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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57361976 No.57361976 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, but /biz/ told me Greedflation was fake...

>> No.57361982

This is now a dubs thread. Checkem

>> No.57361994

What the fuck is greedflation?

>> No.57362002

off by 3

>> No.57362014

don't ask questions goy, stop being a greedy white supremacist

>> No.57362026
File: 590 KB, 720x929, 308285636_985548772846720_6789529710819722276_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about those poor corporate supermarkets, they are working in deep loss just so you can buy your cheap 10$ loaf of bread!

>> No.57362051

Ah so it's that whole we created this problem but we're blaming you scenario. Classic.

>> No.57362053

Inflation caused by corporate greed rather than government spending.

>> No.57362128

> $11 coffee
> "ethical" eggs instead of regular ones
> bullshit "organic" vegs
> delivery apps instead of going out/making your own meal
> keep eating out
> artisan bread
> buying top of the line kitchen/houseware (like why are you buying $3k microwave instead of the $200 one???)
do I need to keep going? Millennials' greed is the driving force of inflation

>> No.57362152

that's not what greedflation is. it's businesses increasing their prices due to greed and not inflation

>> No.57362161

bio, its bio man, motherfucking BIO!

>> No.57362163

i thought that was most of inflation save for things that actually run out.

>> No.57362177

>Wait, but /biz/ told me Greedflation was fake...

It is. It is just a commie / tranny statistical delusion that fulfils two needs in their midwit brains.

1) Their need to literally blame everything wrong in the world on EVIL CAPITALISM.

2) Shift the blame for the real pain and hardship that inflation caused to average people and families away from the government and central bank policies that really caused inflation and on to the backs of EVIL CAPITALIST CORPORATIONS.

No serious economist thinks GREEDFLATION is the cause The Fed does not think GREEDFLATION is the cause. As Rothbard says, when the costs of all products and services rise simultaneously you are looking at a monetary phenomenon.

>> No.57362180

You absolute fucking mid wit moron.

>> No.57362181

>bullshit "organic" vegs
i buy organic as much as i can. my local consumer tests show that non organic pasta, bread, veggies have harmful pesticides in them. so yeah, i'll keep buying organic.
>inb4 it's too expensive
just stop being poor

>> No.57362185

The right wing embracing leftist economic ideas has been a catastrophic failure for our side.

>> No.57362186

Okay but the study in the OP BTFOs you tho

>> No.57362191


>> No.57362236

And who is buying their product enabling their behavior, sherlock?
It's literally retarded customer buying bullshit gimmicky products

>> No.57362264

well, capitalism is kinda broken following the deregulation in the 70s. wages haven't been correlated with productivity anymore since 75, the top 0.1% is amassing a good chunk of the growth like it was in early 1900 during the gilded age. this famous speech in the wall street movie illustrates the shift of power from CEOs to shareholders that happened in the 70-80s.
(for those who haven't, dont forget to watch the movie and the second one).

>> No.57362266


>> No.57362293

we're talking about the same products when production didnt change or increased in costs. when a product you buy often increase by just a few cents you wont suddenly stop buying it.

>> No.57362322

>well, capitalism is kinda broken following the deregulation in the 70s. wages haven't been correlated with productivity anymore since 75,

Leftist mythology. When you look at total compensation (ie employer pension contributions) that gap narrows significantly

>> No.57362334


How does your commie loser belief system improve your in any concrete way? It just provides some kind of psychic and emotional need. It has nothing to do with reality.

>> No.57362336

>brand a price high
>greg dont have money
>brand b shown up in the market with lower price
>greg buys brand b
>greg is happy now
wow fucking capitalism 101. It's not like they force you to buy the brand with a higher price

>> No.57362341

>wow fucking capitalism 101. It's not like they force you to buy the brand with a higher price

These commies think product price discovery is some kind of sinister capitalist plot.

>> No.57362346

nice dubs
check my quads

>> No.57362348

in theory that's how it works, it practice you wont change the habit of buying your favorite product because it increased from 1.20$ to 1.25$. with the repackaging and putting less product in it you wouldnt even notice the increase in price.

>> No.57362351

A retarded new word for an already existing thing: price hikes aka corporate greed

>> No.57362361

Then bring some stats/charts using median proving this, and not just words

>> No.57362364


Google it lazy bones.

>> No.57362372

>greg cant buy brand a because its pricier
>greg dont want to change greg habit
>greg is mad now. it's the corporation fault! >:(
See how retarded greg is? Thats you btw

>> No.57362400

brainlet take

find out what happened in 1971

>> No.57362433

>/biz/ is missing the point yet again
Why are there so many corporate cocksuckers in here?
>greg buys brand b
>brand b is also conveniently owned by the same megacorp as brand a
>greg buys brand c
>brand c is owned by another megacorp, but one that uses the same pricing algorithm as megacorp 1, and whose board of directors likely is made up of the same people, and whose majority shareholders also are the same people as megacorp 1
>brand d is a smaller brand that greg would like but can't afford, as their small business has to price higher to compete as they don't have the huge logistic network/manufacuring base as megacorp 1 and 2
>so greg doesn't really have a choice but either buy from megacorps or not buy it.

>> No.57362483

You forgot to post a picture of your quadriceps.
Check these trips

>> No.57362523

looks like greg should grow his own food at the end.

>> No.57362564

the brainlet take is thinking going off the gold standard is the only cause
i'm not saying corporations are wrong for increasing their price as they please btw, they do as they want.
there is nothing wrong with a better redistribution of wealth from the 0.1% to the middle class. we're talking about taxing those with 50M+ networth more. what kind of shitty rationalization are you going to find against that. oh no! those poor corporations stashing billions in tax heavens! those poor mid 8 figure people would need to pay more taxes for a more equal society so it doesn't end in a vioent civil war! those high increases in inequalities have always end up in violence. you want a pacified society? let the 0.1% pay up and stop being a simp for them.

>> No.57362615
File: 59 KB, 729x546, top wealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the result of letting shareholders own the companies instead of distributing the profits to employees. amazon net income: 20B. meanwhile, the amazon wagie is struggling to pay rent.

>> No.57362640
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Tate's Cookies are half the size they used to be and cost more. Sovereign citizen LARPers, gold salesmen, and corporations jointly created the narrative that greedflation doesn't exist and only the government & Federal Reserve are to blame

>> No.57362651

Checked and Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.57362679

Here's how fascist propaganda works. The central bank is a corporation. It owns every political character in the professional wrestling show we call "the US government". The political characters and the central bank decide what contributes to inflation. So they decide that energy, groceries, take-out and restaurants, etc. do not figure into inflation. Then another arm of this fascist control mechanism called "the media" runs complete bullshit lies about how really its greedflation, but what image do they choose to associate with greedflation? That's right, a grocery store. They also say energy companies are contributing to greedflation. Remember, energy and food are not counted in inflation figures. It's a hilarious clown show of irony and people like OP are too braindead to understand they are being manipulated by a control system that wants to remain in control. So he'll vote for Biden hoping "greedflation" will be solved by raising corporate, personal, and small business taxes (along with his own). We all deserve this because 7/10 americans fall for this shit and the number of mouthbreathers increases by the day.

>> No.57362695
File: 219 KB, 1078x724, robber barons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are back to the 19th century with a few owning everything

>> No.57362696

You are letting them add greedflation to your inner dictionary. You have already lost. Now check these dubs.

>> No.57362755

This is unironically a thing
As a kid during the 2008 recession I saw people acting as if they were on the brink of starvation, sitting in their suburban homes, sipping coffee in the morning surrounded by gray plastic all-in-one kitchen appliances that were so popular at the time
And I always thought "literally wtf are you talking about?"

People in the West cannot seem to fathom that if the economic situation deteriorates, then they will have to go back to a previous lower standard of living (within the paradigm of modernism)

The exception to this is stuff that has come as the result of industrialization and technology, like one orange today having only a third of the vitamin c of an orange from 1900, which is genuinely a reneged bargain on the part of modernity, and an unexpected consequence for the average person

>> No.57362798

>there is nothing wrong with a better redistribution of wealth from the 0.1% to the middle class. we're talking about taxing those with 50M+ networth more. what kind of shitty rationalization are you going to find against that. oh no! those poor corporations stashing billions in tax heavens! those poor mid 8 figure people would need to pay more taxes for a more equal society so it doesn't end in a vioent civil war! those high increases in inequalities have always end up in violence. you want a pacified society? let the 0.1% pay up and stop being a simp for them.

Get a fucking job. That someone has more money than you has zero practical impact on your life. If you spent 1 thousandth of the time trying to improve your lot as your do trying to rationalize and scheme other people's money in your pocket your life would be immeasurably improved.

>> No.57362811

>the amazon wagie is struggling to pay rent.

The unhappy Amazon wagie can get a new job. Jeff Bezos isn't holding a gun to his head.

>> No.57362815

>just work at mcdonalds during the weekends on top of your amazon drone job bro
the 0.1% apologists are quite something

>> No.57362836

>The unhappy Amazon wagie can get a new job.
no he can't, his only choice is another low pay shitty job. why do you think they flooded the country with low-skill immigrants

>> No.57362841
File: 440 KB, 1056x937, dryjdkyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge corporations constantly bend over and buttfuck every single person in the world
>/biz/ defends them because leftist call that out

For a board that hates jews you sure love defending their interests.

>> No.57362864

Well yeah when inflation happens, you're going to have a higher pure dollar amount for the same percentage of profit. It would be weird if their profit wasn't the highest it's ever been in nominal terms. Not that I'm trying to apologize for Goldberg and Co.

>> No.57362873

>the 0.1% apologists are quite something

Listen I used to be a leftist. I know all the corny narratives that don't hold up to the slightest scrutiny inside and out. Once I removed that memetic malware from my mind my life has improved immeasurably in actual concrete ways not just theoretically. I have ACTUAL security and freedom now. Not freedom given to me from the state which can taken away at a whim. Not the freedom of some imaginary future that will never come. I have freedom and security NOW. Commies can't get fucked. Stay poor loser.

>> No.57362878

>no he can't, his only choice is another low pay shitty job. why do you think they flooded the country with low-skill immigrants

Loser mindset.

>> No.57362886
File: 53 KB, 497x330, smeg_tsf01wheu_c1611114275608A_135715471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> $11 coffee
don't drink coffee
>> "ethical" eggs instead of regular ones
if they are ethical then it's not the same eggs than the "regular" ones (regularly full of shit)
>> bullshit "organic" vegs
i give you half a point for this one, because half the polution in vegetables comes from the water, and everyone shares the same phreatic zones
>> delivery apps instead of going out/making your own meal
i don't do that
>> keep eating out
>> artisan bread
again, superior product than industrial bread, totally worth it
>> buying top of the line kitchen/houseware (like why are you buying $3k microwave instead of the $200 one?
yeah, i give you that one, that's retarded. A lot of bitches i know bought this $250 toaster for christmas. The name reminds me of SMEGma, i don't get it.

>> No.57362895

you know what amazon can do with their profits instead of buying companies all over the world to satisfy shareholders and making the shares constantly grow? they could actually pay the wagies better.
better wages != wanting a communist society. it's just about a fairer redistribution of profits because it's getting out of hand

>> No.57362899

your mom must be proud of you, kiddo! <3

>> No.57362902
File: 443 KB, 515x532, 1618107392956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, another incontrovertible research paper published by the famously objective "Groundwork Collective"

definitely no bias here

>> No.57362916

>It would be weird if their profit wasn't the highest
If higher input costs made companies raise prices then their revenue would be higher but not their profit. Instead we have companies making insane jumps in profit in two years because they raised prices well above their input costs.
Also look at the quality and size of items being sold now. There is a clear trend of everything getting smaller and lower quality while costing more. It's obvious that companies saw an opportunity to raise prices and ran with it. And Americans are so retarded that will gladly pay whatever price is requested of them to get their slop/scams/electronic garbage. Companies know now that there is no limit. They can keep raising prices, people will keep consuming, and they can just blame the Federal Reserve

>> No.57362918

smegma bitch up!

>> No.57362934

>your mom must be proud of you, kiddo! <3

She was. I have a loving family unlike you dysgenic bioleninist freaks.

>> No.57362956

u huh :D whatever that means, kiddo.

>> No.57362977
File: 68 KB, 960x369, Groundwork Collective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Groundwork Collective"

"Groundwork is no longer an active organization as of 2022" lol.

>> No.57362983

woww i can't believe corporations suddenly decided to become greedy after being so nice all these years

>> No.57363048
File: 31 KB, 855x419, top1percentincome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to see here

>> No.57363060

>using data a decade out of date

>> No.57363070

hmmm, yes, now show us this current data, or could we presume it tells the same story. sorry friend, you're retarded

>> No.57363084

>I am a democratic socialist

>> No.57363102

you have that monkey brain selfish close minded ego mindset. if you're not a mobile normie poster, you're intentionally virtue signalling you're a massive faggot. mommy and daddy's privilege passed on to you must be very comfy to breed someone as retarded as yourself

>> No.57363121
File: 72 KB, 600x617, 20231202_FNC562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you couldn't be more wrong. Since the pandemic wages for low-earners and middle-earners have increased while wages for top earners have declined

next time look at the data instead of forming your opinions based on what politicians tell you


>> No.57363122

I am sure, its a lot more equal now, kek :D

>> No.57363145

The actual economic term this badly washed journalist is looking for is price gouging.
As inflation is increasing take advantage of it by increasing your prices even further, this shouldn't work in a competitive market however supermarkets are an oligopoly in most of the world and even duopolies in some, one simple call between competitors its all it takes for both to increase prices at unison, leaving consumers with no choice but to pay the higher prices

>> No.57363159

doomer faggots just making shit up to be outraged at. desperate for there to be a happening so they can feel something

>> No.57363164

No you retard, supermarkets are a very close and uncompetitive market where all players know each other, they left you with no option

>> No.57363168

>mommy and daddy's privilege passed on to you

Another leftist loser mindset myth. Everything I I have I earned myself.

>> No.57363181

>all players know each other, they left you with no option

Leftist conspiracy theory,

>> No.57363192

>based on what politicians tell you
it comes from economic research not politicians. i'll read autor's one

>> No.57363197

>low level wages used to make 10-12 an hour
>now they start at around 16-18 an hour
>disingenuous cocksuckers like you crawl out of your maggot holes to proudly proclaim the low-earners wages are rapidly rising.
>meanwhile these low-earners still have nearly no hope of renting even a shithole apartment by themselves, much less ever owning a home.
>none of these jobs have any upward mobility, while also have shit irregular hours, and have to deal with the general public.

>next time look at the data
anyone that lives in the real world and not a """think tank""" or """institution""" that shits out garbage data like that knows the real story, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.57363207

you simply can't recognize that people on this earth make choices that do not directly benefit themselves, but other people. you can't wrap your mind around there being people on this planet who are less than yourself, as a single white male in average mental health and physical shape. your existence did not come from nothing, you're delirious, and retarded. and you'll cry, leftist, because my words evoke a response in yourself you need to be defensive over, because your cognitive dissonance is too much for you to comprehend.
you're quite obviously 19 years old, or a 30 year old boomer like the other person i responded to

>> No.57363214

>woww i can't believe corporations suddenly decided to become greedy after being so nice all these years

Every business conspired to raise prices simultaneously. That inflation was caused by an unprecedented monetary stimulus is a chud conspiracy theory

>> No.57363224

Are you stupid? There are like only 3 or 4 supermarkets in the UK with over 80% of market share of course they know each other. They always take advantage of bouts of inflation to do the same thing, you are insane if you think that businesses are not lefty lovers when they benefit from all their policies, stop defending retards who want to make you poorer

>> No.57363225
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>I refuse to look at the data because my feelings tell me that I am right and the data is wrong
many such cases

>> No.57363236
File: 55 KB, 735x1071, adadad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the economy is growing so fast, huge GDP gains, yet the median wagie can afford housing/food less and less over time

I wonder where the money is going

>> No.57363240

>you simply can't recognize that people on this earth make choices that do not directly benefit themselves, but other people. you can't wrap your mind around there being people on this planet who are less than yourself, as a single white male in average mental health and physical shape. your existence did not come from nothing, you're delirious, and retarded. and you'll cry, leftist, because my words evoke a response in yourself you need to be defensive over, because your cognitive dissonance is too much for you to comprehend.

I help out the people actually around me iIRL in ways that you couldn't imagine as a shut in tranny loser. I'm not retarded and think that you help someone by believing in an ideology and posting about it on the internet.

>> No.57363243

Why are you bringing up global poors when this thread's about american inflation kek
>you can't wrap your mind around there being people on this planet who are less than yourself
I'm replying to one right now.

>> No.57363247
File: 559 KB, 3168x3080, 1705088411983771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who is benefitting from the immense productivity gains if not the common worker. Quite the oddity, just doesn't make sense

>> No.57363261
File: 40 KB, 700x552, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am right and the data is wrong
but really you would think all these so called intellectuals/policy experts/economists/academics would start to see the writing on the wall. Its not like its just on mongolian basket weaving forums that people are discussing how shit the economy is despite what le hecking based bidenonmics data seems to say.
Go ahead and write another article about the "vibecession" though, I'm sure gaslighting the entire public to not believe their lying eyes will work out for people like you.

>> No.57363262

>surrounded by gray plastic all-in-one kitchen appliances that were so popular at the time
I was an adult in 2008 and don't remember what the fuck appliance this is?

>> No.57363265

>dood I saw this tweet that showed a shopping cart at whole foods and complained about the price

>> No.57363268

you've surely btfo'd my opinion by alluding to a minor detail you've inferred that i was referring to, but you're wrong, because my point still completely stands, even if you apply it only to america. you must be retarded to not have reading comprehension

>> No.57363269

>Are you stupid? There are like only 3 or 4 supermarkets in the UK with over 80% of market share of course they know each other. They always take advantage of bouts of inflation to do the same thing, you are insane if you think that businesses are not lefty lovers when they benefit from all their policies, stop defending retards who want to make you poorer

How much has their profit margins increased since 2019? The information is pubic. Google it lazybones. Also why are new entrants unable to start a grocery business today? You ever thought about that? Is that a capitalistic conspiracy as well?

>> No.57363279

>the immense productivity

Leftist myth. When you look at total compensation that gap shrinks quote a bit.

>> No.57363280

leftist, leftist, are you a parrot, kiddo? Open your eyes just once in your lifetime!

>> No.57363288
File: 167 KB, 748x756, 1946705738130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57363290

You would have to lose your god of doomerism before you considered that your position was incorrect, and its just not gonna happen over standard TCP/IP.

>> No.57363293

he claims without any proof

>> No.57363297

>Open your eyes just once in your lifetime!

I used to be a brainwashed leftist you clown. I know all your shit arguments inside and out, That shit is no big revelation to me.

>> No.57363340

you've never seen a mind more positive than the one you see before you, even as i'm not afraid to see reality as it is. and i think i also seem to see here you're a gigantic retard, hence why you'd need retard strength irl to over power me. luckily, my positive mind understands you're a necessary cog in the machine, and your edgy and retarded opinions on the internet don't reflect your usefulness in the world, as you surely love your mother as much as i do, so you must be a good boy.

>> No.57363349

They are unable to do that because the barriers to entry those extremely closed market are immense. The large and established supermarkets have 1000 ways of taking you out of the market.
Not only the have the money and the contacts, a single dude starting a supermarket will be taken off the market simply because he will realize he cannot match the price of big businesses who buy products at a good discount from retailers because they buy in bulk and at stupidly high amounts.
And if you even get pass through this they can still take you off the market with many pricing strategies like price penetration

>> No.57363352

>I used to be
but why are you still full of shit?

>> No.57363362
File: 68 KB, 680x680, The total happiness in the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but why are you still full of shit?

>> No.57363374
File: 159 KB, 1020x1548, Simulated Pregnacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not afraid to see reality as it is

>> No.57363409

oh no, you've pulled out the meme folder, you've got me pinned. i suppose it's time for me to dilate in anger, enjoy your make believe echo chamber where you feel so good about yourself posting drippings from your anus

>> No.57363414

And its not only about increased profit margins, the inflation means that all people are losing money. How is it possible that while people have lost a huge chunk of their purchasing power walmart still manages to maintain a profit margin of fucking 25% yearly, It hasn't moved.
They are not only passing the whole cost to consumers but shielding their backs in case of more happens with price gouging, most being able to maintain their margins and some increase it

>> No.57363425

>posting drippings from your anus

More leftist psychological-projection.

>> No.57363436
File: 48 KB, 720x691, batoszblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do this too, nice conversation, kiddo!

>> No.57363440

>And its not only about increased profit margins, the inflation means that all people are losing money. How is it possible that while people have lost a huge chunk of their purchasing power walmart still manages to maintain a profit margin of fucking 25% yearly, It hasn't moved.
>They are not only passing the whole cost to consumers but shielding their backs in case of more happens with price gouging, most being able to maintain their margins and some increase it

Take it up with your government who caused the inflation in the first place with their polices.

>> No.57363477

made up economic control freak propoganda, disregard

>> No.57363582

Corporation just spike prices because they can.

Usually inflation would mean the entire market considers the supply to be too little and demand to be so high.

If only certain big corporations (Let's say top 3 Grocery Stores of the US) raise their prices and since no other grocery stores exist anymore (Dead mom and pop stores), the consumer ends up paying more for something that actually has plenty of supply.

>> No.57363592
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 1654378253615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would unironically blame fat, helpless, panicking Americans with entirely too much money driving the cost of everything up before I would blame American corporations

meatbags are the problem, I guarantee it

>> No.57363964

bro has anyone in this thread defending to try and cook and serve to eat the rich ever asked themselves the question what would they do if they were the owner of a capitalist business, do they raise prices or operate into bankruptcy or do they even have a clue of what innerworkings are part of that business that may make your business go under if you sucky? ideally we should liquidate every business for all its capital and that money should go to the consumer then where would they shop? obviously the only logical answer to that is competition to save you for to lower your prices after such simple devils advocate debate of thinking from your enemies perspective.

>> No.57364128

Not at all what he meant you defeatist faggot. The hours you’ve spent bitching about rich people on the internet could have been spent putting some money in your pocket, or maybe in the gym to fix your pencil neck.

>> No.57364156

>do they raise prices or operate into bankruptcy
You're operating under the assumption of "greedflation" being the result of poor mom and pop small/medium businesses whose margins have shrunk due to price increases from logistics/manufacturing/wages etc. But the term really refers to corporate giants whose market share and sheer size allow them to dictate prices in a way that an actual free market wouldn't allow.
While there aren't true monopolies in many industries, there has been enough consolidation and scale advantage in most that supply shocks or other events (like covid) allow them to increase profits in unison with their so called competitors without any accusations of colluding or price fixing.
>dude just wage slave and keep your head down, don't start asking questions!
rope yourself kike

>> No.57364189

This, 100%. It is price gouging. I leave town to do a lot of my grocery shopping because of price gouging on a local level. Our Walmart charges $8 for a 12 pack of soda. I slip over into a neighboring Walmart district and that same 12 pack is $4.99. We have a Coke plant in this city so there are no excuses to be made about the cost of transportation. Walmart shut down all competition except for a couple of specialty stores that charge absurd prices. I can pay $7 for organic broccoli or I can leave town and pay $3.99 for it. Pre-Biden economy I could get that organic broccoli for like, $2.50.

If our government would do its job and punish these corporates for price gouging I’d be able to afford more food. But, they won’t. They just get their pets in the media to create a cute-sounding name, “greedflation,” and moan a bit about corporations while our government does nothing. With so many social programs out there now we’re basically a socialist country, but only some special people get the free groceries while the suckers with jobs pay for them. Then due to the monopolies via our oligarchy we wind up paying more for our own groceries. When the grocery prices go up, the government benefits go up. Our wages do not go up.

>> No.57364278

Imagine being this much of a bootlicking faggot after being shown directly after COVID how much corporations fucked this country over. People like you are the reason that we're basically a third world country at this point.

>> No.57364307

>as a single white male in average mental health and physical shape.
Stopped reading. Slit your wrists.

>> No.57364368

thanks i forgot about the fairy tale land where the corporate giants can trade with so they don't have to compete against the mom and pop shops that have to go out into the market and purchase their costs of manufacturing from other business. and they got their dumbledwarfs working them for free too those evil capitalists with all their unequal free gifts

>> No.57364405

Since OP is a colossal faggot. Archived link, here.
> https://web.archive.org/web/20240120110717/https://fortune.com/2024/01/20/inflation-greedflation-consumer-price-index-producer-price-index-corporate-profit/

>> No.57364459
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To me.

>> No.57364529


Leftist psychological projection.

>> No.57364544

>57361976 (You)
>bait screenshot thread
if you can say this seriously, it just confirms to me that you have no clue how our system works at any level.
prices increasing as they have in recent years is a result of currency being debased and weakened underneath us and nothing more.
it is as if the foundation of a structure was hollowed out and weakened under your feet by the bankers, and you blamed the next gust of wind for knocking the whole thing over, rather than the people who deliberately undermined everything.

>> No.57364553

retard alert

>> No.57364584

cool it with the antisemitic remarks anon

>> No.57364630

The statistic being tossed around is 50% of workers age 28 and younger cannot afford a one-bedroom apartment. In my lifetime I’ve watched a one-bedroom apartment cost $200 a month, when minimum wage was $4.25, to $1200 a month (the exact same apartment unit) with minimum wage stuck at $7.25 since 2009. Gross wages, before the government takes a dime, puts a minimum wage worker working over 160 hours in a month just to make rent. That’s compared to needing to work about 50 hours in a month to pay rent on minimum wage in the early 90’s. And what is peoples’ response to this?
>minimum wage is not supposed to be a livable wage
It was in the 90’s. I lived it.
>nobody pays minimum wage. everybody pays st least $15 an hour
No. No, they do not. That is a lie.
>get a REAL job
So the people who bag your groceries or sell you gas don’t deserve a simple apartment? Their jobs aren’t important? I wish they would all quit.

The ugly truth that NOBODY wants to address is the single black mother on Welfare receives a free apartment all to herself (no roommates or living with mom), free food, and free medical care. She gets paid much better than the checker ringing up her free food. A gallon of milk could go up to $100 and this would have no impact upon the welfare mother who gets milk for free via WIC. The price of food is going nowhere but up up up as our country gets packed with third-world immigrants on Welfare and single mothers continue to breed for a living.

>> No.57364656

The left got coopted by corporations. Corporations good because they wave rainbow flag.

>> No.57364679

>prices increasing as they have in recent years is a result of currency being debased and weakened underneath us and nothing more.


>> No.57364682
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>Gross wages
got that right

>> No.57364683

>>/biz/ defends them because leftist call that out
It's the opposite, leftists love big corporations. The Mag 7 are at the center of the BLM/transvestite nightmare loop. There are some old leftists still living in the Bush era that call out corporations for price gouging, but the vast majority of present day leftists are slop consumers who worship big corporations

>> No.57364714

Inflation kept up with the increases in minimum wage and slave-class labor costs
Middle class incomes did not go up by the same % amount

>> No.57365401

> since the pandemic
> cites economist
jfc go back to wef circklejerk think you have still some sessions to attend

>> No.57365498

>leftists love big corporations
that must be why all the leftists politicians have cut taxes for the wealthy and corps, eliminate or make toothless safety/environmental/worker protection/finance industry regulations, remove child labor laws, pass anti-union laws, refuse to pass laws about parental leave, etc.
I will say they do love opening the border, but right wing politicans will never close it anyway

>> No.57365529

I disagree. No wages have kept up. Corporates are loathe to increase wages and with the 80 million or so immigrants soaking up lower education jobs this will not change. I’m firmly entrenched in the middle class and I can safely say I earn less than I did at entry level some 20 years ago. I’m a cut above wagies because of my insurance and other benefits. I made investments with what little I had left over years ago, and invested in my immediate family as well, and if it weren’t for these things I would have to work until the day I die. I have no idea what the fuck Zoomers are going to do. They are living hand to mouth with nothing left over to save or invest. I just got back from Mexico and complete strangers, not I, would bring up the economy as a point of casual conversation. “Oh! You’re from AMERICA? Oh, wow. Your economy is really bad now, isn’t it.” One guy just straight up started shaking his head and sadly said, “Ah, America. The American Dream is dead.” Mexico. They’re saying this shit in fucking Mexico. I asked that guy if he thinks the dream is dead then why (no offense) do people from his country keep pressing in. He was quick to point out that those are useless people from other countries and everybody in Mexico hates them, lol.

>> No.57365792

i dont think the top 10% care much about hourly wages they care about asset prices

>> No.57365960
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It's not greed it's just the inevitable consequence of world oil production peaking (again). It will keep getting worse.

>> No.57365987

yep. it's gonna be a bloodbath as it warms up. All the amateur retards I know are claiming Biden beat inflation and I'm being a crazy person. The fact that we can't get core past 4% should be concerning to anybody, but I guess we just get to wait and see what happens when peak consumption picks back up again this summer. Gonna be entertaining to watch politicians squirm during an election year. I wonder how many people will fall for the EBIL OIL COMPANIES ARE DRIVING UP PRICES TO GUARANTEE A TRUMP ELECTION narrative

>> No.57365989

>find out what happened in 1971
The oil crisis precipitated in the collapse of bretton woods? The french exchanged so many dollars for gold that the US no longer had the supply necessary to maintain a gold backed currency?

>> No.57366008

>What the fuck is greedflation?
You know when you rent someone's house for $1000/mo, while their mortgage is like $950/mo? And then time goes by and they raise your rent to $2,500/mo, but they are still paying $950/mo on that mortgage?

>> No.57366020

Na. It’s greed. McDonalds has been doing it only to report record profits by selling fewer menu items. Why sell 5 burgers for $2 each when you can sell two burgers for $5 each? You save on labor and on food costs selling less for more. In fact the article cites Lowes as an example of earning record profits per square foot in their stores due to fewer shoppers (and, thus, paying fewer workers) all due to raising prices because they’re one of the only games in town.

>> No.57366382

>employer pension contributions
The thing that makeup counter girls used to get at Macys, but now you only get via a union? Wow super cool argument retard faggot nigger bitch

>> No.57366431

Alright which one of you fucks sold.

>> No.57366511
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lol didn't read

>> No.57366536

democrats blaming their terrible economy on the evil corporations who give them billions of dollars

>> No.57366551

Keeping the same profit margin in an inflated economy necessarily means higher profits in total dollars.

>> No.57366992

>rent doubles
>pay doesn't
>"you're better off because your wage went up more than the wages of people who rely on assets for money"
The Economist of all places knows how disingenuous this is, yet they use it anyway. Fancy that.
>Nobody helped me, all it took was a public education, clean tap water, a functioning road network, a local government, a system of law, regulated food/drugs/telecommunications, etc..

>> No.57367027
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>Muh study
>Muh greed
>Muh black and white worldview
Awww shucks guys can't we just go back to when companies were ethical and wholesome pupperino :(

>> No.57367085

Stay poor commies.

>> No.57367096

I am in the form of redistribution if civilians went and took is themselves. Involve the government and I'm out.

>> No.57367138

How exactly does this redistribution work? Specifically.

>> No.57367173

>I wonder how many people will fall for the EBIL OIL COMPANIES ARE DRIVING UP PRICES TO GUARANTEE A TRUMP ELECTION narrative
All of the ones who need to be, in all likelihood.

>> No.57367198

>you know what amazon can do with their profits instead of buying companies all over the world to satisfy shareholders and making the shares constantly grow? they could actually pay the wagies better.
They are legally forbidden from doing this. Look up Dodge v. Ford. It's not capitalism, its actually just American legal precedent.

>> No.57367471

Our government could start by increasing federal minimum wage. It’s been kept at $7.25 since 2009. Those are slave wages. People invading our country to crowd people out of jobs at poultry plants or crop picking get paid more. Now we’re so far behind min wage needs to be AT LEAST $25.
>but muh burger flippers are worthless creatures
>but everybody will quit their jobs to go flip burgers
Raising the minimum wage would pressure companies like Amazon to increase wages accordingly or their workers will walk. Several years ago I worked for an office and they just couldn’t quite manage to give me a raise. It was so bad they were onboarding new workers at a starting salary in line with mine. I dropped in casual conversation to the right mouthy secretary that I had a friend at Fed Ex who had me in line for the next hire as a truck driver because it paid more. Miracle of miracles, I most mysteriously got a significant raise. Unfortunately min wage has been kept suppressed for so long that a raise couldn’t start anywhere near $25.

Our government could also start doing their actual job and start slinging ye ole anti-trust hammer to break some of these companies down to reintroduce healthy competition (the lifeblood of capitalism). Our government could also do their job by placing a ten-year moratorium on immigration, slash work visas, and deport about 50 million people.

The problem is we are no longer a capitalist economy. We are some kind of socialist/oligarchy nightmare. Thanks to our government.

>> No.57368076

>Thanks to our government
you can't make it as a politician if you're not financed by corporations. they're writing the bills.

>> No.57368092
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>> No.57368130

>on the evil corporations who give them billions of dollars
Amazon literally doesnt pay taxes.

>> No.57368476

>Our government could... Thanks to our government

How is this a solution without a new government?