz, Anon, and got enough cash to spend, fag. Got the privilege to enjoy all these services using the Tap Fintech card when I'm globetrotting.

>> No.57372275

using someone else's money

>> No.57372527

Few answers, many of them intertwine:
>Wealthy parents.
>Husband/boyfriend footing the bill.
>Their personal accounts are haemorrhaging

Probably a few more. I noticed you're a Euro, so keep in mind that the welfare state only encourages people to spend all this money. After all, nanny state will be there to provide you with government benefits (extorted from taxpayers) to subsidize your crash and burn once you run out of cash.

>> No.57372537

He said that he *could* take out loans against it, but doesn't bother since there's no point, seeing as his family isn't strapped for cash.

>> No.57372559

Oh yeah, and I forgot to specifically mention INSANE credit card debts, idk how that one slipped my mind. It's truly mind-boggling how far over their limit people will go.

>> No.57372572

You realize you gotta pay like 40% of that 70k in taxes right? Welcome to the goyworld

>> No.57372653

Curious, how did you fall for it for as much "time went on"?
Genuinely curious how other men are stupid enough to end up in such arrangements to begin with.
I don't even let my fiance invite herself to my wallet even for an ice cream. She's entitled to my money when she births me a child and that's final.

>> No.57372720

That's a very uncucked mentality. Most men are giant simps for women.

>> No.57372936

Work pays for it. I get sent around the world, I take my family along. My bill is free, so it's pretty affordable. Then I take a couple weeks off and hang out after.

>> No.57372966

>they're in debt over their ears
>rich parents
>well paid adult daycare job

multiple choice here, anon

>> No.57372970

>muh equity
Bro unless you have two houses treating your house like a credit instead of a debt is retarded. Congrats you can give more money to the Jews by HELOCing your living arrangements.
Fucking boomer take man.

>> No.57372984

>I can borrow against my house to afford that stuff, but why bother?

>> No.57373016

Hes not strapped for cash, hes working for a living. Theres a huge difference. He doesnt own it until that mortage is up and adding more interest on interest is fucking dumb.

>> No.57373436

No shit, it's almost like I said verbatim that "his family is not strapped for cash".

>> No.57373461

Maybe I misunderstood what you meant.

What I said originally was that they're not strapped for cash, ie they're not struggling, ie they're FLUSH with money. Working for a living, sure, but certainly not paycheck to paycheck. If he ended up getting laid off, he could stay on cruise control for a while. But yeah, interest on interest is retarded, which is why he ISN'T taking out any loans. Hopefully that clears it up.

>> No.57373465

men think with their dicks. you would too, if you had the chance at raw sex with a 9+/10 who milks your dick dry like the pro she is

>> No.57373671

what you're really trying to say is that you make about 47k take home a year, or around $1,800 a paycheck. If you just graduated in 2023, you've had about 6 months to figure this out. The fact that you haven't yet makes me think you are, in fact, full of shit.

>> No.57373753

We aren't talking about 50yo boomers you retard we're talking about thots in their 20s/30s who travel da world going to nightclubs.

>> No.57373762
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These are the types of hogs who eventually want to settle down and never understand why they can't.

>> No.57373766

a lot of white girls have brown and black sugardaddies who fund their travels including a business class flight ticket in exchange for sex

>> No.57373998

why is her marketing plan a requirements scorecard? Isn't the point of marketing to sell the product i.e. trying to sell herself by demonstrating the benefits of being in a relationship with her?
Hopefully she isn't in marketing as a career because that's like having a marketing plan to find customers that looks like:
>customer has lots of money 20 points
>wants to give away their money 20 points
>doesn't ask for deliverables 20 points
>isn't buying other products 10 points
>isn't demanding 10 points
>likes our product 5 points

>> No.57374279

single women often have a bizarre delusion that their value in the dating market goes up as a function of age